Chapter 5: “My parents are the strongest” (revised traslation)
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A true hero is one who is willing to risk his life for others


"GUAAAAAHHHHHH" with a monstrous cry of the Alpha Monkey the 10 prairie monkeys launched the attack, almost at the same time an arrow buzzed in the night and struck the left eye of the first monkey to break the palisade, he lost his grip and grabbed hold of the head with both hands, then almost immediately he was impaled on the throat and belly by several spears.


"One less", whispered my mother Ivina, almost at the same time another monkey in the center of the group broke the palisade and charged at my father Erik with both hands prepared to launch downward blows as if he were thinking of crushing him, but my father moved explosively and before the monkey knew it he stabbed him several times in the left side of the chest, the stabs were very fast and accurate, taking advantage of the spaces between the ribs, the thin blades of the swords penetrated deep, the monkey hadn't lowered his arms yet but my father was already running to the next target.


Two monkeys that were on his left were confused by what happened and approached the wounded monkey that lowered his arms lazily and began to convulse, not only had my father Erik's targeted attacks shattered the lungs and caused massive bleeding, the blades of the swords were also covered in a poison made by my mother Ivina, making it much more deadly, as they lowered their guard while looking confused at the dying monkey they were impaled on their bellies and throats by several spears.


Not even 10 seconds had passed into the combat but my parents and the other warriors killed 4 monkeys, leaving the others in confusion, It might seem like an encouraging prospect, but a prairie monkey only needed to land a swipe to kill an adult, something I learned in my previous life when I was a mercenary was that when faced with a force greater than yours you should never lose the initiative, the principle called "Maximum Violence" must be applied, it is a serious mistake to fight defensively against a much greater force since eventually one will be overcome.


The opponent must not be allowed to move freely or to take the initiative during the battle, apparently, my father Erik applies the same philosophy when fighting, before the first monkey he hit fell to the ground he was already stabbing another one that was trying to disperse a group of warriors trying to keep him at bay with their spears.


My mother Ivina shot arrows charged with magic, even though their cadence was slow since it needed around 10 seconds to charge each arrow with magic, pointed accurately to the thick throats of monkeys, those who were hit stopped suddenly when they felt their throats clogged and panicked when their hairy manes caught fire from the fire magic in the arrows.


In just two or three minutes of combat, my father Erik noticed 3 monkeys, my mother Ivina shot down 2 by herself, 2 more wounded were finished off by the spearmen and 2 that the spearmen killed by themselves, seeing his companions fall one after another the last monkey tried to flee in panic but his head was brutally crushed by a powerful blow.


The Alpha monkey was furious, with its huge bloodshot eyes, he stood on two legs, he was almost 5 meters tall and let out a fierce scream that was imbued with fear magic, which caused terror among the warriors, only my parents Erik and Ivina remained impassive, I ended up falling to my knees while hugging myself, "so this is the power of scary magic", I thought as I struggled to control the tremors in my body.


My mother Ivina dropped the quiver she had and took another that she had prepared in advance, instead of having the typical arrowheads used for hunting, the arrows in this quiver were equipped with tips reminiscent of rifle bullets, they were arrows designed to pierce hard targets, the prairie monkey was a magical beast, but except for the increase in strength and the reinforcement of the skin he did not use other magical effects, but instead a prairie monkey Alpha, it was bigger, his skin was thicker, the booster magic was much more powerful, the reinforcement magic was much more powerful, almost like metallic armor making him practically immune to slashing attacks, he could also infuse fear magic into his mighty screams.


Its extreme dangerousness due to its strength to make ordinary combat methods useless, the arrowheads of the new quiver gave off a slight wet glow, a sign that they were poisoned, the Alpha monkey advanced slowly and with a sweep of its right arm destroyed what was left of the battered palisade, "BACK!", my father yelled, normal warriors were no match for an alpha monkey, in a situation like this they would only get in the way, my father sheathed his left sword and put his free hand in the bag that hung from his backpack, never looking away from the Alpha, the Alpha monkey himself glared at my father but would not rush to attack, he was much smarter and wiser than normal prairie monkeys, I watched my father intently as he moved from left to right and then retraced his steps examining his guard, meanwhile my mother took 3 arrows and prepared to shoot a triple shot, my father finished rummaging through his backpack and took out a small round object.


My mother Ivina shot 3 arrows at once, as if sensing the imminent danger the Alpha monkey raised both arms and covered his face, 2 arrows lodged in his right arm and the third in the left, my mother was scary, if the monkey had not covered himself right now he would have 2 arrows in his chest and one in his throat, the alpha monkey roared in anger, my father took advantage of his carelessness and threw a small round object at the Alpha monkey that could not cover himself with his arms in time, what my father threw was an egg that had been emptied, instead of loaded with poison, various corrosive and stinging substances, it was a mixture that my father created with the help of my mother and her knowledge of poisonous plants.


The egg hit the alpha monkey directly on the nose which began to squirm in pain, her face was red and swollen from her body's violent reaction to the deadly mixture, however, something like this would not be enough to end up with a creature like the Alpha monkey alone, however it would give a great advantage in combat, my mother wasted no time and returned to shoot 3 arrows that pierced the center of the Alpha monkey's chest, but then something happened that nobody could have imagined, there was a saying in my old life that was attributed to a certain captain of the US Air Force surnamed Murphy "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong", the Alpha monkey took the huge corpse of a prairie monkey and threw it with great force straight into the makeshift tower where my mother and I were, the most my mother Ivina could do before the impact was to cover me with her body and the tower collapsed on one of the tents in a noisy way.


My father Erik was confused, but he reacted quickly and ran in the direction of the crumbling tower, while the Alpha monkey received a barrage of arrows and stones thrown by the other warriors, "Ivina, Lif !!!", my father yelled in a scared tone, as he removed the wood debris and untangled the fabrics from the destroyed store until he finally heard "dear here !!!" and found my mother Ivina and me under some wooden rubble, except for a few bumps I was perfectly fine, but my mother had dislocated her shoulder and was out cold, my father looked at us relieved, my mother Ivina stared at him and yelled, "FINISH IT !!!", cheering on my father with a confident smile, my father Erik returned a knowing look, then he looked at me smiling and winked his right eye, "this is how a warrior from the north fights", he said and turned on his heel and shot out while drawing both swords.


The Alpha monkey was momentarily blind but was furious, he threw sweeping punches left and right trying in vain to hit his opponents, reducing to rubble some of the carts that had been placed as a second defensive line, my father came running making a semicircle to position himself behind the Alpha monkey and stabbed both swords in the Achilles tendons, making the alpha monkey fall to his knees, who threw a sweeping blowback as he twisted his hip, but my father had already taken a majestic leap and stabbed both swords into the alpha monkey's neck, directly attacking the spine, the body's nerve center, ending it at once.


And so the fierce battle on the hill ended, the first lights of dawn came shortly after, everyone was exhausted, my mother Ivina bit into a small piece of wood and my father Erik accommodated her shoulder with a creak, my mother winced but then I handed her a cup of tea that I had prepared, my father wrapped his arms around us both as he sighed in relief, my mother decided to send two horsemen to seek help in the city.


This site was a regular resting place and my parents' names Ivina and Erik were well known in the city, so there would be no problem getting help, 5 carts that had been placed as the second line of barricades were lost, they were smashed to pieces when the Alpha mowed down by my father began to throw random blows in his anger.


As from this point there was a road in reasonable condition, my father calculated that by noon we could receive help after all the 《Merchants Guild》 would surely be very interested in getting their hands on the corpses of 10 medium-level magical beasts, as well as a high-level magic beast and they had the 《Adventurer Guilds》 and the 《Mercenaries Guild》 to provide escorts, I was very interested in that last sentence, I had always read about the Adventurer's Guilds in fantasy stories but never imagined that the mercenaries would be organized in a similar way.