Chapter 2 while being lost in the night with a predator,
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09/10/2019 – Common English Basic Version                                                      

A Poem About

“The Death and Creation of A New World”

                                                                                    As The Devil falls from heaven,

                                                                                        and crashed into the earth.


Chapter 2

 while being lost in the night with a predator,


His thought slowly crept up on him, when his mind is slipping between barely awake and drifting asleep.


-“Soo, peaceful…..Ffiinnaallyy….the….sCreAming have stop.”





--“….Wwaaiitt….Wait… If that monster have stop screaming, does it mean……that it’s dead?”

 ---“Oh, God I hope so!!”

“This is great! I can’t wait ‘til morning to see the face of that monster”]

Outside, the whistling wind passes through the silent hamlet. Silent…except for the crunching of leaves being trample beneath footsteps. The ominous aura is almost too intense for any living thing to withstand it. Once again, a wave of goose bumps travels down his spine, it as if a primal sense of fear is warning him.

He recoiled from the chilling sensations, he pulls both his knees into his chest, cover as much of his body with his cloak as possible, leaning against his rucksack in the fetal position.

[“Calm down, close your eye, and just get some sleep. Don’t worry it’s only the sound of the wind blowing, it’s nothing to be paranoid about.”]

His eyes are wide open, as he stares at the wooden wall in front of him, even though he could not see what is behind it, he could feel the creature’s presence.

[“It’s that monster again???….so it’s still alive?”]

“God Damn It!” He mutters underneath his breath.

……………He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

“Well, my life have never been easy before why would it be now?”         

He mutters to himself with a disappointed tone.            

[“Maybe there’s a back door to this house, I could sneak out and prepare to ambush him.”]

He begins to crawl toward the opposite side of the room, cautiously, and as silently as possible.

The sound of the window bursts open, shatter the silence and the blood drains from his face when he sees the creature stand about seven feet away, clutching a shovel in its right hand. With the moonlight shining on the creature through the broken window, from this distance, he could see its features.

The creature towers over him, with its two arms dangling past its knees, and an animal pelt draped over its shoulders. The taut skin on its boney arms looks like a man wearing a sweater that is two sizes too small for him, its sickly pale body resembles that of a cadaver, and shards of glass peppered its face. Trembling with fear, he set his eyes toward the door, his thought groaning in frustration. 

[“Oh Damn It!! How does it find me? Could it follow my scent?”

-“My escape route is cut off, I guess I have to get pass this monster again.”

--"Alright, I guess it’s time for a second round.”]

He stands up, and stares at the creature with intense focus. Looking for any opening, any opportunity to gain the upper hand. The creature breathes through its mouth, every time it exhales small, white, puff of air can be seen, and a low growling noise can be heard. Putting one hand into his rucksack, he pulls out an item and throws it at the creature’s chest. The creature sidesteps out of the way while lowering its body into squatting position, like a Bone-Plate Tiger ready to pounce on its prey. The creature lunges forward with its left arm out stretch forward, pointing its jagged claws at its prey’s lungs and throat. In a panic, he raises his right hand at the charging enemy, and shouts:


A flash of orange and yellow light lit up the room, its warm heat radiating through the cold empty spaces. He caught a glimpse of the creature’s features and he could almost see the creature’s mangled face. The sinister silence was once again broken by the sounds of the wooden wall collapsing, the smell of burnt flesh, a blanket of dust smothering the room while the cold air flooding in. He exits the house through the collapsed wall he just created, running as fast as he can, trying to get out of this hamlet while the crescent moon’s dim light still provides illumination. He rubs his eyes furiously to alleviate the stinging sensation from the dust that got in his eyes. It feels like there is a swarm of hornets beneath his eyelids. With each breath he takes, the cold breeze feels like glasses cutting his nostrils and throat, his lungs feels like it was stuffed with cobwebs, and steel wools. Occasionally the strong, burning scent of the alcohol-soaked cloth that wrapped around his face would slightly warm his nostrils and lungs.

[“Urgggg!!!! Damn It!!! My eye!!”

“Huff, huff, huff, Fairerball save me, again. Why do I even bother learning swordsmanship when most of my problem can be solve with a Fairerball?”

“I can’t believe that monster is nake[1] this whole time while it is fighting me, that’s kinda gross.”

-“I hope I didn’t touch its pee pee by accident.”

--“wait, was that really a monster? I mean, he could be a drug user who is high out of his mind. Maybe he didn’t bleed because it’s the side effect of whatever drug he was taking.”

---“I understand that feeling, I just wake up a few hour ago from eating some magic mushroom by accident.”

----“Well, does this mean I just kill an innocent person?”

“Hufff…Hufff…Hufff… I have to run faster. I need to get out of this village while the moon is still there. I’m not gonna go to jail, this is not my fault!”

-“If that guy just learn how to handle his drug he wouldn’t get hit in the face with a Fairerball.”

“I wonder what time....”]

“Arrgghh!!!” He yelped in surprise and in pain, putting both his hand in front of him to break his fall.

Even though he manages to brace himself with both of his hands, the fall still made him cough furiously as the air got knocked out of him. He slowly tries to get up as he chuckles to himself.

[“Hahaha, look at me, I’m glad no one was around to see that otherwise it would have damage my reputation….”

-“Wait, am I on fire?”

“Why does my shoulder feel like it’s burning?”]

When he touches his right shoulder, he feels the warm blood on his left hand, and the sensation of something warm rolling down his right arm. His eyes widen when he felt the sensation of pain as if something has penetrated his shoulder, he turns his head to see what it was. Then, his eyes widen as he sees a plank of wood embedded itself into his right shoulder, he grits his teeth to muffle his scream; not from the pain but from the shock of seeing such a gruesome object where it does not belong. He scrambles to get back on his feet and hides behind a house. Taking a few deep breaths, he gently touches the plank of wood but the sharp pain makes him hiss between his teeth and pull back his hand. He hovers his hand over his wound and whisper “Healing Light,” a pale orange aura glows from his hand and the wound slowly stops bleeding, the pain slowly fading away. Confused and shocked he tries to figure out when and how he was impaled by this plank of wood.

[“How????.....when??? When was I impale by this plank? Could it be a fragment from the wall when the Fairerball explode?”

-“No, it was the creature that fall into the wall, and the plank hit me from the back…. then that mean someone must have throw it….??”]

Suddenly, he heard a familiar sound of leaves rustling and trampling by footstep, accompanied by the sound of metal scraping soil and gravel. In a panic, he stops his healing spell and retreats from the approaching sound and hides behind one of the nearby houses.

[“Huff…huff…huff, looks like the bleeding have stop for now, I gotta be careful not to move my shoulder. I still gotta remove this plank somehow.”

“What kind of bullshit is this? How can it survive the Fairerball?”

-“Maybe, it’s because I Quick Cast the Fairerball spell that’s why the damage is weaker.”

--“But even a weaken Fairerball spell is enough to kill a normal person.”

“Sigh…Now, this monster is hunting me. It probably follow my scent again even in this windy weather… must be a pretty good tracker.”


“Wait! How did it track my scent so easily when it’s this windy?” 

-“Even a well-train hunting dog would have trouble tracking its prey under this kind of weather.”

“There is no way it could have hit me right on the shoulder like this! I’m wearing my rucksack on my back.”

-“I don’t think it was luck, that the monster was able to hit me.”

“Even with the moonlight, it’s still pretty dark, I was also running away from that house.”

-“… how did it throw that plank at me from that far away…..?”]

With a shiver down his spine, eyes widen, and both hands squeeze tightly together. His mind came to a distressing possibility of the disadvantage he is in.

[“…..What if…this monster could see in the dark?”]

With barely enough time to think about the situation he is in, his surrounding suddenly becomes darker.

[…….. “huh?” ……..

“Why is it getting darker?? Am I losing consciousness?

-“Was I being poison? Maybe it was the food that I eat, or the water.”

--“Could it be that creature’s ability? Could it be some kind of magic?”]

He then looks at the moon and sees that the clouds are slowly erasing the moonlight, his heart felt like it was sinking along with any hopes he has of fighting back against that monster. He is now enveloped in darkness; the cold breeze embraced him and tightly. Both his hands and legs are feeling stiff from the cold; trying not to make a sound, he slowly and carefully reaches out one of his hands to feel his surroundings and strains his ears to listen.

[“I don’t hear anything, maybe that monster finally leave?”


“Or is he still out there looking for me?”

-“Should I ignite my torch and make a run for it?”


“That monster will see me if I do that…. Even though, my mana is slowly returning to me, I still don’t have enough.”]

[-“At most can cast my Fairerball spell about three more time, assuming I don’t have to cast Healing Light.”


“Every time I fail to kill that monster it take advantage of me when I’m vulnerable. I barely get away from it, twice.”

“The first time I cut off its arm, I was able to retreat safely.”

-“The second time, when I use Quick Cast with Fairerball spell I believe it kill the monster.”

--"But it wasn’t enough and when I try to run away that monster throw a plank of wood at me.”

---“I don’t want to know what would happen the third time I fail to kill it.”

“In situation like this, I wish the echoing voice was here to give me advice.”

-“Even though sometime the advice isn’t always the best, but it’s always nice to have a different opinion to talk to.”



Suddenly, he came to a realization.

[“Wait, it was that echoing voice that tell me to explore this village, even though I didn’t want to.”

-“I want to leave, because I think this place is creepy but that echoing voice keep urging me.”

--“Now, I’m in this deadly situation and the voice is gone.”]

His blood start to rush to his head, his ears become red and he clench his fist.

[“I guess this is my fault for listening to that echoing voice, I bet the voice lure me into this village on purpose.”

-“I’m gonna make him pay for it after I survive this.”


“You!?!?!? Where have you been!?!?”


“Why should I listen to you!? I stupidly listen to your nagging and explore this village, now a monster is hunting me while you stay silent.”




        He takes in a deep breath and let out a sigh, knowing that the echoing voice suggestion was the best option to survive and to get out of this hamlet. He stood up, with both eyes filled with determination, he mutters to himself in a grave tone. 

“I’ve let that monster ambush me twice, but I won’t let it try the third time. I will be the one to kill that monster, and end this nightmare.”




After Note

It turns out the present tense of the word “naked” is “nake”. Yeah, I’m not kidding, I guess you learn something new each day.

-In this chapter, I would like to introduce a new mechanic called “Italicized”. Words that are Italicized are the name of spells, such as: Fireball, and Healing Light. I will introduce other concepts later.

            For this chapter, originally “he” was questioning if the creature could pick up his scent in cold temperatures. This leads me on an hour-long research involving what kind of temperature make it harder for an animal to pick up your scent. It turns out hot/dry climate made it difficult for animals to pick up your scent due to the lack of water molecules in the air, so I had to remove that line of questioning.

I’ve made a map to help you guys get a better picture of what the village would look like, this is not a one-to-one scale or 100% depiction of what the village would look like but it’s pretty close to what I have in mind. A few things are missing, for example, there should be a broken fence surrounding the village. The broken fence should be between the village and the Main Road from the South and West direction, the broken fence is also between the village and The Ditch (in the Northern direction).

This map was made on (I’m not sponsor by them) using their free version. I spent about 3-5 days editing this map, not because their program is difficult to use, I’m just very anal about the detail



Okay, for this segment there was supposed to be a map of the setting but for some reason, I couldn't post it or Copy and Paste it.

Don't worry guys, I'll figure something out and I'll post the map when it's done. I'll update you guys on my profile.

Also, my apology for not posting a video explaining the basic grammar of the world setting yet. 

I have an outline of what I wanted to say but it might end up being too long so I'm trying to trim it down to an appropriate time frame. I'll update you guys with the link on my profile when I post the video.


Map of “The First Village”- Full View


This map is called “The Map of The First Village” for now, until I reveal the village name later. In this map there’s a church, a windmill, a well, and the villagers’ houses. There should be a broken fence surrounding the village but Inkarnate doesn’t have that feature yet. This map was finished on April 4, 2020.


This is the original map, and I got to say I’m glad that I went through several revisions for this map. I completed this original map in 11/22/2018.




I might upgrade to the Pro (paid version) of Inkarnate in the future and update these maps. I’m also open to using other map-making programs if you guys have any recommendations.



  1. “He” could cast spells: Fireball (Fairerball) and Healing Light
  2. He can use Quick Cast
  3. He can cast the Fireball spell about 3 more times.
  4. The details and limitation of Quick Cast are still unknown.
  5. That creature could survive a Quick Cast Fireball at close range.
  6. It takes times for mana (I didn’t come up with this term, someone else invented it, I don’t know who I just know that this term has been around for a while) to regenerate.
  7. The clouds are blocking the moonlight and now he’s in the dark.
  8. He got a plank of wood embed into his right shoulder.
  9. The monster can see in the dark?
  10. He failed to kill the monster twice.




[1] “Nake” is the present tense of the word “naked”.