First quest part 1
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Morning Delven said Eldora who was smiling. 

Ah good Morning Eldora and Delilah. Anyway I assume your here to get started with the quest.

Yep and you better not chicken out.

Listen if I was planning on not going I wouldn’t have come down here, Delven would use magic as both a weapon and distraction while the twins would use there abilities that they had hidden for a surprise to kill goblins while they were distracted. 

To the goblin den we go.

The trip to the goblins den was uneventful. It was a smooth ride and as they neared you could here the waves hitting the shoreline. The group mostly just talked about their lives and the strategy. The group talked about how Delven’s magic could be used as a distraction while the twins used there weapons and spells to attack during the chaos. About three hours had passed since they had first left and the cave was in view. Eldora who was driving the cart pulled the cart off the road and tied the horses to a tree that was nearby. Delven and Delilah grabbed their stuff out of the cart and waited for Eldora to get back over. Once Eldora had moved back over the trio began walking towards the goblin den. 

ok remover the plan Delven asked Eldora.

Yeah I use water and fire magic to create a fog that distracts the goblins, before setting them on fire, Responded Delven.

Good we need 15 to complete the quest and any extra can be sold to the guild as material. 

Ready Set Go.

the twins ran in and started killing goblins as Delven prepared his spells. Not having any clue how to really use magic just thought of what he wanted to do and surprisingly it worked and the water and fire created a fog barrier around the ground that obscured the view of the goblins. From there the only risky part was when one goblin got lucky and stabbed Eldora in the leg. Well that’s what they thought at least. 

About an hour had passed and the goblins they were sent to kill were dead. But then something else came out from farther in the Den. 

Oh my I see three Humans about to die.

Delven who noticed the creature first unsheathed his sword and yelled for the twins to get behind him. 

Oh please human do you really think you can fight a Demon. Very few humans have ever lived to see a demon and tell the tale. Well if you really want to fight I guess I don’t mind. I was gonna kill you either way but it’s fun when my prey struggles. Well then Here I come.

within a second the creature had moved forward and was preparing to lunge. Barely being able to move out of the way Delven dodged but his arm was still grazed by the Demons attack. 

Oh you didn’t die there well then let’s turn things up a notch.