The Apocalypse and The System that came after
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The Apocalypse has been raging for over 40 years now. It arrived like the ones you seen in movies slightly but a little different. You know the whole Tried to create a cure, it failed now boom, zombies? Yeah no, this was meant to happen, turns out they were trying to make a biological weapon/ Super soldier project, where the virus had two side effects, one was Inhuman abilities like increased speed, or strength, and some of the rarer ones perception. but the downside would be the death of the host and the urge to suck someones blood. So yeah, there was a Vambie apocalypse. Around 20 years ago, a system was gifted down to us, when humanity was on their last breaths. It sent an introductory message that went like this: 


Greeting Humans of Terra; I felt pity on you as I was passing by your world and thought to take a chance, By sending you this experimental system I built, I give you a chance to take back your destiny from being zombie food. This is a purely optional choice however, as I will give a single gift to anyone who refuses the system, and that gift will be bound to them allowing no other to take it away. Goodbye and good luck, 

~ Atryus

System or Gift? 

(Experimental) System

(Soulbound) Gift


The results were mostly 75% went with gift 25% went with the System. I was one of those 25%, but my system is hereditary now. The system became sort of an type of ressesive trait that rarely occurs due to the sheer majority of gift users system users are a minority. The System gave everyone three small skills and that was it. Appraisal, the ability to see information about a Vambie, depending on how much you knew yourself; Jump, a superhuman jumping skill; and a skill based on our performance so far in the apocalypse.

My skill was Blade Wielding, and the description was The ability to accurately use single bladed weapons, which was alright because I wield a katana and in the early days of the Apocalypse I use various knives to the point where yeah I could say I am skilled in them.

I heard that all the people who had survived since the beginning, who got systems, got a trait, and those are ridiculously hard to get, unless you get them as rewards from a particularly difficult battle. 

Anyway the main feature of the system was to turn zombie corpses into supplies. How it does so is unsure, but people have tested the supplies to find if they're safe, and they are. So then system users became vital to every battle team, as they could actively get supplies from killing vambies, but a lot of system users went solo so they could have the resources all for themselves or family. I am one such person, as I need to look out for my sister. 

As my sister got the gift, it was a particularly good gift as she can quickly cultivate any plant in a matter of seconds.  So that's us,  two siblings with powers trying to survive in this crazy world. 




I look over the world I gave my simple system to. I only waited 2 decades and it seems that the systems are dying out already, but little do they know that once all the systems are gone, the gift users will naturally get weaker. 

Well it figures, I made an ultra simple system, there was no classes or titles or achievements just the bare minimum loot ability, a simple version of appraisal, and an abnormal jumping ability taken influence from those zombies they had feared. 

My main world was working fine so I have enough resources from that to play around in these smaller worlds for as long as I want.  It might seem mean, the small world that are about to die and either undergo new evolution, can be changed with a well crafted toy. 

Here's some history of the Vambies World. The Virus was created to stimulate the brain making a normal humans instincts stronger. The downside however it would hijack the brain and cease the functions of other organs essentially killing the host, However the virus would continue to try to keep the brain alive by feeding itself oxygen, and after the lungs had failed one way was to hijack the oxygen in another living beings blood.

The Vambies were sort of like vampires and zombies so the term was combined. They would attack spread the virus through their bites, suck out their victims blood, Thus creating more vambies. The intelligence has been erased replaced by pure instinct to find more blood, and the vambies smell was greatly enhanced to detect blood from over 5-6 km away. 

For the system's and gift becoming hereditary, if one has a good concept of biology all they need to know is a System is Recessive and a Gift is Dominant.

Anyway, I might come back to look at the Vambie's world in the future, maybe a couple of millennia later to see how it progressed and if my system survived.