Ch7- One who opposes God!
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“Yes, but don’t worry. Everyone will be taught how to use ego armors to defend themselves against deadly attacks. And you will be given a chance to escape the battlefield in case your ego armor is broken”.

Isidora nodded her head and became silent.

“Any other questions? If not then I can go into detail about what each of your special abilities do and how to activate your ego armors”

Krisha raised her hand.


“Why is all this necessary? Can’t you just give us our wish for free?” she said sulkily.

Antonio frowned.

“Like I told you, I like hard workers and witty people”.

“So you discriminate people by wit and strength. Even tho, you’re the one who decided who is born with strength and wit?” said Krisha with a grin.

Antonio looked at her coldly.

“D-d-don’t listen to her. She was just joking. Of course, we understand why we have to work hard” said Daniel with a laugh and quickly rushed towards Krisha and whispered.

“What are you doing? Do you want to anger god himself? If we get on his grumpy side we will be at a huge disadvantage. So stop-”

“I’m not a coward and I’m not a moron. I know you’re not god. You can’t be” said Krisha with a smile.

Chitters and chatters consumed the hall.

“What are you saying? Of course, he is god! He literally showed me his awesome godly powers” yelled Daniel.

“Yeah, I don’t doubt that he is god at all” said Isidora.

“If he is such a godly figure. Why does he need us to sign a contract? And why does he need us to fight against one another?” asked Krisha coldly.

I myself couldn’t remain quiet.

“He explained it to me. He needs the contract so that we wouldn’t change our wish and argue with him on it. As for the fighting, that’s how everything in this world, goes right? The strong wins and the weak loses. That’s how nature works, and that’s how life is” I said grimly.
“You’re wrong”

I looked up to encounter Krisha’s confident smile. She looked at the serious looking Antonio on the screen and continued:

“We fight because there is no god. We fight because there is limited resources of water, food, land and wealth. If someone existed in the world who had the power to create anything they wish out of nothingness then we wouldn’t even need to struggle. If you are god and you can create anything you want out of nothingness, then you don’t need anyone to fight. You’re lying and hiding us your true intentions”

“Tch, you’re an annoying lady. Look, if you don’t believe me to be god, then be it. But don’t come begging for mercy when it’s convenient to you. I’m a nice god so I will allow you to run your mouth in this instance. But you will not like me when I’m angry” said Antonio. The last sentence sounded especially gritty. 

“O-Okay. P-please ignore what this idiot says, god. We will do everything you say and we will teach this idiot some manners” said Isidora as she placed her hand upon Krisha’s mouth.

Krisha angrily retaliated but Daniel also wrapped his arms around her to subdue her.

“Hey, let my sister go, will ya. Especially you! You mop headed playboy” yelled Jamal from the other table towards Isidora and Daniel.

“Ugh, umm sorry” said Daniel and jumped away from her.

Krisha pulled away Isidora’s hand from her mouth and spoke:

“I asked you to create another breathable and livable planet near earth. And I asked you to make the planet specifically out of nothingness and not just teleport a planet from a different universe or something. Why couldn’t you fulfill that wish? if you’re truly god then that shouldn’t have been a problem”      

“Hey lady! Creating living beings out of nothingness takes time and effort. And a single person wishing for something so big is not allowed. That’s too much privilege” said Antonio.      

“Why? Why is something like that considered privileged? The people of my country are starving. And they are crowded due to overpopulation. Another earth would simply fix all of our problems. The real reason you denied my proposal is because you couldn’t create another earth. You don’t have the strength or the knowledge to. Or you’re just that big of an asshole! A compassionate god would have fixed the problems of the earth without us asking about it.  We wouldn’t have need to risk our lives for your entertainment” said Krisha with frustration.

“No, he definitely can create something out of nothingness. He showed me the entire creation and destruction of an unpopulated city” I said with much confidence I can show.         

“City? Come on. We literally destroyed a far away unhabituated planet together” said Azumi cheerfully.  

“And we’re all here because of our own free will, remember? Can’t you be at least grateful that he is going to fulfill our wishes? If you keep acting like this, you’re making our team look bad” said Rodrigo scoldingly.

Krisha bit her lips and looked towards the floor with a grumpy face. She did not pose any more rebuttals.

“Now that that’s over, any other questions?" asked Antonio. 

There was a moment of silence. No one dared to ask a question.