CHAPTER I: Intruder in the Forest
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Okay first things first: My family before I was born were natural born vampires and when I was born nurses and doctors were certain that mum would die giving birth to me but as she always does, she proved those fuckers wrong and I was born all healthy. By the time reached two-years-old I started teething but not like normal humans, I started getting my first two front fangs and boy were they sharp little mongrels. I chewed almost anything that I could sink my fangs into, I was like a puppy without a leash. Okay, time to get into the real story. I have bored your pretty little minds enough with this backstory which I am certain it makes sense now kind of. I really do not care.


In the early hours of the morning, I am rudely disturbed by shouting voices that sounded like they were coming from downstairs. I jump up out of bed and chuck on some crappy clothes and race downstairs to see what the actual fuck is going on. Everyone was bitching over who got who for breakfast…. No, we do not eat one another because that would be fucking brutally disgusting although at sometimes, I just want to tear open one of my many siblings’ heads and taste their dead little brain but…. I doubt that they would have a brain. I chose to now step in and say something well not really say something, but I yell something to get over their stupid fucking voices; “OI CUNTS, JUST PICK A HUMAN AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT. IT IS NOT LIKE IT IS YOUR LAST FUCKING MEAL”! Everyone knew that once I pipe into an argument that they have either pissed me off or rudely disturbed me. They all shut their gobs and started feasting. Before I head on back up to my room “Don’t forget to pack several blood bags for the trip to Australia.” No one even heard me which is typical of this fucked up family…. Oh wait! If this family is fucked up, then why am I a part of this fucked up family. Hell, with you all. I grab a blood bag that we stole from the hospital a few nights ago, it should be fine it does not expire just yet not at least for a few days. Off I go back up the million and one stairs. “THEY SHOULD BUILD A FUCKING LIFT. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WALKING UP AND DOWN THESE FUCKING STAIRS”! Little fact about me; I bitch about anything and everything because everything in this family of mine pisses me off. I am partly the only normal one in this fucked up family I call mine. I reach my room as I entered, I feel the beautiful breeze coming from my window before I decide to walk in, I choose to indulge the beautiful breeze. As I make my way into my bedroom slamming the door shut. I flop lazily on my bed and let out the largest and loudest sigh of relief as I am exhausted from dealing with this family shit. I climb up on to my windowsill and freefall to the ground, as I land perfectly on the ground below, I run off into the distance deep into the forest and climb up a tree and perch on a branch and close my eyes and breathe in the sound of nature. My God it is so beautiful up here alone nothing but trees and wildlife. This is my usual alone space that I come to when there are family dramas amongst the family. Just then I hear the crackling sound of breaking branches, it is now that I realise that I am not alone in my usual calming environment a possible intruder to my land that I claimed years ago. I run after the intruder and just like that I caught up with them, they had equipment that looked like vampire hunting gear, was I being hunted down by this vile species. Never have I even heard of vampire hunters in all my years of being a vampire not once was vampire hunters mentioned. I could not compel him due to him wearing some kind of herbal based crap that whenever I tried touching him it burnt me. “Let me go, you vile beast. May God rein hell upon you and your kind.” This pissed me off because I could not feed on him, I cannot compel him, and he is obviously a trained hunter and I am a trained vampire but never was told about vampire hunters, so I do not know how to deal with this issue. Just then I heard more sounds of branches breaking in the distance and suddenly they appeared it was three of my many siblings. “Gracie my dear darling, are you hurt”? says Jason. “No, my brother I am unharmed as of yet, but I have never been told and not any of this vampire hunter business was mentioned or brought up in conversations, so I do not know how to deal with this kind of crap.” Jason and Narelle look up at me and smile, so I return one back. “All we care about Gracie is that you are alright”! I look at the hunter who begins to speak “I mean you no harm if you do not harm me, I will go and none of my other hunters will know that you walk among us.” Jason, Narelle, and Jackson started pissing themselves laughing and I did not know or understand why. “What are you laughing at? He literally just offered us freedom and yet you all laugh back in his face. Why”?  “We never let hunters go, they have one rule. Always report your outings and sightings to every hunter out there.” Said Narelle. I was too busy looking at Jason, Narelle, and Jackson but when I turned around the hunter had vanished. “AFTER THAT HUNTER”! yelled Jackson. Jason and Narelle agreed and ran ahead, and I followed in their footsteps. We ran the forest all day trying to find the runaway hunter all the way through till nightfall. The hunter had gone. And we had to run. We all ran back home and warned the others. Immediately everyone packed their shit and threw their suitcases and bags at the front doorstep. Once again, we had to run. Kind of made home here in this 20-30-bedroom mansion.