Tiny Trouble (13)
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Broly woke up in a completely white room startled. While he was extremely comfortable on the bed he was sleeping on, he couldn't recognise the presence of his father.

Feelings of panic and anxiety overwhelmed him and tears began to well up in his eyes.

"WAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAH!!!" Broly's cries were particularly loud, his voice bouncing off all the walls as thick streams of tears escaped from his eyes.

The scientists on the other side of the wall were dumbstruck, none of the other Saiyans expressed any type of deeply emotional behaviour.

Dr Limiter panicked he had not even seen his own children cry so emotively before and the sight honestly melted his heart a little.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Broly's crying did not settle down in the slightest and Dr Limiter was paralysed, he had never encountered this type of problem before, Tsufurian children were very well-behaved and rarely complained let alone cried.

"I have an idea," A scientist said with a pensive expression.

Thirty minutes later...


"The boy is full of such energy and vigour!" The Tuffle scientist exclaimed.

They had taken their time when trying to resolve the issue, so when they found the child crying still, they wondered how he found the energy.

Naturally, the Tuffles had seamless noise-control technology but they felt inhumane to tune out the sound of a crying child.

"Deploy it," A Tuffle scientist said nervously.

From a hole in the floor emerged, a three-foot yellow humanoid robot with a holographic smiley face displayed on its robotic face.

The robot then began to play music, its speakers were hidden under its yellow body.

As the music began to resound within the room, the cries of the child began to dimmer.

Eventually, the child stopped, captivated by the strange sound coming from the robot.

Instinctively drying his eyes, Broly looked at the Robot with inquisitively.

Previously, Broly was feeling potent fear and sadness from being by himself in the strange room but the Robot made all his negativity go away.

Subconsciously, Broly felt a strong connection to the Robot because it took his bad feelings away. Rather childishly, Broly liked the Robot after this one encounter.

The scientists behind the one-way mirror breathed a sigh of relief.

The boy had been sleeping since he was delivered by Hatchiyak and when he woke up crying they did not know what to do. After wracking their brains, they used a song that was scientifically-proven to lower blood pressure levels as well as lowering anxiety. This discovery was accidentally made by Tuffle Musicians who made the song on a whim and were currently unable to explain why it was so relaxing. Nevertheless, it was particularly effective on children and by proxy Broly.

The Tuffles were scared to approach themselves because they did not know how the baby would react to them, the child had a power level of 12,000 and they didn't want to send a cold, uncaring war robot to him so they edited a cleaning robot to be compatible with children and, in particular, to play the soothing song.

"Everything is alright," the Robot said in a soft voice as it slowly approached Broly.

Gently touching Broly's hand with its own it asked him, "Can you speak?"

Broly's silence and intensive stare was all the answer, the Robot needed.

The scientists in the room were at a loss.

"We can't do much if he doesn't understand us," A scientist said troubled.

"Should we teach him?"

A murmuring sounded out within the lab.

"If we do, it will teach us much about Saiyan neurology as well as their academic capabilities," Another scientist said thoughtfully.

"I will arrange for a teacher to come and oversee our operation," A scientist named, Dr Propeller said exiting the lab.

At the same time...

Celery, Aspa and Paragus were flying over Tuffle city with a dark green Hatchiyak.

"Look! It's the Saiyans!" A Tsufurian citizen said.

A small crowd of people were pointing and exclaiming at their existence.

Most Tuffles only learned about them in history and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that they were all living legends.

Celery felt conflicted about this, in her eyes they invaded their planet, destroyed their forests and they were still kind enough to let them stay. She felt a sense of gratitude towards the Tsufurians who cheered them on for just being there.

Paragus felt bad initially but he felt at this point there were no hard feelings so he shouldn't dwell on the matter.

Aspa didn't care.

"Where are we going?" he asked suspiciously.

The Tsufurians so far had given them homes, food and even a source of income so Aspa felt deep within his soul some shenanigans were about to occur.

"Your first job site!" Hatchiyak said cheerfully.

The Tsufurians had built several models of Hatchiyak, all being physically identical but each having different purposes. The dark green model of Hatchiyak was an information droid, ideally, it would blend into the environment and send information to Tuffle Headquarters. This particular Android was programmed to have a sweet voice and a charming disposition.

The Saiyans arrived at the forest they had trampled as Oozarus, it looked like multiple natural disasters had hit the forest consecutively.

"Job Number 1!" the Hatchiyak said happily.

Celery, Paragus and Aspa looked at it with rapt attention.

"Since our beautiful and peaceful forest has been destroyed, we have no other options but too clear all of the damage away! We hope sincerely you will assist us!"

Celery's heart shuddered as Hatchiyak blamed them with finesse.

If another Tuffle heard this, they wouldn't bat an eye because this was just how the Tuffles spoke, however to the Saiyans it was potent emotional manipulation, even if they didn't realise it.

Paragus furrowed his brows and Aspa squinted.

"This robot knows how to talk!" They thought simultaneously.

The robot then brought a cube-shaped object.

"This is what you'll use to collect the trees, on this fine day!" Hatchiyak declared cheerfully.

From the cube he held, three smaller cubes emerged.