Chapter 15
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Iris who had just got beaten by Rhea went over to the window to catch her breath. She had learnt a painful lesson. You don’t backflip in a fight.


She slipped out of the window, going onto the fire escape. Throughout the past few days, she learnt however, she had gotten quite flexible. Rhea had made her bend in ways she never knew she could.


While resting lazily, and a little nervously on the railing, she glanced over at the horizon. In front of her apartment was a small plaza with the empty streets being a distance away.


The place was empty. Seeing this, Iris had an urge to do something thrilling. Her heart pounded against her chest.


However, before she could act, Rhea came over and stood next to her. Not only this, from a distance away, she saw a group walk into her field of view.


She recognized two of them. It was Walker and Bruna, along with them were another man. He had a large build, and combined with a buzz cut as well as his stern face, he gave off a reliable feeling.


Coincidentally, they had turned over to see Iris and Rhea a little stunned. 


Likewise Iris was feeling a bunch of emotions mixed in one. Stunned that she saw a familiar group. Confused where Aelis was. Happy that she was wearing a shirt and pants due to her sparring with Rhea. And finally relieved that she didn’t do that thrilling thing.


Since they saw her, she could only wave back at them before going back in through the window. Or at least tried to, but Rhea pulled her by the collar and then pushed her off the Fire Escape. 




Seeing this scene, the group began to run towards her. However before they could reach it, Iris flipped in the air and landed on the ground.


Aside from her hands feeling a little painful from the cement, she was unexpectedly fine. Iris was a little confused about what happened when Rhea draped a coat over her. Getting her signal, Iris placed it on, and walked over.


“Umm, hello.” Iris said.


Her awkwardness caused Rhea to smile. 


“Hello.” The buzz cut man said earnestly. He glanced over to Walker and Bruna, motioning them.


“Iris,” Bruna ran over, she had changed from the pst few days as well. Appearing a little less chubby. “You’re safe-“ 


She glanced at her ears before glancing downwards. From between her legs she caught a soft silky tail.


Iris stepped backwards a bit and also observed her. The first thing she looked at were her hair, as well as her hands. Seeing that everything was normal, and even a little cleaned, she sighed.


Bruna coughed. “Everyone has formed a base. We came over to pick you up. Living alone is dangerous right?”


Iris’s ears twitched. She didn’t answer but turned to Rhea. She was a little overloaded again, therefore she decided to throw the decision to Rhea as well as her mom. 


If her mom wanted to go, she would follow. If Rhea wanted to go, she would convince her mom.


“Wait here.” 


Iris pulled Rhea away, taking out her keys, she opened the door and the two returned to their flat.


“Mom, do we go or not?”


Seeing that Bruna appeared to be fine, Iris felt it should be safe. There was also food and supplies. She also couldn’t have Rhea do everything.


Rhea rolled her eyes. She felt like she needed to take over the reins, lest the two of them falls into a pit. 


“We’ll go and come back later.” 


The two turned to face her. “We’ll exchange for supplies and leave. If you want to stay, then you can stay.” 


It was also a good chance for them to see.


The two began to store things away, filling their inventory up. When they were finished, the group of 4 left the building. 


“It’s already been two hours!” 


Bruna showed a stifled look. Walker came over and patted her on the shoulder. He glanced over at the kit. “Let’s go.” 


They then met up with the patrolling large man.


“Finished?” Curt crossed his hand in front of his chest. The group then started to make their way over.


Along the way, Iris was a little envious as she saw Waker blasting away beasts that attacked them with thunder.


“Can you do that as well?” 


She asked Bruna, a little curious. 


“Nope. I don’t have an ability. Curt doesn’t as well. Do you have one? Seeing that you grew a pair of fluffies, you should’ve gained something right?” 


Iris shook her head. “I can’t shoot lightning out.”


Bruna just made an oh sound before facing forward. “Isn’t Walker cool?”


Could she say no?


Iris stuck her tongue out before walking around Rhea, using her as a shield. She was going to ignore her!


Bruna chuckled. 


Without any surprises, the group went over to the base. Iris recognized it. It was a large standalone mall. 


“The owner is already gone.”


When they entered, they found out that the place was redesigned. The large lobby was filled with desks and people loitering around the place. 


“Everything requires contribution points. The way to rack them up can be found over there. If you decide to stay in the base, we’ll allocate you a room. There are only two rules, everything must be exchanged in points, and all fighting must take place outside of the base.”