Aiden was frozen in place as he once again ended up on top of Min – twice in one day. Min was groaning underneath Aiden as his back started aching. Aiden’s heart was beating fast, from the running he did and the adrenaline pumping through his body. His eyes were focused on Min’s face, who was clearly in pain from the collision and the impact on the pavement, for some reason, Aiden couldn’t move a muscle due to the shock of the sudden collision that happened.
“Jasper! The Hunter team is coming!” Mingyu called out to Jasper who quickly released Bank from his embrace, before walking down the step he was on to help Aiden up before the Hunter team gets closer. Jasper quickly got Aiden up, before extending his arm to help Min up from the ground. Min just brushed the pain off and gave his usual smile, an attempt to not worry everyone else who was with them.
“Are you okay Aiden?” Jasper asked as he faced Aiden after getting Min back up on his feet.
“I’m fine” Aiden sighed as he brushed the dirt off from his polo, as he turned around to look at the approaching Hunter team carrying a shoulder mounted camera.
Jasper then turned towards Min, who was brushing the dirt on the back of his shirt off, “You okay Min?”
“Yeah, I’m good. No harm done” Min responded with a smile in his face, hiding the pain he was obviously feeling in his lower back. Just as Min responded to Jasper, Aiden turned his head slightly towards where Min was standing, giving him a cold gaze, with small hints of concern.
As Aiden stared at Min, the Hunter team finally approached the group in front of Gerry’s Grill. The leader of the team, then held out a microphone in front of Aiden, the team’s camera crew behind her focusing the camera on Aiden.
“Aiden, we’re currently broadcasting live on MJU Hottest, can you give a comment about the hotties with Mingyu?” the leader of the Hunter team asked Aiden, who was clearly annoyed at the prospect of being caught by a Hunter team.
Aiden clicked his tongue, “There’s nothing to comment about. All I would like to say is that these International Students are under the supervision of the Student Council, and under the shared jurisdiction of the International Student Organization and International Student Council, hence it would be appreciated if the Hunters would give our International Students some space and privacy” Aiden responded with his cold tone.
“Then let me address this to you, as the President of the International Student Organization” the leader of the Hunter team reiterated.
“As the President of the International Student Organization, I would echo the same statement I had said as President of the Student Council. Give our International Students space and privacy, while there is much leeway that has been given to the Hunters when it comes to our domestic students, I would like to say that the same treatment cannot be fully extended to our International Students” Aiden responded.
“Are you trying to say that the Hunters cannot interact with the International Students?” the leader of the Hunter team followed up.
“Respecting the International Students’ space and privacy is not the same as forbidding you from interacting with them. You must consider the difference in culture, norms and traditions; while it may be okay for our domestic students to be rushed like this, though I can’t say that with full certainty, this could be taken as offensive and rude to some of our International Students. Do bear in mind that this is the first time that MJU is accepting International Students, if the inaugural batch gets offended with the way you do things, not only would it affect our future International Student enrollment, it would also damage the image of our university in the eyes of our partner universities abroad. Use your heads, don’t be stupid! All of you are students of Mount Juliet University, and the manner you conduct yourselves as students of Mount Juliet, reflects upon the university!” Aiden replied, his voice cold and stern.
The leader of the Hunter team was left speechless, as she lowered her arm that was holding the mic, looking at the ground, realizing the Aiden’s words, albeit cold and harsh, did make sense. Mingyu, Jasper, Min, Ball, and Bank just stood quietly behind Aiden as they listened to his response to the questions that were thrown at him, there was silence between the two groups as bystanders started gathering around them. Grace, Moira, Angela, Katrina, Aaron, and Kobe who were watching from the Student Council room were taken aback by the forcefulness of Aiden’s words, but were not surprised at all with how he reacted.
Before anyone else could speak or react, one of the Hunter team’s member took her phone out and looked at it, seemingly receiving a message. A few seconds later, she tapped the Hunter team’s leader and whispered in her ear. The Hunter team leader then nodded her head before facing her camera crew and gestured the throat-slash sign signaling them to stop broadcasting. Her camera crew promptly complied, as Amy and the 6th ROTC company arrived.
Before leaving the area, the leader of the Hunter team faced Aiden again and immediately apologized for her actions as she and her team walked away from Aiden and his group. As the Hunters walked away, Amy approached Aiden, with the 6th behind her awaiting orders from Aiden.
“Sir, apologies for our late arrival” Amy said panting, “Your orders Aiden?”
“Does the 6th have a medic?” Aiden asked Amy, his voice a little calmer, but still had coldness to it.
“Yes” Amy responded as she turned around and faced the 6th, “Medic, front and center!” Amy called out as the company’s medic came running from behind the formation.
“Ma’am!” The medic said as she stood in attention, giving Amy and Aiden a salute.
“Do you have an instant cold pack in your Butt pack?” Aiden asked the medic.
“Yes, sir” the medic responded as she opened her pack to retrieve the cold pack.
“Attend to that International Student over there, possible lumbago and bruises” Aiden said as he pointed at Min, who was just looking at Aiden, Amy and the medic. Mingyu, Jasper, Ball, and Bank confused as to what was happening.
“Yes sir, right away” the medic complied as she headed towards where Min is standing.
“Can you turn around for me please?” the medic told Min as she took out a small flashlight and the instant cold pack from her Butt pack. Min looked confused as he looked at Aiden who just gave a slight nod, signaling him to do what the medic was asking.
“Can you raise your shirt up, so I can see your lower back” the medic requested as Min raised his shirt a little bit, exposing his toned obliques, and lower back, as well as the garter of his Calvin Klein underwear. The medic slightly blushed seeing Min’s back and exposed underwear, as she turned on her flashlight, revealing multiple red bruises on Min’s lower back.
“Sir, we have multiple bruising in the lumbar area. I would need a larger cold pack to cover this” the medic reported as she turned towards Aiden.
“How many instant cold packs do you have?” Aiden asked.
“I have four in my pack sir” the medic responded.
“Use all of it and wrap an ace bandage to hold it in place” Aiden ordered as the medic placed the small flashlight in her mouth, pulling elastic gloves from her pack before grabbing all the instant ice pack she had with her. She then squeezed each of the instant ice pack to activate it and the placed two ice pack at a time on Min’s lower back as she wrapped the bandage around Min’s abdomen, securing the ice packs in place.
“Deploy the 6th and disperse these people” Aiden ordered Amy as the company medic tended to Min’s back. Amy then gave the order to the company commander to initiate crowd dispersal operations.
As Amy gave her orders, Aiden leaned towards her and whispered, “Who is that medic Amy?”
Amy looked at Aiden, who seemed like he was slightly blushing as he was whispering to her. Amy paused for a bit before she responded, “Oh, Cadet-Corporal Jane Domingo, 28th Medical Detachment, MJU ROTC Medical Brigade. Sophomore – Nursing Major”.
“Right” Aiden responded, standing up right again as he watched the 6th disperse the crowd around them.
“Alright, you’re good to go” Cadet-Corporal Domingo said as she secured the ace bandage and lowered Min’s shirt, grabbing the flashlight from her mouth before turning it off and returning it in her pack. As she finished patching up Min, Cadet-Corporal Domingo returned to where Amy and Aiden were.
“Sir, first aid has been administered” Cadet-Corporal Domingo reported as she gave a salute.
“By the way Cadet-Corporal Domingo” Aiden said as Jane lowered her arm, “Don’t blush too much when you’re wrapping an ace bandage around any of our students, domestic or international” Aiden added, his face slightly blushing. Jane’s face suddenly turned extremely red as Amy blushed as well, covering her mouth with her right hand as she looked at Jane, then Aiden.
“That’s all Cadet-Corporal, dismissed” Aiden responded saluting with just his index and middle finger before Cadet-Corporal Domingo walked away to rejoin her unit for dispersal operations. As Jane walked off, Amy leaned towards Aiden and whispered, “Where you just blushing Aiden?”.
“Mention this to anyone and I’ll have you court-martialed Cadet-Major” Aiden responded as he cleared his throat, composing himself before walking towards Mingyu and the others, Amy snorted with laughter as she followed Aiden.
“What was that all about?” Mingyu asked, still holding onto the food from the restaurant.
“You and Jasper messed up is what” Aiden responded; his arms crossed as he looked at Mingyu.
“What do you mean?” Jasper chimed in, curious as to what Aiden was talking about.
“The #6 and #10 in the Hunter’s Hottest Student Rank uploading a group selfie on their Instagram and Facebook that included Min, Ball, and Bank; did you really think that would go unnoticed by the Hunters, the LGBTQ+ community, and your fans?” Aiden said coldly as Mingyu and Jasper silently mouthed “Shit”.
“Did you even think of what could’ve happened to Min, Ball, and Bank if you guys got rushed by the Hunters and students from campus?” Aiden added. Mingyu and Jasper could only lower their heads as Aiden fussed.
“Also, is there a particular reason both of your phones can’t be reached? Katrina and Aaron have been trying to call you to warn you about the Hunters, but none of you were answering” Aiden continued.
“About that” Mingyu said as he started scratching the back of his head, smiling awkwardly before continuing, “Jasper and I were charging our phones on my portable charger, and we placed it on airplane mode to make it charge faster”.
Aiden gave out a huge sigh, his expression was particularly hard to read. Even Mingyu and Jasper, who has known Aiden for a long time doesn’t know what to expect. Aiden sounded annoyed and exasperated, and no one knows how he would react next. Amy was just standing behind Aiden, her feet spread at least a foot apart, both her hands behind her back, as the 6th MJU ROTC Company finished clearing the bystanders around them and setting up a perimeter.
Aiden took a deep breath and exhaled, placing his hands on his hips, “It’s fine. At least I made it here first before the Hunters did”, Aiden coldly said, his expression returning to normal – expressionless. Mingyu stepped down from the steps he was standing on, giving the plastic bag with food in it to Min, before running towards Aiden and giving him a hug.
“Aideeeeeeeeeeeeen! I’m sorrrrrrry!” Mingyu cried as he embraced his best friend in front of everyone.
“Let go you idiot! Don’t touch me!” Aiden resisted as Jasper looked on with a smile, knowing that Mingyu is one of the rare people that Aiden would allow to invade his personal space like that. Amy, Min, Ball, and Bank looked on, surprised that Mingyu could touch Aiden so freely without any serious repercussions.
“Let go of me Mingyu!” Aiden said as he lightly shoved Mingyu away, looking a little flustered, “Don’t go near me when I’m sweaty and sticky like this” Aiden added, as he gave Mingyu a cold gaze.
Mingyu laughed, scratching the back of his head, “Yeah, yeah. I know, you don’t like people going near you when you sweat like that”. Aiden intensified his gaze at Mingyu, so intense that the coldness of the stare almost pierced Mingyu’s soul. Jasper started laughing as Aiden and Mingyu squabbled. Bank, Ball, Min, and Amy started laughing as well as they watched the childish-like argument happening in front of them. Just as everyone was laughing, the company commander of the 6th MJU ROTC Company walked towards Amy and gave her a report of the situation.
“Ma’am, Cadet-Major Montanillo reports breakaway students heading towards our position, numbering between 20 – 40. They’ll be bearing down on us in about 5 – 6 minutes” the company commander reported as Amy called out to Aiden, breaking the laughter around them.
Aiden turned his attention towards Amy, “What is it?” His tone shifting to a more serious one.
“The 9th company reports breakaway students numbering between 20 – 40, bearing down on our position. ETA 5 minutes” Amy reported.
Aiden quickly grabbed the radio clipped on his jeans as he radioed in to the Student Council room, “Grace, come in, this is Aiden”
“This is Grace, go ahead” Grace radioed back.
“Send Katrina, Aaron, and Kobe to the main entrance of the Student Center. We’re heading back with Mingyu, Jasper, Min, Ball, and Bank. Expect Student Hordes in pursuit. ETA 6 – 7 minutes. Over and Out” Aiden responded as he clipped his radio back on his jeans.
“Roger that, Student Council room copies all, over and out” Grace responded as the transmission ended. Aiden looked at Mingyu and Jasper as they nodded in acknowledgement, knowing what they were about to do, and what they needed to do.
“Min, Ball, Bank!” Mingyu called out as the trio walked towards where he was standing, Jasper following close behind.
“We’re heading back to the Student Center, but we’re expecting some pursuers, stick close to Aiden and keep up with the pace, understand?” Mingyu explained as he stood behind Aiden, with Min, Ball, Bank, and Jasper forming a line behind him in that order. When the line was completed, Mingyu tapped Aiden’s shoulder twice in quick succession, indicating that they were ready to move out.
“6th Company!” Aiden called out as the entire company clicked their heels together in attention.
“Assume modified testudo formation!” Aiden ordered as the 6th MJU ROTC Company created a barrier that resembled a turtle, protecting Amy, Aiden, Mingyu, Min, Ball, Bank, and Jasper. There were two layers of cadets that made up the barrier, an outer layer that acted as the main barrier, and the inner layer that acted as the secondary barrier. Unlike the protective formation that Katrina, Mingyu, Jasper and Aaron used with Aiden, and the formation that Grace, Katrina, and Amy used with Min on the first day of classes, the “modified testudo formation” was meant to protect multiple people at once.
The original testudo formation would typically require a shield to ensure protection from all sides. The modified testudo formation is a concept that was created by Cadet-Major Amy Del Rosario to protect members of the Student Council and other high-level students that were prone to being chased by MJU students. The outer layer has a loose formation, while the inner layer has a close-knit formation, this enables the outer layer to peel off as needed to hold any students trying to enter the defensive area. As the outer layer slowly peels off, the remaining cadets within the outer layer would fill in weakened gaps, if there are not enough cadets in the outer layer, cadets from the inner layer would transfer to the outer layer, reducing the original size of the inner layer to compensate for the outer defenses, this all happens while the formation is in constant motion.
“Are you all ready?” Aiden asked Mingyu, Jasper and the Thai students as they nodded their heads in acknowledgement. As Aiden confirmed the readiness of the others, he tapped Amy’s shoulder thrice in quick succession to let her know they were ready to move out.
“6th Company! Student Center main entrance - Double time, March!” Amy ordered as the entire company, along with Amy, Aiden, Mingyu, Min, Ball, Bank, and Jasper moved at a jog’s pace towards MJU.
At the main gate of MJU, Cadet-Major Montanillo was holding back some of the students who were trying to rush towards where Aiden and his retinue were, as a cadet from the 9th reported that the 6th was approaching in a modified testudo formation. After hearing the report, Alexis decided to break the 9th company in half, leaving the other half to hold the crowds back, while the remaining half under his command would clear the way towards the Student Center for the 6th to expedite their movement.
As the 6th entered the university through the main gate, they almost instantaneously lost 60% of their outer layer, reducing the size of the formation as they jogged towards the Student Center. As they got closer and closer to their destination, more and more students started converging towards their location, by the time they got a clear view of the Student Center, the 6th lost 85% of its entire formation and the inner layer has started showing cracks.
As the group was within a few meters of the entrance, another wave of students came in from the direction of the hedged area behind the Student Center, the remaining 15% of the 6th broke off from formation to intercept the new wave of students. After losing their final cover, everyone made a mad dash towards the entrance, where Aaron and Kobe where holding the door open, Katrina holding one of the elevators open to aid their immediate escape to the Student Council room.
As soon as everyone entered the Student Center, everybody rushed in the elevator, Aaron and Kobe being the last to enter, as soon as everyone was inside, Katrina immediately closed the doors and hit the “3” button on the elevator panel. As the elevator ascended, the members of the regrouped 9th and 6th stopped the hordes of students before they could enter the Student Center. Amy, Aiden, Mingyu, Min, Ball, Bank, and Jasper were catching their breathes as they rode the elevator up. Bank was visibly out of breathe, given that he’s not used to jogging long distances without stopping, and then suddenly running. Amy who is an ROTC officer is used to physical exercises, so she wasn’t catching her breathe as much as Bank was; this was the same for Mingyu, Jasper, Min, and Ball who had athletic backgrounds. Aiden, for some reason, was breathing normally, even though he’s not part of any athletic team, or any extracurricular that requires a lot of physical activity.
As they reached the 3rd floor, Grace and Moira were waiting in front of the elevator, ushering everyone towards the Student Council room to give everyone a chance to breathe, and rest following their crazy escape from the MJU students chasing after Mingyu, Jasper, Min, Ball, and Bank. As everyone entered the Student Council room, Angela had already placed a container of cold bottles of water on top of the conference table. Amy, Mingyu, Min, Ball, Bank, and Jasper grabbed a bottle each, while Aiden went straight to his office to grab his cup of coffee that he left there earlier.
Ball and Min placed the plastic bag full of food from Gerry’s Grill on top of the conference table, as Mingyu, Jasper, and Bank sat on the couch beside the door, drinking the water bottle they just took. Ball and Min both pulled a chair each from the conference table, taking a seat as they opened their cold bottle of water.
Aiden then came out of his office, with the cup of coffee in his hand, “Moira” he called out.
“Yes?” Moira responded as he looked at Aiden.
“Get in touch with Oscar and Prince, setup a meeting with them tomorrow. Check my master schedule and see if I have any free slots” Aiden instructed his Chief of Staff before turning towards Angela.
“Angela, write down what I’m about to dictate. This will be disseminated to all communication channels immediately – High Priority” Aiden added as he took a sip of his now-cold coffee.
“To All members of the Mount Juliet University Student Body:
In order to ensure the continuing peace, order, and stability within the university, and to ensure the safety of our students, especially our International Students, the Mount Juliet University Student Council is requesting that students, clubs, organizations, and other recognized groups and associations exercise maximum restraint in “stanning” our International and Domestic Students.
For the first two days of the semester, the Mount Juliet University ROTC Brigade have been dispatched for crowd control operations repeatedly due to some of our over-passionate students. We can’t move forward with this academic year with our ROTC being continually deployed to hold off our “stanning” students. All of us must do our part to control ourselves and restore the equilibrium between proper etiquette and our unique student culture here at Mount Juliet.
Our newly admitted International Students have not experienced our unique culture here at the university, and so I ask everyone to not further add to the culture shock that our International Students are feeling. To that end, I will be working with the appropriate parties to regulate interactions that pertains to the International Students and find a compromise that would present a scenario that are acceptable to all stakeholders involved.
Until a resolution has been made, the Student Council asks our students to limit their interactions with the International Students only to matters that pertains to academics in general.
Thank you for everyone’s understanding in this matter.
Best Regards,
Aiden Kobayashi
President, Mount Juliet University Student Council”
“Did you get all of that?” Aiden asked as he looked at Angela who was still writing down what he said.
“Yes, I got all of it. I’ll go ahead and format this and send it out immediately” Angela responded as she wrote down the last of what Aiden just said.
“Go ahead and send that out. The last thing we need tomorrow is for us to mobilize the ROTC again, we need to reign in our students before this blows out of proportion” Aiden added.
As Angela finished writing down what Aiden has dictated, she immediately went to the control room, right next to the kitchenette, where the PA system and all communication equipment of the Student Council are located and stored. Just as Angela entered the control room, Moira came out of her office and walked towards Aiden to give him an update about the meeting with the leaders of the Hunters.
“Aiden” Moira said as she stood beside the Student Council President, “Oscar and Prince are willing to meet tomorrow around lunch, would that work for you?”
“Yes. Tell them to meet us here at the Student Council room tomorrow” Aiden instructed Moira as she returned to her office.
“So, Mingyu. What do you plan on doing with all this food?” Grace asked, as she looked at Mingyu who was drinking the last ounce of water from his bottle.
“Is everyone hungry? We could all share it” Mingyu offered as he responded to Grace’s question.
“I’m just curious as to why you didn’t just eat this at the restaurant earlier” Grace added.
“Oh, we were gonna go to Min, Ball, and Bank’s suite to eat all this food when Aiden literally ran into Min on our way out” Jasper interjected, still sitting on the couch.
“Is that so?” Grace commented before looking at Aiden, “What do you want to do? Technically we can’t have random students here unless it’s official Student Council business”
“Do what you all want, I could make an exception just this once. Besides, it’s the least we could do for Min, Ball, and Bank, we did drag them into all of this trouble” Aiden sighed as he walked towards his office.
“I’m guessing you’re not joining us then?” Grace asked before Aiden could enter his office.
“No” Aiden blandly replied before heading inside his office, closing the door as he entered.
“Is Aiden okay?” Ball asked, a little worried about Aiden.
“Let him be, that’s just how Aiden is” Grace replied as he looked at Aaron and Katrina, “We should still have paper plates and plastic utensils in the kitchenette, right?”
“I think so, I’ll check it out. Aaron, Mingyu, Amy, come help me” Katrina said as he called on Aaron and Mingyu to help her in the Kitchenette.
As Katrina, Amy, Aaron, and Mingyu entered the kitchenette, Jasper, who was still sitting on the couch with Bank checked on the other boy, who was already breathing normally, and seemed like was able to rest a bit after the crazy escape they just went through.
“Are you okay Bank?” Jasper asked as he placed his hand on Bank’s head. Bank blushed a little bit as he suddenly remembered what happened in front of Gerry’s Grill.
“Y-yes, thank you P’Jasper” Bank said as he averted eye contact with Jasper.
“What’s P’Jasper?” Jasper chuckled.
“Oh, in Thailand that’s how we usually address our seniors or people who are older than us” Min interjected as he swiveled the chair he was sitting on to face Jasper and Bank.
“You don’t have to call me P’Jasper you know” Jasper chuckled as he ruffled Bank’s hair, making the other blush a little bit more.
“I think you’re age is higher than mine” Bank responded as he turned his gaze towards the floor, his ears starting to turn red.
“You mean I’m older than you?” Jasper said as he kept ruffling the other boy’s hair.
“Bank’s English isn’t as fluent as mine and Min’s. He speaks basic words and understand some conversations, but anything than that he has a hard time understanding” Ball chimed in as he swiveled his chair as well to face Jasper and Bank.
“I think you are older than Bank, he’s only 18” Min added, to the surprise of Grace, Jasper, and Moira who just stepped out of her office.
“I didn’t think Bank was that young” Moira said as she walked towards where Min and Ball were sitting.
“Yeah, he’s our youngest” Ball responded.
“He’s so tall though” Grace added as he looked at Bank.
“Now that I think about it, the three of you are really tall” Moira said.
“Yeah. I’m 185 cm, Ball is 190cm, and Bank is 181cm” Min said surprising Grace, and Moira.
“Do you guys play any sports?” Jasper asked as he took his hand off Bank’s head.
“I used to play soccer when I was in middle school and High school, then when I went to the United States, I played American Football, Golf and Badminton” Min responded.
“I played basketball, soccer, and table tennis in Middle school and High school, but I stopped when I entered college to focus more on my studies” Ball said.
“What about you Bank?” Jasper asked.
“He doesn’t play much sports, he’s into books, YouTube videos, cooking, baking, and collecting car models. He was a member of the music club back in Thammasat University” Ball interrupted before Bank could answer.
“Oh? Really? We have a music club here too Bank! You should definitely join” Grace sounded excited.
“Yeah, Grace here is in the music club” Moira said.
“Bank plays the guitar and is a really good singer” Min added as Bank reacted out of embarrassment.
“Really? Maybe you should join our band! We’re looking for a vocalist and another bass player” Jasper suggested to Bank who was still looking at the floor.
“That sounds like a good idea” Moira said as she grabbed one of the free chairs by the conference table.
“You should do it Bank!” Min said coaxing Bank into joining.
“I think you’d make a great addition to their band” Ball followed up.
“Oh, I have an idea! Grace, do we still have that guitar in the storage room from last year?” Moira asked
“I think it should still be there. Why?” Grace responded, wondering what Moira was planning.
“Maybe we could have Bank audition right now. Aaron is here too, so they could see if Bank is good enough to join their band” Moira suggested to the agreement of, Min, Ball, and Jasper.
“You know what, that’s a good idea. Let me check” Grace said as she walked towards the storage room, on the other side of the Student Council room
As Grace headed to the storage room, everyone’s phone started buzzing and an email notification sound filled the room. A few seconds later, Angela walked out of the control room, finally finishing sending the message that Aiden wanted sent.
“That took a little longer than expected” Angela said as she stepped out of the control room, “Where did everyone go?”
“Katrina, Amy, Aaron, and Mingyu are in the kitchenette looking for paper plates and plastic utensils, Aiden is in his office, and Grace went to the storage room” Jasper said.
“Did I miss anything?” Angela asked as she pulled a chair beside Moira.
“Mingyu is sharing the food they bought earlier, Aiden said it was okay. Grace went to the storage room to look for the guitar that was left there by the previous Student Council” Moira said.
“Oh? What’s the guitar for?” Angela asked.
“Apparently, Bank is in the music club back in their home university, Jasper is trying to get Bank to join their band. So, I suggested he does an impromptu audition here” Moira replied.
“I found it!” Grace called out as she stepped out of the storage room, holding the guitar with her left hand as she ran back towards where Jasper and Bank were sitting.
“Awesome!” Jasper said as Bank started getting nervous.
“Here you go Jasper!” Grace said as she handed Jasper the guitar, “I don’t know if it’s tuned though”
Jasper strummed the guitar, and it was indeed out of tune. It took him a few minutes to get it tuned before strumming the strings again to make sure his adjustments were correct.
“Do you have a song you want to sing?” Jasper asked as he looked at Bank.
“Do Photograph by Ed Sheeran, you like singing that, right Bank?” Ball suggested.
“I only know the chords for the chorus, is that okay?” Jasper asked as he readied the guitar. Bank only nodded in response as he took a deep breathe. Min, Ball, Grace, Angela, and Moira looked at the duo as Jasper started strumming. As he played the chords for the chorus, Bank started singing.
“…So, you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans holding me close until our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home…”
Bank’s voice was so gentle, soft and pure. Jasper’s masterful strumming and Bank’s singing was a perfect. Min, Ball, Grace, Moira, and Angela were in awe as they listened to Bank singing in front of them. Katrina, Jasper, Mingyu, and Amy walked out of the kitchenette, lured out by Bank’s singing. Even Aiden who was in his office opened his door to watch the mini audition inside the Student Council room. The atmosphere turned into something more relaxing and serene as Bank sang the chorus for Ed Sheeran’s Photograph.
As Bank finished, Jasper could only look at Bank with amazement and respect. He has never met someone, a boy especially, with such an alluring voice. Jasper looked at Aaron with a grin on his face. Aaron gave two-thumbs up, seemingly passing the mini-audition that Moira suggested. Everybody started clapping, Aiden for his part nodded his head, impressed by Bank’s talent he just showcased.
“Do you know any more songs?” Jasper asked Bank.
“I know one” Bank said as he borrowed the guitar from Jasper. Bank looked at Min and said something in Thai, which Min translated after Bank finished speaking.
“Bank said that he has one more song he wants to play. It’s a Thai song, so everyone may not understand, but he’ll play it for everyone” Min translated what Bank just said.
“Just sing whatever you want, we’ll listen even if we can’t understand it” Jasper smiled, encouraging Bank.
Bank closed his eyes, strumming the guitar for a few seconds before he started singing. Although no one could understand what Bank was singing, - except for Min and Ball - Moira and Angela immediately recognized the song. It was “Hold me Tight” from TharnType the Series, a Thai Boy’s Love (TBL) series that was popular during the latter months of 2019 and early 2020, a song that was sung by Mew Suppasit, one of the protagonists from the series. Being die-hard Fujoshis, Angela and Moira were able to recognize the song, and from which specific series it came from. The girls were trying to conceal their “Fangirl Feels” lest they be outed to everyone who was present in the room.
Everyone was focused on Bank, whose gentle strumming and alluring voice captured everyone’s hearts and attention. Jasper who was sitting beside Bank, could only stare at him with awe as he sang, even though he couldn’t understand what the younger boy was singing, he could feel the strong emotions and feelings that the song was projecting, as if Jasper already knows what the song meant, even without looking up the translations to the lyrics or the meaning behind it.
As his friend sang, Min slightly turned his head to where Aiden was standing, his eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Aiden’s expression – warm, gentle, and soft. Min felt like he was looking at the real Aiden for the first time, stripped of the coldness, secretive, evasive, and stoic expressions that he always wore. His eyes that usually gave off cold, dismissive, and piercing stares were now showing serenity, tenderness, grace, and a bit of sadness. It’s as if the powerful emotions of the song broke the shell that trapped and sealed the true character, personality, and feelings of Aiden.
As Min looked at Aiden, the few memories that he had made with him started flashing through his head as Bank sang in the background; their first meeting, the time he saved Aiden from being hit by a car, the time Aiden apologized to him, and the time that Aiden ran into him in front of Gerry’s Grill. The longer Min stared, the more his heart started beating stronger and faster, his face getting warmer. Just as Min was starting to feel weird, Aiden by chance turned his head towards him, making eye contact with Aiden whose expression looked so innocent and was overflowing with tenderness.
It took Aiden a few seconds to realize how vulnerable he was at that moment, as he quickly broke his eye contact with Min, looking down on the floor before turning his attention back towards Bank. Realizing this, Min turned back around, returning to his normal position as he held his hand over his mouth, his heart skipping a bit, he was feeling happy, but at the same time nervous. He feels like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.
Of course, Angela and Moira saw the subtle moment between Min and Aiden, even observing both their reactions when they accidentally made eye-contact. The “feels” were proving too much for Moira and Angela, but they mustered enough will power and strength to keep it in. As the song neared its conclusion, Bank made eye-contact with Jasper, as he sang the last few lines of the song he was singing, not breaking their eye-contact until he has strummed the last chord of the song.
From the perspective of Moira and Angela, it seemed like Bank was singing to Jasper. Their eye-contact looked like one of the couples from the manga, webtoons, and BL dramas that they watch. Moira and Angela were at their limit, Min x Aiden was already too much, and now they have Jasper x Bank as well. They were eventually saved by the claps that filled the entire room as Jasper and Bank broke their eye-contact and turned their heads towards everybody.
“That was amazing Bank!” Grace praised the younger boy as she clapped, her eyes were teary because of how beautifully Bank sang, walking towards him to give him a hug.
“Definitely going to be our vocals!” Aaron commented as he clapped with the others.
The celebration was cut short by Katrina who called Mingyu, Aaron, and Amy back to the kitchenette for them to carry the paper plates and plastic utensils so they could eat the food that Mingyu and the other brought with them earlier. As Katrina, Mingyu, Aaron and Amy walked back to the kitchenette, Bank got a glimpse of Aiden who semi-snorted before giving him a thumbs up, before walking back to his office.
As Grace broke her hug, she looked at Jasper. “What do you think?”
Min, Ball, Moira, Angela and Bank looked at Jasper who was still sitting down on the couch. “He’s definitely going to be our vocalist”, Jasper said as he stood up, placing his right hand on Bank’s head as he gently ruffled his hair.
That was the last straw for Moira and Angela who both got up from the chair they were sitting on and excused themselves, saying that they were headed to the restroom for a little bit. Walking out of the Student Council room as if they needed to use the toilet. It was, however, an excuse so they could safely vent and release the “feels” that built up during Bank’s performance - away from everyone.
As Moira and Angela left, Katrina, Mingyu, Aaron, and Amy brought the paper plates, and plastic utensils out of the kitchenette, placing it on top of the conference table. Mingyu then started removing the packed food from the plastic bags that it was in, Ball assisting him as Min just sat on his chair, in deep thought. Bank laid the guitar on the couch behind him and walked towards where the others are to help.
Meanwhile in the girl’s restroom. Moira and Angela were trying to breathe as the emotions and “feels” became too overwhelming for them to bear. Their faces were flushed, as the excitement over the subtle bromance in the Student Council room overcame them.
“Guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl! I cannot!” Moira screamed as she slapped Angela’s arm before jumping around the restroom like she won the lottery.
“I know girl! Did you see Min earlier!? He was totally blushing!” Angela responded as she started giggling, trying to hold down her friend who was jumping around.
“First MinAiden, now we have JasperBank!” Moira said as she held on to Angela’s shoulders, shaking her as she giggled wildly.
“Girl, I think we need to come up with a proper ship name for them” Angela suggested as she stopped Moira from shaking her around.
“Maiden and Jank?” Moira laughed as she threw some random ship names around.
“MiA and JB?” Angela suggested as Moira pursed her lips in disagreement.
“This is going to be harder than it seems” Moira conceded as she rubbed her forehead, trying to ponder on the perfect OTP names for Min x Aiden and Jasper x Bank.
“Well, we could worry about that later, who do you think would be next?” Angela asked as she and Moira looked at each other’s eyes.
“Mingyu x Ball!” Moira and Angela said in unison as the two held each other’s hand and started jumping together at the prospect of a third ship.
“Too bad we don’t have anyone for Kobe” Angela quipped as she chuckled.
“Aaron?” Moira responded, pointing her index finger at Angela.
“Maybe? But they don’t seem like the type of couple that would click, I can’t feel a spark between them, no chemistry whatsoever” Angela said, giving Moira a serious look.
“You’ll never know girl!” Moira responded with her signature naughty smile.
“True, true. The academic year just started” Angela agreed as she gave the same naughty smile back.
“I feel like we hit the jackpot this year” Moira said as she fanned herself with her hands, her face still flushed from the topic they were discussing.
“Anyways, we need to head back soon before someone comes looking for us” Angela said as she walked towards the sink to wet her face.
“True, they might think we took a dump” Moira responded as she pulled her powder from her pocket, walking towards the sink next to Angela to freshen her face up before they return.
Moira and Angela took another five minutes to freshen themselves up before they headed back to the Student Council room. When they returned to the Student Council room, everyone was already putting food on their plates, Mingyu and Ball were sitting on the couch, already eating.
“What took you guys so long? Did both of you took a dump?” Mingyu said, food still in his mouth. But before Moira or Angela could respond, Katrina’s hand came flying towards the side of Mingyu’s head.
“We’re eating you know!” Katrina said, sounding annoyed as her gaze seemingly piercing through Kobe as Ball felt a shiver run down his spine.
“Here you go” Min said as he passed two paper plates and plastic utensils to Moira and Angela, “Go and get yourself something to eat, before Mingyu eats all of it”
“Hey! I heard that!” Mingyu responded as everyone laughed at Min’s comment.
“Should we call Aiden?” Min looked at Katrina who was sitting next to Mingyu.
“I don’t know, you could try. He may or may not eat” Katrina responded as she scooped a spoonful of rice before putting it in her mouth.
“I’ll go check” Min volunteered as he walked towards Aiden’s office.
As Min stood in front of Aiden’s door, his heart started racing again. Min took a deep breath to try and calm himself before knocking twice and opening Aiden’s office door. As Min entered, he saw Aiden about to put a slice of cake in his mouth.
Aiden stopped midway, the cake just a few centimeters away from his mouth, as he stared at Min who was poking his head inside his office. Min was staring at Aiden who was holding up the fork with the cake in front of his face, mouth wide open, “Right, this is awkward, I’ll check in a bit” Min said as he pulled his head out of Aiden’s office before slowly shutting the door. As Min closed the door, Aiden immediately put the cake in his mouth before another knock came from his door. Aiden quickly swallowed the cake that he barely had the time to chew before Min poked his head inside Aiden’s office again.
“Uhmm…” Min murmured before Aiden gestured for him to come in. Min pointed to his face, making sure that it was him Aiden was talking to.
“Who else am I gesturing to? The door? Don’t be retarded” Aiden sarcastically said, as he gave a weird look. Min slowly pushed the door open as he stepped inside Aiden’s office.
“Ai-“ Min said before Aiden interrupted him.
“Close the door” Aiden instructed Min as the latter slowly closed the door behind him. Everyone stopped eating as they watched Min enter Aiden’s office.
“Do-“ Min started to speak again before Aiden interrupted him again.
“Turn around” Aiden instructed as he placed the platter with half a cake on it on his desk before standing up, walking towards Min.
“Why?” Min asked as he looked at Aiden who was moving towards him.
“Just do it” Aiden said with his usual cold tone, his eyes squinting a little bit. Min complied immediately, not asking anymore questions, as to not earn the ire of Aiden again like the last time.
As Aiden got closer, he lifted the back of Min’s shirt, which startled the taller boy, “I need to replace these ice pack, they’re probably not as cold by now” he continued as he took a few steps backward and grabbed a scissor on top of his desk.
Aiden started cutting the ace bandage that Cadet-Corporal Domingo wrapped around Min’s abdomen, removing the four packs under the bandages, and throwing them in the trashcan beside his desk, followed by the cut-up bandages. Aiden then checked Min’s lower back and saw that the bruising didn’t look as bad as he expected it to be before opening the base cabinet beside him, pulling two large instant ice packs, enough to cover the entirety of Min’s lower back.
“Hold your shirt up” Aiden instructed, his voice expressionless and cold. Instead of holding his shirt up as instructed, Min took his shirt off and threw it on the black armchair next to the door.
“Wha-what are you doing!?” Aiden stuttered, surprised by what Min just did.
Min faced Aiden, exposing his toned biceps, chest and abs, “It’s easier like this, don’t you think?” Min responded, looking towards the floor, feeling shy and nervous for some reason, his heart beating faster and faster as each second passed with him being topless in front of Aiden.
“What the-!? A-are you fucking deaf or something!?” Aiden stuttered, raising his voice, obviously surprised and flustered with Min being topless in front of him. His voice could be heard from the other side of the door, startling Moira and Angela who were sitting by the conference table closest to Aiden’s office, and catching the attention of everyone else.
“Why are you stripping!? P-put your shirt back on!” Aiden ordered, the volume of his voice louder than his previous statement.
‘Wha-What the fuck are they doing in there!?” Mingyu stuttered, as everyone overheard what Aiden said. Bank, Moira, Angela, Amy, Grace and Katrina covered their mouths, their faces starting to blush. Aaron, Jasper, Kobe, and Ball’s eyes widened in shock.
“You don’t have to shout you know! You can see my back better this way!” Min responded in an equally loud voice which was overheard by everyone outside.
“Fine! Ju-just turn around and let’s get this over with!” Aiden instructed Min, the volume of his voice staying constant.
“A-are they actually-!?” Kobe stuttered as he immediately stood up, pointing towards Aiden’s office as he looked at everyone, who were equally flustered and mortified at what they’re hearing.
“Lean towards the door! Hurry up!” Aiden instructed.
“It won’t work like this! It won’t stay there if I’m just leaning!” Min retorted.
“Fine! Bend over a little bit, I’ll be quick!” Aiden responded, sounding annoyed and flustered.
Ball dropped his plate on the couch as he ran towards Bank, who was sitting across from Moira and Angela, covering both his ears before Min and Aiden could say something else.
“Ha-have they lost their minds!? Th-this is the Student Council room!” Grace stuttered as everyone started to panic, blushing even more as they overhear the conversations inside Aiden’s office.
“Can you hurry up!? This is an uncomfortable position; my lower back is still hurting you know” Min said as he rushed Aiden.
“D-did they do this before!?” Aaron asked, his face flushed as he looked at Ball who was equally confused and surprised at what was unravelling.
“I’m hurrying up, let me squeeze this really quick!” Aiden responded as he grabbed the large instant cold packs and squeezed it to activate them.
“It’s ready, here we go” Aiden said as he slapped one of the ice packs on Min’s back.
“Shit! What the fuck Aiden!” Min cried out loud from the slap and sudden coldness he felt on his back, “This is bigger than earlier!”
Everyone gasped in surprise and disbelief as they heard something slapping and Min’s reaction that followed. Moira, Angela, and Amy covered their mouths with both their hands. Mingyu, Kobe, Jasper, and Aaron’s jaws dropped on the floor. Katrina covered her ears, chanting “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit”. Grace just facepalmed as she mouthed, “Oh my God”. Ball could only blush and open his mouth wide as his hands were covering tightly covering Bank’s ears.
“All right, last one, I’ll put it on slowly this time” Aiden said as he grabbed the other ice pack.
“Do it slowly, don’t slap it like the last time!” Min cried out.
“Last one” Aiden said as he laid the second ice pack on Min’s back, causing Min to cry out again due to the coldness of the larger ice packs, “Hold it there for a second”.
Everyone outside Aiden’s office was extremely red. Amy’s leg gave in as her knees hit the carpeted floor. Moira was fanning herself with her hands, as Angela fanned her friend with her hands to calm her down. Mingyu, Kobe, Aaron, and Jasper couldn’t believe what they were hearing as they made eye contact with Ball who was still covering Bank’s ear. Bank on the other hand was confused as to what was happening. Katrina just sat down on the couch, as Grace’s eyes widened.
Aiden grabbed a large ace bandage from the base cabinet where he pulled the instant ice packs from, walking back towards Min to wrap the large ice pack in place. Aiden removed the plastic cover from the ace bandage as he held onto the ice packs on Min’s back, holding one end of the bandage as he rolled it towards Min’s abdomen, “Grab it Min! Take care of the front and I’ll take care of the back” Aiden said as he told Min to roll the bandage around his abdomen, while he rolls it from the back to secure the ice packs in place.
“Thi-this is fucking crazy!” Mingyu cringed as they overheard the last thing Aiden said.
“Aiden! Don’t pull it too much! It’s getting tighter, I have to breathe too you know!” Min complained as Aiden was pulling the bandage to tight from behind.
“Stop complaining, just relax, I’m almost done!” Aiden retorted as he passed Mingyu the bandage one last time before securing the other end of the bandage.
“There, I’m done! Stand back up and put your shirt on!” Aiden instructed in an annoyed tone as Min complied and grabbed the shirt that he threw on the armchair earlier. Min then faced Aiden and finally asked what he wanted to ask when he entered his office.
“I just came here to ask if you wanted something to eat, I never expected for you to do all this” Min said, his face blushing a little bit as he put his shirt back on.
“I’m fine, I’m not that hungry now” Aiden responded as Min walked towards Aiden’s table, using his index finger to scoop up the white icing from the cake and smeared it on Aiden’s cheek, making a mess on the corner of his lip where he stopped.
“That’s payback for earlier!” Min said as wiped his index finger on his pants.
“I was still eating that!” Aiden said, his voice became cold again, “Now my face is all messed up!” he added as he walked closer to his door.
“Stop complaining, we have tissues outside” Min said as he opened the door.
When the door opened, the white smear on Aiden’s cheeks and corner lip became visible to everyone. Aiden and Min looked at everyone, confused as to why everyone was all flushed, and Mingyu, Aaron, Kobe, Jasper, and Ball have their mouths open. As Moira saw the white icing on Aiden’s face, she fell to the carpeted floor as Angela fanned Moira’s face as fast as she can.
“What is wrong with all of you?” Aiden asked, his usual tone echoing throughout the room as he walked towards the table, grabbing a couple of tissues to wipe off the icing on his face.
Before anyone else could say anything, Ball, who was now covering Bank’s eyes, looked at Min and Aiden before blurting out, “Mahalay!”.
Ball’s comment shocked everyone who was in the room, most especially Min and Aiden. Jasper and Mingyu just facepalmed after hearing what Ball said. Min just covered his mouth as Aiden slightly cringed.
“Th-The question here is, what were you and Min doing in there!?” Mingyu stuttered in response to Aiden’s question, his face red all over. “Did you guys even use protection!?”
“I mean no disrespect Aiden, I’m your friend, and I support you all the way with whoever you want to be with, but I think it would be best if you two get a room next time, instead of doing it in your office, you know” Aaron interjected, his face red as he scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact with Aiden and Min.
“Haaaaaaaaaaah!?!?!?!?!?” Aiden reacted, his face almost visibly cringing.
“This is not the place to be horny” Katrina chimed in as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“Have you all completely lost your minds!? What have you all been thinking” Aiden reacted in surprise and shock as he facepalmed in response.
Aiden and Min’s faces were blushing, although Aiden’s wasn’t as obvious as Min’s, as they realized that their squabbles inside his office was heard outside and sent the wrong idea to those that overheard. After everyone has calmed down, Aiden and Min explained what went on inside the office, clearing the huge and awkward misunderstanding that mortified everyone.
Min’s face and ears were still red from the embarrassing turn of events that unfolded. Aiden, although sounded collected, but a little annoyed, was still flustered and shaken on the inside since this was the most humiliating and embarrassing situation that he has ever encountered.
“In any case, that’s what happened in there” Aiden concluded, his face back to its normal expression, but was still feeling humiliated and embarrassed.
Everyone gave a sigh of relief after hearing Aiden’s explanation about the whole fiasco as Angela gave both Moira, and Amy a bottle of water to help them calm down as they were still feeling flustered and shaken by the misunderstanding that just transpired.
“You” Aiden said as he turned his head towards Ball, “Where did you learn that word you said earlier?”.
“Ah, that’s a long story for another time” Mingyu chuckled, followed by Jasper, Min, and Bank. Almost immediately Katrina’s palm found its way on the back of Mingyu’s head.
“What have you been teaching them!?” Katrina asked, her hot-headedness taking over her again.
“Oh, we have the same word in Thai, but has a completely different meaning in Tagalog, which we didn’t know until earlier. Mingyu explained that to us at Gerry’s Grill” Min defended Mingyu, still chuckling.
“Anyways” Mingyu said as he raised his head back up, rubbing the back of his head, “If you guys need condoms, just ask me, I have a bunch stashed” as he started laughing.
Almost immediately, both Katrina and Grace smacked the back of Mingyu’s head at the same as Aiden facepalmed, Min just looked down on the floor embarrassed. Ball and Bank just laughed at Mingyu’s comment before Bank started speaking in Thai, which was followed by a slap on the back of his head from Ball. Min covered his face with his right hand as he started blushing more, reacting to whatever Bank said.
“What did Bank say?” Jasper asked as everyone turned their eyes on Ball.
“Errr…” Ball hesitated as he looked at Min who still has his hand on his face, “It’s nothing” Ball laughed awkwardly as he tried to deflect Jasper’s question.
“Say it” Aiden ordered in a cold tone, his eyes staring sharply at Ball.
Ball hard swallowed, still hesitant to translate what Bank just said. On the other hand, Aiden’s cold voice and piercing stare was intimidating enough that he wants to translate it. He was also feeling pressured as everyone was looking at him, waiting for his response.
After a few seconds of silence, Aiden intensified his gaze, which eventually led Ball to crack, “Okay, okay” Ball sighed, “Bank said to use a pre-lubed condom so it would slide in easily”.
Grace, Jasper, Aaron, Kobe, Moira, Amy, Angela and Katrina gasped, surprised at the fact that Bank, with his innocent looking face, could say something so sexual and indecent. Aiden facepalmed again as Jasper started laughing. Aiden just shook his head, his hands still on his face.
Aiden removed his hand from his face as he cleared his throat, “Let’s just drop this and forget this ever happened. Hurry up and finish eating, then clean up and head home” Aiden said, sounding mildly annoyed.
“Aiden’s right, it’s almost 21:30” Grace added as everyone checked their phones to look at the time.
“We should finish up and start cleaning. We still have classes tomorrow” Katrina chimed in as everyone started finishing the food on their plates. It was close to 22:00 when everybody finished cleaning up. Aiden was back in his office typing up something on his computer as everyone grabbed their stuff and prepared to head out.
“Aiden, we’re going on ahead, thanks for letting us hang out here!” Mingyu said as he poked his head inside Aiden’s office, ignoring him as he continued typing. Mingyu and everyone else walked out of the Student Council room and parted ways in front of the Student Center.
After returning to their suite, Min immediately went to his room. Ball headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower, and Bank crashed on the couch in the living area. Entering his room, Min immediately closed the door, leaning on it as he gave a huge sigh.
“What was that feeling before?” Min thought to himself as he held his hand on his chest. He stayed in the same position, pondering for a few minutes before giving another sigh as he walked towards his desk.
“I better email the International Student Council before it gets too late” Min said as he turned on his laptop and opened the folder he got from Director Guerrero. After sending his email, Min stretched his arms before standing up to get changed.
Meanwhile, on the 5th Floor of the International House, International Student Council President Monica Sawyers was enjoying a cup of tea in her room while reading Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist as she waited for her hair to dry after taking a shower. Her reading was cut short when her phone buzzed, and an email notification sounded. Monica clicked her tongue before laying her book on top of her desk as she grabbed her phone to check the email she received.
“Please convene the International Student Council for a meeting to discuss the International Student Outing, music for the Student Organization Fair, and the Gang of Eight…” Monica murmured as she read parts of Min’s email, “What on earth is the Gang of Eight?”.
Monica took a sip of her tea as she typed up her own email, sending it to the members of the International Student Council. Instructing them to convene tomorrow afternoon for a meeting to discuss the relevant topics in Min’s email. After sending her email, she opened her LINE app and messaged the council’s secretary, Feng Mian Wong.
“Feng Mian, have you confirmed my appointment with Director Guerrero for tomorrow morning?” Monica sent.
“Yes. I have confirmed your appointment with the Director for tomorrow at 7:30” Feng Mian replied.
“Good, make sure everyone is aware of the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Message Emeline and tell her that I want everyone on time for our meeting tomorrow afternoon” Monica messaged back.
“Okay. I will” Feng Mian responded.
Monica placed her phone back on her desk as she resumed reading her book. Meanwhile, Min who just finished changing checked back on his laptop and saw that Monica has sent an email to everyone on the International Student Council, as soon as Min read the email, he grabbed his phone next to his laptop and messaged Moira on LINE.
“Moira, the International Student Council is convening tomorrow. I’ll discuss with them about the International Student Outing, the music for the Student Organization Fair, and the Gang of Eight” Min messaged Moira.
“Okay. Thanks, I’m probably going to drop by the International House tomorrow morning to talk with the International Student Council President about the Gang of Eight. It’s probably going to be a joint meeting between the Student Council and the International Student Council that will include Director Guerrero” Moira messaged back.
Min: “Really? The International Student Council’s office is on the 10th Floor of the International House”
Moira: “Oh? The International Student Council has an office too?”
Min: “Technically. LOL”
Moira: “What do you mean by technically?”
Min: The entire 10th floor is basically one huge lounge that are divided by glass walls. It’s a place where most International Students hang out, watch movies, study, or read books. The back part of the lounge has a couple of rooms that houses the International Student Council”
Moira: “I didn’t know that”
Min: “The International Student Council office is not as big as the Student Council’s office, but the council’s President has her own office, and the council’s secretary has a desk right outside of the President’s office. They also have a conference table in one of the rooms”
Moira: “How do I get to the office?”
Min: “It’s pretty straightforward. There’s a central corridor when you enter the lounge, when you reach the end of the corridor, turn right and it should lead you straight to the office”
Moira: “Sounds easy. Will anybody be there in the morning?”
Min: “The student worker that mans the front desk in the lounge should be there. I’m not sure though”
Moira: “Right. I’m planning on heading there around 7:30”
Min: “That’s early. LOL”
Moira: “Yeah, I want to meet with the International Student Council President before I head to class”
Min: “I’m not sure if she’ll be there that early though? I can message her and ask”
Moira: “Can you, please?”
Min: “Give me a second”
After sending his last message to Moira, Min returned to his laptop and sent an email to Monica, asking whether she was available early in the morning. Concurrently, Monica who was still reading her book heard her phone buzz and the accompanying email notification sound. Monica grunted as she placed her book down again and looked at her phone.
“Oh my God these people” Monica commented, sounding exasperated, “Whatever this is, it can wait until tomorrow” she added before turning her phone off to prevent further interruptions before going back to reading her book.
Min: “I just sent Monica an email, hopefully she replies soon”
Moira: “I hope so too, have you tried asking any of the other International Student Council members?”
Min: “No, I doubt they know anything. Monica already has a reputation among the International Students”
Moira: “What kind of reputation?”
Min: “You’ll find out tomorrow if you get to meet her”
Moira: “This already sounds ominous”
Min: “Don’t worry, if you can handle Aiden, you probably could handle Monica”
Moira: “What’s that supposed to mean? Is she like Aiden?”
Min: “I’ll leave you to judge that for yourself”
Moira: “I better not be walking into something unpleasant”
Min: “You’ll be fine. LOL!”
Moira: “I hope so. Have you heard anything back?”
Min: “No. She’s probably already sleeping”
Moira: “If she does reply, let me know”
Min: “I’ll probably email the council’s secretary too, just so she’s aware”
Moira: “That would be really helpful. I might get the International Student Council members’ contact information too when I go there tomorrow, just so I can communicate with them directly. I could’ve gotten their email addresses from the Student Council Database, but it slipped my mind until now, plus I don’t know the International Student Council members’ names, so it would’ve been useless”
Min: “That should make it easier for you, instead of having to go through me to communicate with the International Student Council. Also, I wouldn’t be much of help with the names, I haven’t memorized all the members’ names yet, except for Monica. LOL”
Moira: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you like this”
Min: “Oh, I didn’t mean in it like that. LOL. This is my job as International Student Representative”
Moira: “Thanks. Anyways, do you have class tomorrow morning?”
Min: “I have an 8:00 AM, but I’ll be dropping by the International Exchange Program office first. I need to talk to one of the staff members to ask where we could exchange our money”
Moira: “That’s understandable”
Min: “Why?”
Moira: “I was going to ask if you could come with me tomorrow morning to the International Student Council’s office. LOL”
Min: “I could. I can wait until the afternoon to go to the International Exchange Program office”
Moira: “It’s okay, you go ahead and do that. I’ll manage”
Min: “Are you sure? I don’t mind, really”
Moira: “it’s okay. I already disturbed you enough. LOL”
Min: “Are you sure?”
Moira: “Yeah, definitely”
Min: “Okay. If you change your mind, let me know”
Moira: “I will”
Min: “?”
Moira: “I do have a question. It’s a little personal though”
Min: “Hmmmmm? What is it?
Moira: “Do you like Aiden? By ‘Like’ I mean someone you would date?”
Min was surprised by Moira’s message, he never expected to be asked something like that. Though, as he read Moira’s message, his heart started beating again, like it did earlier in the Student Council room when Bank was singing “Hold me Tight”. He didn’t know why he feels like that at the mention of Aiden’s name, or even the thought of Aiden. Min thought of his reply carefully before messaging back.
Min: “No, not really? LOL. Why do you ask?”
Moira: “I just wondered; I saw you looking at Aiden earlier when Bank was singing. So, I thought you ‘Like’ him in that kind of way. Sorry for assuming things. LOL”
Min: “Hahaha! I just happened to turn around, I wasn’t looking at Aiden. Also, it’s okay”
Moira: “Just making sure. LOL! Anyways I’m going to bed. I’ll see you later”
Min: “Alright. Have a good night! ?”
Moira: “Thank you! You too! ? ?”
After they finished messaging, Min breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously he lied a little when he told Moira about him just “happened to turn around”. Min was being cautious as to not say anything that may lead Moira to think that he likes Aiden in that kind of way. Min obviously doesn’t feel that way, though he was starting to get confused, since his heart starts beating faster at the mention of Aiden, not knowing the reason why. Min dismissed the subject as a bad case of nervousness due to his encounter with Aiden in his office after the Student Council meeting before heading to bed - forgetting to email Feng Mian.
Concurrently, Moira started pondering about Min’s response to her question. It seemed convincing enough, but she was still suspicious about how true Min’s statement was, considering that Min dropped a cheesy line at the beginning of the Student Council meeting, plus the fact that Min blushed after he looked at Aiden when Bank was singing “Hold me Tight” – a fact that Moira deliberately left out as to not scare off Min, and give any possible hints about her double life as a Fujoshi. Moira decided to see how things would play out between Min and Aiden as she retired for the night.
Meanwhile, Aiden was still working in his office, typing up some of his talking points for the Executive Council meeting on Thursday, as well as polishing his proposal for the expansion of the Student Council, and the inclusion of the International Student Representative as an official member of the Student Council. Just as he was about to finish, Aiden suddenly stopped typing, minimizing the Microsoft word window as he opened the MJU database which he was the only one in the Student Council that has access to. This was different from the Student Council Database, which only lists basic information about the students in MJU. Whereas the MJU database has detailed information about the students which are considered classified information that only university personnel and the Student Council President can view.
After clicking the MJU database icon on his computer, a window popped up that prompted Aiden to enter his credentials. After entering his credentials, the software loaded, and the database menu popped up. Aiden clicked on the “Students” tab, which brought him to another section of the database, he then clicked on the “International Student” tab, which opened the personal information file of the International students currently enrolled at MJU. The screen was showing a whole list of official university photo of the students on the left-hand side, the right-hand side shows the students’ name, ID number, email, major, year classification, and affiliated college. Min clicked on the filter icon and selected “by country”. He then scrolled down to “Thailand”, which was showing two universities under the section – Thammasat and Khon Kaen Universities. Aiden clicked on “Thammasat University” and it redirected him to another page which was showing all three students from Thammasat University – Min, Ball, and Bank. Aiden clicked on Min’s photo, which opened a new window.
The window displayed Min’s official university photo on the center-top of the page, just below the header which reads “Mount Juliet University – International Exchange Program Student Database. Under the picture was Min’s personal information.
Name : Thapthim Nontanakorn
Native Name : ทับทิม นนธนะกร
Date of Birth : 02/21/03
Age : 19
Country of Origin : Kingdom of Thailand
Place of Birth : Bangkok
Nationality : Thai
Blood Type : AB
Height : 185 cm
Home University : Thammasat University
Major : Economics
College Affiliation : College of Global Studies and Social Sciences (CGS3)
College Dean : Dr. Elena Baltazar
Classification : Sophomore (International Student)
Student ID : 960-99-0144
Net ID: ThapNon
MJU Email: [email protected]
College Advisor: Professor Ratanasuda Chiva-aree, PhD; CGS3, Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages
IEP Advisor: Christine Angeles, M.A.Ed.
Registration Status: Enrolled