3 – Discovering Myself
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Once again, I felt wide awake despite the dream. I wondered what was going on with it. The way it switched perspectives like that… it almost seemed like it simply couldn’t choose one to stick with. I laughed morosely. What a fitting parallel to the decision looming before me. I swung my slender legs out of bed and started preparing for the day. I didn’t have any particular plans, but I wanted to be presentable in case Andy visited.

Of course, my mind kept fighting me in regards to why I wanted to look presentable. Was I attracted to him? Was I attracted to men? Could this be Becca’s influence finally breaking through?

I pictured kindly old Leon. He didn’t have any idea what was happening to me. He wouldn’t even be able to recognize me. Yet, I could still see him telling me to follow my heart with the most fatherly of smiles.

So that’s what I would do. It didn’t matter who I was attracted to or why. What mattered was that I wanted to spend time with Andy. I wanted to spend time with my best friend, my body be damned.

Yet… I couldn’t say I was sure about how I should go about doing it. With all the time we’d spent together the last two days, I felt like I’d be a bother if I reached out to him yet again. What if he still had things to do this weekend? Hadn’t my issues interfered enough? Maybe I should wait for tomorrow. It’d be more than appropriate, considering that I’d probably be one night’s sleep away from complete girlhood at that point. That would be fine, I decided.

Fortunately for me, my little plan would not come to fruition. Not long after eating lunch, my door buzzer went off. Could it be…?

I buzzed him in and waited for the knock on my door. I opened it with a smile, greeting my best friend with a hug. I was learning quickly that it felt better to hug and be hugged with this body.

“Hey Dee,” he chuckled, returning the hug.

“Hey,” I said, letting go and stepping aside to let him in.

“You look nice,” he commented, referring to my choice of clothes for the day. Seeking a bit of familiar comfort, I opted for a pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt. It obviously didn’t hide the progress of my transformation, given the way the jeans hugged my burgeoning hips and the shirt hung over breasts that had roughly doubled in size compared to the previous day. Although any increase was significant compared to the bee stings I had yesterday

“You too,” I answered. Much like me, he hadn’t done anything special with his look. Still, he looked like Andy, which was enough for the part of my mind that was happiest to see him.

“How are you holding up?” he asked, closing the door behind him.

“Fine,” I chirped, “what’s up?”

“Just visiting a friend,” he smirked.

“Oh? Whoever could that be?” I asked, playing along.

“Nobody special. Just someone who needs a helping hand through the weirdest time of their life,” he smiled, looking at me meaningfully.

“Have I ever told you that you’re the best?” I spoke softly.

Andy look turned into guilt at my words. I frowned. Was something wrong? He turned away. “So, I’d just like to say I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I asked.

He let out a sigh and began to explain. “I got a call from work this morning. They were going to send someone out of state to oversee a project, but he had to cancel at the last minute. They’re asking me to fill in.”

“Isn’t that good?” I asked.

He paused for a moment. “...It’s tomorrow.”

“...Oh.” I could only gasp. Now I understood. I didn’t have time to fully process the thought before something far more important entered my mind. “Wait! You didn’t say no, did you!?”

Andy laughed weakly. “Of course not. I’d be an idiot to turn down an opportunity like this.”

“That’s right,” I smiled.

“So that’s why I’m sorry. I can’t be here for you at the end. When you need to make the choice,” he sighed, looking away from me again.

Now, it was my turn to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Hey, look at me,” I ordered. He did. “Yes. Look at me. Look at how much I’ve changed. I only have one day left at this point. Maybe two. I’m close to figuring things out on my end, I’m sure of it. I’ll be fine, so go on your trip. Kick some ass. I’ll be waiting for you with my decision.”

Andy let out a soft laugh. He grasped the hand on his shoulder and gently pulled me into a hug. “I guess it’s my turn to call you the best. Dean, Dee, whatever. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”

“And you’d better not forget it,” I told him, fighting back tears.

“Says the one trying not to cry,” he poked fun at me.

I responded by lightly pushing on his shoulder. “All of this is getting too serious anyway. When are you getting back?”

“Friday night,” he replied, the atmosphere continuing to lighten.

“Okay, then I’ll visit you on Saturday,” I promised him.

“Deal,” he nodded, “before that, though… we still have a day ahead of us.”

“We do,” I confirm.

“And I was thinking I could pay you back a little for all the cooking you do for me.”

“You’re going to cook?” I asked hopefully, knowing the answer.

Andy shook his head. “Every time. No, I’m talking about just going out to eat. Haven’t done it in a while.”

I frowned. “No,” I said decisively.

Andy looks at me in understanding. “...Too close to a date?”

I nodded. “Too close to a date. We can claim to ourselves all we want that it’s just two friends eating out, but it won’t be enough this time,” I pause, looking away in embarrassment, “not with the way we’ve been looking at each other lately. This… isn’t a question we should be asking ourselves right now.”

I could see the conflict in Andy’s eyes. Still, he relented. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s figure out where we’ll go next on Saturday.”

I smiled softly. “It’s a date.”

“So… what do we do instead?” he asked, shaking his head at my choice of words.

“Nothing,” I say, my smile growing.

Andy chuckled. “That is what you’d say.”

I chuckled too, but it came out more like a giggle. I took one of his hands in mine. It was warm. I looked up at him. “It’s never really mattered what we do, has it? Just as long as we do it together. So… yeah, let’s do the same nothing we always do… and just enjoy the moment. There’s no harm in that.”

“Sure,” Andy said, squeezing my hand, “that sounds fun.”

And so, we did exactly that: Nothing. As the night grew darker we shared a somewhat somber farewell, tempered by the fulfillment the day had brought us. Sleep came to me easily as I wondered what I would dream about now, so close to the end.

When I gain awareness, it feels like I’m waking up. I’m in a bed, and my eyes come to focus on a figure sleeping in front of me: Andy’s. It seems that we slept together, but it feels like sleeping was the only thing we did on this particular night. My heart leaps in affection at the sight of him and I kiss his sleeping form on the cheek. He stirs a little, but stays asleep.

With a small shrug, I slip out of bed. I notice that I’m wearing a breezy light blue dress. Definitely not sleeping clothes. Sleeping here wasn’t originally the plan. I can’t complain, though. I make my way to the kitchen, my steps infused with a carefree happiness. If Andy is content to sleep the morning away, I’ll just have to wake him up with the irresistible scent of bacon!

As I’m nearing the end of my preparations, my plans bear fruit. I hear Andy approach from behind and wrap his arms around my waist. 

“Hey, you,” he said.

“Hey,” I say, looking up at him with a playful smirk, “you’re pretty bold, carrying me to your own bed.”

“It’s not like I have another one,” he smiles back, giving me a wink.

I turn my head back toward the plates I had nearly finished preparing. “You’re not wrong,” I say with a laugh.

Andy gives me one more squeeze. “Thanks for making breakfast.”

I laugh again. “It’s the least I could do for letting me share your bed.”

“Hmmm… it’ll be worth doing that more often if gets me a free breakfast,” Andy grins.

“I’m using your ingredients, you know,” I shake my head, amused.

“Details,” he chimes, moving his hands to my shoulders. He gives them a squeeze too and leaves me to deliver our plates to the table.

I felt almost at peace when I woke up in my own bed. That dream wasn’t particularly special, but it felt surprisingly normal. I could get behind that sort of life. My thoughts continued to wander, a blush rising to my cheeks at the thought of my best friend. These thoughts of wanting to spend time with him for more reasons than mere friendship.

These whispers of an affection that runs deeper than friendship… they felt familiar somehow. Like I’d been carrying them with me for a long time. Regardless, I couldn’t deny the warm happiness spreading through me.

I slipped out of bed and walked to my kitchen, not bothering to change out of what had become a proper nightgown. Today was a day for thinking, so a little bit of laziness couldn’t hurt. Especially when I felt so comfortable.

After eating a light breakfast, I confirmed my suspicions: Except for a couple of small details, I was now indistinguishable from Becca. Almost completely a girl. I had explored enough of my femininity at this point that I couldn’t help but feel completely comfortable with it. The warm happiness I’ve been feeling any time I look in a mirror is infectious - seeping into everything I do. It seemed odd, but I couldn’t deny my feelings. And, with one more sleep, I could keep it all forever.

I thought back to Leon’s words about only women living in this apartment before me. It didn’t seem like much of a leap to assume that most, if not all, of them had been changed by the room. In that respect, it seemed rather ridiculous that it would start changing a man. It didn’t fit the pattern. I figured that meant one of two things: Either Leon was wrong and some of those women were originally men… or this comfort I’ve been experiencing as a woman allowed me to be “chosen” by the room in a way that most men couldn’t.

I thought about the dream again. For the very first time, I completely shared Becca’s perspective. I was still just an observer but I saw through her eyes and, thinking back on it, she didn’t do or say a single thing I wouldn’t have. Perhaps that’s why it all felt so… normal.

The truth of who - or what - Becca was drew closer. That left the last major concern being…

The door buzzed. I stared at the speaker for a moment. The door buzzed? Wasn’t Andy already gone? Confused, I opted to open the comm instead of unlocking the door.

“...Hello?” I chirped.

“Hey! It’s me, Andy,” his familiar voice came through the speaker.

“...I’ll buzz you in,” I told him, my confusion slowly shifting into elation that he was going out of his way to see me before he left.

Elation that quickly threatened to evaporate when I heard him knock on my door… and I realized that I was still in my nightgown! I let out a sigh and approached my door. It covered me up enough. Besides, it might be a fun way to tease him. I opened the door, pretending to look a little perturbed.

The look on Andy’s face was priceless. “Uh… is this a bad time?”

I glared at him for a moment longer before cracking a smile. I shook my head. “It’s never a bad time for you to visit. But…” I paused, moving out of the way of the door, “you should probably come inside.”

“Sure thing,” Andy said, still sounding a little embarrassed. When he closed the door behind him, I gently wrapped my arms around him. There was a certain novelty to hugging him while wearing so little. I felt closer to him… yet there was a certain vulnerability about the situation, knowing that only a single garment stood in the way of my being almost completely exposed to him. Despite this, I felt serenely at ease in his arms, knowing that I unconditionally trusted him not to take advantage of it.

“I thought you were gone already,” I spoke softly.

“I’ve still got a couple of hours before my flight. Sorry for catching you with your pants down,” he said.

I laughed, though it once again sounded more like a giggle with my current voice, “More like with my pants missing! Thanks for coming to see me.”

“I wasn’t about to leave without letting my best friend send me off.”

I tightened my hug for a moment and then let go, beaming at him. Andy took another good look at me and chuckled. “You were right about your bedhead.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I waved off my embarrassment, “you clean up nicely, by the way.”

“Thanks,” Andy replied with a blush of his own. 

I moved over to my small dining table. “You eaten breakfast yet?”

“Yep,” Andy nodded.

There was something suspicious about the way he said that. “Granola bar?” I pressed.

“Yep,” he confirmed. I shook my head.

“You’re traveling, Andy. You’ll need something more substantial than that,” I told him. I went to my fridge and gathered a couple of eggs, “I’ll put something together real quick. Okay?”

Andy looked like he was about to protest, but one look at my face sent him to the table. Cooking for one proved faster than for two, so I had a plate in front of him pretty quickly. 

“You didn’t have to do this,” he said, despite his obvious happiness.

“I know. I wanted to,” I said, continuing to smile at him, “There’s no better way for me to see you off than with one of my meals.”

“You really do spoil me,” he laughed.

One of the dreams flashed back into my mind. I knew exactly what to say to him, even if the situation didn’t quite match: “I’m only too happy to.”

Andy looked me in the eye, ready to say something… then seemed to think better of it. The tension between us began to intensify again, but I wasn’t about to let it hurt our temporary goodbye. We continued to make small talk while he polished off the plate.

“So… are you…?” Andy stammered, clearly embarrassed again.

I shook my head, guessing his intent. “I’m almost there. Tonight’s the night.”

“So, you’re just sitting here… thinking?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yep. No reason to really get dressed just for that.”

“I guess not,” Andy agreed. His eyes flicked to my chest, making me acutely aware of my lack of a bra. I fought the urge to cover them up with my arms.

“Andy…” I started, my voice tiny, “what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to be happy,” he answered almost immediately. My heart swelled in affection, but I wasn’t satisfied. I looked down at the table.

“I didn’t ask what you wanted for me… I asked what you wanted for you,” I said, my voice nearly a whisper now.

“Dean…” he said. His use of the wrong name caught me by surprise. “Don’t ask me that. Not now.”

As I looked at the pain in his face, his answer became obvious… as did the fact that I’d made a mistake. “I’m sorry,” I choked out.

“It’s alright. This is harder for you than it is for me,” Andy assured me.

“Thanks,” I said, watching him take the final bite of his breakfast. I took the plate from him while he stood up and straightened his jacket.

“I should probably get going here,” he said, “thanks, as always, for the meal. It was great.”

I nodded. “You’re welcome.”

Andy started heading toward the door, but I intercepted him with an embrace from behind before he could reach it.

“Good luck,” I told him.

“Thanks. You too,” he replied, gently placing his hands on top of mine.

“I’ll see you on Saturday,” I continued.

“Yeah,” he said. I let go of him and, with one last wave, he left the apartment. I stood there for a good few minutes, sorting my feelings out. After all of that, I decided that maybe I should get dressed after all. I felt like getting some fresh air.

By the time I stepped outside in a comfortable jean and top combo, a chill still existed in the early morning air. The air felt crisp against my face and I slightly regretted not wearing a longer sleeved shirt. I wandered aimlessly, paying just enough attention not to trip or run into somebody. At some point, I stopped and leaned against a wall. I closed my eyes, feeling the faint breeze curl around me.

Andy's earlier visit only proved what I already knew to be true: My choice concerned him just as much as it concerned me. I was a single night's sleep from being his ideal girl, after all. Of course it would come down to this. Only one real question remained.

Would I still be me when it ended?

I prepared to start walking again when I heard someone call a familiar name. Someone say "Dean."

I looked around quickly. Andy was definitely gone at this point, and it certainly wasn't his voice. Who could possibly recognize me like this? I finally looked to my left to see a kind face smiling at me.

"Leon?" I stammered. "How do you...?"

Leon motioned for me to follow him, "In due time. Let's talk in my office."

Flabbergasted, all I could do was follow dumbly. Soon, we were behind closed doors. Leon smiled gently at me, his expression devoid of judgement.

"I take it you presumed that I was not aware of what that room is capable of," he started.

"I... suppose I did," I replied, embarrassed.

"That's understandable. Unfortunately, while I can claim to be aware of it, I haven't the faintest idea why it does what it does."

"But... how did you know who I was?" I asked.

"I'm not certain how I first gained the ability, but I have this knack of recognizing those the room has touched. Perhaps it's a benefit of overseeing the complex, or perhaps it's because I've visited it between every tenant," he speculated.

"Is it true... that I'm the first man to live there?" I asked.

"Absolutely. From what I've seen, not all of the previous tenants were changed by the room. Signing you on, I assumed that you wouldn't be changed either. To see that it could change a man so completely..." he looked at me in awe.

"It's actually not quite finished yet," I clarified.

Leon chuckled. "I hope you'll forgive me for assuming."

I smiled back at him. "It's okay. As far as I've gone, I'm sure anyone would think the same."

"You do look lovely, if you don't mind me saying," he continued.

"I don't mind. Thank you," I assured him, blushing under his compliment.

Leon nodded, but his face soon turned more serious. "You looked to be deep in thought out there."

I sighed. Since he knew what was going on, I supposed it wouldn't hurt to talk. "I was thinking about whether I wanted to let it go all the way or not."

"A monumental choice, indeed," he noted, "what are you afraid of?"

"That... If I do, I won't really be myself anymore," I admitted. I certainly had other fears, but that one was at the forefront.

"You fear losing yourself? If it's worth anything, I don't recognize anything particularly different about your demeanor," Leon said.

"That's the weird thing. I expected that something like that would happen earlier in the process, but now I'm one step away and still feel like me. Could I be scared for nothing?" I asked.

"I suppose that's possible. Perhaps we can figure it out together. What have you learned about the room in your time here?" he asked.

He had a good point. If I told my story to him, I might gain a crucial new perspective on it all. With a nod, I told him everything I could think of regarding how the room functioned and how it seemed to be changing the relationship between Andy and I. How it first seemed to be activated, how the clothes shifted with me, the dreams, and how I could reverse it. Leon "Hmm’ed and nodded the entire time, absorbing the information.

"So the room transforms someone into the ideal woman for a specific person..." he mused.

"It seems that way," I confirmed.

"What was it that Andy told you?" he asked.

"That, aside from simply being someone he could be great friends with, he wanted to be with a feminine girl who didn't mind affection," I said. Leon didn't answer right away, so the words bounced around in my head a little longer. His description all those days ago was important, wasn't it?

Andy wanted his ideal girl to also be his friend. 

No, not just his friend. He'd want her to be his best friend. 

He wanted his ideal girl to be his best friend.

His best friend. If his best friend were a girl, he'd fall for her.

"Oh my god..." I gasped. Leon simply smiled. It all clicked now.

Andy's ideal girl... was me.

"I'm so stupid," I shook my head. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to cry. Instead, I just smiled. I had my answer. I was Rebecca all along. That’s why my mind never changed. It never had to change. All I needed to do to become Andy's ideal girl was... be me.

"It sounds like you've found your answer," Leon chuckled.

"I was so focused on the thought that I might be replaced by the girl in my dreams that I never saw that she was me the whole time," I said.

"It certainly appears that way. After all, he seems to care deeply for you without any magic," Leon smiled. He leaned a little toward me, "and it seems that you care greatly for him as well."

"I love him," I blurted out. The words were so automatic, so true, so freeing. "I think that... I always have."

Leon shook his head, amused at my outburst. “Such candidness! Perhaps you should tell him yourself?”

I grinned widely. “I doubt I need to. He’ll get the message the moment he sees me on Saturday.”

“Ah, the joys of love. I suppose I could regale you the story of how I met my wife, but I expect that you have some preparations to make,” Leon said, once again giving me his trademark kind smile.

I stood up. “Thank you so much for your help.”

“You’re very welcome. Now, another word of warning: I’m not certain how far this magic reaches beyond those of us who have seen the room. If you suffer any complications, I will help you to the best of my ability.”

I presumed that he meant issues such as identification or family. I nodded. “Thank you again.”

Leon saw me out with a smile, and I headed back to my apartment. I felt blessedly light on my feet. The joy of finding the answers I sought combined with my elation at truly discovering that I was in love. The moment I got inside, I strode to my room and sat in front of the vanity. It was time to jump headfirst into the rabbit hole and discover just how feminine I really felt. To finally find this me that I’d never known my whole life.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, my sleep was dreamless.

Five Days Later…

The moment I woke up on Tuesday, I didn’t need to look. It was finished. I continued my self-inflicted training for much of the rest of the week, letting my curiosity run wild, all so that I could find out just what kind of woman I wanted to be. To take full advantage of this freedom I’d given myself.

It was this that led me to Saturday. The fateful day. It was a moment I’d seen in my dreams at least four times. Dreams that gave possibilities for the future I had chosen. As my heels clicked on the ground and my dress swished wonderfully about my legs, I wondered which of the futures I would seize. I had a feeling it would be the last one; the one that I barely saw due to the constant changes of perspective. Still, I knew from that small glance that it would be the most fun choice.

Now standing at the door to Andy’s building, I pressed the buzzer for his room with a fingernail I’d painted a light pink. They softly contrasted against this white dress I was finally wearing for the first time. Standing there, waiting for Andy to buzz me in, I felt so beautifully feminine that I could barely contain myself. I licked my lips, tasting the soft pink lipstick on them. Yes, I definitely wanted to do the last one.

The door soon unlocked, letting me inside. I made my way to Andy’s apartment, knocked on the door, and adopted the same posture I used in my dream all those times. When he opened the door, I didn’t leave time for any words. I simply gave him the widest smile I could muster and leaped into his arms before he could even say hello. He caught my smaller form easily, giving me purchase to rest my head on his shoulder in an incredible hug. With my legs wrapped around his waist, I had no intention of moving quite yet.

“Hey,” I whispered in his ear. Still holding me, he reached around and closed the door. 

“Hey,” he finally replied, “I take it you chose Dee?”

I tightened my hold on him. “I chose Dean. I chose Dee. I chose me. But you…” I grinned, “can call me Becca.”

Andy tensed for a second, understanding the implication of the name I’d chosen. He relaxed soon enough, reaching up to stroke my lush hair. “Well, then, Becca. You are absolutely gorgeous.”

“Why, thank you!” I chimed. Acting on a whim, I gave his cheek a huge kiss; one deep enough to leave an obvious imprint of my lipstick. I laughed in glee at my handiwork, finally opting to climb down before I accidentally fell off. I gently touched his chest with slender fingers. “You’re looking mighty handsome yourself.”

“Did you do this… for me?” he asked. He reached up to stroke my cheek and I intercepted his hand with my own once it reached its target.

“No…” I said, enjoying the warmth of his touch, “I did this for us.”

A smile grew on Andy’s face and his eyes started to mist. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

I reached up to stroke his own cheek, near my lipstick mark. “Well, I do… and I say don’t cry!”

“Don’t cry?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Yeah! Don’t cry! Because if you cry, I will too and this makeup took forever to get right!”

And just like that, the atmosphere returned entirely to what we usually enjoyed. Andy guffawed in laughter so rambunctious that I couldn’t help but join in.

“God, you’re the best,” he finally said, when he calmed down.

“You too,” I beamed at him. I moved further into his apartment, taking a seat on his couch. He followed, sitting near me.

“So, where do we go from here?” he asked.

I moved my hand nearer to his. “Exactly where we are right now.”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“You’re wondering about us, right? As in our relationship. Our friendship,” I told him.

“Yeah,” he confirmed, “you’re a girl. It’ll be a big change.”

I giggled. “Not as big as you think. Remember? We promised that we wouldn’t lose anything.”

“We did,” Andy said, a smile growing on his lips.

“So… that means we’re best friends, now and forever,” I spoke, giving him my sweetest smile.

“Forever…” Andy drew the word out, “I could get behind that.”

“But that doesn’t mean that I’m opposed to adding a few more titles to that list,” I took his hand in mine and looked at him with all of my love, “after all… no-one ever said we couldn’t gain something.”