Come Over and Rest
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It's been a while, come and rest, drink the spiritual vial.

Each day, all through out the Almighty gives signs upon for us to realize we're not alone.

You have been neglecting Him for a while now, so still you've been trying to be truly happy but deep inside, asking, 'just how?'

Calm your thoughts and still your hearts, let all within be broke apart and again be made to life. It's Him the answer, in truth one will find.

It is a bliss to simply surrender, though the world may think against. Just why not, to an Almighty cast upon all your burdens and blunders?

It is, though at first confusing, and at times getting harder . . .

But Thy absolute Presence be unto your using. Thy Holy Presence of all-goodness, though unfathomable in its entirety, still, available and one moment away.

Thy peace, simple patience, stillness, and much more which are brought to oneself - no matter how little time reserved, try to unite with it - when, your strength be mystically renewed . . . Yes, that's it (you feel Him), Thy powerful presence.

You are shall without guilt - by believing He already saved, and still continuing to purify your every side and edge, so just be still don't fret.

We are like clays to be made into proper shape. He moulds by hands, His eyes focused upon us. There, are necessary cuts and removal of unnecessary . . .

There are parts we don't expect but it's all for our good. Sometimes we wished, like this we would, but alas! God has perfect knowledge and would far exceed our expectation - that we might be disappointed - but later, He shows and proves otherwise, much splendid.

So beloved, do not anxious and fear. Just try to do His Will. Seek upon, and thus you find. May in Jesus name, His presence you precious, feel.

First, hallelujah! God bless! Do you have any problems, therefore, prayer request? Just comment :)
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