1: Welcome Back Player
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"Why couldn't you just stay next to me? That's all you had to do." The tight, growl-like voice cut through the tense silence like a knife.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Kajiwara-senpai? What're you talking about?" A second, much softer voice trembled out into the open air.

Two figures stood in a dark, empty classroom in an almost showdown fashion. One, a shorter girl with long hair and the, other a much taller girl with a bobbed hairstyle.

Gritting her teeth, the taller girl finally lost all of her restraint. "What am I talking about?! I'm talking about you and Ueno! Have you even taken a second to consider how I feel?!"

"Ueno-san? What has she- ah!"

Damn it. I knew I had gotten Ueno's favorability too high too fast.

The other girl was interrupted by being tackled to the floor, sending multiple desks flying with multiple bangs as deft hands wrapped around her neck and squeezed.

"You could've gotten closer to anyone and I wouldn't have cared." Kajiwara's blue eyes look predatory, hands tightening with every crazed sentence. "But you went and got close to her of all people! Why? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhy- WHY?!"

"K-Kajiwara-senpai, it hurts, I can't-"

Fucking Kajiwara and her jealousy. I thought I learned my lesson in the third attempt but I guess not.

"I loved you, Saya. I really, really loved you." With a heartbreaking smile and tears streaming down her face, Kajiwara doubled down on her strangling and laughed. "If I can't have you be only mine though,"

My vision's getting dark. Couldn't she have chosen any other form of ending me? This takes too fucking long.

"I'd rather just kill you."

When Saya closed her eyes for good, she was met with a familiar sight in big, red letters and small little credits beneath.

Game Over. 

Character With Highest Favorability: Ueno Riko (89)

Character With Lowest Favorability: Sonoda Lucia (32)

Character With Highest Blackened Value: Kajiwara Megumi (100)

Character With Lowest Blackened Value: Takai Kei (12)

Year Reached: Year 2 of 3

Highest Test Score: 5th Place

Best Subject: English (A)

Worst Subject: Math (D)

Ready To Try Again? Yes/No

Barely reading through most of what was written, Saya chose 'Yes' and the darkness surrounding her turned into a bright white space with another prompt she had become used to seeing, this time in black text.

Welcome back, Saya. Please select your attributes.

This was the 19th time Saya had died in this cruel "game". She not only knew this because of counting, but also because the dumb system would always remind her what attempt she was on. This game, known formally as "Lobel Academy's Tragedy", was a survival-romance game with an insane, obsessed, and lovesick all female cast. As someone who had gone through it 20 times, Saya could definitely say it would probably be fun if you weren't playing with your own life on the line every time. She could also say it was damn hard.

Managing favorability and blackening values, the school life aspect, not to mention the constant looming threat of death at any interval. All within an entire highschool timespan.

While she had no idea how she had even entered this world, Saya knew from the game's own information that the only way to leave was to capture all romanceable targets and get to graduation alive.

You can guess how well that has been going.

"Guess we're back to square one all over again." Saya grumbled to herself, beginning the set-up stage all over again. The set-up stage was before the entire game began with, well, the set-up. Character customization and all that.

"Last time I went for the innocent type, right? Maybe a more domineering or bold girl would be better..."

To say Sayu had practically had every life experience might be a statement in itself, it wasn't very far off. She had tried so many possible combination of traits and appearances that she could build a catalog.

Step 1: Appearance

Appearance always came first. Her last look, a girl with long, wavy brown hair and big doe eyes, came up and she scrapped the whole thing to start with a bare canvas. The look she wanted for the 20th Saya was mature and elegant.

After some deliberation, Saya set to work. Straight, chest-length, black hair. Slanted gray eyes with long eyelashes. A beauty mark under the left eye. Peach skin, unblemished with a healthy glow. Thin. Moderately-sized breasts.


Step 2: Lifestyle

Lifestyle was basically everything family and upbringing. These brought different benefits depending on what you chose. The richer your family, the lower the chance of kidnapping and you can fix a lot of events by donating to the school. The stricter your parents, the harder it is to have night events with a lower curfew time. Etcetera, etcetera.

Saya went with a wealthy, distant, and lenient family. Upbringing was mainly done by house servants and nannies.


Step 3: Interests & Hobbies

This part was easiest. It was as stated, hobbies and interests. It also involved things you were bad at or average with.

With a quickness only someone who had done it hundreds of times could have, Saya entered in her desired settings. 

Average athleticism, high literary skills, high fashion sense, low cooking, average artistry, high musicality, low handiwork, low cleaning.


Step 4: Lobel Status

How you got into the main setting of the game, the prestigious all-girl Lobel Academy. This mainly influenced your relationship with teachers and capture targets. For example, if you were a scholarship student and a capture target was one as well you'd have a higher starting favorability.

Saya chose Legacy Student.


Step 5: Name

Finally at the last step, Saya didn't even look as she pressed confirm this time.

Furuta Saya.

Is Everything In Order?


Then Let Us Begin. Good Luck, Saya.

[ Hello readers! Tis I, momonono! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Impressions and comments are always welcome! <3 ]