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"Whe-where am I?" I woke up with my face in mud for some reason. I sat up, looked around. It was dark.It was a barren area, I could not see even grass, nor any shadows of trees. I looked at my hands, they were caked with mud to but were slender from beneath. I had fair  and smooth skin. I looked at my clothes, they were...weird? I couldn't make much sense of them, where they started or how they were tied to me. As I tried to get up, a sharp pain travelled across my head and I fell again, this time a bit of mud got into my mouth. It was bitter, I tried to spit it out but the bitterness remained. I wanted to cry but waited and got up again. The agony came back, but it was much more mild. Bearable. Above was a moonless, starless night. I walked a bit till I heard some noises.

"Is anyone there?"

"Can you hear us."

"We have food."

"We bring help."

I sneaked a bit closer, crouching for I was cautious to see that it was a group of people, each having a torch in their hand.

What to do
  • Ask for help Votes: 12 40.0%
  • Stalk Votes: 10 33.3%
  • Walk away Votes: 8 26.7%
Total voters: 30