Respect Where Respect is Due (22)
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The tall man named Whis arrived on Planet Vegeta with a cat-like humanoid wearing Egyptian attire.

"Are you sure you want to destroy the whole planet over a pillow my lord?" Whis said, his face stoic as always.

"It's not about the pillow, it's about the principle! That selfish bastard hogged the best pillow in all the galaxy for himself!" Lord Beerus snarled, upset that he had been duped.

"But you didn't even know that it wasn't the best until I told you?!" Whis said, questioning Beerus' consistency.

"I always planned to ask you, Whis and I knew you wouldn't lie to me," Beerus rebutted.

Whis remained silent as they walked towards King Vegeta's palace.

"Ahaha Ahaha Ahaha!" A young Saiyan child was running around the market square wildly.


The child bounced off Beerus like a beach ball and landed harshly on the ground.

"WAAAAAAH!" the child started crying and rolling around on the floor injured.

"Oh my!" Whis exclaimed, very intrigued by how Beerus would react.

Beerus didn't say a word instead releasing a sliver of his ki.

A soundless pressure was emitted, the aura of death slowly weighing down on the little infant who ceased crying on pressure.

"Aaaaaah," the infant grunted to silence before staring deeply into space as the pressure of death seeped into its bones.

Unable to cope under such conditions, the child promptly passed out falling over onto the floor.

Beerus quickened his step, moving assuredly past the child.

"Hurry Whis, I don't wish to delay this any longer," Beerus said softly.

Whis chuckled before walking side by side with the purple cat.

"Yes Lord Beerus," Whis said obediently.

King Vegeta's Palace was a 20-foot structure made of stone, it loomed over the edge of a small cliff that stood metres above normal ground, it was quite an eccentric piece of architecture and King Vegeta prided himself on having the only one that existed.

Beerus and Whis approached the foot of the slope that led to the Palace.

"Halt!" a Saiyan guard shouted out but they casually walked past him, almost as if he was non-existent.

The guard extended his spear, obstructing them both. Beerus looked at Whis unamused, barely hiding his contempt. Whis put on a helpless expression.

"We have an appointment with King Vegeta," Whis said, signalling for him to remove his spear.

"I don't know... You two don't look like the type King Vegeta speaks with," another guard chimed in.

"Let me check," the first guard said, equipping his power scouter. Lord Beerus was eerily silent. Whis tapped the ground once with his staff as the orb at the top flashed blue then went back to normal.

"Huh, you guys do have an appointment! Please go through," the guard said lifting his spear. Lord Beerus and Whis wasted no time and went past them.


"I'm destroying this Planet Whis"

"Don't be so hasty," Whis said dryly as they entered the Palace.

King Vegeta being the proud man that he was, had his throne room constructed so that it would be the very first room seen when entering the palace. From the appearance, it would seem that King Vegeta was preparing some kind of banquet or grand procession as various foods were displayed all over several tables however in reality King Vegeta was preparing to have dinner by himself.

"L-Lord Beerus!" King Vegeta exclaimed, his legs turning to jelly.

Beerus didn't respond, he just walked past the tables of food on his left and right. He already tasted them on a previous visit and while they were passable at best this wasn't the cause for his ire.

In a few moments, Lord Beerus was inches away from King Vegeta, his yellow eyes staring daggers into him.

WHHHHM! A slight sound could be heard as Beerus once again released his ki, however the ki he released this time was much more serious than the one before, heavy pressure boring into King Vegeta.

Crack! Crack!

King Vegeta's knees were pulled to the floor as if magnetised and the marble floor shattered under the weight. The pressure didn't let up as King Vegeta had to put his arms down to support himself.

King Vegeta's mind was completely blank through this entire process, his will succumbing under the pressure.

Slowly, Beerus raised his foot and gently placed it on the back of King Vegeta's head.

"UARRRRGH" King Vegeta couldn't help but cry out.

"Can your miserable little brain comprehend why I'm so angry, Saiyan King?" King Vegeta could only softly grunt under his foot.

"Answer me," Beerus said patiently.

"Because I promised to fulfil your mission in the time you gave me, Lord Beerus, but it took longer than I thought it would." King Vegeta said fearfully.

"Wrong!" Beerus said increasing the force under his foot. Whis stood back and watched Beerus when he noticed another presence albeit a weak one. He turned his head and saw a Saiyan child, one who couldn't be older than 8.

"Father is being humiliated" how cried out.

"How can he take that who is this filth?" He said tightening his fist.

" I consider myself a rather flexible deity. I know you mortals have your limitations.

But there is one thing I cannot tolerate. The callous arrogance of those who do not

pay the respect a Destroyer is due." Beerus said softly as he pressed harder.

"URRGAAAAHH!" King Vegeta wailed.

"And that's not even the worst part!" Beerus said cynically.

"Being what I am I wouldn't have batted an eye at the indiscriminate murder you caused but the fact that you kept the best pillow for yourself...." Beerus raised his foot and smashed King Vegeta's head into the floor.

"Really rubs me the wrong way," Beerus said his eyes curving viciously.

Blood started to pool underneath King Vegeta as he bled out slowly.

"FATHER!" Vegeta was unable to see his dad treated in such a cruel fashion. His ki rose and a lock of absolute disgust settled on his face, tiny ripples causing the air to fluctuate.

Beerus simply moved his eyes to meet Vegeta who stopped in his tracks.

Beerus' eyes peeled as ki rushed towards them.

"Huuuaaaaagh," Vegeta couldn't even stand as he felt scary pressure wash over him, crumpling to the floor.

"Whis, take me to Freiza, destroying this planet would dirty my hands," Beerus said, closing his eyes and visualising.

"Yes Lord Beerus," Whis said obediently before tapping the ground once with his staff. Traceless ki washed over them and like a lie, they both disappeared.