I Secured a Publishing Deal
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I am writing to tell you that MARROW will no longer be updated on my website, Reddit Serials, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, or my Patreon as I have secured a publishing deal with Inkblood Book Company, an imprint of Tuskaar Press.

If you are currently reading MARROW and want to finish it, fear not! I will be providing a free eBook copy to everyone who began it as a serial so you don’t feel pressured to buy it as I don’t think that it’s fair to essentially force you to do so. If you are interested in this, please PM me and I will take down your eMail address.

Alternatively, if you want, you can join my personal beta reading team to gain access to the story faster by signing up via Google Forms. The only caveat with this avenue is that you will be expected to provide feedback as you read.

You could also apply to join the Inkblood Beta Reader Team or Inkblood ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) Team, which will also allow you to beta or ARC for other stories the imprint publishes. As with the above, the only caveats with these avenues are that you will be expected to leave a review as an ARC reader or provide feedback while reading as a beta reader.

ARC Team Application

Beta Reader Team Application

Thank you for your support. It has given me the strength I need to finish this story and the provenance I required to prove it was worthy of publishing. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you are wanting one of the free eBook copies. After 30 June 2021, I will begin asking a question about the story to verify that you had actually begun reading it here. Thank you again, and I cannot wait for what the future holds!