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Greg was on his way from his work at a rather nice pub when a truck zoomed past him and hit a high school student. 'The flip?' He and a number of good samaritans rushed to make sure the high school student was ok and thankfully he was. 

Then out of nowhere lightning struck and killed him. Trucks and lightning started killing people around him and when nobody was left the trucks menacingly surrounded him. 

"Hahah so you trucks think you can kill me? Absurd!" With that, all the trucks around him which came to a number of 6 charged at him. The first truck that arrived he slid under while the second he jumped on the hood and flipped off of. 

'That's 2 down.' The remaining trucks started blasting chase music. (Here is the link )The third and fourth trucks charged forward while he jumped causing the two trucks to crash into one another. As soon as he landed the fifth truck managed to get his left leg breaking it. 

Unfortunately for the truck, he landed in front of the crash and it flew forward crashing into the other two. "Hah, you thought... wait wasn't there six trucks?" A vroom sounded behind him. 

He turned his head and to his horror, the sixth truck was calmly waiting behind him. "Clever girl." The truck flew forward and hit him right in the back. The hit caused some damage but because the truck didn't get very much of a wind up he lived. 

The same thing couldn't be said about the truck which crashed into a building. It was then he was reminded of the lightning which almost hit him. 

Taking cover inside a local bar he proceeded to call his mother. "Hey, mom I might not make it for dinner." [Ok but make sure to eat while you are out."] "Yeah, I'll make sure to eat. Bye love you, mom." 

After hanging up he noticed that nobody was in the bar so he decided to serve himself. Grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels he grabs a chair and sits at the entrance of the bar. 

His suit was torn in multiple places and his left leg was crushed. He took a swig of the whiskey and put his phone in his pocket. 'It's over right?

As he sat there out of breath something was knocking on the door asking to be let in. The voice sounded like that of a girl so he slowly got up and prepared to open the door. 

He instantly regretted opening it because what was out there was indeed a girl, but she had a bloody knife in hand. Her eyes were dull as she slowly walked through the door. 'Well I'm f*cked but I might as well spend the rest of my time relaxed.' 

With a loud gulp, he closed the door and went back to his chair, and started drinking more of the bottle. The girl he let in stared at him for a while before speaking up, "Aren't you scared that I'm going to kill you?" 

"Hah I don't care anymore but if you do make it quick." He was tired and wanted to go to sleep but he would rather see his last moments. Then it hit him... he hadn't actually had any intimate contact with a female other than his mother. 'Well I can fix that but... I think I will die as soon as I even attempt to touch her.

Taking a closer look the girl was rather cute with the exception of the blood splattered on her face. "What's a girl like you doing with a bloody knife?" The girl seemed to zone out before answering, "The boy I was in a relationship with cheated on me so I no longer had any use for him." 

'Ah, I see a yandere I didn't know they really existed.' While he was thinking the girl had dragged another chair in front of him and sat down. "I don't know why a boy would cheat on you, after all, you are quite the looker." That comment seemed to light a small spark in her eyes. 

"You really think so." Her face looked a little more cheerful as she said that. 'At least I got to make a girl happy before I died.' After a bit of careful thinking, he gets up and crouches in front of her. "Of course I do." He put a hand on her head and smiled even after she plunged the knife into his chest. 

The girl's eyes were shaking as she looked at the knife and her hand. "I am so sorry." She kept muttering that she was sorry for a while. "You know I never got to know your name did I, young lady." He slumped against his chair with his bottle while talking. 

"It's May." Her eyes were a bit clouded as she knelt next to him. "Heh well, it was nice meeting you May." His breathing slowed down until it stopped. He had died with a girl by his side, a bottle in hand, and a smile on his face. 

His soul was transferred to a dark space where he slept for a long while. After a unknown amount of time he woke up because of a weird noise. [System has been activated.] 'Huh.' His mind wasn't quite right after sleeping for a long time but he managed to pull through. 

'Wasn't I dead?' His eyes began to dart around before settling on his hand or rather his paw. Bringing his arm up he began to inspect it for a while with confusion. 'Wait I could have sworn my arm didn't have fur on it last time I checked.

[System is starting.] 'Wait what system?' It then dawned on him. The people that were around him were killed by trucks and mysterious lightning that should have never happened. 'It couldn't be.' They were all taken to another world him included. 

[Name: Greg Kelly 

Race: Behemoth 

Title: The beast of Dawn Academy for Hunters

Strength: 100 

Mana: 80 

Vitality: 200 

Agility: 25 

Skills: [Animal instict] [Rage] [Lightning magic] [Wind magic] [Resize] 

Discription: The boss of the monsters that guard the basement of the academy.] 

'So it's true we were taken to another world.' His mind was currently in overdrive while his body was moving around looking at his surroundings. From what he could see he was in a large dark room with a stairway leading up. After a little bit of moving he also found a door behind him. 

'Well this is not a good situation I am currently in.' After a few more minutes of looking he also got a look at the other monsters with him. Alot of them were small and wandering around but what caught his eye was the three big monsters that were asleep. 

The first monster looked to be a large minotaur, the second was a large silver doe, and the last one was a huge silverback gorilla. 'Hmm well this is my life now so I might as well thing of the bright side. Well I got some skills can I see a discription of them?

[Animal instict: As a animal you already know how to use your body and all of your skills. 

 Rage: Once activated all stats are buffed by twenty at the temporary loss of your sanity. 

 Lightning magic: You have the ability to use lightning 

 Wind magic: You have the ability to use wind 

 Resize: You can resize your body to a smaller or larger body.] 

'Hmmm all of them are useful with the exception of Rage which should only be used if I am in extreme danger.' As soon as his thoughts were finished he heard a loud slam and what seemed like voices. 

"Jim can't we just go back to class and leave feeding the monsters to someone else?" The first voice was that of a female. "Don't worry we are just feeding them it's not like we are going to fight them." The second voice was male and who I guessed to be Jim. Then a third voice started speaking. "I also think you shouldn't worry so much Ann." This voice was also female. 

When they were done speaking they had already arrived at the bottom of the stair case. The first one to arrive was a white haired female who reminded him of a small animal. The second was a male with gold hair who had a pretty boy face. The second to arrive was a blue haired female who was rather tall with top grade looks. 

The female named Ann started to grab inside a bag and take out large chunks of meat which should have never been able to fit in there. The male Jim also started to feed all the smaller monsters while the tall female was watching the monsters to make sure none of them were hostile. 

For some reason, all of the monsters were wolves that looked more like German shepards. The wolves themselves were very docile and even went up to get petted. It was after all the wolves were fed that they noticed my open eyes staring at them. 

"Hey guys is it just me or is the beast that should be sleeping awake?" Jim asked in a very cautious voice. "I also seem to see a beast that is awake." Ann had a quivering voice for some reason. "Well if it's awake shouldn't we feed it?" The tall lady was the only one that was talking normally. 

The group slowly walked toward him each with different expressions. Eventually they arrived in front of him and reached inside of their bags to pull out very large chunks of meat that had no place inside such a bag. 

'Hm it's raw... but I am rather hungry.' Hunger won over reason so he snapped up the meat which tasted just like he expected... very chewy and not very good. 

Having solved his hunger problem he turned his gaze towards the group who each placed their hands on weapons that were on their sides. The girl named Ann had a pistol, the boy named Jim had a sword, and the tall lady had a halberd. 

Ann wasn't very scary because she was shaking like it was freezing but the other two only had a little bit of fear in their gazes. "Hey Vixx can I trust you enough to have our backs while we walk towards the stairs?" The male spoke up while slowly backing up. The tall female nodded while keeping her gaze on Greg. 

He only made a sound that sounded like laughing and closed his eyes. The group made it to the top of the stairs and left. 


How was it? Well anyway, thanks for reading.