Chapter 001 – (1) First Blood
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I hated the peaceful world because I thought it was too boring, however I do miss it now.

Quill used a shovel and cleared the snow from the entrance of the fortress his master called home.

I've been here for a week already and it already sucks! I hate doing work, and I'm now a slave!

After taking in a mouthful of chilly winter air, he sighed and watched as a snowflake drifted down in front of him.

"All slaves get back to their quarters now! If I find any of you trying to escape, I'll kick you out into the cold." A man wearing coarse clothes said, a sword hanging from his waist.

His features were decent, however his expression was a bit cold and cruel as he smiled disdainfully at the slaves.

Quill counted when he first arrived and realized the small fortress, which was basically a tower held seven people.

Three slaves, the cold master, two children who treated slaves like shit, and two guards.

I'd never have known I'd come to hate kids so much. I just want a peaceful life!

Quill was heartbroken when he first arrived because he had countless webnovels he had yet to read and now in a time with no technology, Quill was utterly bored.

Speed walking up the cold stone steps, Quill made it to the slave quarters in time for the master to smile as he locked the door.

"Since I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you two pieces of bread." Quill could only look at the other two slaves who looked thankful and mirrored their expression.

After being handed two pieces of stale dry bread, Quill nearly snapped at the master, which would have awarded him a harsh beating and probably being left out to freeze.

I need to find a way to escape. I'm not going to include these two idiots as they are to far gone into being slaves.

While chewing on the hard bread, trying to make it chewy enough to be safe to be swallowed, he wondered if he could snatch the key from one of the guards.

I could, but then the guard might just stab me with a knife or something. I need to find a safe way to escape, and preferably find my way back to the twentieth century.

Soon he felt his eye closing against his will. With the meager food the slaves were given, Quill was surprised they hadn't died on hunger yet.

Even he himself had to get used to the constant dull aches in his stomach. Watching the two kids waste food made him want to turn them over and spank them a few times!

I will find a way back to my time, I won't allow myself to be stuck here! Who'd want to be a slave to someone else anyway?

Quill closed his eyes and felt his consciousness turn hazy and indistinct.


"ake up you slaves! I won't feed you if you don't work!" A guard opened the thick wooden door and looked in at the trio who scrambled upright.

At the guard's waist was a sword, which gave off a rather sharp light, as if it could cut through anything.

The guard wore leather clothes and had pieces of metal covering his vitals. Quill gave it a 0/10 for fashion.

"Today will be different. You will go into the forest and gather firewood. If you fail to return by noon, you die."

With such clear instructions, Quill rubbed the sleep from his eyes and headed down the stairwell.

At the bottom, another guard was handing out shoddy looking axes, something Quill noted.

There are three of us, so we can probably overwhelm the two guards, right? I don't think the other slaves would agree. They'd probably just sell me out.

Ever since Quill arrived in this time, he hadn't seen the other two slaves do much other than work, so he dismissed them from his plans.

Taking the axe, Quill also grabbed a hideously made blanket to keep the cold at bay. The sky was gray and cloudy, yet no snow fell.

The tree's around the fortress were rather close and after a minute of walking, Quill found a suitable tree to gather wood from.

Why are they making us go out now in the winter? Did they not stock enough wood for the cold?

Quill aligned his axe with the tree and swung hard. Most things he knew like how to sweep and clean, but cutting down a tree was a tad hard.

After a few more swings, Quill lowered the axe and looked at the uneven gashes in the tree bark.

"Sorry tree, but I need you to fall." With another deep breath, he lifted the axe, however he slipped on the crushed snow beneath him and fell to the side.


The sound of an axe hitting wood rang out and Quill looked up in shock. Behind him was one of the slaves, empty handed as their axe was buried in the tree!

If I had been a moment later, my head would be on the ground instead!

Turning to the side, he grabbed the axe that had slipped from his hands and swung it at the slave angrily!

I'm not even troubling you and you want to kill me off? Do you know how lame dying to a slave while getting firewood sounds?

Quill's axe swung at the slave, who leapt back, quick enough to avoid major injuries, however a bloody line appeared on their stomach.

That wasn't too bad, wait... There was two!

His body threw itself forward, and he landed in the snow as a burning pain rushed up his back.

Rolling on the ground, careful not to hurt himself with his own axe, he saw the other slave, a man with stubble and green eyes staring at him!

Without a word, Quill recalled the feeling of cutting wood and through his axe before the man could bring his own down.

With a rather wet thud, the man staggered back, axe embedded in his chest. Pushing himself to his feet, Quill ran over and yanked the axe out while trying not to puke.

The smell of blood made him nauseous for some unknown reason.

Oh shit! I killed someone! I mean, I always wondered if I could, and I did! But it was because he wanted to kill me first!

Trying to settle his thoughts, Quill turned and looked at the other slave who leaned against a tree, holding their stomach.

"Why did you attack me?" Quill asked as he raised the axe threateningly. The slave gave him a hate filled look and spat something out in some unknown language.

So they don't speak English? But they understood when the guard said chop wood? Is he trying to...!

Quill kicked out, however the slave was a second faster as he grabbed a fist full of snow and threw it at Quill's face.

Blocking most of it with the axe head, Quill found the slave fleeing back in the direction of the fortress.