Chapter 67: Trusting
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The old man nodded at each word that came out of the way too young chief's mouth; it was the weirdest thing I had ever seen.

Yet, unlike me, Aisha did not let herself get caught by surprise; she knew how to react to any situation, well, almost any.

"We have come here to offer you a solution. It's very simple, chief. It will not hinder your village growth, and we are even going to help you move if you so wish."

"Right. And where is that you would move us?" The young chief asked, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"To the northern region. It is much safer there, much more protected, and is waiting for nothing else but your settlement. There are a lot of opportunities for growth, and the borders to Featherland offer fewer Cyclopses intrusion, you could-"

"Let me stop you right there, young envoy," I could see Aisha arch her brows at being called young by a child. "These things you speak of are nothing else but an attempt to wipe us off inconspicuously. You might not know this, but there are many differences between a western tribe and a northern tribe. We live in the wastelands, and they live in the plains; we honor the sands, they honor the dirt, we live for the hunt, they live for the farm. If you place us together, we shall inevitably fight."

"That is only partly what Sundoor's intentions are, Sand-chief," intervened the old man, although his face looked like my ball-sack, his voice was powerful, healthy, "Pushing us to the plains is a calculated move. Those are their more exposed borders, and they have studied our might. It is intentional. We would act as their first line of defense in case of an invasion. There is nothing to defend against here, envoy, only monsters, which is the reason why we shall not move; I hope that was clear enough."

He was not entirely wrong… and yet. Obviously, what the tribe was doing here went against the norm, and as long as it was allowed, they would expand enough to be a considerable threat to—

Who was I trying to kid? They could all become Ultimate Classes and increase their population by ten times, and they would not be able to put a dent into Sundoor's might and defenses.

Whatever they were doing was just a palliative; they were doing it out of need and personal greed, if one could call increasing one's own levels: greed.

If it wasn't because of Roana, they might have my support.

Yet, here I was, trying to be Sundoor's lackey to get into its graces.

I had to remind myself that I was doing it all for Nova. Well… maybe for the chance of finding myself a proper home too, or even better, establish one for myself, one that would not kick me out when I became a troublesome existence.

I sighed and took the word, "I've already told your sister this, but it seems that it is a family trait not to see the fallacies behind your schemes."

"Who are you to speak like this? Does this young man speak for you envoy?" Said the old man, waving his cane in my direction. If it wasn't that he was likely an Ultimate Class holder, too, I would have seen the scene as comical.

"Yes," Aisha answered, "he and his sister, who is currently healing your sick and wounded, have come here as my counselors. They come from a village that was plagued by Shade, and that now has fully healed only thanks to their intervention."

"Is that so?" Said the young man.

"My Nova makes miracles," I said, shaking my hands in the air.

"You look annoyed; what is your name… Hunter, I guess? Tell me," said the young chief.

"My name is Loke, Terra. And my father was a Terror of the Night, a Spectre."

The young man didn't as much as waver, but I saw the old one shift posture; it was clear that he was uncomfortable with what I had just said.

"I could kill both of you if I as much as wished. I could kill all your tribe by myself, and I am only one man. One apprentice-Spectre," the old man was about to say something, but I raised my voice, continuing, "YET, ten years ago, hundreds of my kind assembled to kill one person, one child, but Sundoors’s mightiest warrior protected this child..." I took a big breath, trying to show them that I was speaking of something burdensome for me, "At the hand of that man alone, the Spectres were slaughtered to their last."

I did not move from my spot, but I put even more emphasis on my following words.

"Imagine now how minuscule your might is, no matter your levels, in the face of mine; do you have that image? Now think about hundreds of people much more trained than me slaughtered by one man, and that is what you are challenging by not moving from this spot. So, if you want to survive, please, just please... move aside. There is no reason for you to get obliterated."

Bluffing my way through was pretty much the only thing I could do right now; if I had to give away some of my secrets for that, I guessed that it was a worthy exchange.

They did not speak right away, although they shared a look, "That was a nice speech, Spectre, the problem is that not only we do not trust Shade-cursed," said the old man, "but your argument might work if we actually did not have the power to fight back, unfortunately for you and your owner, we do."

He then called the guards, "Take them to the cells!"

"You are making a mistake," Aisha pleaded, "They are ready to come and attack you if you do not comply; please don't do this to yourselves. I just wish for peace."

"Silence her," said the old man.

"Wait," intervened the young chief. "I have a question for the story you shared."

Aisha and I shared a brief look; what I could read in her eyes was a clear "no."

"Who was the person?" he asked, "Who was the child?"

"Sadly, I don't know that part."

Yet Terra kept looking at me, almost knowingly. As if he knew I was straight-up lying in his face.

Then he turned the other way, and the guards took us away.

"Loke, don't do anything," Aisha said, loudly enough for all of them to hear, "If we do not return in forty-eight hours, the Inquisition will attack."

"I know. It's just a matter of time."



The cells were made in thick MoonSteel; I could try to damage one with my clock-arm, that fortunately, they had not asked me to remove.

However, they had taken everything else, including Spectre's Dignity.

Thankfully, I had left the Dark Crystals at Logan's, but I really didn't know if Nova had done the same; I hadn't thought about it.

They had bound us with both Stone bindings and Crystal bindings. Like the one Roana had found three months ago and with which we had bound Aisha, but the ones the nomads used were made in metal and looked to have been made by them.

Metal Scribes were rare outside of the City, even more so than Leather Scribes or Weavers; they were Sub-Classes capable of inscribing Flow or Shade abilities into respectfully, metal, leather, or cloth. They could all make Amulets, of course.

Still, this type of equipment could easily bind mages with their poor body-related Attributes but did not really work with those who focused their efforts on cultivating their physical Attributes. I was not exactly the strongest. However, my clock-arm was extremely powerful now. If I wished I could free us of the MoonSteel bindings used to block Flow, it would take quite some effort because the Stone bindings too were made with the same alloy as my clock-arm, but I would be able to free us before night descended.

What I was not going to free myself from, however, were these.


SolarTitanium Cuffs of Shade-binding

Durability: 100%

Flow Capacity: 100%


Strengths: Can bind subject with up to 135 Strength

Weaknesses: Everstone


These Cuffs of Shade-binding have been built by an Advanced Tinker and inscribed by an Advanced Metal Scribe.

Their ability to block Shade use depends on the Scribe ability.

Their primary function is injecting Flow into the formation of Shade abilities, destabilizing them and thus canceling them.


There was no way I could free myself of these bindings.

If the MoonSteel one could resist a Strength parameter of 65, this one could, instead, resist a Strength parameter of 135.


Yet all that was really of no importance right now because until they brought my Nova back, I could not act; also, she would be the one doing the work. I had already in mind a perfect plan to escape, that was if she had been smart enough and absorbed at least a Dark Crystal before they took them away from her.

These nomads were too trusty, or maybe too busy. They hadn't placed any guards on us. Perhaps they were short on men. Still, it would be their second gravest mistake after having challenged Sundoor.


However, by the time another hour had gone by, my Nova had yet to be returned. I was starting to worry and paced around.

"You should try to relax, Loke. They must have a lot of hurt people; some healing processes are long," Aisha said, more untroubled than I thought she would be.

I chuckled, "You might be used to being bound by now, but I'm not."

"Very funny. Anyway, you were still thinking about that story?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, why wouldn't I? It hit me, and anyway, do you think they are calling you Twilight Envoy, just because you are a cute halfling, are you?"

"You're saying it like Lester Teriman acting in my protection changes anything. If they thought I was special, I wouldn't be having such a hard time getting my ideas through Sundoor's citizens," she answered.

"You can't really believe that?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm not following."

"Alright, then let's put it this way," I said. "By the way those people act toward you, you are resounding much more than I ever thought possible. The very thought of the Inquisition trying to resolve such a conflict without using their oppressive power is mind-blowing. In my village, we grew up and even personally saw nomad tribes getting obliterated if they acted up. And now you want me to believe that the change was natural?"

I shook my head, "I don't know what it is about, but your and your father's ideas are being pushed. You are receiving help, and it was so subtle that even you didn't realize it. It's the only explanation."

I spoke my mind, and she fell quiet thinking.

I couldn't really believe she hadn't noticed; maybe she was pushing herself so much that it left little time to ask herself important questions.

"Still, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing. As long as the people pushing you are not doing this to show the Citizens that you are bound to fail and that looking for peace and integrations is a lost cause, you can ride the mount you have been given."

"Loke, I… why doesn't this sound dumb? I mean, why does it make sense?" She let herself fall on the dirt while asking so.

"I may not be the brightest when it comes to interpersonal relationships, but I'm kinda used to having to read bad people's intentions. I just hope whatever the reason they are helping you is not planned to show the world how great your failure will be when it arrives."

"If it arrives…" she said.

"Yeah, sorry, I did not really mean that… I'm your number one supporter, I guess."

"Damn, Loke… I need you in there, with me, not out here. I could really use your help." Then she added, hopefully, jokingly, “I would really need my personal psychopath to serve me.”

“Ouch…” However, that answer she had given me. That was what I was looking for.

Whatever game she was playing, I could play it too. It didn't matter if she had to be the bright star and I had to be the projected shadow; as long as it got Nova and me into the City, I could play whichever game she wanted to play.

Yet our back and forth was broken-up by the sound of the tent's door opening up.

Our cell was placed in the middle of this tent, used mainly as a storage facility and occasional prison, and now they were bringing Nova in.


That woman, Kaleeki, was the one bringing her in.

"You are lucky to have such a dutiful and passionate sister, Shade-cursed. You don't deserve her," she said.

"Lock her with them,” She said to the guards. She had given no orders about binding her, which was good.

I could also see that her satchel was still on her.

"Wait," I called, to further distract the young woman, "How did your brother gain all those levels at his age?"

Kaleeki smiled, "What? Now you are interested in our practices? Well, sadly for you, we are not the ones you should be asking that question."

"I don't understand; what does that mean?"

"What it means? It means that you are going to find out during the night, pity you won't be able to see it, only hear it."

What was she talking about?

"I want to see it," Aisha said. "If you are not the ones raising the undead, it might help your situation. Let me understand!"

Kaleeki scoffed yet left the place, not even bothering to leave a guard behind.

When a few seconds had gone by, I focused on feeling if someone had been left behind maybe to spy on us, nobody had. So, I spoke to Nova.

"How were they?" I asked.

"There were… a lot of wounded, many Shade-plagued too. But I don't get it; the place is entirely free from the corruption, from the blight. How are they getting the plague?"

"The undead, their bodies can easily spread it," Aisha answered.

"Oh…" Nova hadn’t realized it yet.

We both hadn’t.

"Alright, this does not matter now. What's important is that you've still got your purse with you. Now, tell me, have you absorbed your Dark Crystals?"

"Well, no, but they are here with me," she said.

"Thank the Sun... then get on with it."

"Get on with what?"

"With your training, what else? You are going to break us free from here. Your Flow Blade needs Skill experience; what better than testing it against metal imbued with Flow-resisting inscriptions. Come on; I’m going to coach you."



By the time the Blessed hour was upon us, we had managed to raise her Flow Blades level all the way through a complete Promotion.


☆☆☆ Flow Blades II - Focus

(Eligible for Promotion)

☆ Summon powerful Flow Blades

Your Flow blades’ power is also boosted by Strength;

They are twice as powerful against Shade-based constructs

Strength + 12;

Focus + 12;

Less Flow Consumption


Although she was exhausted, I had Nova take two more Dark Crystals, one to further Promote her Flow Blades, the other to start training her Flow Shield.

I thought about training them both simultaneously, but I didn't want to tax her too much. Also, the Flow in the perennially dark environment wasn't exactly a lot, so we burned through a good amount of her stored Crystals, and there was still a long night ahead of us.


"Nova has already got four Flow Stars?" Aisha asked, surprised.

"I was born with three," she answered, "Loke was the opposite; he was born with three Shade Stars."

"I… didn't know that," she looked sincerely taken aback, "Well, what can I say... try to choose whatever Class gives you Flow Star, Nova, and you do the same with a Class that gives you Shade Stars, Loke. Because you might both reach great heights one day, guys."


“Yeah, Nova’s going to, But it’s way too late for me. I’ve got no Classes with Shade Stars, not even a lucky Skill.”

So, I didn't know about me, but her disposition was one of the reasons why I wanted Nova to join the City. She had a bright future ahead of her. Although I couldn't say it in front of her, not right now, I would remind Aisha about it.

"Alright," I addressed Nova, "Now try to cut us free of the MoonSteel bindings,” I said.

The tired Nova nodded, and she summoned two blades, both as long as proper swords and very bright, though I could see that her face was haggard. I had pushed her a lot.

But having her put this much effort into saving us would show her how much I trusted her.

It took a while for the bindings to come free of Aisha's hands, and they became incandescent as they were slowly melted. But she had heat and fire resistance; she would be alright.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Nova asked, "Although I can conjure them, if it wasn't for the Flow coming out from my hands, I would be burning myself. In fact, I can feel the heat on my forearms."

"Yeah, you have to get yourself a heat resistance Perk," I said.

"There were no such options, but the Moon said I would find them with the next Skill and the Class," she said.

"Nova, this Moon again? What is it that you are talking about?" I asked as Aisha came free of her bindings.

"The Moon, she has started speaking with me every time I use Dark Crystal."

It couldn't be… could it?

"Wait, Nova. Does this Moon like to make bad jokes and always answer questions with other questions?"

Nova shook her head, "Nope, she is actually quite gentle and smart. She says I'm special. I doubt she's really the Moon, but I wouldn't know what else she could be."

"Guys? Do you really think it's time to have this silly conversation?" Aisha said, incredulous.

"You're right; it can wait. Now free me from my binding, although I will still have the SolarTitanium one, I have other plans to free myself of that."

"But, won't it hurt?"

I nodded gravely.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I can count on your healing and my own healing. Come on now."

"Loke, wait," Aisha said, "This is really going to hurt. Did you see what happened to my coat? It literally evaporated. Let us deal with this; we'll free you with the keys."

I had to show trust, didn't I?

I Traced the blade, just to be sure, I should have been able to handle it.


Flow Blade Skill Construct (Sword Form)

Durability: 100%

Bonuses: Strength + 60

Flow Capacity: 100%


Strengths: Fire-inducing, Flow Construct, Twice as powerful against Shade constructs

Weaknesses: Shade


This Flow Blade was conjured by Nova Nightfold. It can offer a stable source of serious damage. It can regenerate itself with Flow and easily ignite things on fire and melt even metal.


I chuckled to myself.

With this sword on, and more importantly with the level that was to come once she promoted it, she would cut through our metal enemies like butter.

"Alright," I said, "I'm counting on you."

As they got to work, my eyes connected with Loki.

I hadn't been able to feel him for the whole day, but what I could feel now were whispers.

A lot of whispers.

He had kept himself occupied, but it was time he came to help his owner now. It was time we escaped from this place.