Chapter 10 – Inauspicious Forecast
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Fires raged all around him as Remi walked purposefully down the hallway of the large manor. The lavish golden and violet curtains adorning the windows were rising up in flame behind him as he calmly approached a room at the end of the hall.
He could feel the storm raging in his heart, the ferocity building with unwavering certainty that his desire to kill the man in that room was righteous. After every step he took, Remi felt the ire manifesting in his soul; the intense passion for revenge as unbridled animosity hammered his thoughts.
Remi knew the man used those people to hurt the ones he loved, to acquire that which was not his to take. Now, he thought, the man will die for it.
Reaching the end of the hall, looking back for a moment at the furious inferno within the once great manor, Remi opened the door and witnessed the scene inside. 
Several scantily clad bodies of young women, mostly young girls, wore iron chains attached to a shackle around their necks. They were laid all around a middle aged man who was sitting on the edge of a large bed. The man's disgusting, overweight figure, large eyes and brusque expression gave veracity to the nickname of the "Toad" of House Fercer. This man, Aryl Fercer, was the eldest son of the once great noble house in Vanya, the capital of the Varien Kingdom. 
Rumors of a hideous giant Toad within the Varien Kingdom snatching noble women, or even just pretty girls, had reached far and wide. If young girls didn't behave themselves or weren't well-mannered, the rumors stated, they'd be abducted by the Toad and forced to become its bride. The truth was what Remi saw before him: young women and girls chained to posts of the man's bed and forced to couple his bed. 
The scene Remi witnessed upon walking in set his heart aflame with fury. 
The two guards in the room immediately went to engage Remi upon his intrusion, their long swords raised to strike. Remi, however, wielded two blades—his Crescent Moon Knives—expertly and parried their attacks at the same time, countering instantly as he slashed their thinly armored chests open without apprehension. While they reeled in pain, Remi spun with both hands out and sliced their throats open in one move. The sounds of gurgling liquid were heard as he walked right past them.
Remi approached the Toad, who held fear and resignation on his face.
"They were just so beautiful," the Toad said. "It's their fault for being too pretty. It's their fault!"
At the sickened, maddened ramblings of a man who felt no shame or regret for his actions, Remi opened the man's throat, blood spraying across the room. The Toad clutched at the open wound while he fell over in a heap, croaking as he desperately tried to speak. 
Looking around the room, Remi saw the wide eyes of 8 young girls staring at him, who was a boy covered in blood and a golden aura. They must have been terribly frightened of the entire ordeal and his appearance. Two other girls were unconscious, leaning against the bed on the floor: one was a girl with long, wavy platinum blond hair much like his own. The other held a tangled mess of long, fiery red hair. 
Taking action, Remi used his mithril knives to slash through the several cheap iron chains attached to the post in quick succession, freeing the girls from their confinements. As smoke started billowing into the room underneath the door, Remi knew the flames would soon reach inside this room. He advised the frightened girls to follow him to the nearby open window, which overlooked the garden of the manor. 
Before doing so, Remi used Restoration Magicka on the two unconscious girls and picked them up, one over each shoulder. Their light bodies felt as though they weighed nothing to him, with his enhanced strength.
After ordering the other girls to stand back a moment, he jumped out the wide window with both unconscious girls over his shoulders. The girls all gasped, but Remi quickly invoked a spell that decreased gravity in the area below his descent. As he fell, the lowered gravity slowed and nearly reversed his descent, allowing him a safe landing. Several girls poked their heads out and saw he was safe, as he put the girls he was carrying down on the grass in the garden. Remi urged the rest of the girls to jump before the fires reached them.
They soon began climbing out one after another, jumping as Remi held the Gravita spell for them, so they could land safely. After they all escaped, he canceled the spells he maintained and helped remove the rest of their iron collars. He then used Restoration Magicka on the panicking and tearful young girls, helping to calm their emotions. As he did this, the two unconscious girls began to wake up. The red haired girl stared at them all with frightened, pale blue eyes, as they began to explain the situation to her.
Rem immediately ran to Remi, and he embraced her as she cried. She told Remi the last thing she remembered was fighting several men who were trying to take her away when she went shopping yesterday. Remi didn't have the heart to tell her that was two weeks ago and in a different city. He would explain it properly later.
After hearing from some of the other girls, Remi learned that the Toad and his guards kept the red haired girl and his sister drugged and unconscious the whole time—because of their Magicka—while taking care of their basic needs occasionally. Just hearing that enraged and sickened Remi further, but he kept his emotions in check. 
"Um, that is... Thank-" 
As he cleaned himself in the nearby fountain, trying to wash the blood off his face and clothing, a quiet voice came from behind him. Remi turned and saw the young girl with red hair. She was trying to thank Remi, but was cut off by Rem loudly declaring she wanted to go home. Remi shrugged and decided it was best if he and his sister disappear before other people showed up. He grabbed his coin purse and took out 9 Varien gold coins, one for each of the girls. He told them he couldn't stick around and they were free to follow him into the capital city if they wanted, but they had to move now. Several of the girls were wary and didn't follow, but thanked him nonetheless.
The rest followed him into the city, where they prepared to part ways. 
The young girl with red hair tried once again to thank Remi, but he felt like she wasn't sure what to say. He told the girl there was no need to thank him, he was glad he could get them out of there. Since they didn't have time, he told the girl that if they ever met again she could thank him at that time. 
He wished her and the other girls well, as he and his sister disappeared from their sight and went to their temporary residence in the city.
Upon returning, Kari and his mother embraced Rem with tears in their eyes. Knowing exactly what Remi had done, as Kari had help plan it all, she smiled at him and nodded approvingly. His mother, however, gave him even more disparaging glares, filled with uncertainty and fear. She never once looked at him with kind eyes after they had to leave their farm and, while he was used to it, it still hurt him.
Even though Remi's heart was filled with sorrow, he was extremely grateful his sister was okay. So long as he knew his sister was alright, that was enough for him. 
Feeling upset with himself that he let her get abducted in the first place, he walked over and stroked his sisters hair as he embraced her tightly once more.

Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, Remi noticed the sun was just beginning to crest outside the large window to his right. While he wasn't sure where he was, he was certain he was in tremendous pain.
Breathing out a deep sigh for the memory he just recalled, he closed his eyes in thought. 
Remi felt like he hadn't had that dream in years. He wondered if his brain subconsciously brought it forth because of the fire surrounding him on the cusp of consciousness. Perhaps it was a trigger of somewhat similar situations causing him to relive that moment in time. 
Letting out a groan, he opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but found he was unable to do so. His head was groggy and his body, feeling quite heavy, wasn't cooperating, leaving Remi a little concerned. Glancing down, he saw his clothes were mostly gone, frayed or cut away, and his right arm was in a sling while both his legs were completely wrapped in bandages. 
After assessing his situation, he deduced he was in a medical ward somewhere, likely within the Academy grounds. Remi thought it was a wonder he was even alive, since he remembered losing so much blood. The last memory he retained was trying to reach his sister. As he recollected, a frantic hope for his sister's well-being swelled within him. Remi, filled with anxiety, looked around the room for the first time.
The slate colored room was mostly bare save for some furniture, a painting hung on the wall in front of him and a plant in the far corner. White curtains draped over the large window on the side of the room, but were mostly open letting what little light there was come inside. Next to his bed was a night stand table with a Magicka Lamp on it, as well as a wooden stool and an arm chair with a single occupant, sleeping.
Kari sat there with eyes closed and arms crossed as she breathed softly, her head leaning against the back and corner of the chair. Smiling at her sleeping face, Remi began to settle down, as knew his sister was probably alright just by Kari being here. If Rem wasn't okay, Kari would be with her instead.
Breathing easier, albeit with pain, Remi closed his eyes once more while leaning his head against the pillow. His body felt like it was on fire, as every muscle seemed to ache in unison. 
After a few minutes, just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a looming presence over him. Opening his eyes quickly, he saw two mauve colored irises staring at him. 
"Gah!" Kari exclaimed, completely caught off guard. She, who was bent over looking at him, stood straight up in a panic, surprise written across her face.
"Sorry, did I scare you?" Remi asked, a bit of laughter in his hoarse voice. 
Hearing this, Kari smiled wide while also looking a touch forlorn.
"Yes, you dummy, you had me worried sick I'll have you know. Rem too, she was miserable until she finally went to sleep a few hours ago."
She responded in a joking manner but relief was evident on her face; it made Remi feel awful for causing the two of them grief.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Kari said in a quiet tone, reaching out to touch his face. 
As she caressed his cheek, Remi blushed a little, noting that Kari was never this affectionate with him, ever. It felt a little embarrassing, if he was being honest, but he didn't hate it. 
While Kari was touching his face, Remi noticed the silver clasped bracelet on her wrist. It had several hanging charms, each one depicting a separate phase of the Celes moon; it was the gift he purchased for her. 
While she smiled him, Remi felt an uneasiness in his heart. 
"Kari, that bracelet... I hoped to give that to you for your birthday. Does that mean...?" 
Still smiling, Kari shook her head slightly, her long white hair drifting behind her. 
"My birthday was yesterday, Remi. You missed the party. Rem gave it to me on your behalf." 
By her words, Remi concluded that he must have been unconscious for nearly two days. 
Noticing Remi's frown, she laughed lightly.
"There's no reason to be sad about it. I'm just so happy you're awake." 
Shaking his head, he apologized and asked what was on his mind.
"I'm really sorry I missed it, but happy Rem was able to get my gift to you. So, uh, do you like it? I heard from Rem you may not like jewelry, but I thought..."
Kari's eyes softened as she looked at him, his face still in her hand. 
"I like it. I really do, Remi. Thank you."
"Ah, I'm glad. Wait--what are you doing?!" 
She bent over and kissed his forehead, then tousled his hair playfully. 
Remi squirmed from the tenderness she was showing, which caused her to grin wickedly, the same glint in her eye that she always had whenever she teased him. 
Breathing out a sigh as he felt relieved she enjoyed his gift, Remi then asked about Rem and what happened after he lost consciousness. 
Kari explained that Rem had awoken to find people all around them in a panic. There was fire everywhere and three corpses around the twins, with a dagger in Remi's back. She noticed he had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious, but was trying to protect her by covering her with his body. She got up and helped put out the fires along with other Magicians that had come, and the immediate danger had passed. She then had them help carry Remi to the infirmary in the Administrative Building because it was closest. The staff on hand immediately went to work on treating him, and even had Magister Fena come invoke Restoration Magicka on his body to help with the healing process. 
Kari informed Remi the extent of his wounds. First, the fire had been close enough to burn his legs quite badly, but with the Restoration Magicka cast upon him, there would be minor scars once healed. Second, the dagger in his back was a near miss on his spine as well as vitals, otherwise there may have been permanent damage or, most likely, death. Third, the deep wound on his right arm sliced a tendon, and while the Restoration Magicka spell will help heal it quicker, it will still take a few weeks to heal properly, and even longer to get the full range of motion again.
Groaning at the thought of not being able to use his dominant arm for weeks, Remi closed his eyes while shaking his head.
"Remi, you're lucky to be alive, you know." Kari said, as she stroked his head. "Don't get greedy, you idiot. Honestly, just rest and recover."
She frowned at him, worry evident in her mauve colored eyes. Remi could only nod in agreement with her assessment. 
She was right, it was extremely lucky he was alive. He was completely caught off guard by their ambush as well as their assault on Rem. It was wonderful Rem was alright, but he felt incredibly guilty he nearly got her killed with his overwhelming desire to rush in and help a stranger in need. 
The assassins knew exactly how to play on his emotions and it irked him to no end that he let it happen.
"Hey, can you tell me what happened?" Kari asked, quietly. "Rem doesn't know everything except that she killed two Magicians who tried to kill her. Everyone thinks you're the one to kill those three people, by the way, so we decided to keep that story. We were sure you wouldn't mind." 
Remi nodded and told her it was fine. He then went into detail explaining what happened from his perspective.
"Two Invokers as well, huh? That is huge, Remi. They really wanted you this time." Kari said with a frown.
"Yeah, the one I killed was an Invoker and the one girl who I traded for Rem's life was the other. It seemed to me the Magician and the girl were siblings or maybe lovers, I'm not sure. He treasured her enough to forego his mission at any rate. It was lucky, I suppose. That anti-Magicka barrier the man cast... that was something else. I panicked and nearly died because of it, and failed to protect Rem."
Remi responded in a despondent manner, upset that he nearly let Rem die. 
"Hey," Kari said, flicking him softly on the forehead. "Rem is alright. In the end, though it wasn't pretty, you saved her. So don't get down on yourself. Promise me, okay?"
"Sure. I promise," Remi said with a nod, as Kari grinned at him. "So wait, today is the 9th? Our Class Challenge is today, right?" 
"Yeah, we're going to have to see if they'll allow a substitute for you. There is no way you're participating in this condition."
Kari spoke only the truth, but it made Remi feel bad he'd be letting his classmates down, despite the situation. He also wondered how he was going to explain the assassins to others. His reputation was going to take a big hit from this, one way or another.
After talking things over for a little while longer, Kari said she wanted to go let Rem know he was alright and Remi saw her off. She said she'd return with Rem before classes started, and told him to get some rest. 
He obliged and soon found himself fast asleep once again.
After awakening a couple hours later, Remi was able to talk to Rem and Kari before they went off to class. Rem was so upset with Remi that she cried as she berated him for letting himself get lured into a trap and nearly died from it. It made Remi's heart hurt, because he failed to protect her as well. Rem, like Kari, refuted that point after she heard the whole story. He protected her in the end, but she called him stupid for trying to cover her body with his to protect it from flames, since that wasn't how heat worked.
Remi felt a little sheepish from that explanation but Rem and Kari just grinned, like everything was alright. 
The main worry they had was the correlation between the assassins and the crest embroidered on their hoods. The two women also concurred with Remi that it was the symbol of the Silverspire family from High Grove. It was widely known the current Headmistress of the Academy used to be part of that house decades ago before she chose to abandon it. 
Remi advised them to stay wary of the Headmistress for the time being and they agreed. 
Eventually the two girls had to get to class, and he wished them a good day and good luck.
Remi saw them off while wishing he could at least watch the Challenge.
Shortly thereafter, medical staff came in and changed his bandages which ended up causing a lot more pain than he anticipated, even with his Spirit Magicka to numb the senses. 
After getting another couple of hours of sleep, while he was sitting and staring out the window in quiet contemplation, an expected visitor showed up.
"Ah, so you are awake."
A slender, older High Elven woman with long chestnut colored hair and voluptuous curves, defining the meaning of 'mature beauty', entered his room, wearing a dress of floral design.  
Her rust-colored eyes staring at him as her face formed a smile, Headmistress Sarina Finnel began to speak to Remi.
"I'm glad you're alright Mister Nas-, no, you told me to call you Remi, did you not? I remember." 
Remi nodded in response, not saying anything. Grinning, Lady Finnel walked over to the chair next to his bed and took a seat. Out of the corner of his eye, Remi noticed someone else at the door. He turned and saw a somewhat younger Elven woman in white and black attire standing just outside the room, looking in with worried eyes on an otherwise expressionless face. 
Following his gaze, Lady Finnel motioned to the woman to come inside and told her to close the door.
"Well, first let me introduce you to my assistant, Lina Vargel. She is my loyal companion and has my complete trust, so please feel free to say anything in front of her as you would myself."
As she said as much, Remi noticed Lady Finnel looked at the woman with kind eyes and a softened expression. He was sure this Lina person was important to her. He also noted this was the woman who oversaw the Class Challenge that Lunar Class was involved with. 
"Now then, I have some questions for you. After speaking to your sister at length yesterday, I was only able to get a part of the story, I believe, so I'd like to hear from you. Please, if you would, can you tell me what happened the other day?"
Remi nodded and began to explain the events one more time. As he did, he noticed the Lina woman writing things down on a clipboard she carried. He assumed she must be taking notes of his story. 
While he explained, Lady Finnel held a stoic expression until the part where it became a trap that devolved into an ambush and inevitable confrontation. Remi decided to tell the version of the story Rem and Kari helped come up with earlier that morning, which depicts him killing all three assailants.
By the end, Lady Finnel's facial expression was both pleasant and irritated. Perplexed by her mixed emotion, Remi wanted to ask something but decided to leave it.
Finally, he told her the last bit of information, which was about the crest of Silverspire.
"Is that so?" she responded, a tone of voice conveying she may have already known. Remi raised an eyebrow at the feigned ignorance he perceived from the woman.
"Oh don't look at me like that. The bodies were burned in the fire you know, so I had no idea."
This bit of news, Remi had already heard from Rem and Kari, but Lady Finnel's tone of voice still conveyed something unsettling to him.
Lady Finnel then said, "Besides, I gave up the Silverspire name ages ago. I have nothing to do with them any longer, as the world well knows." 
While he knew this to be true, Remi was fed up. He felt the woman clearly knew something but refused to bring it to light for whatever reason. He decided to take a more direct approach to see if they could come to a middle ground. 
"Lady Finnel, can we just cut the act? You must know something about the assailants. All I know about them was that they were part of a larger organization that has been hunting my family and I for years, over half a decade or more. Anything you can tell me would be a big help. This is the first big clue we've gotten."
Taken aback by the sudden openness of his words, Lady Finnel smiled. 
"I see. Of course, Remi, I'd be delighted to inform you. But first, I have some conditions."
Remi thought as much. He knew this woman was not someone to be trusted in the least, but if she had answers he wanted to hear them. 
"Such as?" he asked.
A mischievous grin formed on her face, causing Remi to swallow hard. He knew this woman was cunning, and he was in no condition to fight back. He just had to play it safe.
Before she began speaking, she chanted and erected a wind Element Magicka barrier that kept sound inside the room. 
The conditions were more straightforward than he anticipated. 
First, she wanted him to continue his studies at the Academy regardless of the dangerous scenario that had occurred. 
Second, she wanted him to understand that what she tells him is strictly confidential and under no circumstances should it leave this room. Should the information leak, he will be removed from the Academy and persecuted to the fullest extent of her power. 
Third, he must keep an open mind.
Though confused by the last one, Remi hesitantly accepted all three conditions. 
Smiling, Lady Finnel began to speak to Remi about she knew about his pursuers. 
She informed him that they were people working under her young sister, Mari, who was the current Queen of the Sol Kin. For her own agenda, she wanted to capture or kill the illegitimate children of her husband, Kallo, the current King of the Sol Kin. 
Wondering what that had to do with him, Remi had a perplexed look on his face. Seeing this, Lady Finnel explained it to him.
"According to my sister, Remi, the current King is your father. This means, technically, my sister would be your step-mother."
Surprise and disbelief was on his face. While he knew his father was a man from the Sol Kin tribe, as his mother explained as such when they were younger, he had no idea it was someone of such significance. He wondered if it could really be true.
As if in order to answer his thoughts, Lady Finnel told him what she knew about it. 
Mari, shortly after the arranged marriage between the High Grove and the Sol Kin, found that her husband's heart belonged to another woman. As was typical for arranged and political marriages, it was nothing new to be in a loveless relationship. The problem, from her perspective at least, was that her husband was using resources to keep an eye on the woman, who did not live in the Sol Kin territory. 
What started as curiosity soon became obsession for Mari, and she used her own resources to follow and track down the spies working for her husband as they made contact with the woman. To her surprise, the report came back stating it was a human commoner living on a farm. The woman was said to have two twin half-elf children she was raising, along with another dark elf child, who were already around the age of 10. The boy had eyes depicting him as Sol Kin, making him extremely likely to be her husband's child. This male child would be the eldest son with a claim to the throne. Mari, who had recently given birth to a son herself, was outraged and demanded the capture or death of the child. 
"Little did she realize, however, just how incredibly resourceful you and your sisters were, Remi." 
Lady Finnel said as much, after she finished her lengthy explanation.
Remi, trying to piece together his thoughts, sat dumbfounded. He thought what she said held a lot of weight, and would explain the actions of those people throughout the years very well. To him, this was almost too good an explanation not to be the truth. 
"With all that said, to make sure you make good on your promise to uphold my first condition, I will do everything in my power to protect you and your sisters as students at this Academy."
As she declared her resolve to do so, Remi's emotions were in disarray. He could only voice a single word.
"Hm? As an educator it is only natural to try and protect the well-being of my pupils. Besides, technically, you would be my step-nephew, right? That makes us family in a way."
Grinning as she said that, she laid a hand on his arm on the bed. 
Remi's heart twinged for a moment at her mention of family. 
Many thoughts ran swiftly through his mind, throwing it into chaos. He wondered how he was going to explain this to his sister and Kari, how he was going to broach the subject with his mother in the future. He wondered if it wouldn't be better to leave this place, to get away from this woman. Now that they know he was here, the assassins would surely come after him again. His wondered if he could possibly trust what this woman was saying. 
Most of all, he hated the fact that some woman, his supposed step-mother who he had never met, had thrown his life into disarray. 
"Why?!" Remi suddenly cried out, startling the two women in the room. "Why is someone I've never even seen or talked to before so intent on ruining my life? I don't care about my father, or my Elven heritage, or anything like that! Why is she going to such lengths?"
As he screamed such a question while looking back and forth between the two women, they held expressionless faces, lacking empathy. Suddenly, Lady Finnel's face softened slightly, and she spoke in an even-toned voice. 
"The world isn't fair, Remi. The strong prey on the weak; the rich spit on the poor; the enlightened individual exploits the unlearned; the meek are forgotten, while the bold dare to oppose. If you want to know why my sister is going to such great lengths, Remi, you need only understand your place in the world. You, as an existence, are a threat to her ambitions, and as such she simply wants to eliminate that threat. Well, I also think there is some loathing at play, but that is a trivial point to her behavior."
Remi thought what she was saying made sense. It was cold, rational logic, which Remi could appreciate at the moment. He thought things through in his head for a moment longer, before speaking.
"I see. Thank you for telling me, Lady Finnel."
"Oh please, Remi, it was the least I could do for my sister's outrageous actions," she replied with a slight smile on her face.
"I have another question, if you don't mind."
"Go ahead."
"Did you know? About us, I mean, when we entered the Academy," Remi asked, uncertain whether he could actually trust this woman. Her answer here would help him make a decision. 
Searching his eyes with her own, Lady Finnel stared at him for a moment before sighing.
"Yes. My sister of course informed me of her endeavors years ago and the name Naslund came up several times. To be completely honest, I even informed her of your whereabouts here upon your arrival for the entrance examinations."
Remi closed his eyes as she spoke, berating himself internally for his mistakes. In hindsight, he wondered why he thought traveling to Ostes would help in the least to escape their pursuers. He couldn't help but laugh at his naivety.  
"Oh, don't beat yourself up, Remi. For a child, you have been extremely resourceful in evading capture. Please be at ease knowing that if I had any intention of handing you over to my sister, I would have done so by now."
As he looked at her, Lady Finnel smiled that mischievous smile once again. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, but he knew he couldn't completely trust this woman in front of him.
"So, what now?" he asked, unsure where to go from here. 
"Oh, that is simple. Just stick to my first condition: continue to attend this Academy with your family. As I said, I will do my utmost to provide a secure environment for you all."
Remi, who remained skeptical that she would go to such lengths as to oppose her own sister for someone she just met, glared at her with tired eyes. He knew this wasn't something she would provide for free, and the rumors of how powerful a Magician this woman was frightened him to even try to oppose her, especially in his current state. 
Noticing the meaning of his expression, Lady Finnel grinned wickedly. 
"Aha, I see you are indeed a bright boy. Of course, let me explain my reason for doing such a thing. Ahem."
She cleared her throat before speaking once more.
"Remi, I may call upon you from time to time to help me with some... projects, let's say. As to the nature of said projects, it is none of your concern for now. Consider helping me as payment for providing you a safe haven."
Being in no position to deny her, he nodded.
"I see. Then I have to accept."
"Splendid!" Lady Finnel exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "In that case, it will be a pleasure working with you, nephew."
Saying this, she once again held a mischievous smile. Lady Finnel then stood up and said her goodbyes to Remi, stating they will talk again in the future. Just as she and her assistant turned to leave, Remi had to ask something else on his mind.
"Ah wait a moment, please."
Remi inquired about a substitution for his place in the Class Challenge happening today. Lady Finnel looked to her assistant, Lina, for an explanation.
"Lunar Class made a request this morning, but Chaos Class, the challenger, fought against it. The rules state both sides must agree for substitution in a Magician's Duel, so they will be at a handicap."
The expressionless woman in white explained the situation, which left Remi upset at himself that he couldn't participate.
"Oh don't worry," Lady Finnel said casually. "Even though that child has a particularly nasty side to her, she doesn't seem to be all that bright. I am sure your Dark Elf will do just fine in your absence, Remi."
"That child?" Remi asked, curiously. "Do you mean Aisha?"
"The very same. She has her uses, but thinking isn't one of them. At any rate, I must be off as there is plenty of work for me to do as the Headmistress of this Academy after such a tragic event the other day. You should continue resting, Remi, unless you mean to watch the Challenge?"
"Can I?" he asked.
"If you feel up for it, I don't think anyone would stop you. Though, in your condition, I wouldn't advise it. I'd rather you not drop dead before you assist me in my endeavors. Now, let us be off, Lina."
"Yes, Headmistress." Lina said, right before collapsing to her knees, her hands clutching her head as she cried out in pain. Tears began streaking down her face.
As the clipboard she was holding fell to the ground, Lady Finnel moved to her side quickly.
"Lina! Oh, not now of all times!" She said with an expression and tone of voice filled with desperation and anxiety. 
Unsure of what to make of the event, Remi could tell Miss Vargel was in emotional distress accompanied by physical pain. Though he was under no obligation to do so, he wondered if he might be able to assist her suffering. 
"Lady Finnel." 
"What?!" she screamed at him, while searching his eyes. Grasping what he meant to do, she nodded and spoke in a worried tone.
"Please, help her if you can." 
As Remi invoked his personal spell, Vigor, covering his body in a golden aura to help alleviate the pain, he got up from the bed and took clumsy steps toward the crying woman. 
Lady Finnel watched him with cautious yet curious eyes, as Remi reached out and touched his palm to the woman's forehead. Invoking his Restoration Magicka spell, a green and white vibrant light flashed in the room, the origin of which came from Lina's body.
Shortly after the light faded, Lina stopped her cries of pain and blinked a few times. 
"Sarina?" she said in a tired voice, while looking into Lady Finnel's eyes. 
"Yes, I'm here Lina." Lady Finnel declared, as she embraced Lina's head, holding the woman to her chest. 
Breathing a sigh of relief that it worked, Remi stepped back and flopped into the chair behind him. 
"Did it happen again, Sarina?" 
"Yes, Lina, it did, but you're okay now." Lady Finnel said, while caressing the woman's cheek with her hand. Lina gave a tiny smile on her expressionless face and leaned into the hand touching her, lovingly. 
Remi grasped the relationship between the two watching this exchange, but said nothing. 
Lady Finnel then turned her head toward Remi.
"Thank you for helping her. That spell of yours is magnificent."
"It's only natural to help those in need," he said casually, with a shrug. "I couldn't stand by and do nothing while she was suffering. By the way, does that happen often?" 
After hesitating to say anything, Lady Finnel explained it happened infrequently, maybe a few times a month. As a chronic complication from a backlash of a failed Spirit Magicka spell nearly two decades ago, Lina occasionally gets extreme headaches with associated blackouts that usually lasts upward to an hour or more. Thoughts of being able to alleviate the condition with Restoriation Magicka came to their minds, but they were never able to find someone who possessed the capability. 
"To think, your spell worked like a charm. It instantly alleviated the symptoms and brought her back in one piece." Lady Finnel said clinically, while half in thought.
Turning her head toward Remi, Lina thanked him.
"Truly, thank you for helping me." She said, her expressionless face twisting into a tiny smile for a moment. 
Remi just responded casually, saying he was glad to help. 
"Remi, we must be going now but I would like to know more about that Restoration Magicka spell of yours." Lady Finnel declared.
"Certainly, if I can learn about the one from Magister Fena." Remi boldly declared back, offering a trade.
Grinning, Lady Finnel said she would see to it. Once again thanking him and stating they would talk in the future, the two women left the room while Remi sat in quiet contemplation.
Remi knew he had a lot to think about in regards to this situation. Before that, however, he'd like to watch the Class Challenge. 

While slowly making his way to the Eastern Training Grounds, despite the protests from the medical staff, Remi suffered through the pain every step brought him. Even with his Vigor spell, the pain was nearly unbearable, but his sheer will to watch Kari and his class participate in the Challenge allowed him to press onward.
After making it halfway to his destination while classes were still in session, Remi could tell the sun was descending within the cloudy sky. The dark clouds to the northwest seemed to spread out wide on the horizon, heralding an impending storm coming their way from beyond the sea.
Thinking about several things he and the Headmistress discussed, he clenched his teeth both in pain and despair. He needed to discuss everything with his sister and Kari, but was unsure how to broach the subject. He knew they wouldn't talk about such things, so he had no fear of the information spreading, but he wasn't sure if he should tell them in the first place. 
While his mind was in disarray, a young-sounding voice came from behind him. 
"Oh, if it isn't Naslund. Hello!" 
Stopping to turn around, Remi laid his eyes upon the child-like Sabuki Seno, with her black twintails blowing in the wind. 
"Ah, hello Miss Seno. What can I do for you?" Remi asked, as he began walking slowly toward his destination once again.
"I just happened to see you on my way back from Student Council business, you know? I see your injuries are as bad as the rumors said." She said as she frowned, then a bright smile appeared on her face. 
"I also wanted to say hello to a fellow co-worker!" 
Remi felt confused at her words. 
"Co-worker?" he asked tentatively.
"Mm-hmm, that's right. I heard from Lady Finnel yesterday that you would be joining the Student Council soon as our new First Year member."
Remi froze, wondering what she meant by that.
"Yeah, that's about the reaction I suspected." Sabuki said, with a laugh. 
Remi wasn't sure what to make of the words being said. He had no desire to join the Student Council, and Lady Finnel told her yesterday, while he was unconscious, that he would be joining them. He pondered if the Student Council had some tie to Lady Finnel beyond the norm. 
"Uh, Miss Seno, does that mean...?" 
"That's right, you know? You and I are the same. Lady Finnel has her eye on both of us and wants to keep us close." She explained, while making a cute giggle.  "I guess we'll soon be working together. I'm looking forward to it, you know?" 
After saying as such, Sabuki winked at him. Thinking it was just one thing after another, Remi groaned in pain, and began walking again.
Asking her how he was made to join the Student Council, Sabuki explained that a First Year student was taken in as a new member every year at the end of the first month of school. Usually the position goes to the student with the highest average examination scores, but it is a voluntary role. If the student declines the position, the next appropriate student is chosen, and so on until they agree. This system can be bypassed, however, by a direct recommendation from the Headmistress. 
Apparently, Remi wasn't even near the top of the list, but Lady Finnel had recommended him to the Student Council and declared he had accepted the position, pressuring them into making him the new member. He was to begin Council work at the start of the 5th month, much to the chagrin of the other members. 
"I see," Remi said, dejectedly. He realized that woman was steps ahead of him, and he would truly be under her thumb if he remained here. 
"It's not so bad, being part of the Council. It's just some extra work, but you do get some perks, you know?" Sabuki tried to cheer him up, understanding the position he found himself in.
"So how about you, Miss Seno? Does Lady Finnel have something on you and all the Student Council members?" he asked, interested in her answer. He knew it was unfair to ask what, since he didn't offer up his own circumstances, but he was curious. 
Shaking her head, she answered him in a quiet voice. 
"Not the others, just me." 
She sighed, hesitating to talk about it. 
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Remi said, noticing her reluctance. 
"No, it's fine, you know? I went somewhere I shouldn't have gone and saw something I shouldn't have seen. Instead of being expelled, Lady Finnel gave me the option of helping her out with some projects. After seeing what it meant to be expelled, I didn't have a choice." 
Something from her words just now nagged at him. 
"What it meant to be expelled?" he repeated, with a curious tone.
Her eyes widened as she looked at him.
"So, you didn't know. Oh, please don't say anything to Lady Finnel," she begged him. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I thought since we were in similar positions it may have been for the same reason. Oh, I'm so stupid." 
Seeing her frustrated with herself, Remi couldn't help but hold a wry smile, as he understood her feelings. 
"Don't worry, I won't mention your slip-up, but it does have me genuinely curious. Could you elaborate?"
Shaking her head furiously, Sabuki calmed down then spoke.
"No, I better not, you know? The only thing I can say is... Actually, better yet, I have a question for you, Naslund."
"Go ahead, Miss Seno." Remi said, interested to hear the query. 
"Why do you think the dormitory has rooms for 400 students, when we accept 126 every year?" she asked, with a serious expression on her face.
Remi pondered for a moment, as he never considered the circumstances. Truly, with only 400 rooms and not always equal distribution of males and females, sometimes males or females had to live in the opposite dormitory building, but he had not given any thought as to the lack of rooms for more than 100 students who should be in the Academy. 
"Ponder that, Naslund," she said with a small smile on her face. "I better go since classes will be over shortly, you know? I hope you get better soon, and look forward to working with you in the future."
Sabuki waved as she took off at a jog toward the Classroom Building, leaving Remi with his restless thoughts.
He thought that there was far too much information dropped on him within the last couple of hours, and he needed time to sort it all out. 
Between the fact that he was pursued even in this closed Academy and the one pursuing him was his supposed step-mother, some woman he never met—who married a father he never met—all for the sake of some paranoid delusion, he just couldn't fathom the reasoning; it was beyond him to understand. 
Also, having to now be under watch by Lady Finnel, who has some projects he needs to assist her with in the future, left him feeling uncertain about his future at this Academy. After the talk he just had with Sabuki, Remi felt as though there is something strange going on at the Academy, more so than just strict curriculum and rules. He wasn't sure if the change was directly because Lady Finnel and her administration, or if perhaps it stemmed from something beyond that. 
Shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, Remi made the judgment to inform his family properly and make a collective decision from there.
Soon enough, Remi arrived at the Eastern Training Grounds, where students from both Chaos and Lunar class were arriving prior to the appointed time. 
After greeting those who came to speak to him, Remi was scolded by both Kari and Rem for being out of bed. He told them he had to be here to cheer them on at the very least, which made Kari and the other participants of the Challenge grin and renewed their resolve. 
He needed to speak to his sister and Kari and break all this information down. They could be trusted, but he also wondered if he shouldn't burden them with all this, since they seemed to genuinely be enjoying their school life. This last week, except for the more recent incident, has been really pleasurable and fun for the three of them. Between meeting new people and learning a lot of things even with review lectures, he thought he'd like to continue his life here, but he wasn't sure if it'd be safe.
While mulling over all his concerns, he continued to walk with determined steps when Remi felt as if there were an ominous pressure looming over him. Glancing to the northwest sky, he watched as the ominous storm clouds slowly crept toward the Academy.
Within 20 minutes of his arrival, the first Class Challenge of the year began. 

"Wow, I didn't think you'd ace their entire team, Miss Vinton!" a voice exclaimed in surprise from among the crowd. 
The Class Challenge ended in a spectacularly short amount of time. 
Silvia Vinton, the tall, fit woman with long, thick braided black and blue dyed hair, smiled widely at the praise, her large brown eyes shining with satisfaction. She was the first to duel in the Class Challenge from Lunar Class' roster and the only one who volunteered besides Remi. In the end, the 20 year old Silvia made short work of all of her younger opponents with her dizzying display of martial prowess mixed with Element Magicka concurrent chanting. One by one, the roster from Chaos Class was crushed by this woman. The only close call was her match against Aisha of the Northern Forest, who used the same style of combat and Magicka techniques. In the end, the fight came down to experience, which Silvia had in spades versus Aisha's practical training. 
Blushing from the attention she garnered, Silvia ate her dinner at the cafeteria with the rest of the Lunar Class. They were all there in celebration of the victory over Chaos Class. Everyone was there except one person: Remi Naslund. He had excused himself after congratulating her while giving her his honest praise, saying he had to get back to the infirmary to rest. Borrowing the shoulders of his sister and that Dark Elf woman, Kari, he left shortly after the Challenge was over and the two women returned to the cafeteria thereafter. 
While some of the students were sad Remi couldn't be at the celebration, others were relieved. The rumors of him being a murderer, despite the deaths of those assailants being justified self defense, were spreading quickly amongst the student body of the Academy. His reputation for being a violent person was already well-known based upon the opening ceremony event results, so the "Fiery Forest Disaster", as the students were naming it, was the icing on top of the cake of gossip surrounding the young man. Some students believed there were no assailants and he set fire to the forest out of spite or to get attention, which was, of course, preposterous. 
Silvia didn't think much of the various rumors, as she chose to believe her friend and benefactor over anyone else, and her friend sang his praises daily. For a young woman who was often soft spoken and of few words, Silvia thought it amusing how her friend could talk on and on if the topic was Remi Naslund.
Smiling wryly at the musing, she turned her focus to the celebration at hand and enjoyed the evening. 
Soon after the celebration was over, Silvia returned to her dorm room and flopped onto the bed, arms stretched out, her body exhausted. Smiling once more at the memories of the afternoon and throughout the evening, she closed her eyes and began falling asleep.
Knock, knock. 
Jolting awake at the sound of rapping on the door, Silvia sprang out of bed and gazed through the glass peephole in her door. Smiling at who had come to visit, she grabbed the silver orb nearby and unlocked the door.
"Welcome, Mistress. What brings you here this evening?"
After Silvia politely bowed in greeting her benefactor, she ushered the young woman inside and closed the door while locking it. 
"Please, have a seat anywhere you'd like. I can make some tea quickly, Mistress, if you desire some."
The young woman shook her head.
"No it's okay, Silvy, I don't need anything. Besides, didn't I tell you you didn't have to be my maid while we're at the Academy?" 
Frowning, Silvia didn't know how to respond to the question. It was a certainty that her mistress told her to stop her duties for the duration of their stay at the Academy, but it was something Silvia enjoyed doing. 
"You did, Mistress, but it is something I choose to do of my own volition, so long as we're in private. Unless it causes you discomfort?" 
Silvia asked, hoping she wasn't causing her mistress undue hardship. 
"No, it's fine Silvy, don't worry about it."
The young woman gave her a small smile, which made her heart leap with joy. Silvia, for years, had not seen this young woman smile on their long journey. It all changed upon their arrival to the Academy, where she reconnected with that man. 
"So, Mistress, what can I help you with?"
"I just came to congratulate you. I heard you won your Class Challenge single-handedly. Good job, Silvy."
The young woman smiled once again, and embraced Silvia who wore a stunned expression. The normally deadpan and aloof young girl was beginning to open up once more, as if the last several years of strife was being washed away. It brought tears to Silvia's eyes as she returned the hug in earnest.
"Ah, Silvy, you're squeezing me too hard!" 
Loosening her grip, Silvia released the young woman from her grasp slowly.
"Thank you, Mistress! I did my best as you advised, and was able to overcome this obstacle for my class. Even that man you admire was impressed by my performance and told me as much."
Reporting to the young woman happily, Silvia couldn't help but boast of her accomplishment. Seeing the smile fade from the young woman's face, Silvia thought she said something wrong.
"Mistress?" she asked with uncertainty. Not seeing her respond, she got more nervous. "Kat?"
"Oh, my, it's nothing, Silvy," she replied, shaking her head. "I was just thinking once more how terrible it was that Remi nearly died. The opponents he faced must have been serious trouble, but Rem and Lady Kari won't tell me anything. They don't trust me and I just want to help." 
The young woman frowned, while closing her eyes in thought. It hurt Silvia's heart to see and hear her in distress. Thinking of a potential solution, she voiced it to her mistress whose eyes lit up at the prospect.
After discussing it with Silvia, the young woman came up with the plan to visit and talk with Remi often while he was stuck in the infirmary. 
"You're right, Silvy! I'll do it." she exclaimed with vigor, which filled Silvia's heart with joy once more. 
Shortly after, the young woman took her leave for the evening to get some rest. Wearing a bright smile, Silvia got ready for sleep properly. After getting into her bed, she closed her eyes and whispered to herself,
"Good luck, my Lady Felspeth." 

In a dark, cavernous tunnel, two individuals were walking hand-in-hand.
With only a small Magicka Lamp to light their path, they walked carefully so as to not step into any of the several pitfalls laid throughout the expanse. 
Winding this way and that, the tunnel progressed further into the mountain nearby Aristes Magical Academy. 
The voice of the woman was soft, holding a degree of hesitance, as if she had something on her mind. Sarina Finnel, who held the woman's hand, answered back. 
"Mm? What is it, Lina?" 
"Do you think it was okay to lie to that boy yesterday?" 
Lina Vargel was feeling uneasiness well up inside her at the thought of making enemies of that young man. 
"You mean Mister Naslund? It's a calculated risk, Lina. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, and what doesn't hurt him will make him stronger, which is good for me. No, good for us."
Sarina replied while squeezing Lina's hand, who in answer squeezed back. Lina was unsure of what to make of the situation after being told of the boy's desire to help her that morning. She knew she did not know the young man very well, and only received bits of information about his situation from Sarina, but she felt as if the boy was not deserving of treatment he was getting from Sarina or her sister. 
"Besides," Sarina said. "I only told him a single lie. He will be of great help if he becomes cooperative to our endeavors, that much I am sure of."
Hearing her lover's confidence should have brought Lina peace of mind, but anxiety still swelled within her. The power that boy exuded at his young age frightened her, despite his good nature. If that man were to turn on Sarina or herself, she wouldn't be able to do anything; especially since her body can no longer manipulate aetherik due to her blunder decades ago. Beyond that, she did not dislike the boy after meeting him the other day. 
Thinking such things, Lina and Sarina took their time as they progressed through the tunnel, since they were in no hurry. Soon enough, though, they reached their destination. 
In front of them, placed perfectly between either side of the tunnel walls, was a large black mithril door. The door, like the tunnel itself, was roughly 3 meters tall and 5 meters wide. Next to the door on either side of it were two plated panels, with a hole in each the size of a fist. 
Sarina and Lina each took out from their pockets a fist sized orb of silver, then placed one in each hole in the panels. 
Shortly thereafter, an audible click was heard, followed by many more in quick succession. After several seconds of waiting, the door slowly slide aside, into a hole in the cavern wall.
They retrieved their orbs and the door slowly started sliding back into place. As it did so, the two walked through past it and entered into a vast hall chamber of carved marble and granite. The room was illuminated magnificently by various large Magicka Lamps spread throughout the walls as well as the ceiling. Several stone tables held magical devices and stacks of books and papers, loosely arrayed as if for referencing. 
On the far west end of the chamber held numerous small rooms, each with several spaced mithril bars as if to keep whatever was inside imprisoned. Inside a few of the rooms, the two individuals could see young men and women sleeping on the beds provided them.
On the northern end of the chamber were two huge rooms carved out of the mountain. In these, several trainees consisting of young men and women were lined up and being given instruction by men in military garb. Those trainees who didn't listen or failed to carry out orders were harshly rebuked and punished with whips and Magicka. 
One of the instructors, who was taking a break nearby, noticed the two individuals arrival and walked over to greet them. 
"Ah, Lady Finnel and Lady Vargel, welcome back."
A middle aged man with a serious and hardened face, muscular physique and dressed in green and black military garb stood before them. He had rust-colored eyes, fair skin and long pointed ears with short cropped brown hair. This man was Elias, a combat instructor from House Silverspire. 
Lina and Sarina greeted the man.
"Hello, Elias." 
"Elias, good to see you. How are things progressing here?" 
"Very well, Lady Finnel. The latest batch of recruits are nearly ready to be transferred. There are a few newcomers who will take some time, but that is why you brought me and my men here in the first place. We'll get them in shape soon enough."
"I see. Excellent news, Elias. I am sure my sister will be most pleased." 
Sarina smiled brightly at the man, making Lina's heart ache. She knew her lover was flirtatious at heart, but it still pained her to see that smile for anyone but her. 
"Of course. We're ahead of schedule, which she always appreciates." 
Giving her a wry smile, Elias looked as though he just remembered something. Sarina caught it immediately. 
"Elias? What is it?"
"Ah, there is one other thing to report, Lady Finnel," Elias said while scratching the back of his head. 
"One of the newcomers seems completely unfit for combat. While his Magicka potential is there, his body and mind are unsuited for this kind of work. It has only been a week, but my experience tells me he will be worthless in the long run. What should we do with him? Do you wish for me to press onward with his training?"
Thinking about it for a moment, Sarina shook her head. 
"Hmm. No, there is no need. We have plenty of others, so there is no reason to try and shape every square peg to fit a round hole. There are other ways to earn their compliance. So, which cell is he in?"
After being told the cell number, the two of them began walking over to the designated cell. 
Lina, who knew what these new recruits and captives were for, felt a bit of disgust at their treatment. She knew these people were important to Sarina's plan, but there was a feeling of discontent or perhaps regret in the way she was going about it. Lina felt there had to be a better way, but she couldn't think of one and had kept silent these past several years, much to her chagrin. 
As they approached the cell, Sarina and Lina lifted their Magicka Lamps to see a young, squat looking man with golden blond hair sitting on the bed, head in hands whilst weeping. Recognizing him, Lady Finnel grinned mischievously before speaking.
"Oh, Mister Rosmith," Sarina said, her tone filled with vexation. "How good to see you again."