Chapter Twenty-Two
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I was stunned, I struggled to comprehend what Hannah just said.

"You're not even of age, how could you possibly know that Cole was your mate?" I questioned.

Hannah scoffs, "I've always known he was my mate; I could sense our bond ever sense we were kids, I tried telling Cole, but he wouldn't listen. That's when I started getting closer to you, I had hoped his hatred of you would jump start his feelings for me when he saw us together."

Even though I no longer felt anything towards Hannah, it still hurt to hear that our entire friendship was based on her trying to make Cole jealous.

"When that didn't work, I decided to just wait until he became of age. But even then, on the day of his party, I tried to get him to accept me as his mate but he still wouldn't admit it." Hannah fumed out.

I was shocked; had Hannah always been this crazy?

"And then your bitch of a mate had to go and kill him before we could ever get the chance to be together!" Hannah exclaimed in a sad voice.

I began to pity Hannah, and hoped that she really had been Cole's mate, at least then there'd be a reason to her madness.

Alpha Rodrick steps in, "Enough, it's time to ends things."

Rodrick hands Hannah a silver dagger which she grabs and holds toward me. I look over at Rodrick and anger grips me as I see the murderous gleam in his eyes as he looks down at my family.

"I was hoping to kill Keira, but we never expected her to be the type to run. By now the two packs that left with her last night have already led her into an ambush. So I'll just have to settle with killing her mate like she did mine." Hannah says with a smile, her voice becoming more and more crazed as she spoke.

My anger turns into rage at the thought of Keira being led into an ambush.

"Don't worry, unlike Keira I'll make this quick." Hannah says still smiling.

As Hannah steps towards me I should have felt scared, but I wasn't, in fact I smiled because all I could feel was rage. A pure rage I had only felt once before, a pure rage that wasn't entirely my own.

At that moment the hands that were holding me hostage just a second ago go limp and the sensation of warm blood running down my back has me shaking them off. I glance down at the body and see a hand shaped hole in the back base of his skull severing his nerves and spinal column. Soon after, a second pair of arms wrap themselves around me but unlike the first these arms are warm and possessive.

"Keira." I say in relief, letting myself fall into her arms.

"Sorry I'm late." She whispers in my ear.

Keira's sudden appearance left stunned expressions on everyone's faces. My father was the first to recover, seeing I was free, he explodes into his wolf form and charges toward Rodrick. And then all hell breaks loose, following my father's lead everyone else also shift and begin to attack. Two of Rodrick's pack members try to intercept my father, but my mother being slightly faster than my father breaks out ahead of him and manages to knock them both away, giving my father a straight shot to Rodrick. Alice and Cora immediately run over to me and Keira and focus on covering her back. Lucas, Daniella, and Noel begin to move as a team around the field taking out and distracting as many wolves as they can. Charles joins my mother in covering my father, while Selene and the others form a protective circle around the twins and three other children from the Blackwood pack. Blackwood himself goes after Talon, while the rest of his pack split into teams and follow Lucas, Daniella, and Noel's lead.

While all this is going on Keira and Hannah never take their eyes off each other, and I dare not move. In any other situation Keira would have already dealt with Hannah by now, but after seeing Keira, Hannah 's hatred of her seems to have unhinged her mind. Hannah also still had the silver dagger in her hand, people with nothing to lose are not to be taken lightly.

"I'm surprised to see you came alone." Hannah taunts.

"Fortunately for you I had to leave my pack behind as insurance." Keira responds unfazed.

Keira's statement confuses me, and for a moment a look of confusion passes over Hannah's face as well, but she quickly recovers and shrugs the statement aside.


Before I knew what had happened, Keira had body checked Hannah hard enough to launch her tumbling to the ground. The sudden hit caused Hannah to lose her grip on the dagger, sending it flying into the air and then landing just a few feet away from me. I go and quickly grab the dagger off the ground, giving me some way of protecting myself. I turn and see Alice and Cora using their impeccable coordination to get the two wolves they were fighting to run into each other and get into each other's way. Though bigger, the two wolves were clearly uncoordinated and seemed to have no training whatsoever. Having relied solely on their brute strength till now. Frustrated the two wolves start growling at each other, distracted they don't notice Alice using Cora as a springboard to jump behind them, surprising them. As she lands, Alice uses her hind legs to kick the wolf closest to her in the head as he turns towards her. Distracted by the sound of his partner's skull cracking, the wolf doesn't see Cora close the distance between them and use her hind legs to knock him into his partner knocking them both to the ground. Before they could get up and recover, Alice and Cora pounce and begin to tear into them, blood splattering all over their fur as blood pours from their mouths.

This surprised me as the girls usually killed their opponents more cleanly than this. Once they were satisfied the girls quickly rush over to my side to watch over and defend me. Kiera glances back at them and gives them a nod, as if to tell them good job, before fixing her gaze back on to Hannah.

"You stabbed Caden, so don't expect this to be quick." Keira states.

Hannah smiles, "I never thought it would be. You alphas are all the same, you have this biological need to show off your superiority. It's the reason I had to have a backup plan in case Rodrick and Talon decided to screw me over."

To our surprise ten wolves run out from the woods behind Hannah and charge towards Keira, she barley manages to shift into her wolf form before the wolves start piling on top of her. I quickly run to try and help Keira, but Cora grabs the back of my shirt with her teeth and pulls me back just as three wolves jump in my way. I go into a defense position with the dagger in front of me while Alice and Cora get in front of me. But the three wolves didn't attack, they kept their distance and blocked us from getting to Keira, while the other seven and Hannah continued to gang up on her. These wolves had to be one of the mercenary packs Hannah mentioned before, they were highly skilled, much better than the ones sent to kill me. But even still Keira was holding her own, for every bite, kick, and scratch she received the attacker would receive as well.

Still at this rate she wouldn't last long, red blotches of blood were appearing all over her white fur, I look around for help, but my family and the others were still fighting their own battles. Even though the fight began with them outnumbered my family and the Blackwood pack quickly closed the gap and were now in a stalemate. And judging by the way the three wolves kept watching us, they were ready to block any attempts at helping my family as well.

Dammit, what do I do, I can't help Keira or my family!

A feeling of self-loathing I hadn't felt in a long time began to fill my chest; it was times like these that I hated being human.

I felt a sudden sharp pang of anger directed towards me.

It was Keira, even under constant attack she was still able to sense my self-loathing and was not happy about it. For the briefest of moments our eyes lock, and I could practically hear her yelling at me to stop being stupid, and it made me laugh.

I quickly shake the negative thought out of my head and focus on what to do.

Then it hits me, I meant nothing to these wolves, even with the dagger I was only a weak human in their eyes. My mind flashes back to the night of the last attack and how I managed to surprise and wound the wolf long enough for Daniella to come. Lucas and Noel always said that the element of surprise was my best asset when fighting, but unlike in training I wasn't alone.

I calmly step forward, sensing my determination the girls don't try to stop me. Without looking back at the girls, I say one simple command, "Go."

The girls hesitate for only a second before shooting out towards the guards blocking us. Alice goes left while Cora goes right to split up the wolves, two go after Alice while one goes after Cora, just like I figured not one of them spared me a glance. None of them considered me a human a threat, so none of them saw as I ran toward one of the wolves attacking Alice and quickly stab the dagger into the wolf's side, causing him to yelp out in pain. Not giving it time to recover; I grab a portion of its fur with my free hand and use it as leverage to jump up high enough to bring the dagger down on the back of the wolf's head for a quick clean kill.

The wolf slumps to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut, as I pull the dagger out my hand shakes slightly. I have seen others kill or be killed and have helped in the past, but this was my first time killing an actual werewolf directly.

Having lost its advantage, Alice is able to quickly outmaneuver the second wolf and takes it back and then its throat. I look over to check on Cora but having had to deal with only one wolf to begin with, she like Alice, makes quick work of the wolf and runs over to join us.

The girls look over at the dead wolf I killed and then over to me, I could sense their surprise as I look over to my family and then Keira.

"C'mon let's go." I state.

Without hesitation Cora leans down, I quickly jump on her back, and then the three of us head toward Keira.

As we reach Keira none of the wolves fighting notice us coming, they were so focused on not giving Keira a moment to rest that they hadn't even noticed that we killed the three sent to block us. I jump off Cora's back and onto one of the wolves attacking Keira, and quickly bring the dagger down on its head before it could shake me off. From the corner of my eye I see both Alice and Cora take down two other wolves. The remaining four mercenaries and Hannah stop attacking and look over at us, stunned expressions on their wolfen faces, seizing the opportunity Keira jumps back to catch her breath.

I run over to Keira and check on her, she was visibly exhausted, and her beautiful white fur was soaked in blood. I hear a few loud snarls and yelps of pain coming from where my family was fighting, I face the five wolves attacking my mate and ready myself with dagger in hand.

"Alice, Cora go help my family!"

They both give Keira a small nod before running off to help my family. I was surprised to see them comply so easily, their trust in Keira seemed to reflect Keira's trust in them.

Despite Keira being exhausted and us being outnumbered, I wasn't afraid. Keira leans her large wolf head against my chest and pushes me back. I could feel Keira's calm and confidence and it seems to bolster my own. Hannah and the mercenaries snarl with anger and hatred in their eyes, but also fear. They've lost half of their fighting force and they've also lost their biggest advantage of keeping Keira pressured. They were clearly no longer confident that they could win this fight. Hannah barks something out, prompting the mercenaries to begin their attack on Keira again.

As they come in close, I feel Keira release her aura, the mercenaries are immediately affected by it with their movements becoming sluggish. Before, the eight wolves had to work together to suppress Keira's aura with their own, but now with fewer numbers their auras couldn't match hers.

Keira shoots out from beside me like a bullet from a gun and makes quick work of one of the mercenaries leaving only three left. Hannah quickly runs over to join the mercenaries as if thinking her being there would make a difference, but no. No longer outnumbered and pressured like before, they couldn't even touch Keira, she danced around them like a ghost.

I was a bit sad that my hero moment had already come and gone, but the feeling quickly went away as I stood in awe of Keira and her fight with Hannah and the other wolves. They had clearly lost their composure and coordination as Keira kept leading them into each other and took them out one by one until only Hannah was left.

I hear a rustling of leaves behind me; turning around I see that it's my family, the fighting on their end had finished. I look over and see both Talon and Rodrick dead, though not unscathed our side had managed no deaths. My parents rub their large wolf heads against me in a show of affection, they were clearly glad that I was okay. We watch as Keira continues to dodge Hannah's attacks that have now become wild and clumsy. Having grown tired Hannah shifts back into her human form and surprisingly Keira does as well.

"Its not fair!!" Hannah screeches.

Hannah attacks Keira in human form, and is surprisingly a better fighter in human form than in wolf form. She manages to land a few blows on Keira and push her back slightly, but Keira quickly pushes back showing she's just as capable in human form as well. It was evident that Keira was purposely matching Hannah's speed and strength to make this a battle of skill. After a few more exchanges Keira proves to be the superior fighter, deflecting one of Hannah's punches and then landing a one two punch before knocking her to the ground with a series of kicks.

Keira goes over to Hannah and picks her up from behind with her arm around her neck.

"I understand your reason for wanting to kill me, but you shouldn't have touched my mate." Keira says, snapping Hannah's neck.

Keira shifts back into her wolf form and lets out a howl of victory prompting everyone to do the same including myself. After we're done, I examine my family and the other pack members; some of them were in rough shape. Some of the broken bones sustained while fighting have healed wrong, and needed to be rebroken to set right. I go over to Keira to check on her, as I approach, she shifts back into her human form and pulls me into her arms and kisses me passionately. I could taste the blood on her lips, some of it hers and some of it not, but I didn't care, she was back, and I was happy to see her.

Keira breaks the kiss as growls break out among the wolves, as an unknown wolf in human form approaches from the woods.

My family was already getting into defensive positions when Keira stops them.

"Wait, he's not an enemy." Keira calls out.

The man lazily puts his hands up to show he meant no harm. He wore a jean jacket with a white shirt underneath and blue jean with black loafers.

"He's the reason I left, or more precisely he's what I left to find." Keira continues.

The man stops when he reaches us."

"Hi ya'll my name is Zero and I'm from the White Moon pack, and I think we need to have a chat about the future of this town."


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