The Assassin
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As the group of assassin  about to stab Qiu Zhong, Qiu zhong quickly use his system(ain) to raise his speed as his dodge their attack.

Qiu zhong question the assassin, who has order you to kill me! The assassin  laugh as they said, you have to ask hell who order us to kill you. Qiu zhong with anger, he killed the assassin.

Qiu zhong was confused although all his's pervious life start as a new born but he has incarnate as a 23 years old man. Qiu zhong requested ain(system) to transfer all this man's memory.

Ain(system) transferred all this man's memory. The person's body that Qiu Zhong  was incarnate has the same name to. Qiu zhong(pervious owner) about to become an emperor due to his father death at war. Qiu zhong (previous owner) has a brave, ruthless, honored  father but he is a coward, who loved to play with woman and didn't  do as a Emperor heir. Qiu zhong(pervious owner) has a rumor that he is rapist, playboy, a murderer.

Qiu Zhong was discouraged at the Qiu zhong  (previous owner) but he did not give up and wanted to tried using all his previous experience to become a great emperor and the king of harem.