Chapter 5
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My back secure against the wall, I slid down into the shade behind a column. An unearthly hum gained proximity with me, until it became omnipresent. The world became brighter in spots, while others were occupied by the bloated mishapen shadows of whatever came down from above. I held my breath, while observing the staircase flooded with light that passed away moments later, erraticaly searching. Trying to peek at the path below, I noticed the darkness therein, feeling it more welcome than the flashes projecting around the arena. With a quick step I headed for a descent.

I could barely see, a dark fog filtering out the light from above. The large wet stones on the floor and the flowing sound of water beside me hinted I was in a canal of some sorts. Leaning my hand on the wall, I stepped onward. I could now safely see what chased me, they were wisps of black smoke holding an uneven number of eyes in geometric configurations. The eyes would move unceasingly in an autonomous fashion, absorbing the light nearby to flash through a veined iris, projecting it over their line of sight. The eyes seemed to ignore this canal, perhaps considering it inconsequential.

The more I headed away from the entrance, the wider the canal seemed to get, yet the water was always close by. The sound was off as well, I noticed, as it felt like flowing in reverse. Above me the creatures flocked toward my previous destination, meanwhile I reached the edge of darkness, gradually disappearing into an underground cavern and lake, occupied by a white glowing tree surrounded by pale lights. A breeze brushed my messy hair aside with a refreshing feeling. My face slackened, my eyes closed on their own, my body lending itself first to my knees, then to the shallows. I held a thought of protest against drowning in this lake, but a gentle feeling swept it away, alongside my consciousness.


"Wake up," echoed in my head, I slowly noticed the sound was not something I was dreaming, and looked up. It would seem I was laying in the shadows, a white glowing humanoid creature in my sight. She was like a doll with rays of light extending from her back, her face alien in its proportions, but hardly inelegant. The water was calm and warm, lulling my mind to the haze it returned from.

"Wake up!" The creature shouted in my ear, producing a strange, but effective, echoing effect. A small hand slapped me, leaving a strong flowery scent behind it. I opened my eyes, as the aroma subsided. I took a moment to appreciate her wings of light.

"Welcome traveler, did you rest well?" It said, causing me to blink. I certainly didn't expect any hospitality, considering what I just went through. Still, the events also helped me keep an open mind, mostly by force.

"I am unsure. Where am I?" I asked.

"Huh. Most people come here only when they really wish it. What are you looking for?" The creature asked, a finger to her lips.

I recalled my path and recent thoughts, but I honestly couldn't recall anything coherent:

"A way out, I reckon. I actually don't know," I said.

"Then you are at the Library waypoint. The tree before you will take you there, just drink from the roots," she said.

I went silent for a moment. She seemed to be waiting patiently. I felt like it was opportune so I asked:

"I was looking for somebody. Could I find them through the tree?"

"Yes, then you would be at the Crossroads and the tree would deal with your issue," she explained. It somehow sounded like the most natural thing in the world.

"I see, so the tree is a pathway. Can I come to it again later?"

"So be it, the tree will allow you another visit as your third desire. You may not wish for more, but all three will be allowed, until you complete each task, now stand." I felt compelled to follow, it pulled on my fingers, somehow inspiring my body to come along. My wet skin felt chilly with the wind. I realised I was naked before the white tree.

"Take a sip when you are ready. Your next destination awaits, traveller." I felt like this hospitality was all I could get. My clothes were nowhere in sight, and while I felt secure in this pure place, the thought of the unknown made me uncomfortable. I hesitated for a long time. I noticed the bark was comprised of symbolic patterns, halfway between etched and naturally growing. The white surface glow seemed to concentrate around the ridges of the bark's texture. After a few moments, I realised I was alone again. I couldn't notice an alternate path out of this place. A fear reared its head from underneath the pleasant haze, urging me to bet on the water. I kneeled before the tree and drank from the lake, losing consciousness again.

The next sensation upon waking was that of warmth and brightness. The air was refreshing. For a while I dared not open my eyes, and enjoyed what felt like "outside".