Chapter 10.5: Through their Eyes: 646 x 24336
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Aiden’s POV

I tried to hurry home before BTS’ live broadcast started, and also to get as far away from Min as possible, after all, he stole my first kiss in front of everyone. It wasn’t how I was expecting it to go down, I was going to let him bite the other end of the pocky stick and as soon as he started advancing I would automatically break off and forfeit the game.

I didn’t expect Min to do something so straightforward, pulling the pocky stick out of my mouth and actually kissing me. My very first kiss was with a guy, and ironically, with the guy I couldn’t stand the most.

I know Min has been making moves on me, and it’s not like I hated it, but I don’t exactly like it either. It’s not like I’m against same-sex relationship, but I think I’m not suited to be in that kind of relationship, if that’s what Min is even looking for. After all, he never did say he wants to be in a relationship with me, it’s just that the way he does and say things are sending mixed signals, and I’m not sure if he actually likes me or just teasing me for fun.

Whatever the case may be, I was able to slip out of the ballroom and made my way to the other side of the student center. As I reached the fountain outside, I could hear footsteps approaching fast from behind, and then I suddenly felt someone holding my wrist from behind, and then a familiar voice..

“Aiden, wait. I have something to tell you”

I stopped walking and the only thing that I could think of was “Shit! Why is he here!?”.

I turned around and faced Min. He looked like he was catching his breath, I pulled his hand off from my wrist, I couldn’t face him properly; our kiss was still fresh in my memory and was still wreaking havoc on me both mentally and emotionally.

“Wha-what do you want!?” was all I could say, stuttering in the process as Min stood in front of me, looking a bit nervous. Is he going to apologize for kissing me earlier? It wouldn’t matter now, we can’t undo our kiss, whatever he wants to say, I wish he would say it quickly.

Min tried to say something, but he was hesitant. The longer I’m with him, the more I couldn’t forget how soft his lips were, how his breathe smelled so good. My heart is beating so fast, am I nervous? Do I just feel uncomfortable with him? Or is it the unthinkable? Am I actually falling for this guy? No it can’t be, this is probably the psychological effect of that sudden kiss earlier, yeah, that’s probably it!

In any case, I’m in a bad situation here, I need to get away as soon as possible. This kid needs to hurry up and spit out whatever he’s going to say, I can’t stand here all night with him just saying “I-I.. Uh..”.

“Just say it!” I said out loud in a panic. Min is still hesitant; his face blushing. Does he feel embarrassed that he kissed me? For fuck’s sake Thammasat kid just say it!

Damn it, I’m at my limit!

“I don’t have time for this, Min! If you’re not going to say anything, I’m leaving!” I blurted out as I started walking away from Min who seems incapable of forming basic sentences.

I was reaching for my phone when I felt a strong pull from behind me. The sudden tug made me drop my phone on the ground, but before I could react to anything, I felt something soft pressing on my lips as my alarm started blaring. As I my eyes adjusted to what was happening, all I could see was Min up close.

Why would Min kiss me again? Has he completely lost it? But why do I feel weak? Why is my heart beating like this? Shit, why can’t I resist!? As Min kissed me, he slowly held onto my right hand, intertwining our hands together as he cupped my face with his other hand, his thumb rubbing my cheek softly.

Why are his hands so soft? Why are his lips so soft? Why does this kiss feel like it’s an eternity? Why does everything feel like it’s slowing down? Why can’t I find the strength to resist?

As my mind raced to answer all the questions I have, Min broke off from the kiss that felt like it would never end and laid his forehead on mine, and then he said something that made my heart skip a beat…

“Aiden, I like you”

Are you teasing me again? Is this some cruel joke of yours? What the hell are you saying Thammasat Kid? We’re both guys! Is this a dream? Yeah, that’s probably it, a dream!

As my mind went into overdrive, those familiar soft lips touched my nose, our hands still intertwined, his other hand still cupping my face. Why am I feeling so warm? I need to get away…

I pulled my hand away from Min’s hand, and slowly backed away. I picked up my phone and started walking away from him. I guess he just stood there, probably regretting what he just did, who knows? He’s not following me, so I guess that’s a good thing, right?

I can’t think straight… My body feels so weak… My heart is beating so fast… My face is so warm… Why?

By the time I realized it I was already standing at my front door. I slowly grabbed my keys from my back pocket and unlocked the door. I didn’t even bother turning on the lights as I walked straight into my room, Cooky sitting on top of my bed.

I took my boots off, then my hoodie, then my shirt, and then my pants before sliding under my comforter, my face still feeling warm, my was heart still beating fast as I placed Cooky on my chest and embraced it.

I couldn’t sleep… All I could think of is Min… His lips… His soft hands… His warm breathe… His voice…

Why am I feeling this way…? I don’t know why…

Why didn’t my body resist…? I don’t know why…

Why does my heart feel happy..? I don’t know why…

When I touch my lips… All I could think of are his lips… All I could think of was my first kiss… All I could think of was his confession.. Our intertwining hands… The gentle way he cupped my face… Damn it…

“Hey Siri… Play Euphoria by BTS..”

“Now playing Euphoria by BTS…”

As Euphoria played in the background, all I could think of was Min…

His face…

His lips…

His smile…

His dimples…

His eyes…

I closed my eyes, then out of the blue another sharp pain emanated inside my head…

“I promise…”

“Mee-Mee… I promise…”

The same voice as the other night, the words “I promise” and “Mee-Mee”, then I blacked out..

Min’s POV

After Aiden dismissed everyone from the ballroom, he suddenly disappeared, I quickly scanned the room to find him, but he wasn’t in the spot he was at a few seconds ago. As I continued scanning the room I saw his silhouette leaving the room, I quickly ran after him, intending on confessing my feelings tonight, no matter what, I have to tell him how I truly feel.

As I ran out of the ballroom, the ROTC cadets started walking towards the exit, their numbers made me lose sight of Ball, Bank, and the others.

It didn’t matter at this point though, there is something more important I need to do. All I could think of was that kiss earlier.. That was Aiden’s first kiss… And so was mine… We are each other’s first kiss…

I don’t need to think of anything else.. All I have to think about is letting Aiden know about my feelings…

It doesn’t matter what he says… I need to tell him how I feel…

I ran in the corridors of the student center, trying to catch up to Aiden. I thought I lost him, but I heard the doors leading to the fountain where Ball and I talked about Yu-Yu, open and close, that’s where Aiden is probably heading towards to…

I quickly ran down the stairs, pushing open the doors as I tried to catch up to the guy I like… As I got outside, I can see him about to pass the fountain… I ran as fast as I could until he was within my reach.. As soon as he was within arm’s reach, I grabbed onto his wrist…

“Aiden, wait. I have something to tell you”

Aiden turned around as I was catching my breath, pulling my hand off from his wrist. He couldn’t look at me properly, which was fine, because I couldn’t look at him properly as well, my heart was beating faster because of Aiden, not because of the fact that I was running – is that even possible? In love, maybe…

“Wha-what do you want!?”

Aiden said, as he took a quick glance at me. I feel nervous now that I’m actually in front of him. I already tried confessing to him three times, and every time we were interrupted, I won’t let it happen again, this time, for sure I will tell him my feelings.

“I-I.. Uh..”.

Why am I hesitating? What’s stopping me? Is it nervousness? Do I have doubts? Is it Yu-Yu?

I can’t let this chance pass by me again, I need to tell him now. If I don’t, I may not get another opportunity. I need to muster all my strength…

“Just say it!”

Aiden suddenly exclaimed, sounding impatient. Am I going to lose my chance again? Am I just all talk? What’s with this hesitation? My heart is beating really fast, my face is getting warm… I need to tell him…

“I don’t have time for this, Min! If you’re not going to say anything, I’m leaving!”

Aiden suddenly exclaimed as he started walking away.. I don’t know what to do! Kissing him was easier than confessing! Wait! Kissing Aiden…

In my panic and without thinking, I pulled Aiden towards me, his phone falling on the ground as I pulled. My lips touched his for the second time tonight, as his phone suddenly started playing music in the background. As we kissed again, I held on to his right hand and slowly intertwined our hands together before cupping his face, slowly rubbing my thumb against his soft cheek.

We kissed like it was for eternity, everything seemed like it slowed down around us. Aiden didn’t resist, as if his body had a mind of its own and is submitting itself to me. I don’t why I broke off from our kiss, if all possible I would have preferred to stay that way for a little longer.

I laid my forehead on his, just like when we were in the shower stall… Just like when we were in the control booth… Aiden’s sleeping face from when we first met suddenly flashed in my head… That was enough to give me the courage and strength to erase all the doubts and hesitation in my heart…

“Aiden, I like you”

As soon as I confessed my feelings, I softly kissed his nose before Aiden slowly moved away from me… Picking his phone up, and he started walking away without saying anything, his face flushed. I didn’t follow him to give him some space. I’m already contented that I was able to say how I feel about him…

I remained at the fountain for a few more minutes… It felt like this place held some significance… The place where I made my decision to move on from Yu-Yu… The place I confessed my feelings for the person I like… After so many years… I was finally able to fall in love with someone else…

I walked back to the International House with Aiden filling my thoughts… My heart was still beating faster.. My face feeling warm… These feelings felt familiar… It was the same feeling I felt when I was with Yu-Yu… Back when he had my heart… Now it belongs only to Aiden… My snobby cappuccino prince…

When I returned to our suite, Ball and Bank were sitting in the living area, I could tell they were asking me something as I could see their mouths move, but my mind was preoccupied with someone who was more important than anyone else…

I entered my room, closing the door behind me as I made my way to my bed not bothering to even turn my lights on…

Taking off my boots… Then my polo… Then my pants…

Grabbing Aiden’s finger heart picture from my desk before I laid on my bed, sliding under my covers. Stretching my arms out towards the ceiling, I looked at Aiden’s picture for a moment, before moving the picture closer to my face, kissing my favorite picture as I slid it under my pillow…

I stared blankly towards my ceiling, remembering Aiden’s sweet and soft lips…

The more I think of Aiden… The faster my heart beats.. The warmer my face gets…

When can I hold you in my arms…?

When can I hold your soft hands again…?

When can I see your face again…?

When can I kiss your soft lips again…?

When can I kiss your nose again…?

When can I caress your soft cheek again…?

When can I call you mine…?

I turned to my side, my sights on Aiden’s polo that was still hanging behind my door… Memories of our first meeting flashed in my head… Your sleeping face… Your vulnerable face… Your angelic face…

“Hey Siri… Play Be Mine by Pop Jirapat..”

“Now playing Be Mine by Pop Jirapat…”

As Be Mine played in the background, all the memories I have with Aiden since our first meeting started flashing in my head… The good ones… The bad ones… The awkward ones… The precious ones…

My head was filled with Aiden until I fell asleep, as my phone played music in the background.