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'...Came to 'reappear' three miles from where he 'disappeared' on the fourth of September.  He claims that something happened to him that he'd rather not disclose to the public...'

Hero let out a snort and put down the paper. Rolling his eyes, he took another drink and sat back in his chair.

That guy is lucky, Hero thought, at least he might actually leave here soon.

When someone is suddenly taken by 'aliens' that is when you know who that 'person' is...They are a prisoner...And the 'aliens' that came were actually just one of us that was wondering if they had done enough time, like what we call here on Earth as 'parole' or whatever...

Lucky bastard...

Putting down his drink, perhaps a little too hard, Hero took a deep breath, knowing dam well that he will probably never get the chance to be on parole, simply because as far as he was aware, he was here, on Earth, probably forever...


Getting up, after leaving change on the table for his coffee, Hero walked out and stood to the side of the door when he got out.

He didn't know what to do anymore, he was just a wanderer. He had been bad, been good, been 'boring' and...Well, you name it, he's probably done it! He’s felt better being here in prison, simply because he’s able to feel, but then again, he has gone to hating his time here so much that he has probably added to his prison sentence by killing other people…

He's been rich, poor, sickly, assassinated and poisoned…

He's gone up Mount Everest twice, and that is all it's ever going to be!

He can play piano, sing, do paintings and tell stories like those old story tellers in historical days...Yeah, the list of what Hero had accomplished all these years here in prison was pretty long, just like it would be for other prisoners. Even for those who can't remember but are indeed a real prisoner here, they act different... Prisoners sct like things don't scare them as much as the last generations did...You know...Like how some scary or horror movies were ‘great’ or ‘five stars’ fifty years ago but now aren't so scary anymore, yeah, it's because you've been there, done that...Well, that was Hero's idea and reasoning anyway...


Having been punished to Earth thousands of years ago, it's not like Hero wasn't used to being a bit bored, it was more so that he wasn't really changing anyway, even if he was put on parole...He still got angry, he still got...Angry!

Living here, it wasn't like he was getting rid of his emotions, no…He had been learning how to live with them...And he was so angry upon finding that out! But what could he do, he just simply could not shut them out!

Why not, why can't he!? Living life without all the fucked-up emotions and perhaps how that they have put him here on Earth in the first place, he'd probably...Well, he wouldn't be here, thousands of years of...


Feeling something trickle down his face, he wiped at the sweat and sighed.

As a puny 'human' he had to deal with this...This climate! As a normal Unigal, with their ultra, extra 'skin', as the humans would call it, any type of climate wouldn't matter but without it, it was like we were naked!

So naked that something to cover us was invented very quickly!

Why...Why hadn't he just suicided and forgotten about why he was here? He could be like that stupid man that had no idea upon why he had 'disappeared'! If he had remembered that he was in fact part of the race that had taken him for a short time, it probably wouldn’t have been all over the news, as knowledge of the Unigals had been kept quiet in the last thousand years. Yet, if one suicides, they don’t even know this easy fact…

Wouldn't living be easier then? Or just as hard because, it’s so obvious that our emotions seem to not disappear…Even if you don’t remember!


Well, what he thought most of what he needed right now...Was air con!

It was too hot here, perhaps he should leave Australia and go back to...To...Where?

Maybe go to Holland before it disappears?

The waters were rising, and Holland had some good places to go...Perhaps he could chill out and go back to smoking pot again for a change...

Whatever it was, Hero dragged his arse back to where he was staying and perched it to a chair in a room with air con!


That's right, Earth is prison, and a prisoner is bound to reincarnate over and over again as punishment...

As the new generation, that aren't prisoners but are born through them or their children, they would not understand…But for those who have to endure through this, this ‘unending’ type of punishment, it was and probably still is, the harshest punishment that their race, the Unigals, has ever had to do...