First quest (finale part 2)
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Delilah woke up first. She could barely move as her sister’s unconscious body was laying on top of her. Slightly panicked she stirred and moved around faster getting out of the hole. She calmed down a little as she had noticed her sister was still breathing. Looking around she seen blue and blackish red blood splattered and covering the area around her. What happened here she asked to no one trying to remember what had happened ours earlier. We finished our quest and then a demon showed up. 

Wait Shit she yelled as she began looking for Delven. 

In one of the craters lied the Demons corpse as well as Delven’s body and someone else? Upon jumping into the crater she seen a figure, A teenage looking girl was sitting down humming as Delven’s head rested in her lap. 

Who are you asked Delilah preparing herself if something happened.

Me? I’m the goddess Valerty.

Wait your the goddess Delilah said as she took her hand off her weapon.

hmm you must be one of Delven’s party members. Well as much as I’d like to smite you for being with him I feel like that would do more harm then good. Besides I need as many people as I can get since the northern goddess is being a pain.

wait northern goddess what are you talking about? And what was that part about smiting me?

it’s not important yet. For now just continue to grow stronger while working with Delven. Maybe have some fun with him idk. 

Blushing to the point her cheeks were bright then the full moon Delilah quickly came back with the answer that they aren’t like that, though under her voice the word yet could be heard. 

Oh is that so? Well whatever I must be headed out now. The sun is rising and the gods of night may no longer stay. Until next time lover of the chosen.

what the fuck Delilah screamed. I said we aren’t like that. Why did it seem that this goddess could be childish sometimes.

As the sun rose a group of knights guiding a group of carriage’s was on the road passing through. The cart they had was destroyed and the horses missing from the fight. 

Delilah was able to flag down the caravan of  carriage’s much to her surprise. 

A knight stepped and his horse stopped the caravan before getting off his horse unsheathing his sword and walking forward towards her.

Halt who are you and what nation do you serve.

I’m Delilah and I’m an adventurer from the capital city Aricia. 

Please take out your guild card then ordered the knight who began walking over.

Doing as she was asked Delilah quickly pulled her guild card out of her bag and handed it to the knight.

Now may I ask why you stopped the kingdoms of Drawgons envoy. The longer you take the more likely I am to kill you. 

Trying to quickly explain the events a young woman Emerged from one of the carriage’s. 

Drew may I ask what’s taking so long?

Crown princess he said as he kneeled I’m just trying to figure out who this person is. 

The crown Princess looked towards Delilah before flinching. So then may I ask why it feels like something unnatural was near you. 

explaining the story once more Delilah smiled.

Seems like you had a rough night. Drew you and the rest of the knights go grab those two unconscious body’s and put them into my carriage. If you find this demon’s body then it proves everything. Grab that body as well and put it into the storage carriage. As for you she pointed at Delilah, your coming with me to my carriage.