Chapter 2
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So let’s get the facts straight, I’m not on Earth anymore and I know absolutely nothing about the world I’m in right now. Well that’s if I discount everything I read about in similar stories and mangas, but I don’t think assuming any knowledge applies here is a good idea.

 So my top priority right now should be getting some answers.

Uuhh System?

Nope, Nothing


[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]


Why can’t I see how many points I have?

[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]

Bullshit. I can’t even see the price of the shit I wanna buy? How is that even fair? I mean, that’s just bad business practice.

Taking a few moments to collect myself, I ask in my mind again.

How do I get more points?

[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]

Of course, go figure. I thought sarcastically

So, can I assume that any knowledge would require payment?

I wait a few seconds for an answer but hear nothing.

Aaaand nothing, so this is just a shopping website with a glorified search bar. That’s just fantastic; I’m back to square one again. Fictional unverified knowledge it is.

Now recalling how my elf friend said slaves, the first thing that comes to mind is slave seal. I really don’t want to wither away in some coal mine, get used as some cannon fodder, or be some noble’s fucktoy. So abiding by the infamous Murphy’s Law, I asked.

 Can I buy a slave seal?

A couple of seconds pass by, and I’m not sure what’s going on at this point, seeing as it never took this much time to answer.

Maybe there it doesn’t exi…

[ Query successful. 303,240 results found, please apply more filters for more accurate results. Sorted by popularity]

Item User
Pleasure Slave Seal Gary492
Labor Slave Seal Gary492
Convict Slave Seal Gary492


Taking a few minutes to scroll down a bit more; and a few more to process everything. I was stunned by the number of possibilities. There were about 15 or so unique slave seals on the list, and the top 14 entries were all Gary’s.

Ahh, the spirit of capitalism transverses even worlds.

Focusing back on my impending demise I ask

Some form of power to resist slave seals

[ Query successful. 20,921  results found, please apply more filters for more accurate results. Sorted by popularity]

Item User
Mind Resist (Passive) Zaraya Parisi
Slave Master Gary492
Meditation Dharmaya


I was thoroughly impressed with Gary’s monopoly; he’s the top dog in anything slave-related. Looking over the list a bit more, I was disappointed that only the top 3 choices were viable. The rest looked like inferior or incomplete versions.

Meditation seems like a decent choice, but I don’t think it can be an immediate solution.

Slave Master seems interesting, but assuming that they can somehow test us and we’re captives on their land, a slave trader is not a wise profession to have.

Mind Resist it is then. There were also a couple of mindcontrol-like abilities on the list, but it’s just too risky; an ability that I’ve never used and have no way of knowing how it functions doesn’t seem very reliable.

Mind Resist it is then.

Alright then, Buy Mind Resist

[ Buy Mind Resist (Passive) by Zaraya Parisi for this_number_of_points, please confirm ]

Right, I forgot about the whole price thing. Considering my life hangs here, I don’t really have much of a choice, do I?


[ Transaction complete ]

Now that I can stop worrying about my future as an onahole, I can start enjoying this experience. The first thing that comes to anyone’s mind when they hear the word fantasy is magic, and I am no different.

Magical Ability

[ Query successful. 26,132,490  results found, please apply more filters for more accurate results.]

Right, that’s way too broad, and I have no idea how magic actually works.

Can you explain how to use magic.

[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]

This is somewhat irresponsible but I really want to use magic so… Yes

[ Transaction complete ]

That was…subpar, I was expecting something more, but I did say basic.

What I got was that magic is, for the most part, programming.  Spells use mana as a power source, your manapool is a battery, and spellbooks are spells made and recorded to be used by others if they have enough mana for them.

Oh, and affinities dictate which element you can manipulate. It didn't even bother telling me what affinities there are.

Magicial affinity

[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]

And apparently, only the shop can dictate affinities. Aaaaaand only a single choice meaning it’s random. Oh, that’s just peachy.


[ Transaction complete ]

Nothing. It didn’t even bother telling me my affinity.

Trying to sigh, I realize that I’m still asleep. Recalling how I only started using the system after going to sleep, I ask.

Can the shop only be used when I’m asleep?

[ Privilege can be bought for this_number_of_points, confirm purchase? ]

Yeah, I thought so.

Alright then, buy both the ability to see the number of points and to use the shop while awake.

[ Insufficient balance ]

Uh oh

See how many points I have?

[ Insufficient balance ]

In a dejected manner, I buy the only available option and start waking up.

I groggily open my eyes and start looking around. Not sure how long I’ve been ‘asleep’, I look to my left for the elf only to find him curled up in the same position. My right side is quiet, so I guess whoever was crying tired himself out.

Closing my eyes back up and clasping my hand in my lap, I focus inward and try feeling my newly acquired manapool. After fifteen minutes of doing absolutely nothing, and with a frown on my face, I drop that idea and start making a ‘hello world’ kinda spell.

I’m by no means a programming expert, but I know the basics. Unclasping my hands and pointing my finger in the air, I focus on my finger as an outlet and push. Getting no reaction, I position my hand on the floor and repeat. For the briefest moment, the earth shook, I created a connection.

Earth, How fitting.

I felt my mana decrease with my cast, The emptiness in my manapool creating a sense of wrongness in my body. With a satisfied sigh and a smile on my face, I stretched my arms and legs.

Opening my eyes, I find my pointy-eared friend staring at me with a mixed expression of disbelief and wariness.

Ah, Shit