Chapter 7 – Oliver
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Oliver's POV

I looked at the Facebook friend notification.

I moused over the 'confirm request' button, but then snorted and clicked 'not now'. I couldn't help but snicker at how immature I was being, but I didn't really care.

Like hell I'd accept a friend request from Axel's, even on Facebook. I contemplated blocking him for a moment, but decided against it. Somebody might ask why I blocked him and I didn't have an excuse. Other than the honest truth that 'I just don't want to be around an entitled asshole'. 

He was most certainly an asshole, but unfortunately for me, he was a hot asshole.

It wasn't his face I had a problem with. In fact, I actually rather appreciated it. It was a shame he had such a horrible personality.

If he changed that, I couldn't really complain. He was a sight to the eyes, and he knew it. Tall, dark and handsome, with just enough boyish charm to prevent him from getting any consequences for his shitty actions.

It was a shame his looks were the only appealing thing about him. Well, his wallet was too, but you couldn't buy humility.

You could get away with being condescending and demeaning attitude, though, if you had his face and bank account.

It irritated me. It was the small things he did, like preen as if he expected to be praised for doing less than the bare minimum—if he could even be bothered.

The looks of disgust as he waved others away got on my nerves—what, did us lowly peasants stink? Our commonness was clearly beneath was O Holy Lord And King Axel who the whole world revolves around, because what else would explain his over-reactions and undisguised contempt at being even slightly inconvenienced by the mere existence of anyone he arbitrarily deemed lesser than him?

I had never had a real conversation with him. I didn't need to. It took a handful of interactions—like asking him to pass the fork—to realize I was obviously so much lesser, how dare I, a lowly peasant, have the nerve to bother his Royal Highness?

He was lucky I hadn't stabbed him with said fork.

Was my judgement hasty? Perhaps. Probably. Did I care? No. 

I knew it was hypocritical of me to judge him as harshly as he judged others, but I didn't really care. Maybe when he stopped being an egocentric asshole to literally everyone else, I'd consider reevaluating my opinion. But I honestly didn't even want to. Why should I bother?

A text broke me out of my pondering. When I saw my phone, I grimaced.

He was bothering me already.

A: hey y did u not freind me???

It took me a moment to understand what it was saying. Then I rolled my eyes as I realized that Axel had noticed me rejecting his Facebook friend request, somehow gotten my number, and was dead set on being a nuisance.

I turned read receipts on and then promptly put the phone away.

It was only a minute or two later that I heard the signature buzzing of a new text message.

Geez. I wonder who it could be.

I ignored it until a couple minutes later, when I received another text. And then another.

I closed my eyes, sighing. Seriously. Could he not take a hint?

Reluctantly, I opened the messages.

A: i no u saw my mssge

A: reply

A: hey u ther

A: ??

Jesus Christ. I could feel a tumour growing in my brain as a direct response to the stupidity I was reading. I tapped out a response, making sure to take my time.

O: I'm busy.

20 seconds later I had 2 responses.

A: hey

A: sup

Not able to resist the temptation, I searched up 'how to deal with annoying texters' on my laptop. I found a website and snickered to myself.

O: Nothing much, I was just so excited you texted me that I fainted.

A moment later I had a response.

A: haha ;) rlly

Of course not you stupid piece of shit. I rolled my eyes.

O: Sorry the doctor put drops in my eyes. I can't see.

A: oh

A: u k

A: wait wat

A: ??

I snickered.

O: Just kidding, I was driving. You don't want me to die, do you?

A: oh

A: srry

Finally the messages stopped. I put the phone down, smiling to myself. Passive aggressively attacking people is the best way to get shit done.

It was only five minutes, however, before the next text came. I sighed again as I picked up the phone. I underestimated how much of a nuisance a person could be.

A: r u dun

O: Yeah. Sorry my clock was set to Tokyo time.

A: oh

A: its fine

I snickered again. Why the hell would my clock be set to Tokyo time? And even if it was, how did that matter if I was driving?

A: soo

A: wat ru doin

A: im lyin on my bed

A: hbu

Was this his idea of sexting? That was probably the least sexy thing I've ever read.

O: I can't tell you.

A: aww

A: why not

O: My fortune teller advised against it.

A: oh

A: cool

A: so wen can we meet fr chem

O: I don't go out on days that end in -day. Sorry, personal preference.

A: wait wat

A: then wen

A: today?

O: Sorry, but I can't do anything for the next few hours. I'm allowing my food to digest. You can never play it too safe!

A: oh

A: soo

A: wat did u eat

O: Un morceau de merde. It reminded me a lot of you! :)

A: wat

A: sounds fancy ;)

O: It's as sophisticated as you are ;)

A: wow yur bein nice to me

A: ;)

O: Should that come as a surprise?

A: wel u wernt vry nice to me b4 but now u r

O: That's SO MEAN! I don't ever want to talk to you again! Go away. You've made my life miserable! I want to sit in a corner and cry for the rest of my life!!! :( :( :(

Snickering, I turned my phone off, content to just ignore Axel until Monday.