The Old Man
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In the bustling city of New York amongst the skyscrapers sat a woman. With short soft black hair. A leather jacket and a "don't mess with me" face. She huffed with an angry face. Looking off towards the purple setting sky above her, Bianca watched the clouds move above her. She lowered her gaze when she did a miraculously pristine and very opulent limousine pulled up. Bianca took an instinctive step back. Opening slowly, the passenger's back door was slowly made ajar. An older man stepped out and tipped his hat. His silver hair barely seemed to poke out underneath the hat's brim. His appearance was as enigmatic as the limousine he arrived. Wearing an od mismatched red and black half patterned suit and tie combo, black on the left of the suit and red on the right. His height, despite being a shorter man, he still carried odd intimidation with him. 

"Miss Bianca Mouen, it sure is a pleasure!" 

"Yeah, sure is, now tell me who the hell you are, or you're liable to get decked!" 

"Oh my, I wouldn't resort to violence, dear Bianca. I'm simply one of your father's Emissaries." 

"Emissary? my dad? He's an international courier; why the hell would he have an emissary? You must be high on something" Bianca cracked a smile and chuckled lowly, instinctively clenching her fist in her pocket.

"Oh my, it seems your Father's instincts carried down to you as well. Good to know." 

"Who are you? What could you possibly want with an average girl like me?!" Bianca shouted dramatically, pointing at herself with her open palms. The older man took a step towards her and dropped a business card in her hands. 

"Your father is dead; call me when you're ready," He spoke enigmatically before getting back into his limousine, leaving as quickly as he arrived. Bianca looked down at the business card and palmed it slightly, reading the name in her head. 

Nathaniel D. Rico, Midnight Estate Representative, the card read with an obnoxious black arrow that had the words. 
"Turn me" printed next to it. Bianca felt like a moron flipped the card over and examined a long and overly complicated and crammed phone number.

"This can't be real; Dad's a courier" Bianca stuck the card in her coat pocket, shaking her head. "Maybe Mom knows what's up," Bianca thought aloud, reaching into her pocket and withdrawing a small lollipop. She unwrapped it and stuck the sucker into her mouth. She walked in step and rhythm with a song that happened to be playing on repeat endlessly in her mind. She seemed to at perfect oneness with the inaudible rhythm. She was snapping her fingers, tapping her feet, and swinging her hips. The more she danced, the more her anxiety seemed to die down. She danced, danced, and danced some more back to her house. She loudly opened the door, slamming it behind her. 

"Hey, Mom!" Bianca shouted, hanging up her coat and hurrying into the living room. Bianca's mother sat in a reclining chair, large headphones on her, listening to some loud, angry, and destructive music while knitting with the sweetest smile imaginable. Bianca stepped closer and tapped her mother's shoulder. It took a second for the tap to register. Bianca's mom turned her head and nearly died of shock. 

"Oh, Bianca dear, didn't hear you come in!" She excitedly said, placing her knitting needles down and giving her daughter her full attention. "So, how was work today?" 

"Awful as usual, pretty sure I got fired." 

"Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that precious, did anything else happen today." 

"Well..." Bianca sighed and withdrew the business card. "Some guy said he knew dad, and he gave me this card." 

"Oh my, Rico, that's a name I haven't heard in ages." 

"You know this guy?" Bianca again instinctively clenched her fist. 

"Yes, he was your father's best friend. But I don't think that was the answer you were expecting" Bianca's mother took a deep breath and grasped her daughter's hands tightly. "What I'm about to tell you cannot ever leave this room, do you understand me?" 

"M-Mom? What do you mean? Dad's a..." 

"A courier is a story I told you throughout your youth; in reality, your father, Shaun Miyoda, wasn't a human." 

"Mom, you can't be serious. Of course, Dad was a...human" The reality of the situation began to set in. 

"Your father was the God Tsukiyomi, and oh did he love you beyond life, always spoiling you with Full Moons on your birthday" Bianca stood up, she grabbed her head, and whined, not knowing how to process this world-shattering information. 

"B-But, He went to career day at my school, remember when I was eight" Bianca tried to rationalize the truth. 

"I do, sweetheart, and I understand this is a hard pill to swallow and a hard reality to comprehend, but please listen to me; your father's passing doesn't just affect you, sweetheart." 

"THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN MOM!!!!!" Bianca said as tears rolled down her cheeks softly as her face broke with a chaotic mix of sadness and anger. 

"You'll understand soon, darling," Bianca's mother said, handing her daughter the business card. "Give Mr. Rico a call; He's the only one who can help you now." 
Bianca sniffled and took the card into her hands. She flipped the card over and committed the numbers to memory. She nodded softly, kissing her mother's forehead, she left the room. Bianca, with shaking hands and a restless heart, grabbed the phone hung on the wall. She dialed the long string of numbers, and within seconds Nathaniel Answered. 

"I'm on my way," He said before click the call ended as quickly as it began. Bianca shook her head. 

"I have to do this, for mom, for myself, for dad" She steeled herself as a second inaudible cadence began to play in her mind. she tapped her foot, slung on her coat, and walked outside. 

"Ah, Bianca, my dear, good to see you again!" Nathaniel called from the inside of his Limousine. "Come, my dear," He spoke, and like magic, the door to the passenger's seat opened. Bianca's heartbeat pounded in her ears as she took a nervous step forward. Feeling the beat of her heart, she began to dance. Swinging her head back and forth, snapping her fingers, and tapping her feet as she did previously. She took a deep breath and stepped inside the Limousine. She sat next to Nathaniel, looking around the inside of the limo with a child-like wonder. 

"Your father had the same reaction. Oh, before I forget," He spoke, pulling a second business card from his suit pocket. "give this number a call if you're ever in need of a ride." 

"Kagami Limo Service?" 

"Yes, of course, some of my associates run that service, and they are quite reliable, very reliable actually," Nathaniel chuckled as he poured himself a glass of liquor. "My dear, I hate to sound rude, but pardon me for not asking, I simply needed a good stiff drink after the day I've had" 

"You and me both, buddy" Bianca sunk into the Limo's comfortable leather seat. The Limo slowly began to go towards their destination. 

"here, my dear, you can have my glass. I haven't taken a sip," Nathaniel said, handing his glass to Bianca. Bianca, in a second, wolfed down the liquor and chuckled. 

"Got anything stronger?" She said, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. 

"My, My, aren't you just like your father" Nathaniel chuckled and nodded, pulling out a large blue bottle from the back of the miniature fridge. "His favorite, Sake from his homeland" He poured it into Bianca's glass. She slammed it back and laughed heartily. 
"M-More," she said, the strong alcohol already coursing throughout her system. 

"My dear, I would love to, but I don't want you dead before you meet your siblings," Nathaniel chuckled, snatching the glass from Bianca's hands. 

"My What?" 

"hush now, my dear, we have a long car ride." 

Bianca's vision suddenly went foggy, then blurry before ultimately going black when she lost consciousness. 

"Goodnight, sweet princess."