Chapter 1: Silly Kiyana!
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I slam my back onto a tree. I pant heavily from the fight that just happened, holding and clutching onto my leg. I hear Zucchini calling my name asking if I'm okay. Am I okay? Are you okay? Okay, that was personal. But, you must be very confused about who I am. Well; My name is Kiyana Bullock and I just got beat up by a demon. I would say that I’m a pretty skilled witch but, man that demon was mean. 

  “Kiyana are you okay!?” Zucchini races over to me, taking his backpack from his back placing it onto the ground. He searches for a medical cream that he uses all the time. He was sweating a whole lot that while looking for it he glasses started running down his red nose. My wound started healing on itself. Immortality was a good and bad thing at times. It’s bad when you outlive everyone you love but good when you can't die. Now, why and how did I become immortal? That's a story for later, right now my friend is freaking out from our fight just now. 

  “I’m fine, Zucchini don't worry about it!” I say as I catch my breath. I search through my bag while he applies a healing cream to my gash. Filling through the contents, I find bandages and I begin to wrap them around the wound. I see Zucchini let out a relieved sigh as he stands. 

  “All that just for some herbs,” He shakes his head while placing his hand on his hips, “You gotta be more careful!” I stand from where I was sitting, sling my bag over my shoulder and look back over to Zucchini. “We should walk to the train station and depart there.” Zucchini gives a small nod to me as we walk towards the train station, I trailed behind him. 

Seeing that oh so tragic event is over, I should give you some background info now that I have time to think. As I said before my name is Kiyana Bullock, I’m an immortal witch and for a source of income, I sell charms and potions. And I also forgot to mention that I just fought one ugly demon for some herbs. Now for some context what happened, was that me and my friend Zucchini, who is the second-best enhancer in the region. Not flexing or anything but he and I are close friends. We had gone to obtain herbs but it was guarded by this ugly demon. Pretty sure it had a crush on Zucchini, I was the only one attacked. Killing the demon would have been no problem if it wasn't enraged. 

I look up from my feet to only see the train station coming into view. Hopefully, I won't have to wait five hours for a train that took me to the train station close to home. I remember that happened once, that was horrid, -9/10 do not recommend. I hear the train just now arriving as we come closer to the station. 

“Do you have a ticket?” I hear Zucchini ask as we arrive at the station. “No, I don't have to buy one.” He shakes his head at me looking in disappointment. “I told you to buy a ticket before we went into the forest!” He gives me a lecture about being prepared but I don't hear much since I was buying a ticket. 

The train horn goes off singling that it was taking off soon despite just getting here. That train also just so happened to be the train I'm getting on! “This is my train cucumber, I'll send you a letter later!” I say to Zucchini as a sprint onto the train getting on in time as soon as it takes off. I hear him yelling in the distance telling him not to call him that. I fully get into the train cart so that the door can close. I take a seat by a window looking at the train station pass. I faintly see Zucchini when the train starts moving. 

I hear the ticket collector asking for tickets. They come over to me and ask for mine. I give them the crunched up ticket that I held tightly in my hand. They take the ticket and punch a hole into it, they move onto the next person. I start to doze off, leaning my head on the window. I fall into an endless sleep as I wait for the train to arrive home...


“Hello? Miss?” I hear a feminine voice close to me. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting them to the light. I see a small busty petite lady shaking my shoulder saying something. “Miss the train has arrived..” I sit up looking at her and looking out the window. I see acres of land and a few animals in the distance. I look back at the woman and give a small smile. “Thank you, Miss,” I say to her, I sling my bag over my shoulder. “May the gods bless you,” I say when I get out of my seat bowing as I say it as well. I rush off the train, stepping outside onto the train station platform I’m greeted with a rush of cold air. 

  “Kiyana! Over here stupid!” I turn to see my sister Ayana calling me and running towards me. “Are you okay!? Why do you have bandages on your leg!” She starts asking a bunch of questions but I just ignore her and laugh. “I’m fine! Don't worry you’re ugly face about it!” I start to run while laughing, knowing me insulting her would cause her to chase me. “Hey! I ain't ugly! I have 10 girlfriends y’know!” She yells while chasing me. 

We ran for about ten minutes and I started to see our family farm in the distance. I slow down so that she can catch up. “I’m putting you on house cleaning duty for that!” She says while bending over to catch her breath. “Hey! I’m older, I should be bossing you around!” I exclaimed. “Yeah well, I’m in charge of giving out chores!” She exclaimed while running inside the house. I sigh and trail behind her. 

  “You have to clean great grandma's library!” I hear her faintly yell. My great grandma's library was in the dark, spooky basement. Great for doing lewd things but with my family, that's never happening. I walk inside the family house and I’m greeted with silence. This is surprising it’s always loud even if someone is sleeping. “Everyone went out to Vinmont to sell produce,” Ayana says while coming from downstairs with cleaning supplies in hand. “NO using magic while cleaning” She smiles while handing me the cleaning supplies. I let out a groan as I take them and head downstairs into the basement. 


Creeeak. The stairs tell me as I step on them. I’m joking they didn’t tell me anything. They are making very malicious sounds though. As I walk around my Great Grandmothers library, the floorboards creak as I walk upon them. I find a table and place down the cleaning supplies and dust some of the books I see on a shelf. When I get to another bookshelf I start to feel a magical presence around. I turn around thinking it's a spirit or my ancestors but I see nothing. 

I finish dusting one bookshelf and move onto the next, and the presence feels stronger. I did a 360 to make sure no one was around but I saw no one. I turn around facing the bookshelf back and I see a large glowing book. It held a strong magic presence. I was drawn towards it. I drop the duster and take the book from where it was seated at. I feel a large rush of magic flow through me as if I was a cup being filled with water. 

I opened the book and about 300 cards started flying out. They flew out in a tornado formation. They had flown upstairs probably outside. All that was left was a sleeping black cat and two cards. I stand there looking at the book very shocked. Out of all things I was not expecting that. I turn the book cover to look at it and read the name. 

The Flameguard” Y’know that sounds really familiar.




























So I may or may not have released 300 cards that belong to the great powerful Napoléon Chappelle. Nopenopenope I did no such thing. 

Okay, I plead guilty I did. 

I didn’t mean to, it just happened! 

I stop thinking to myself as I heard the sleeping cat wake up. The cat wakes up and looks around seeing that the bookshelves were messed up and crocked. 

  “Did you release the Mercy cards?” The cat starts talking and grows wings and flies? I know I'm a witch but this is shocking. 

  “I- Yes?” I say still flabbergasted. The cat flies over to me and shakes its head. “You know I’m gonna have to contract you now right!” I take a step back in disbelief. “Contract!? I don't wanna be contracted! After hearing what happens to them I ain’t becoming no contract!” I exclaim. “Well it's not like I can get them myself, you lost all the wind cards and the shapeshift card!”

I groan and go into a squatting position. “Do I have to?” I ask “Yes!” The cat exclaimed loudly. I look up at the cat. “Okay, what are the rules?” I say uninterested. I don't wanna be contracted but I know it's right to. 

  “Don't be a heterosexual.” I stand up quickly facing the cat. “That's it?” I asked. “That's the only rule, but if you pass at the end, doesn’t reflect on that.” “Pass what?” I ask. “Can’t tell!” The cat says while backing up and placing the Flameguard between us. 

“Okay now, what we're gonna do is I form the contract by doing this spell.” The cat says now facing me. The cat starts chanting something but, I can't make it out since he was muttering it out. After he finishes chanting, pages start turning in the Flameguard and a bright shining light starts spewing out. The ground feels as if it was shaking. He starts shouting out words in French and a magic circle appears under both me and the cat. The wind starts flying out the Flameguard, my 3C curls flying all around like birds around my head. My skirt flies up but I don't bother with it since I'm wearing full-body tights under. 

The Flameguard turns to a certain page. I couldn't see well from the light and my hair but I believe it was the page that held the staff card. As the cat chants in French, a staff starts levitating from the page of the Flameguard. The staff levitates over towards me, something tells me to grab it so I do. When I grab it a blinding light starts spewing from it. When holding the staff I feel as if I’ve had it for years, and that I knew so much about it when this is the first time seeing it. 

Then all of a sudden everything stops. 

  “See! That wasn’t so bad!” The Cat exclaims. “My name is Adelino by the way.” Now if I thought I was shocked before I’m definitely more shocked now. “Let's go eat or something! I’ve been sleeping for years! I’ve been sleeping since your great-grandma collected all of the cards!” My grandma? I knew she was a witch but I didn’t know she was a contractor. “Hey wait! My family can’t know that you can talk!” I exclaim while picking up the two cards and the Flameguard. “What? They can’t handle a talking cat?” Adelino asks “They already can’t handle me being a witch!” I say jogging towards him a little. 

  “Okay Okay fine! I’ll act like a normal cat..” Adelino puts away his wings but before he does he gets onto my head sitting on it. He lets out a meow which I think is signifying to go. 


  “Hey! Kiyana where’d you get that cat?” My sister asks as I open my door to my room. “Oh I just found it in the basement so why not keep it?” “Oh! Makes sense. Maybe it can kill any rats!” As soon as I get into my room I close my room door. Adelino races over to my bed laying on his back. I sit next to him rubbing his tummy, as I do he starts purring. “Do you want cat food or human food?” I joke with him. He quickly stands up now alerted. “Don’t think twice about giving me cat food!” I laugh at Adelino “I’m not that cruel just asking! But if anyone in my family gives you cat food you might have to eat it!” Adelino lets out a screech at the thought of eating cat food. I break out into a laughing fit falling off of my bed onto my floor. 

