Ch34. Squirrels
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A/N- Sorry for the delay

POV Shift--------------------------------------------------
     A slight tapping interrupted my meditative state, I yawned and grabbed my sword that was resting across my lap, damn sugar-toothed squirrels they’ve been causing a ruckus all night but this was the first time that one actually came this close. Even though I knew damn well what caused the noise I still had to check, damn night watch. I grabbed and strung my bow that was leaning against the wall before putting on my vest and belt. But before I went out, I needed to inform Derek, I grabbed my worn leather moccasins and put them on before tapping on the floor like I was trying to get them to fit better. I didn’t see the need for all this secrecy and code but Artorias had put us on high alert after Deadlaf came back with four less people and the tale of a powerful shapeshifting monster. I waited a second before I heard a slight scurrying coming from below me, looks like Derek is still awake.

     I double-checked my equipment, a hunter’s garb along with a bow, dagger, and sword. It looked like everything was in order, time to head out. I very slowly opened the wooden shudders by the door and tried to discern anything, but unfortunately, I couldn’t make anything out past a few feet due to the smoldering fire in the fireplace. I grabbed an unlit torch off of the mantle and placed the top of it into the flames causing the oil-soaked rags to instantly ignite. I waited a second to make sure no oil would drip off and burn the floor before heading out. I cracked the door and stuck the torch out incase anything was waiting to ambush me, with the addition of the light I suddenly realized that I wasn’t as alone as I first thought, a dark hunched figure stood a few paces away.

I stood frozen for a second before my training took over and I quickly drew my sword and placed the torch protectively Infront of me,
“You’re on private land and need to leave immediately” I shouted, but it was more for Derek’s sake than anything.

The figure seemed unperturbed by my shout and just continued to stand there unmoving, it could be a trap and I certainly didn’t want to leave the safety of the hut, so I tossed my torch towards the figure. With a spray of sparks and flaming oil, the torch landed near the figure and gave me the chance to observe It carefully. It wasn’t that tall and appeared to be draped in a pitch-black cloak that seemingly absorbed the torches light, it was not facing towards the cabin but towards the dark forest. I couldn’t see any weapons but that didn’t mean it didn’t have any. I slowly put down my sword and grabbed my bow that was leaning on the wall by the door, I grabbed an arrow from the small quiver situated on my leg and loaded it. I didn’t draw it yet as that would take up to much energy and I wasn’t sure whether or not to shoot the figure yet, if it was a local then the peacekeepers would start looking into it and there was also a small chance that the figure was some kind of spirit or worse, the monster that decimated Deadlaf’s team.

     I once again gathered my courage and shouted out, “You’re on private land, If you are lost or in need of help Rafton is that way” I pointed towards the general direction despite knowing the figure would not see it.
Suddenly a massive gust of wind whipped through the trees distracting me for a second and before I could realize it the figure was five feet closer and had turned to face me. A large hood obscured the upper portion of its face, but I could faintly see the bottom portion by the light of the torch but all I could see was a scraggly beard. Its left hand was wrapped around a tall walking stick that it was seemingly using to support its weight, I stood there stunned at its apparent ability to move instantaneously, I now knew that this figure was no ordinary man. It slowly lifted its right hand and pointed at me and said in an almost inaudible voice,

“It has come for those who have disturbed its peaceful rest” and with those words, another gust ripped through the trees and the figure was gone.

     I gulped and lowered my bow, I certainly did not like the sound of that, but before I could collect my thoughts, I heard a massive roar and  the sound of snapping trees to my left. I quickly slammed and latched the door before running over to the large deer-skinned rug that was situated in front of my chair and threw it to the side before frantically banging on the large trapdoor that was beneath it, secrecy be damned. Soon the door lifted up and I was greeted to two spears and a crossbow, but despite the rude welcoming I didn’t hesitate to lift the hatch up further and crawl in, and I was greeted with nine heavily armed men and women. They all looked at me suspiciously but before I explained anything, I grabbed the door and slammed it shut before latching all ten latches. As soon as the door was secured a massive force slammed into it causing the surrounding wood to crack and splinter. I thanked my lucky stars and started to head to the door leading to the main compound. The others around me were bewildered but quickly followed when another massive slam caused the metal trapdoor to bend and the surrounding wood to crack further. Once everyone had entered, I slammed the large door that was probably more suited for a vault, with a twist large steel rods locked the door in place. Hopefully the creature or whatever it was had a harder time with this.

A/N- I have a discord if you want to join