Carriage ride with the Princess (part 2)
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After suffering 5 loses in a row Delilah finally surrendered. 

The Princess just laughed as Delilah stated her defeat.

A few hours had passed since they had first started heading towards the capital of The Sadian empire. The girls were still talking as Eldora began to awaken. Meanwhile Delven still was asleep with his head laying in the Princess’s map. 

Eldora looking around half dazed looked around before asking her sister where they were.

Well Eldora, Delilah said with a smile, we are with a Princess.

Wait what.

Hello Eldora nice to meet you I’m Tafel Princess of the nation of grayden. 

Eldora’s eyes widen as she bowed her head before looking at her sister.

Relax it’s not like your in any danger the Princess said with a warm smile. You were simply picked up because I can smell demon on you. Then your sister told me your story and it makes sense. Once Delven over here wakes up then we can confirm it and you will be treated as a member of our nobility. She began playing with Delven’s hair while saying what she wanted with the party. Of course at the same time she also talked about what was happening with her kingdom. For some reason she really figured she could trust these people.

meanwhile Delven was awake in a dream like world. It was pitch black and empty except for two other creatures that were present. One being the Goddess, and the other being the demon that Delven had beat earlier. The two creatures stared at each other with hate. But the goddess being in the middle of them stopped them both in their tracks.

Ok listen up you two I know you hate each other but your the strongest duo I know. For now I just wish to establish you here before Delven wakes up.

The demon who was bowing smirked when he heard the goddess call him one of the strongest she knew. However what he hit was doing with the Man who had just beat him in a fight he was unsure of. He looked over at the man who he had lost to, Delven the demon thought to himself how strange. I wonder how he ties into the goddess. Seeing as he has a Wayden living inside of him it’s unsurprising. 

Meanwhile Delven Looked over at the Demon. They had both been called to this dark void by someone who he guessed was the goddess. He truly wanted to just be back with his friends in his world? What world was he from he thought to himself after experiencing whatever that memory was. 

So my 2 demons I wish for you to work together.

Having heard those words both Delven and the demon looked at each other and shook there heads. If they had been able to speak it would have been obvious what they would have said. 

I know your fight but we are running out of time. The north is preparing and if we don’t unify as well then it’s game over. For now I’ll leave you with that. Delven your friends have found one of the 7 demon Priestess. Your journey is going to get harder. 

The room flashed with a bright light and Delven awoke with his head leaning up against the Princess’s shoulder. 

Good morning Delven the Princess said with a smile. 

Meanwhile to the north.

Members of the Holy Northern Continent may the tournament of the Goddess Begin.