New Girl
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Jax.Jax.Jaaaax. His mother called out to him. He looked around in confusion to what kind of place he was in.

It was an old stone room that looked like a dungeon without any windows and only one door.

"Where are we?" He asked his mother. All he could remember was the part when he cried his lungs out as Emily perished without a trace.

He could feel his body sore as though he had worked out too much in the gym.

He had no idea that he had been involved in an excruciating fight when he went all out on the vampire soldiers.

"You're in trouble. We have to get out of here." His mother said with her voice faint just like whispers.

It seemed to be that Jax was detained after his justified revolt against the soldiers.

His mother knew that the guards were always distracted by the blood being made by the machine nearby so all they had to do was to keep silent in order to get out of there.

She helped him up onto his feet as he struggled to overcome the pain from  his sore body.

With his vision blur, he could see that his arm was completely healed from the bite Emily had given to him but he didn't mind it.

The two, Jax and his mother, paced stealthily through the dungeon door and gladly, Jax was back on his feet.

There was a bridge that led directly to dungeon. The dungeon was isolated from this old stone castle on it's side.

The only way Jax and his mother were to get out was through the well guarded castle.

His mother led the way across the bridge as Jax looked blankly in fear of heights.

One could see the whole city from up there. Although it was a pretty sight, the bridge was on top of the tall castle so it took much courage to cross it.

His mother had already reached the other side when turned for a grand sight to see.

Jax' hands were shivering and his pupils were widely dilated in fear and discomfort.

"Like father like son." She said. "Every brave man has that one fear he cannot control."

She walked back to him and held his hand. He walked right behind her avoiding to look at the ground and before he knew it, he was on the other side.

It was quite a chuckle getting down these numerous fleet of stairs but they were out through the back door in no time.

"Why leave without saying goodbye?" Gerolk said as he stood in front of them with an unpleasant smile on his face.

"Take care of the boy." Gerolk said but the guards looked at the boy with resentment and fear.

"He won't do anything like that again. It was shear luck the last time." Gerolk assured them.

Jax couldn't understand what they were saying but his mother knew exactly what Jax could do.

She came closer to the boy's ear to tell him what he needed to do. "Try forming any weapon that comes to your mind." She whispered.

Gerolk quickly pulled her away from Jax. "Say a word and this will turn into a bloody mess." Gerolk threatened.

"Take care of the boy." Gerolk commanded. His mother looked as the guards grabbed Jax.

"What's happening?" The young lard asked. "It's okay. Go with them." His mother said.

They put him in the backseat of a car as he looked a Gerolk talking to his mother.

"Is there something she's not allowed to tell me?" Jax thought. He was surprised to see that his mother was coming with.

She sat down next to him in the car and it started. Curiosity was killing Jax as they embarked on the journey.

"What were you discussing with him?" Jax asked his mother. She gave him a weird gaze and smiled.

"Nothing, everything's alright." His mother replied. "Sorry that you're late for school." She added.

Jax was confused. He had no idea how he had got here nor why his mother was contradicting her statements.

He recalls her saying that he in trouble when they were still in the dungeon and now she's acting like everything is alright.

"Nevertheless, it's none of my business. I have to get back to my highschool life." He thought.

The car drove through the city heading towards the school in which Jax studied.

As they approached the front gate, Jax could see a beautiful girl that he had never seen at school before but he didn't mind.

The car parked by the gate and Jax got out. "Have a great day son." His mother said to him.

As the car drove away, Jax stared at his hand again and later looked at the blazing hot sun striking his face.

With Emily's bite, he should have already turned into a vampire but it wasn't the case.

"I guess am still immune." Jax said to himself. "Though, why can't I remember what happened after Emily died?"

Tears were starting to feel his eyes just thinking about Emily. He really feared the consequences of Emily becoming a vampire and he now had reason to.

Whilst entering class, two important topics were trending. The incident of the rampaging vampire hunter slaying soldiers and the new high school beauty joining that day.

Jax had no idea about any of the two trending topics. There was a loud cheer upon Jax' arrival at the classroom.

It was a mesmerising sight in Jax' eyes. Even though vampires were allowed to live with them, human still had a feeling of insecurity.

What Jax did at the gathering in the Hall gave his classmates a sense of security as though he was a hero.

Jax walked up to his seat only to hear about 10 stories about the what happened at the Hall. 

"Is that why mom said I was in trouble? Then why did they let me go?" Jax questioned himself.

Whilst his thinking, the teacher walked into the class having shown the new girl around the school.

"Will you introduce yourself?" The teacher said to her. She looked around the class until her locked onto Jax.

I guess she had also heard about what he did. In a split second, she looked away.

"My name is Alexandra Argent. But you can call me Alex." She added. "Nice to meet you all."

The lesson went on quite well thereafter. Jax neither minded the new girl nor the stories they were telling him.

All he could think about was Emily. His first love.