Part 1: The Isles of Origin: Chapter 9: Birthdate
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Content warning: Mention of adult subjects.


Early in the morning, Dad runs off to hunt some wild monster that caught his attention, leaving all of the chores to Tir and I. Tir is already cooking when I come out, so I head to the barn to feed the animals. I grumble at one of the goats a bit as I let them out into the pen behind the barn. She just stares with blank eyes for a few seconds before trotting off.

After filling the feed bins with grain for the chickens and hay for the goats I set to refilling the water buckets. During that I see a small slime waiting by the well. "Again? . . Did you get a little bigger?" It bounces in place impatiently. "Okay, okay." I snicker and roll my eyes before pouring a cup of water over the slime. It seems to stare up at me expectantly, I quirk an eyebrow and pour another cup on it. It jiggles, then rolls into my left foot playfully before running off.

I shake my head and go back to working on the chores, in a bit of a rush. Once I'm done with that I go back in for a quick breakfast, then grab a neatly tied cloth bag and wave to Tir as I run off to town. The trip is shockingly uneventful, normally I would have seen at least a few monsters, but not today.

A few seconds after I knock on the door to Mera's house, her mom Merdi opens the door. She gives me a once over, before her gaze settles on the bag I'm holding and she smiles slightly. "You're a little late Aradain. She's already at Delreses' store." She pinches at the front of the apron she's wearing. "If you give me a few minutes I'll head over there with you."

"A-alright?" I know Mera said her parent's had plans today, but what's she doing at her dad's store? A while later she reemerges from the house, wearing a modest, but pretty dress. She leads the way to a large store on the main street. Most of the products on display are clothing, accessories, and fabrics, and the employees are wearing neat mostly black outfits with white trim. Mera and her dad, a slightly plain looking man of average height with a thin build, light brown hair, and darker brown eyes, are both behind the counter. There are several outfits sitting out on the counter for some reason. I look around to make sure no customers are approaching, then run up to where Mera is to present the bag to her. "Happy Birthday Mera."

She reaches out, and grabs my wrist instead of the bag to drag me halfway over the counter for a hug. "Thank you Ara!" She rubs her face against mine until her dad clears his throat softly. Then she releases her grip on me and looks abashed while untying the bag. Then she pulls out a wooden frame shaped like a butterfly's wing with strings running across it. "A small harp? Ah?! Is this why I've barely seen you for the last month?" She leans over far enough to poke my cheek lightly.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure I could find something you'd like without you seeing or hearing about it first." She plucks at a few of the strings. "You do, uhh, like music type stuff, right?" Her lips quirk into an amused smile, but before she responds her dad reaches over to pinch on of the strings between his index finger and thumb.

"Hmmm. Thought so, these strings are made from some sort of monster silk. A silkworm type, by the feel of it. Not an uncommon monster, but even thread or fabric made from monster silk is a bit of a process. Never heard of strings for a musical instrument being made from it. How did you get this, Aradain?" His fingers move away from the instrument and tap on the countertop in a distracting manner.

An irritated look crosses Mera's face, though it only lasts a moment before she switches to a tepid smile, then she draws a deep breath. "Daddy, I'd prefer if you not dig into my or my friend's sources, let alone pester her."

His eyebrows arc up in a manner eerily similar to how the lumemoth larvae I fought several days ago would bunch themselves up before lunging. "Keeping business secrets from your old man? Ohhh, that's my girl! Here I thought you were determined to be an adventurer instead."

"I am an Adventurer, and I intend to keep adventuring with Ara. Doesn't mean I won't barter with other shopkeepers. Or even occasionally sell things on my own." After a thoughtful pause, her smile becomes more genuine. "Maybe, with a little help from her, I could be a traveling merchant on the side while adventuring. Perhaps vending from the back of a wagon?"

"That's not bad, though it would be a lot of work. Not to mention a fair investment for the wagon, a horse or other animal to pull it, and a quick course in driving the wagon. Could certainly be a worthwhile experience for you. Though if I were to point out any particular failure on your part, it's that you gave away that you'd need Aradain's help for some reason." He looks smug for a moment, before suddenly yelping and stepping away from her. "N-n-no need for that kind of coercion, I very much prefer bribes!"

"Thank you again Ara, I think I'll practice when I'm not busy with customers." Her dad looks a little disappointed that she brushed him off to talk to me again. "Glad you stopped by too, but you can leave if you want. I'm gonna be stuck here most of the day."

"Ehm, yeah. Why are you working in your dad's store on your birthday?"

"Haaa~ It's a merchant family thing. See the stuff on the counter here, I'm supposed to try to sell all this while bartering for the best prices I can." Her gaze drifts over the items, then she grins, somehow seeming like she's about to drool. "Saaaay, could I interest you in a dress?" She grabs a piece of red fabric, then runs around the counter to hold the dress up in front of me.

It's bright red, sleeveless, and doesn't even reach the middle of my thighs. "Whaaaa!? This thing's hem would be shorter than most of my shorts! That's just a top, right?!"

Mera giggles. "Noooope. Definitely a dress. And I think it'd look great on you." My face seems to heat up a little, then my eyebrows furrow. I use my hands to compare and try to figure out how high the hem would be on someone taller than me. "Ahha, no. It's meant for someone about your size. I think it's an elven design, since full blooded elves are a little smaller than humans. But, it seems that you don't want it?" I shake my head. Causing her to smirk, then she folds it up, and passes it to Merdi. I stare at the dress, rather confused now. "Well, I tried to sell it and failed, so now one of my parents has to hold onto it for me till next year."

"Never quite understood that part of the tradition myself. I mean, why not just keep trying to sell it? But that's the way it is for a merchant. There are ways around that though." Delreses leans on the counter, somehow looking bored and scheming at the same time. "For instance, if you got married it'd be added to the dowry, and your husband could sell it." Both Mera and Merdi stare at him coldly until he starts squirming uncomfortably.

Merdi sighs and leans in to grab his ear. "How many times have I told you that you don't have to worry about that? You just, haven't figured it out have you? I suppose I'll spell it out for you clearly, later." She tugs just hard enough for him to wince, then joins him behind the counter.

Mera blushes slightly, then tugs at the sleeves of her work suit. "Well, uhh. Like I said, I'll be here a while. Also it'd be a bit embarrassing to figure out the harp with you listening. I'd rather play you a proper song once I've broken it in a bit." She shows a sunny smile, then dives in for a quick hug before letting go and running back behind the counter. "So go have fun for me, kay? Bye Ara!"

"Right, uhh, still a little lost on why you need to sell things. But I knew you had plans so I don't mind you kicking me out." She pouts slightly, and I scratch the back of my neck. "Bye Mera, hope you have a nice day."

[Adult Only Conversion Recipes Submenu Unlocked, Various Recipes Unlocked]

I stare up at the strange message that greets me upon waking up with a perplexed hum. I scoot my blanket down a little, and stretch out my arms. "Does'zat mean today's my birthday?" After considering my muttered question a bit, I shrug it off and open the new submenu to see what it's about.

Slime Gel Dildo, (S/M/L) Slime Material (4/6/8)

Slimicone Dildo, (S/M/L) Slime Material (6/8/10)

Slime Resin Dildo, (S/M/L) Slime Material (10/12/14)

Warming Massage Oil, 5 Units Fire Scorpion Material, 5 Units Slime Material

Iron Silk Handcuffs, 10 Units Iron Spider Material

Behemoth Slimicone Dildo, 24 Units Slime Material, 1 Unit Shallows Behemoth Material

Fertility/Virility Potion, 20 Units Goblin Material

Aphrodisiac Blood Potion, 10 Units Vampire Material

Vibrating Stone, 1 Lesser Mana Crystal, 5 Units any Rock Monster Material

Slime Resin Vibrator, (S/M/L) Slime Material (10/12/14), 1 Lesser Mana Crystal

Hydrating Slimicone Gag, 4 Units Slime Material,  1 Lesser Water Mana Crystal

Silk Blindfold, 5 Units Lumemoth Larva Material

I don't know what most of that is, or why handcuffs or a blindfold would be 'Adult Only'. But whatever, I'll just ask Mera about that later. Oh yeah. She's got stuff planned for us to do today! Eh, well I'll at least wait for the letter so I don't need to explain how I know that it's today.

Halfway through breakfast there is a knock at the door. Dad gets up to answer, and is presented with a letter held by a young man. "Ah, thank you." He hands the boy a couple copper coins as he takes the letter, then closes the door as the courier walks away. "Church's seal, so I guess we know what this is." He opens the letter and looks over it a moment then nods. "Happy birthday Aradain. If you don't mind, I'm counting your knife as your present." He chuckles softly and returns to the table.

Once I'm done eating I stand up abruptly and stare at Dad. "Mera has special plans to hang out with me. Is it okay if I go spend the day with her?"

He huffs in a way that seems like he's holding back a laugh. "Took you long enough. Mera okayed it with me last month." He makes a shooing motion with his hand. "Go on, have fun. Tir and I might go hunting and give Dan a heads up that he'll need to finish polishing up his dungeon soon."

I grin and run for the door. "Thanks Dad! I'll be back, er, whenever I'm done with whatever Mera has planned!" I pause and stare at my spear a moment, then shake my head. Probably won't need it just for the trip to town, and I doubt Mera would want to go on an adventure. I wave at the other two, then walk out the door.

I look around for the friendly slime that shows up now and then as I jog towards the path. Once I've confirmed that it is nowhere to be seen, I pick up the pace to a full run. On the way I trip over a small humanoid monster with blue skin wearing a fur toga. I manage to get my feet back under me and turn to look at it a moment. It's presence is a little weird, but it isn't strong at all so I shake my head and return to running.

By the time I reach the gate I'm actually panting a bit. After entering town I walk to Mera's house at a more lax pace to catch my breath. I knock on the door, and it takes almost a minute before she answers. "Sorry Ara, I was helping Mom with a bit of cleaning and needed to wash my hands." She leans in for a slightly hesitant, and quick, hug. "No spear today? What's going on?"

"Well, today's my birthday, and I didn't figure I'd need it?" Her face lights up and she dashes back into the house without even closing the door. I lean through trying to look after her. "Uhh, Mera? What are we doing? Should I have brought my spear?"

"Moooooom! Today's the day!" She is running to the back of the house, where her room is. I shrug and pull the door closed then wait. When she opens it again she is holding a large bag. "Not yet. First we gotta go to the bathhouse."

I quirk an eyebrow. "What if I've already bathed this morning?"

"I know you didn't. Based on how you smell, I'm guessing you bathed two days ago." My face heats up. "Aha! Not saying you stink or anything, I like how you smell. Like the wind when it's blowing in from the north, but faintly sweet? Maybe something a little wild?"

My eyebrows furrow, and my mouth opens and closes a few times. Then I settle on a point to talk about. "So, do you just, sniff me every time you go in for a hug or something?"

She giggles. "What, you want me to just, not breathe for minutes at a time?" I have no response for that, and after a moment she shifts the bag to just her right hand, loops her left arm through my right arm, and we start walking together. "Anyway, your birthday is only three days after mine? That makes me kinda happy." She leans against me and wiggles in an odd way for a moment before straightening back up.

I grin, then poke at her side with my left hand. "It'll be easy to remember at least." She squeaks and swats my hand. A moment later I tilt my head to the side. "Oh, by the way. Do you know what a dildo is, Mera?" She abruptly stops, then releases my arm, before suddenly grabbing my face as if I were a cat who is eating something she shouldn't. She turns my head to face her, her expression a cold mask. I manage to slur out the question, "Whuuh?"

She speaks in a soft but forceful voice that makes my pulse speed up. "Aradain sweetie, could you tell me who you heard that word from?" I shake my head. "Oh don't worry, I won't hurt them. Much." I gulp, then reach up towards the hand on my face with both of mine. My initial intent is to pry her hand away, but for some reason I shy away from that idea and simply grab her wrist loosely. She clears her throat and let's go of my face. Though her hand moves down to my right shoulder. "Sorry. I'm not mad at you. Just worried that someone else might have spoiled a bit of my fun."

A few seconds after she says that her face turns bright red and she looks around, then sighs softly. I take a deep breath. "Okay, that was a little, weird." My right hand trails up her forearm, and my left moves up to my face. "You're kinda, cool when you're serious about stuff?" I shake my head and move my hands down to my sides. "Anyway. I didn't hear uhh, that word, from anybody. When I woke up this morning I had a message from my skill that said I unlocked an adult only menu. Like, half the recipes were, that word. Hehem. Thought I'd ask you about it?"

She hugs the bag to her chest and puts both hands in front of her mouth with an excited gasp. "Ohho! Great! But, rather than explaining, how about I show you sometime? Mmmaybe I can ask mom to go with dad next time he has to go out of town to restock? Then we'd have my place to ourselves. Oh, but don't make any until then. And definitely don't ask anybody else about it. Ahh, what else was on that list though?" I open the menu and read them off to her as we continue walking. "Yeah, I can see some uses for most of that~ But umm, later. Definitely later. Gotta work up to that point. But that's what today is for." I hum questioningly but she just waves it off.

Shortly after that, we reach the bathhouse. Mera pays for a small private bath, and drags an attendant along with us. We disrobe in a small changing room next to the bath. I cover myself with a towel, but Mera seems unabashed about being nude in front of me and the other young woman. Once we're undressed she puts all of our clothes in a basket and hands it to the attendant. "Could you have these laundered and delivered to the Goddess' Closet Boutique. My mother will be there to pick them up." My eyebrows furrow and I stare at her. "Ahhh, oops. Don't worry, I have outfits for both of us in the bag. Bit of a shame to give away what part of your present is before you could open it. But. . ." She shrugs and quirks one side of her lips into a mischievous smirk.

"It's not that red dress you tried to sell me, is it?" I try to look her in the eye, but my gaze drifts downwards. I clutch the towel close to my chest, the modest size of my own breasts made even more evident by a direct view of hers. I sigh and turn towards the door to the bath, though my blush feels like it's creeping up to my ears.

"Nope. But I'd still like to see you wearing that one." She places the bag next to the towel racks, then leads the way to the bath. I hang the towel back up as I follow her. The room has a large tub taking up almost half of the floorspace, and the other half has a drain in the middle. On the left and right there are shelves and a wall of mirrors respectively.  "You probably haven't bathed here before, so allow me to explain. First, you use these washtubs to pour water over yourself, then you lather up with these soaps over here, then you wash that off with more water, and finally you relax in the bath for a while." After that she scoops faintly steaming water out of the tub, turns to face me, and pours it over her head.

I stare for several seconds as the water pours down her curvaceous form, until she opens her eyes and shoots me a smug little grin. I tear my gaze away from her, grab another basin, and repeat what I saw her do. The hot bathwater feels different than the cool river I usually bathe in. Then she drags me over to the wall with dozens of waxy colorful bricks in individual shelves. Each is labeled with the name of a fruit or flower, and has a color that matches the produce it references. Mera grabs two of them. A vivid red one with the name 'Rose', and an off white one that says 'Acoolus' which I know is an odd citrusy fruit that has a shell like a nut.

I look around until I spot a blue and gold one labeled 'Druscal'. It has the mild bittersweet scent of blue druscals, and the rich extra sweet scent of golden ones. I sniff at a few others that catch my eye, but stick with that one. I turn to check what Mera is doing. The sight of her rubbing both bars down her navel distracts me for a few seconds before I mime the action. After most of her body is covered in foam she sets the soaps aside and scrubs the bubbles around with her hands.

Mera picks the tub up again and rinses the soap away. Then she lathers up her hands again and combs them through her shoulder length hair carefully, getting more soap a couple times. When she's done rinsing her hair, she looks over to find me halfway through washing my body. "Sloooowpoke! Haa. Would you like me to help?" I blush and shake my head, then quickly finish washing myself. While I'm rinsing off, Mera grabs a small stool and a washtub full of water. Once I'm finished she pats her lap lightly. "Come here. I'll wash your hair for you."

My hair is long enough that it might be a hassle. I bite my lip and tentatively walk over, sit down in front of her, and lean back. She dunks my hair in the water, then uses the rose scented soap to wash it before submerging it again. She smiles down at me as she rubs my head and runs her fingers through my hair. I lower my gaze, though in my current position that means looking at the mirrors. Which, doesn't help my embarrassment. After another moment Mera raises my head from the basin and dumps the water into the drain.

Suddenly Mera is lifting me into a standing pose and dragging me towards the bath by my right hand. Once we're settled next to each other on a seat built into the large tub, the water barely covers Mera's chest, but easily comes up to my chin. Even then she is clearly sitting in a more lax pose while I'm sitting straight up. After a few minutes I look around then kick my legs out in the water. "So, uhh, this it?"

"Well, lovers might do more interesting things together in a bath. But. . . Ehm. Do you not like it then?" She scoots even closer and turns towards me enough that I feel something soft brush against my shoulder. I try to shake my head, but that makes me feel unfocused and dizzy? I bring a hand up to my head and squint. My next breath feels like I'm panting. Mera leans in close with a worried expression. "Ara? Are you okay?" She presses her cheek against mine. "You're warm! I guess you, don't do well in hot water? Let's get out."

She quickly climbs out, splashing water on the floor, then lifts me out of the tub. My face somehow feels even warmer when I notice the muscles of her arms are bigger than mine, though I'm sure mine still have better definition. Mera carries me out of the bathing room and sits me down on a bench in the changing room before thoroughly rubbing me down with a towel while I sit there panting lightly. After that she flaps a dry towel in front of me in a fanning motion for a minute before my breathing normalizes.

Mera starts to dry herself off, then stops and steps out of my line of sight a moment. I hear a sloshing sound, then she pushes a cold glass bottle with some dark liquid in it into my hands. "Here, iced coffee milk. That might help too?" She opens the clamp on the bottle and lifts the lid away.

I tilt it back and take a deep gulp, then give a pleased hum. By the time I've finished sipping the rest of the drink, Mera places the bag she brought in front of me. She retrieves a small box which she clutches close to her chest while grinning smugly. After that she steps away from the bag leaving it open. Inside I find a matching pair of dresses, the smaller one dark blue with bright green floral embroidery, and the larger possesses inverted colors, as well as all of the other clothing we'll need. Including a pair of black shorts for me to wear under the dress, though they are short enough to be hidden under its hem. I start pulling on my half of the clothes. "How much did all this cost?"

Mera snorts and gives me a look I don't quite get. "You're not supposed to ask that." Once I'm done dressing, she shoos me away to a nearby mirror. "Oh, and close your eyes for the last part of your gift." I watch her reflection for a few seconds, then do as she asked. A minute or so later I feel her walking up behind me, and hear the clasp on the small box open. Her hands move over my head to my throat. Something presses down as she shifts her hands back, then I feel whatever it is start to tighten around my neck. My pulse quickens at the feeling for some reason. It's still fairly loose when it stops. "Like this, or a little more?" She tightens it again until it's loosely touching my skin all around. It feels cool at first, but quickly warms to match my body temperature. "Well, have a look."

When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Mera's beaming expression of eagerness. Then my gaze shifts down to a band of black leather around my neck. It has a single ring at the front, but no other ornamentation. "I thought about putting a bell on it or something. But I wasn't sure you'd wear it if it'd be noisy." I move my head around to look at it in different angles, then tilt my head questioningly. "Why a collar? Well uhh. I saw a mature adventurer lady wearing one a while back and it looked good on her, so I figured. . ." She scratches her cheek awkwardly. I think about it a moment, then my face flushes and I offer a slight nod. "You do like it? Great!" She hugs me from behind briefly, then rushes to retrieve the box and bag and turns to the door out. "Alright! Let's go."

"Where are-" Mera interrupts me by grabbing my left hand and taking off at a near run. We briefly pause by the counter on our way out, then storm off. Eventually we come to a stop at a restaurant named 'Aldrin's Choice'. "What's with the name?"

"Pretty sure Aldrin is a corruption of the King's name, and the place serves the kinds of food he popularized. I've been here a few times with my parents, and it's pretty good." Mera interlocks our arms and leads the way into the building. Once we're seated, she snatches a menu and looks briefly before telling the waitress, "Two of the daily special and uhh, a sushi tray for an appetizer please." I stare at her wide eyed, and fidget a bit. But don't object to her ordering for me.

While we wait, my gaze starts drifting around the open dining area. There are a lot of pairs of people, mostly one man and one woman. Are they all on dates? Wait are Mera and I? . . . I spot a pair of girls a little older than us kissing at a table on the other side of the room and my jaw drops. "G-girls can? . . ." I mutter before tearing my eyes away to look at Mera.

She's looking over where I had been a moment ago with a bright smile. Then when she turns to face me, her lips quirk into a smirk instead. "Why're you blushing like that Ara~?"

I open my mouth a few times without managing a response before finally coming up with something. "T-the collar! Hehem. I uhh, was thinking about it. I saw that chicken head guy when Dad took me to Vulstus. Compared to that, a collar seems normal. Adventurers are weird sometimes."

She giggles. "That they are. But I don't think-" She stops talking when the waitress returns and places a tray on the table. "Ah, thank you." The tray has ten things on it, two each of five different types. Three of the pairs are simple, just a mound of white stuff with a strip of vividly colored, raw fish on top? The other two sets have some sort of green stuff, then the white stuff, then fish again, in tight little bundles. "Eha, yeah. Sushi is uncooked fish. And rice, sometimes seaweed. But it's fine in an expensive restaurant like this. Magic to make sure it's safe, and all that. But definitely don't trust it from somewhere cheaper." After that, she picks up a stick thing, and pulls it apart into two sticks, then she holds both with one hand and clicks them together lightly before grabbing one of the rolled sushi pieces.

I pick up another pair of sticks, and break them apart like she did. When I try holding them the same way it takes me a moment to get the position right. Then when I try to move them my hand twinges and I drop one. I furrow my eyebrows while glaring at the rebellious stick, then look up at Mera when I hear a muffled giggle. She's busy chewing, but there is an amused twinkle in her eyes. With an abashed half smile, I retrieve the other stick. Then I try again until I can pick up one of the sushis, even if it's a bit wobbly.

The one I grab has a blue piece of fish on it. I don't remember the name for that kind of fish, but I do recall liking it when cooked. For a moment the slimy texture seems a little uncomfortable, but then I notice the taste and chomp down eagerly. After savoring it for a moment I gulp down the first mouthful and reach for another one rather quickly. "This is, pretty good!" My awkwardness with the sticks practically forgotten, I snag one of the more complicated ones.

"Ah! Wait Ara, that's. Haaa, too late. . ." Mera trails off whatever she was starting to say once she realizes I've already popped it in my mouth.

I manage a questioning hum as I start to chew on the sushi bundle.

"Well, that kind of roll has wasabi in it. Which is uhh, spicy green paste, stuff." She looks to the tray a moment, then picks up one of the simpler pieces, the fish a bright pinkish red color, salmon I think, with her pair of sticks. Then holds her free hand under it and reaches across the table to hold it out to me. "You'll probably want this in a second."

The next time my teeth grind down on the sushi, a slight burning sensation starts spreading from the back of my tongue. I whine, then hastily swallow, and grab a glass of water to take a quick drink. That really doesn't help, and the heat has spread to my throat, so I chomp down on the proffered morsel. Mera looks oddly pleased for some reason, but I'm too busy thoroughly chewing the fish and rice to ponder that.

"Sorry. Should've thought to warn you about that a little sooner." She reaches across the table to pat my head, then returns to eating sushi. She ends up eating both of the remaining rolls, since I don't trust that style now, but offers me an extra one of the other ones in exchange. Shortly after we finish the sushi the waitress returns.

She is carrying a tray with a pair of heavy looking stone bowls atop it. The smell of fried meat causes me to drool slightly. "Here are your orc loin pork katsudon, girls!" She places the bowls before us, revealing large cuts of pale meat with a golden brown fried coating cut into strips that'd take a couple bites to eat, cooked into a sheet of fried eggs, and sitting atop a bed of rice.

The first bite is audibly crunchy, and the second has more egg on it, changing the taste noticeably. Seemingly before I know it, I've eaten all of the meat and egg, and three fourths of the rice from my bowl, and I'm stuffed. I stare at the leftover rice, almost upset that I'm already full. Meanwhile Mera has cleared her bowl. "Well that was. Good."

"Knew you'd like it~ Don't worry about that bit of rice. They give big portions here, and you ate more than my Dad does anyway." Mera waves the waitress over and hands her some coins. "Alright Ara, let's go home. . Mmm! Ah-ha, I mean, let's go to my house so you can get your stuff and then go home yourself." Her cheeks are a bit flushed after that slipup, but she's also grinning.

I nod, then she grabs my hand again and leads the way. When we reach Mera's house, her Mom is waiting at the door, she is leaning back against the frame, with a small bag hanging from the handle. She's also grinning, in a very smug manner. "Hello girls. Did you enjoy your, date?"

Everything is quiet for a few seconds. Then Mera's face nearly glows red and she loudly whines just the word, "Moooooooom!" After that she alternates between glaring at her mother and looking at me with a mixed expression. Hopeful, but a little shy.

I fidget, tapping my index fingers together, then take a deep breath. "It was umm, nice. Kind of embarrassing, once I realized that's what it was. And I've never really had much interest in dating. So, nothing to compare it to." I bite my lower lip, then smile slightly. Mera's face lights up, and she lunges in to hug me.

Merdi practically cackles. "Hmmmhm. I wonder. . . Were you perhaps not interested, because you thought you'd have to date a boy?"

Mera removes her right arm from me, and moves over to stand next to me facing her mom, with her left arm still around my shoulders. "Okay okay! Enough teasing Mom! I'll get actually mad if you scare her off."

"Soooorry~ You two have just been, sooo obvious but oblivious for years." Merdi makes a shooing motion, as if dismissing us so we can focus on each other.

"Have we really?" That question gets another broad grin from Merdi. And Mera, halfheartedly shushes me.

"Don't mind her, she's just a busybody. For now we should, er wait. No. Let's save talking for later when we don't have an audience. We can talk properly on our next date. Maybe the flower garden around the Dungeon entrance here in town? I can bring my harp to play you a song. How about, next time we're free after our coming of age ceremony?" After that, she grabs the small bag off of the door and hands it to me.

"R-right. I don't know relationship stuff, so you'll probably be the main talker there. But sounds good." I shuffle me feet, then look up at her. "For now, I guess. See you later, Mera?"

Merdi mutters, just loudly enough for Mera and I to hear. "That's it? C'mon, you two haaave to know what you do when parting like this. Give me something to work with."

Mera works her jaw slightly while looking back and forth, then gulps. "F-fine. But only because now it'd feel awkward not to." Mera leans down to bring her face level with mine, a few centimeters away from me, and pauses there. Then she reaches up to loop a single finger through the ring on my collar, and pauses for a few more seconds. Finally, she closes the last bit of distance to press her lips ever so softly against mine for a brief moment. Then she pulls away with an excited squeak. "Ahhh I've wanted to do that for a while~ Mmm. Bye Ara, have a nice night." She covers her mouth with a hand, and uses the other to push her mom towards the house.

I stand in place, cheeks practically aflame for several seconds, only snapping out of my daze when their door closes. I cough lightly, then march away trying to keep a serious face, all the way home.


I wanted to think of a better chapter name. But alas, I could not. Also it's long enough that I should have made it two chapters. But wasn't sure where to break it. It FEELS like one chapter too? And speaking of writing, I saw a tip recently about keeping a character's text and actions to the same paragraphs instead of mixing things up. . . I'ma try that from now on, but I'm not editing this chapter to match. Also felt like I had a hard time explaining sushi from the perspective of someone who doesn't know what it is. . . Well, at least she probably would have seen uncooked fish before! Actually I'm never too certain what to describe when it comes to characters eating. *Shrug*

As for the Adult only menu, I tried to come up with several things based on the monsters she's been shown to obtain material for(mostly), and I put them in order of acquisition. No current intention of making any sex scenes, but hinting at what sorts of things they could get up to is fuuun~

BDSM themes anybody? Should I add the tag now, or wait until/if it gets more into that? I for one like the idea of a subby AF powerhouse lesbian tomboy. Wish I could be one even. Well, not like I need help with the submissive part. *Innocent whistle* So uhhh, be ready for some cute saccharine BDSM fluff. And maybe some serious kink too. Both at the same time? I don't see why not. Ah, though for now neither Mera or Aradain are particularly knowledgeable about the subject. So they might have some, slip ups. For instance gifting a collar without knowing how important that could be?

Also I got CHARACTER ART. Muah ha ha ha. Artist is Humanculus on FB/Huma on twitter. Also, Huma went a lil' overboard on the art for Mera, but I'm not overly inclined to complain. . . Anyway, I should figure out how to put the art pieces in the Glossary before I post the Chapter.