Confide in the Doctor (Arc One, Chapter 1)
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Arron woke up in the early morning, he had at some point sent dinner down to Ultima despite the soldier being asleep, and when he went into the monitoring room he was unpleasantly surprised. Ultima was still in bed, clearly awake, but he wasn't moving from his bed at all like he usually would do. He was staring at the food that was still sitting on his desk, at this point the bread was stale and the soup was jellified. He made no moves to actually grab it, but just stared at the now bad food.

The doctor put on and adjusted his white lab coat before heading to Ultima's room, opening up the door and stepping into the mostly empty room. Ultima glanced to him, but didn't stand at attention, or budge at all. "Ultima, what has you acting so, um, down?" Arron  asked.

Ultima watched him, and his clouded eyes began to clear, revealing a rainbow sheen to them. Arron quickly stepped back, in a bit of shock as Ultima began to get up finally, his rage filled eyes stared at him "W-wait Ultima! Hey, calm down!" he said, turning to open the door before he moved to attack.

"Doctor, you calm down yourself" He huffed, crossing his arms.  "I just want to talk like this, is that alright with you?" He speaks up, and for the first time, Arron heard his voice filled with an emotion. That emotion being deep burning hatred, but he also heard what he said. He slowly turned back, seeing Ultima harmlessly standing in the center of the room with his arms crossed over one another.

"Okay, yeah that's alright" he said, nodding, but remaining poised to rush out of the door "What do you mean by, like this though?" Arron asked him. Mentally he was sort of prepared for Ultima to snap, but did it have to come so soon?

"No one else is awake right now? Watching the cameras? I know there isn't, you're always up early to watch me" he hmphed, but after a moment he spoke again "I mean talking like this, able to say things without needing your order to do so first. That's the limit of what I can do with this" he said.

Arron nodded "Got it" he said, but soon opened his mouth again to ask a curiosity "So you have been conscious, this whole time? Can you tell me what has you acting down then?" he asked, slowly beginning to relax. This relaxation would normally be the time the soldier would move in to attack.

However, Ultima didn't move to attack the doctor, sighing "Stop asking questions Doctor" he said sharply, but continued to talk. "Yes, this whole time I've been mentally aware of what's going on. In fact right now my head is very clear and I know you guys are controlling me, but I don't harbor any ill will towards The Ark Organization. You guys remade me, and made me better than any normal human" he explained the first question, and paused a moment to pick up the stale bread. It crumbled in his fingers as he exerted just a little pressure "Your other question was why I am down, as you put it? Doctor, I am bored, it is the type of depression one feels when there is no true opponent for them. Gareth made me feel alive when I got to actually fight him, but that solider, Jackson was it? He was soft to punch, like a jab bag" he said simply while glaring at Arron.

Arron listened to him talk, and had at that point forgotten to be poised to run. He took a few moments to process what Ultima said. The first thing was that Ultima was totally aware even in his docile state, but he actually didn't care about what the organization did because of the benefits. The second thing, was that he was bored and lacking a feeling of fulfillment now. He watched Ultima to see if the angry soldier would continue, but when he didn't Arron sighed "Is that all? Alright, Ultima I will see about finding someone who can be your match then" he said, and after a moment he added "I promise" he said, speaking sincerely.

Ultima watched him respond, and nodded "Thank you...Arron" he says softly, and Arron could hear the rage in his voice quell. His eyes slowly turned dull and cloudy again and he tensed up at attention. Ultima slowly uncrossed his arms and put his hands by his side, staring straight ahead again at Arron.

Arron left once he saw Ultima turn back to into the obedient soldier Ultima. He had just learned a lot and needed time to work things out. He was mostly surprised by the fact that Ultima could somewhat control that deep burning rage that filled his vibrant eyes, and that in that entire time did nothing to actually hurt or intimidate him.

Meanwhile, Ultima slowly moved and sat back down on his bed with a deep sigh. That was a very risky move, but luckily Arron was slow to escape and just liked him too much, speaking of liking him too much, he opened up his relationships menu as he was just notified of finally ranking up in his relationship with the doctor.


Doctor Arron: Confidant (00/100), you're his life's work Ultima, so he will place trust in you like you did for him. 
Officer Gareth: Trusted Soldier and Higher Up (10/100), he has placed his full trust in you after seeing your abilities, and since you can't refuse orders. He admires how ruthless you are in combat.
The Ark Organization: Secret Weapon (00/100), they know now that you can be used against your fellow soldiers for dirty work, although this doesn't mean they'll treat you any better.

Ultima suppressed a smile at the relationship menu, seeing that it now said the doctor will trust him more made him feel a bit better. The events of last night, and his choice to fully embrace being an NPC were still weighing on him. However he'd rather burn brightly than burn long. It would be boring to just be an easter egg, or downright sad if he chose to just remain as a background character.

He stood up and did his usual ten laps around the room while deep in thought about how to proceed with the immediate part of completing the final origin mission. That being that he had a level up ready and waiting to be used. Despite by having no inventory, the best way he could describe it was that he had an item, one he knew would boost his power quickly to the next level in his custom class. Well, there was no better time than the present!


Level Up!
You can either gain one skill or one ability from this level up, you also have gained one creation point, which can be used to make an additional skill or ability or immediately boost one of your stats by a single point.

You have selected to gain one ability, and will also use your creation point to create another ability. Please enter the information you'd like to include about these down below.

Ultima began to mentally write out an ability while he started an exercise routine. Eating breakfast when it came and saying nothing as the guards took away the old dinner food. He finished by the time breakfast was polished off, sitting at his desk for a moment to look over the first ability he made. 

Weapon of Heart: Draw forth your inner strength to create a weapon. This weapon is magical, and takes on a form that fits your stats, or in the case of you being the creator of this class, you choose it every time you create it. The drawbacks are that only one weapon can exist at a time, the weapon must be rainbow colored, and it can only be used under the effects of Ultimate Limit Release. Also, for the time being, you can only make melee weapons that are the size of yourself.

He made this particular ability for one simple reason, that being he didn't expect the higher ups to give him a weapon regardless of how obedient he was. At least not right away. So instead he'd make use of his custom class to MAKE a weapon, all the types of weapons in fact that he could want.

The drawbacks were harsh, but they were all ones he was fine with. Only one weapon existing at a time seemed limiting, but depending on how fast he could make one, he could effectively change it at will anyway. The second one was because he liked rainbows and he was sticking to that damn motif. The third was just for dramatic effect and to make Ultimate Limit Release more enticing to use, and it was such a harsh penalty that the system even said he could make two weapons at once when he added in that penalty. He rejected that though, for no reason other than thinking focusing and needing to create one weapon would already be pretty hard.

Then there was the second ability he could make, he had to make it a good one, and one that would also work without the penalty of needing to release beforehand. It was fine to have a burst mode, his favorite sort of things were transformations and when a person 'went all out' but if everything relied on it, then he would be useless after using it once since that restriction still existed.

After several minutes and staring at one of his walls, he began to practice again in the middle of the room, deep in thought as he kicked and punched at the air. He felt like lately he'd been getting faster, he suppressed a chuckle as he imagined that maybe he could throw a fist out if he got strong out like in some anime. A thought suddenly struck him as he was doing so. It was so, so cliché, and so dumb. He began to mentally write it into the blank ability box while oppressing a smile.

Shockwave Impact: Explosively release a portion of your hidden strength in order to forcefully accelerate a punch or kick to the point of breaking the sound barrier if only briefly, which will result in a shock wave. The distance of the shockwave depends on many factors, including gravity, level of this class, speed, and even in if the name of the move is said or not. It does NOT let you punch with the speed of a bullet, as the amount of force that would generate could easily kill any normal person, and possibly break all the bones in your own arm or body. It simply makes a shockwave, and if it impacts anything other fully solid before finishing it will be cancelled. As the creator of this move, you have chosen for it to always work as if you were in an atmosphere similar to Larian, even in a vacuum. Theoretically this could propel you in space, if you didn't die of being in a vacuum first.

A shockwave from his punch or kicks, even if this skill ended up being ultimately not too good, the sheer fun of it was what inspired him to make it. He submitted both abilities and checked his new status menu.

Alexander "Ultima"
Class: Ultima 2
Skills: Enhanced Physique, Broken Mind
Abilities: Ultimate Limit Release, Weapon of Heart, Shockwave Impact
Statuses: Hypnotized (Strong)
Stats follow below
Strength: 11 (10)
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 10
Endurance: 12
Wisdom: 8
Luck: 0
Notes: All around average, stats of ten are considered the average, so you're slightly above average in endurance. As an effect of your regime, you've earned a temporary +1 to your strength, continue your training to make this a permanent increase. You're currently hypnotized, which has dropped your wisdom down just a bit, rendering you worse off against charming or hypnotism. Your luck is still zero, which is rather strange to think about.

He stopped his attacks and took a deep breath, after thinking through and creating these two abilities his headache was intense once again. He still felt better though after making them.

He checked the Server countdown, with ten days remaining, he had to prepare for people to possibly find him. That meant he had to be in a position for people to find him. If he relied on the snooping sort he'd likely run into chaotic people, ones that wouldn't be good companions at all. He had an idea on how to fix that, but he had to wait for Arron to come and talk with him again, which he hopefully did.

Weapon of Heart was inspired by Kingdom Hearts Keyblades, how they're manifested from the heart of the user (at least that was my understanding of them). To go with this inspiration, the image below courtesy of One Sky, One Destiny on twitter is of the Ultimate Form change weapon, and it is an example of how weapons look that are produced with it.

Image courtesy of One Sky, One Destiny on twitter
