Birth of The Brotherhood
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Melvin was working on the roof of a mansion with three floors. He looked at the pool after a splash and saw a little girl unable to swim drowning and no one around to help her.

"LEAP OF FAITH!" He yelled as loudly as he could before running and doing a swan dive into the pool. In seconds he had the little girl out of the pool. He turned the girl's head to the side, allowing any water to drain from her mouth and nose. Then turned the head back to the center. He than begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on land

Strongly breathing four times into her mouth as he pinched her nose. This helped air get past any water that is clogging the breathing passageways and the lungs. He put his ear near the mouth and watch the chest for any breathing movement. Then checked her pulse for signs of life. He repeated the cycle twice before the little girl coughed up water and started breathing.

" I hope you called 911 she will need to be examined by professionals but she should be fine for the moment." Melvin spoke but as he was about to walk away his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell unconcious.

-----POV Alexander Kingston------

'It has been five hours since the roofer jumped from my mansions roof into the pool saving my daughter. Why would he risk his life for a stranger? ' Alex thought as he sat in his office his wife with there daughter.

" Gunnery Sargent Melvin Knight United States Marine Corps First Recon. Slated to return to the Middle East in three weeks. Given two weeks leave prior to being deployed. He is a single father of a 12 year old daughter Cathryn Knight. While she is in class he would do jobs like roofing and put the pay into his organization New Dawn. It gives aid to wounded veterans, veterans in need, and children in need. You donated quite a bit because he helped your brother who lost both legs to an IED in Iraq last year. Many families either donate money or volunteer time because of what his organization has done. Those that get paid are all clean and share his values they are all veterans. But that does not explain why he took such risk to save the Young Miss. Sir that man is a hero he currently holds the record if purple hearts having earned 12 in his years of service and...... He has four Medal of Honors. His daughter is following her fathers foot steps in her actions and her grades are excellent." Alfread Alex's Head Butler said knowing Alex wanted the info right away.

"If this man no this Hero lives pay for his hospital fees. If he dies cover his hospital fees, any Bills that show up cover them, make sure his estate is ready to be given to his daughter when she is 18, hold the best funeral, also prepare the paperwork we will adopt his daughter I will not let the daughter of our hero suffer an orphanage or foster care."

The buttler nodded and did as he was told.

The next day in Melvin's hospital room Cathryn was crying holding her father who had just passed away. When a man in a suit walked in.

" Cathryn Knight I am Alexander Kingston and your father saved my little girl yesterday. I would have liked to thank him personally but as he has passed I am going to thank you. All Bills and the funeral arrangements have been made. I will not let a Hero's family suffer. I have already filed the paperwork to adopt you into my family. Even if you can never see us as your family you will be living with us until your 18 in which your inheritance from your father will be transferred into you" Alex said.

" I don't know how I will feel in the future about this. But I will not turn down the good will you offering. My Father said one day he may die helping others but when your faced with helping others or living with the guilt of not. It's always better to help because guilt is a monster that destroys even the best of men. Besides I know you and your family I have played with little Emily when you came to fathers foundations fund raisers. I will be a good older sister for her and a good daughter for you as I will let down my father's memory" Cathryn said.

Cathryn started crying as she heard a whisper of her father " I am Proud of You my kitten"

-------POV Melvin--------

He witnessed everything as a spirit and whispered "" I am Proud of You my kitten"

Before he was pulled into a white space with blue and white checkered tiled floor with a laughing blue haired loli on a gold and blue throne.

" You really yelled leap of faith before performing an Assassin's Creed leap of faith"  the loli stated catching her breath.

" I am Karma The Godess of Resurrection. What is your desire?" Karma asked.

" Naruto world with a Naruto, Assassin's Creed, and Elderscrolls preferably Skyrim system." He stated quickly

" Why?" She asked

" I am a big fan of Naruto, Assassin's Creed, and Elderscrolls. I always thought the Dark Brotherhood would do well in Naruto." He said smiling

" Your system will have a shop where you can purchase anything from elderscrolls, naruto and Assassin's Creed but nothing that is past Naruto world technology level fyi no nukes, guns, or cars etc. I will also through in things from other sources like flash step from bleach. I will give you a starter pack that will have a few random surprises for you. Your system will have a inventory and training subspace. I am creating the Tsukikage clan in the hidden leaf village for you will get more info on arrival. Also I am sending you to the hidden leaf's military camp on the Iwa front in a prepared body. You are the same age and best friends with Minato. Because your clan is a Noble Clan you have a few fiancee's they are a Senju, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Hyuga, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, Inazuka, Aburame, Uzumaki, Kurama, Yuki, three civilians ninja of great promise, and seven ninja that where betrayed by their village and you took them in. You will get all those memories on arrival. Oh do keep this interesting." Karma snapped her fingers and he vanished without being able to say anything. 

He awoke as the sun  peaked over the horizon and memories flooded his mind.

' Tetsuya Tsukikage is my name and my clan is the best when it comes to assasination and infiltration. Those in the clan have the possibility to get any number of bloodline abilities due to a policy of accepting any of those cast out of their clans due to lack of ability. Turns out I have so many fiancees because the Senju and Uchiha used to marry the weaker members of their clan to mine during the warring states because our skill no one could find us or protect themselves if we wanted them dead. So when the Leaf was formed the Tsukikage was one of three great founding clans along side Senju and Uchiha. So the next head of my clan was always engaged to a Senju and Uchiha that then expanded to more prominent clans and include female civilian born ninja with great potential. Right now all of my future wives are back in the village for the time being. Let me think so they are

Miki Senju a child hood friend and helps me write the Ichi Ichi books sense her mom Tsunade hooked up and married Pervy Sage he didn't write the novels. He ended up doing well with crime novels after I told him episodes of Law and Order, NCIS, and CSI reworded for naruto world. He did very well took to it like a fish to water. I also wrote naruto verse versions of 007, splinter cell, hitman agent 47, Kingsmen/ Statesmen, Mission Impossible, Batman and Robin, and Batgirl. Those alone have my bank account stacked.

Mikoto Uchiha she was a child hood friend that had a crush on me so when it came time she was the obvious choice. We spend time in the garden working something she enjoys doing.

Kara Sarutobi oldest daughter of the third and pretty much beat the shit out of anyone else wanting to be the one from their clan to marry me.

Mayumi Hyuga older sister of Hiashi and Hizashi. Was physically weak compared to her clansmen so she was choosen but I introduced her to archery and a bow and arrows made with a special wood I named chakra wood. She became an elite ranged expert in a matter of days

Akina Yamanaka older sister of Inoichi was the only one of age range from the clan and was in love after several discussions about various plants. Including their uses, care of prior and post harvest, and how one can even make a medical herb garden a pleasant environment.

Amaya Nara older sister of Shikaku Nara they would hang out when the clan heads met and he introduced a game called Ninjas and Tailed Beast totally ripping of Dungeons and Dragons replacing the various classes with different ninja such as taijutsu specialist for monks and med nin for clerics. Replacing quest with different ranked missions, races to bloodline clans, and Dragons became tailed beast. It even surprised her dad when he found us with several other clan kids playing at a table in one of the waiting rooms. After the clan heads and Hokage found out, learned the rules, and watched a session where even a character died. They saw the reaction yes it was not a real person that died but still it hit all the players hard. It was a great introduction on critical and high paced thinking. It also taught mission Intel could be wrong or change at anytime. In other words it was a great way to teach children various things about being a ninja like taking in account team members abilities while planning. After that I wrote the Ninja Master Handbook, The Players Handbook, Monster Encyclopedia, and Starter Scenarios for beginners. Every thing people needed to get started. I also made a starter kit that included the necessary dice, several character sheets, ninja master screen, and bonus scenario Tailed Beast Assult The village.

Akasuki Akimichi older sister of Chōza Akimichi wanted a better way to use their jutsu instead of getting fat so I helped develop the Food Fighter jutsu so it turned the fat into additional muscle the guys got super ripped like professional body builders. While the girls got various athletic type builds Aksuki got a runners body while managing to keep perfect amount of fat in her curves. We opened a restraunt called it New Moon and served several dishes from my old world. Though Akasuki is a ninja she swapped to reserves to manage New Moon the top restaurant in the Leaf.

Tsume Inuzuka tried to be alpha and claim me but I put her in her place real quick now she is submissive around me and a few of her new sisters. She was joyous when I told her new ideas on dog breeding, care, and training. Especially when we got her three ninkin to be able to use a Chakra Nature and apply their Affinity to jutsu. It was cool watching her dogs run around one surrounded by wind, another by fire, the third with lightning. The faces of the Inazuka Clan when a flamming dog barged in the clan meeting priecless I laughed for hours on end.

Hotaru Aburame oldet sister of Shibi was quiet but got very talkative when I started discussing insect breeding and artificial habitats for prolonged life and better breeding. When we made bugs Resistance to elements go up like if heat went up cold went down etc. But that was just the start.

Kushina Uzumaki saved her life from kidnapping, talked about ramen and seals, didn't treat her different because of the fox. Got her on me like a fat kid on cake.

Mizuki Kurama helped her clan become better at controlling their genjutsu abilities and overcome their physical weakness a large margin still only reaching special jonin levels at most but better than stuck below genin. 

Shizu Yuki was sent as a bridge of peace between mist and leaf. If I wasn't here she would have married to a farmer and having Haku as a child. 

Botan Kaguya ran away from her clan after the mist betrayed them and her clan wanted to attack them. I took her in and she connected with everyone and wanted to join my family.

Anko Mitarashi civilian potential in TI department and after talking shop with sadistic glee willingly accepted her future.

Kurenai Yūhi had listened in as I taught the Kurama clan about genjutsu and how to better control their abilities and willing accepted her fate especially if she could strengthen her genjutsu.

Guren was shunned by her village until I took her away and turned her into a splinded ninja. Her potential and bloodline ability made her one of three civilian born choosen to marry him.

Pakura was betrayed by the sand earlier than in cannon. But I found her on the border while on patrol and took her in following clan protocols. She realized I saved her and was welcoming her into my clan she joined and seeing all my girls she wanted in and was accepted by everyone after they knew her story.

Mei Terumi, Yugito Nii, Fú, Tamako, and Nari all had similar stories as Pakura and wanted what Pakura had so I welcomed into my family saying they would be the last to join my family as my future wives. I will save going through their individual details at a later date.' He thought allowed before he could do anything else a note appeared infront of him. 

[open your starter pack ] the system prompted 

He thought open 

[ Starte Pack Opened

1 x Instant Comprehension 

1 x Instant Mastery

1 x Perfect Affinity All Affinities 

1 x Absolute Chakra Control

1 x Knowledge Transfer Jutsu

1 x Chimera Bloodline Assimilation of any bloodline trait to perfect use. Has a chance to pass on bloodline traits into children. (An example you may not have say the ice release but you have that clan blood in your veins their is a chance your child will awaken ice release) 

1 x one tails chakra reserves 

1 x summoning scroll Avian

1 x summoning scroll Feline 

1 x summoning scroll Mollusca

1 x The Abyssal Sword - Katana that is pitch black with silver blade edge, the scabbard is pitch black, scabbard tip silver, the cord silver with silver crescent moon charm on a silver chain, The blade collar and spacer silver, the guard pitch black oval with silver moon designs, the collar silver, rayskin pitch black, braid silver, buttcap pitch black with a silver full moon ornament.

1 x The Empyrean Sword  Katana that is pure white with gold blade edge, the scabbard is pure white, scabbard tip gold, the cord gold with gold sun charm on a gold chain, The blade collar and spacer gold, the guard pure white oval with gold sun designs, the collar gold, rayskin pure white, braid gold, buttcap pure white with a gold sun ornament.

1 x Void Steps - combines flash steps, reverberating turn, shave, pure flying steps, bringer of light, moon walk and body flicker.

1 x Chimera Senses - A combination of enhanced (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste), echolocation, scentlocation (using the various scents of the world to mentally picture the world), seismic sense, water sense, wind sense, heat sense, observation haki, energy sense (magic -silver, chakra - blue, natural - green, divine - gold, tailed beast - red), Elemental sense (sense the elements around the user), kinetic perception, lie detection, underwater sense (knowing where one is underwater), underground sense (under ground version of underwater), remote tasting, micro vision, macro vision, vibration detection, night vision, panoramic vision, movement vision (sees anything when it moves), accelerated senses (sense anything that is moving or while user is moving at high speeds), chemo vision, unhindered vision, sonography, illusion/ invisibleility/ shapeshifting  awareness (everybody seems to forget to change  or hide the smell), infra/ ultra sound hearing, parabolic hearing, spatial/temporal perception, weather sensing, electromagnetic vision, enhanced balance, empathy (can sense emotions such as fear), penetration vision, soundwave vision, super color vision, probability sense, and Eagle Sense ( sees colored aura around people and objects. Red - enemies or blood, blue - allies, white - sources of info or hiding spots, gold - targets or objects of interest. Can hear heartbeats, foresee targets path. Lie detection, look through walls, mark target, see what is not visible, peer into the mind of a target slain by users own hands. Share sight with an animal usually a bird.)]

His mind filled with information as he became a Grandmaster in everything he knew even a little bit about Stealth, Sword, Hidden Weapons, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Wire, Genjutsu, Seal, Sage Mode, Chimera Senses, his Void steps, and all his techniques he learned up till then including rasengan, chidori, and Flying Thunder god. One of the biggest thing is he could place a seal for Flying Thunder God on touch and smaller than normal. The other was when his Void steps peaked he gained both Void Clone and Void Shell at max.

Void Clone - combines speed clone and body flicker clone. So fast that when the clones attack each attack lands and does damage at the same time.

Void Shell - Void Clone appears to take damage causing opponent to lower their guard.

He tried using one hand to form hand seals and felt a click knowing he mastered it. He repeated the process for two different one hand at the same time. Then combining the two into one combination jutsu. He felt the click and knew he had already mastered it. He fiddled with some chakra nature mastering it all then applying it to Void Steps. The following is what he came up with using his training space he quickly mastered each.

Dark - Umbra Stride

Light - Radiance Stride

Fire - Flashover Blitz

Water - Maelstrom Stride

Earth - Tremor Stride

Wind - Squall Stride

Lightning - Ion Slide

Sound - Requiem

Boil - Haze Stride

Swift - Godspeed

Explosion - Megaton Blitz

Dust - Particle Slide

Wood - Woodland Stride

Magnet - Metalic Blitz

Crystal - Gemstone Blitz

Scorch - Solar Flare Slide

Ice - Luner Frost Slide

Lava - Magma Flow

Storm - Tempest Blitz

Space/Time - Blink

Within his training space he quickly working on new techniques. Here is what he came up with.

The Dust Eater and Skyfall can apply to most of his techniques that he will put into categories called Arts.

Dust Eater - Attacks close to the ground. Users are often on the ground or centimeters from the ground. Attacking the lower body and upwards from below. Can use weapons or taijutsu.

Skyfall - same principles as Dust Eater but from above. Used to attack from high places or after a jump. Can also be used with movement techniques or abilities that allow flight. Attack upperbody and downwards from above. Can use weapons or taijutsu.

He then started working on his Arts first he created was the Specter Arts: stealth arts focusing on stealth, wires, knives, hidden weapons, and thrown weapons.

Specter Wire Stitching - razor wire under ground. Target steps into trap pulling wires to their feet in a formation that cuts them off. User controls power and force of the wires.

Specter Wire Crucifixion - wires trap target in away that they appear crucified.

Specter Wire Dismemberment - wires hidden in various ways in the terrain or in a straight out attack. That binds a target and user controls force and power. Can catch a target but normally used to slice target to pieces.

Dancing Specter - just the Dancing leaf shadow renamed

Spectral Killer - the silent killing technique but unlike others that need a cover such as mist. If this is mastered can kill a target surrounded by others in an open filled, and not alert the others. This done without any space time techniques.

Specteral Flow - using chakra flow without alerting anyone including sensors of your energy usage.

Specter Sword - Silent sword techniques

Specter Fist: Makes all taijutsu silent.

Specter Clone - smokeless and soundless shadow clone.

Following that was the Phantom Arts: Genjutsu techniques

Phantom Elemental Step - a visual genjutsu makes the user appears to vanish into an element and surround a target. This is done by a mix of movement and genjutsu to enhance the effect.

Phantom Fist: Apply genjutsu to taijutsu has five stances

First Stance: Phantom Sun - Uses Phantom Elemental Step

Second Stance: Phantom Moon - Sound based genjutsu used to disorient target by messing with one or two senses such as making them see more than one fist.

Third Stance: Phantom Earth - Scent and taste based genjutsu utilising powder and perfume to cast the genjutsu.

Fourth Stance: Phantom Star - uses touch to initiate a genjutsu.

Fifth Stance: Phantom Mirror Flower - Based on Kyuoka Suigetsu but requires a gauntlet to be seen. It also has a weaker effect, but still effects all five senses at once. It also limited to 50 yards from target and is cast the instant used. It is an A rank jutsu but just barely.

Phantom Cage - target is caught in an illusionary cage. The cage could be anything like spinning blades. Attempt to escape the cage like it was a real cage result in intense physical pain in locations injuries appear on target in the illusion.

Phantom Bolt - Ball of energy cast at target all it takes is sight but is more effective if it hits target. Cause those targeted to fight illusionary enemies.

Phantom Sword - Uses Genjutsu and sword techniques. He decided to utilize Kyōka Suigetsu (Mirror Flower, Water Moon). Genjutsu requiring a blade to use. Complete Hypnosis manipulation of all senses. It is cast by getting targets to look at the blade of a sword. It is a S rank genjutsu because once used target is unaware th they are placed under a genjutsu trap. This trap can be activated or deactivated no matter the distance with little chakra use, and saying "Shatter". Can be released by fluctuating chakra if some one is strong enough.

Phantom Penance Stare - Eye cast genjutsu that causes target to see a flaming skull. Then live through all their sins as the victim.

Phantom Tentical Festival - Targets are abused by Tenticals

That was followed by Medic Arts, Drunken Arts, and  Elemental Arts.

Medic Arts:

Medic Fist: Medical knowledge, medical ninjutsu, and general taijutsu every ninja learns at an academy. This to split into two branches.

Medic Fist: Fist of Life- used to treat injuries and contain targets be it allies or foes.

Fist of Life: Medicinal Palm-  Medicinal knowledge to insert medicine into a target to work more efficiently.

Medic Fist: Fist of Death- Leathel techniques used to ensure the safety of allies.

Fist of Death: Venom Palm- Poison knowledge to insert poison so it works more efficiently.

Venom Sword - poison knowledge applied to a sword art.

Karma, The Sword of Samsara- based on Ruri'iro Kujaku (Azure Peacock) requires blade. "Bloom Samsara" blade appears to become a falx blade with a hinge and four identical blades. "Tear in Frenzy" blades turn into feathery vines that insnare target. They begin to grow energy buds that are being filled with targets energy. The flowers use targets energy to fuel their growth. When flowers bloom they turn the energy towards target seriously incapacitating or killing target. Eating petal heals injuries and revitalizes body equal to energy consumed. This effects user or target of user. Once over reconstituted into original blade.

Eyes of Life and Death -  Can see how long a target has to live and determine best course of action to prolong targets life if not save target.

Drunken Arts:

Drunken Fist: The user either drunk or mimicing drunkenness to add a silly unpredictableness to taijutsu.

Drunken Sword: The user either drunk or mimicing drunkenness to add a silly unpredictableness to sword techniques. .

Elemental Arts:

Elemental Gun - attacks target with bullets made up of an element. Example: Fire - Fire Gun.

Elemental Arrow - Bow and arrow created from an element. Example: Ice - Ice Arrow

Elemental Shotgun - fires pellets made of an element. Example: Lava - Magma Shotgun

Elemental Missle - larger version of Shotgun. Large missles made of an element. Example: Lava - Magma Missle.

Elemental Bomb - Large sphere made of an element that explodes on contact with target. Example: Crystal - Crystal Bomb.

Elemental Flow - chakra flow using nature transformations.

Tranquility, Sword of Balance - combines samurai sabre techniques and the principle behind Getsuga Tensho (Moonfang Piercer of the Heavens). It was made utilizing nature transformations not pure energy.

Secret Sword of Balance: Elemental Storm Execution - Battojutsu using snowstorm beheading as a base. This technique adds nature transformation to the original. It creates a high speed tornado around user. This tornado is created by an element. The user is inside an eye uneffected by the skill as long as he controls it well. Example: Fire - Flame Tornado spins around user.

Elemental Clone - shadow clone plus element

Blade of Oblivion - Disc made of an element spinning rapidly like a saw blade. Homing in on target launched towards.

Dance of Ruin - multiple Blades of Oblivion are launched at a target.

Annihilation Zone - spheres made of an element are launched trapping an opponent inside. User closes fist and spheres launch towards target at the same time resulting in an explosion.

That was followed by 

Chimera Arts:

Martial Chimera- includes but not limited to Takewondo, Jujutsu, Judo, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Akido, Capoeira, Sambo, Pankration, Brazilian Jujitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, 6 animal Kung Fu (monkey, Dragon, Tiger, Mantis, Snake, and Crane).  This style can easily be incorporated into any taijutsu. It has two stances  which are.

Martial Chimera First Stance: Chimera Palm- used for non-leathel take downs. Used in spars or when target is needed alive.

Martial Chimera Second Stance: Chimera Fist- used when leather force is authorized. It can be used to take target alive but harder to do so since it was created to be a killing art.

Chimera Drill - Open palm strike that sends target spinning into the distance. Turn fingers into claws and it rips away flesh and sends target spinning into the distance.

Chimera Mind uses yin to increase spirit and yang to increase healing rate and vitality. Regular use gives permanent boost to base spirit, vitality, and healing rate. Stage 1 only active while completely still and meditating. Stage 2 active for one hour light activity or a few seconds of strenuous activity like combat. Stage 3 active while awake doing light activity but strenuous activity like combat it last a few hours. Stage 4 active twenty four hours a day awake or sleeping. No time limit even for combat. Designed to balance energy do if one energy is getting behind it helps others catch up. Once mastered along with sage mode. One theoretically can stay in sage mode indefinitely.

Chimera Body: was an improved way to achieve 1st hokage's adamantine body - immense bodily strength and vitality.

Chimera Breath: improved seven heavenly breaths. It boost the effects of original. Adds stamina regeneration and health regeneration.

Chimera Aura: increase effects of eight inner gates. Boost in energy regeneration and stamina regeneration.

Chimera Savant: combines Chimera mind, Chimera body, Chimera aura, and Chimera breath. 

Stage 1 - combines Chimera body with Chimera mind, Chimera breath, or Chimera aura.                

Stage 2 combines all four and nullifies the backlash completely.

Chimera Counter:

Stance 1: Physical Return

Stance 2: Elemental Return

Stance 3: Spiritual Return

Stance 4: Full Return or Full Counter

Chimera Secret Techniques:

Chimera Paragon - combines Martial Chimera, Chimera Savant, and Empyrean Fist.

Chimera Renegade - combines  Martial Chimera,  Chimera Savant, and Abbysal Fist.

Chimera Savant's War Cry - combines Elemental Arts and Chimera Savant.

Chimera Paragon's War Cry - combines Elemental Arts and Chimera Paragon.

Chimera Renegade's War Cry - combines Elemental Arts and Chimera Renegade.

Chimera Ultimate Secret Techniques:

Duality of Chimera - combines Chimera Paragon and Chimera Renegade.

Duality of Chimera War Cry - combines Duality of Chimera and Elemental Arts.

Empyrean Arts:

Empyrean Fist- combines thousand mirror style, gentle fist, and disturbance taijutsu. Strikes chakra/energy points in a fluid motion,  from simingly random angles to seal energies such as chakra. This can be either be temporary or permanent. It can also strike specific points in specific ways that appear to be random. This causes organs to rupture. It leaves no external marks. The user appear to be a divine being performing a dance of Judgment

Empyrean Cannon - sends an intense shockwave destroying everything inside target but leaves no external damage.

Empyrean Gun - localized shockwave that destroy the insides of a small area such as elbow or hand. No external damage.

Empyrean Thousand Years of Death - user clasp both hands and inserts both middle and index fingers into targets anus. They pour a small amount of energy through their finger tips to launch target flying.

Empyrean Sword Dance - combines  Nine Sun Sword, The Fiery Dancer (Addan Aenye), Assassination technique, Hatake Style, Iaido, Ogame-ryū, Kamiya Kasshin-ryū, and Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū. The speed and grace of this style has led users of the style to be called Blade Dancers.

This style has seven stances or Dances. The first six mirror the original stances of the Ogame ryu. They are used when given the chance as a starter for an attack sequence.

Dance 1 - Empyrean Quickstep (thunder and lightning form)

Dance 2 - Empyrean Ballet (blazing flame form)

Dance 3 - Empyrean Street ( hollow space form)

Dance 4 - Empyrean Swing ( water dragon form)

Dance 5 - Empyrean Tango (earth lord form)

Dance 6 - Empyrean Foxtrot (divine authority form)

Dance 7 - Empyrean Waltz ( Also called Dance of The Divine. Is the combination of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū and the Iaido techniques in the in the shop. Designed to quickly draw and resheath the blade. It is also used against many opponents.)

Empyrean Moon Light - dash to opponent with great speed before attacking them with a quick lateral sword strike. The tremendous speed leaves a trace of afterimage in the process.

Empyrean Harvest Moon - thrust of the blade using rotation of the entire body to turn the blade into a drill.

Empyrean Moonlit Night - swings sword in a circular motion, leaving a trace of afterimages behind, which befitting to name, mirrors that of a moon. Then rush at them to deliver a blow, taking advantage of the difficulty in following user's movement.

Empyrean Eclipse - an opponent charges forward, holds sword to right side pointing upward and makes a downward step , kneeing down and dodging the incoming attack as the enemy get sliced up by the blade without realizing. This is a form of counterattack that takes advantage of the opponent's attack to strike him down.

Empyrean Moon's Return - a downward slash immediately followed with an upward slash. Though that is the normal use. It is basically any slash followed immediately by a slash in the opposite direction.

Empyrean Moon Dance - Multiple Clones attack same target at same time using the Empyrean Sword Dance techniques.

Swords of Tribulation: Elemental Arts and Empyrean Sword Dance.

Lava - Dance of Eruption

Wind - Dance of Fall

Fire - Dance of Summer

Water - Dance of Winter

Earth - Dance of Spring

Lightning - Ion Dance

Explosion - Megaton Dance

Crystal - Treasure Dance

Swift - Godspeed Dance

Ice - Dance of The Moon Halo

Scorch - Dance of The Sun Halo

Wood - Dance of The Dryad

Boil - Dance of Vaporization

Sound - Resonance Dance

Storm - Dance of The Tempest

Space/Time - Continuum Dance

Light - Dance of The Paragon

Dark - Dance of The Renegade

Serenity, Sword of Order - Zansento, thunder swords remote control, sword of kusaragi: longsword of the sky inspired this technique. Using magnet release user manipulates metal blades to attack. The blades used are formed using Magnent release from silver/gold/black iron Dust or sand. The user remote controls blades from afar. "Scatter Senbonzakura " the blade disappears into petal like blades controled by the hilt. Holding blade downwards saying "Bankai Senbonzakura Kageyoshi" while dropping it. The blade dissapeared into the ground rippling like dropped in water. Two rows of massive blades appear on either side of user. "Scatter" causes blades to disperse into petal like blades remote controled by user. "Annihilate" hardens blades into columns of blade that forms a coliseum around user and opponent. This is refured to as the Funeral Column of a Thousand Blades. User usually uses one blade but can freely use any of the blades created at will. Final move is called Last Sight of The White Emperor Sword. This cause all the petals to form white wings and Halo behind user that connect to a sword held in front.

Empyrean Grace - uses the teaching and skills of kamiya kasshin Ryu to not kill opponent.

Empyrean Gaze - Calming and charismatic effect making efforts of persuasion easier.

Abyssal Arts:

Abyssal Fist- Strong Fist, Fist of the North Star, Disturbance taijutsu. It's a brutal taijutsu from breaking bones, to striking in a specific place and way to make body parts explode. The user appears to be a demon from the abyss performing their brutal dance.

Abyssal Cannon - leaves a hole through the target at least the size of a softball.

Abyssal Gun - leaves bullet size holes in target

Songs of The Abyss - sword style focusing primarily on power. It combines Temerian Devil, Nine Sun Sword, kamiya kasshin Ryu, barbarian blade, dust eater, cloud - style beheadings, and Ogame Ryu. The sword strokes hum with so much power and force. They seem to sing in the users hands. Users of this style are often called Blade Singers.

This style has six stances or verses. They mirror the original stances of the Ogame ryu. They are used when given the chance as a starter for an attack sequence.

Verse 1 - Requiem of The Abyss (thunder and lightning form)

Verse 2 - Direge of The Abyss (blazing flame form)

Verse 3 - Ballad of The Abyss ( hollow space form)

Verse 4 - Sonata of The Abyss ( water dragon form)

Verse 5 - Symphony of The Abyss (earth lord form)

Verse 6 - Hym of The Abyss (divine authority form)

Abyssal Sun Light - thrust of the blade using rotation of the entire body to turn the blade into a drill.

Abyssal Sunlit Day - as an opponent charges forward, holds sword to right side pointing upward and makes a downward step , kneeing down and dodging the incoming attack as the enemy get sliced up by the blade without realizing. This is a form of counterattack that takes advantage of the opponent's attack to strike him down.

Abyssal Sun's Return - a downward slash immediately followed with an upward slash. Though that is the normal use. It is basically any slash followed immediately by a slash in the opposite direction.

Abyssal Sun's Song - Multiple Clones attack same target at same time using the Songs of The Abyss sword techniques.

Swords of Purgatory: Elemental Arts and Songs of The Abyss.

Lava - Song of Eruption

Wind - Song of Fall

Fire - Song of Summer

Water - Song of Winter

Earth - Song of Spring

Lightning - Ion Song

Explosion - Song of Blasting

Crystal - Song of Treasure

Swift - Song of Godspeed

Ice - Song of The Moon Halo

Scorch - Song of The Sun Halo

Wood - Song of The Dryad

Boil - Song of Vaporization

Sound - Song of Resonance

Storm - Song of The Tempest

Space/Time - Song of The Continuum

Light - Song of The Paragon

Dark - Song of The Renegade

Havoc, Sword of Chaos - Requires sword and uses Dust release with or without Songs of the Abyss to send destructive slashes to target. They are all mostly AoE attacks we the smallest  being 50 square yards. It has one two step single target kill skill. " sting all enemies to death Suzumebachi(Hornet). Sword seemingly turns into a black and gold gauntlet that connects to a blade on the middle finger by a gold chain. When target is stabbed by the blade a Hornet's Flower Seal appears. If target is stabbed in the same area again a larger Crest is formed from two smaller ones destroying target with dust release. This technique uses Sealing Techniques to form the Crest. The crest then act as a channel focusing the destructive force of Dust release onto a single target.

Abyssal Mercy - uses the teaching and skills of kamiya kasshin Ryu to not kill opponent. Though risk of killing is significantly lower it is still higher than other techniques. Risk of opponent being maimed and/or crippled is high.

Gaze of The Abyss - Intimidation, killing intent, bloodlust.

The following effects where discovered by using pure taijutsu:

Tempest Fist - sends compressed air pockets or blades of wind at a target.

Flame Fist - friction of attacks generates flaming attacks.

Terra Fist - attack with such force nearby earth is ripped from the ground and sent flying towards target.

Mist Fist - High speed flexible attacks that water droplets collect around adding damage to attacks.

Thunder and Lightning Fist - High speed high friction attacks generates lightning attacks. Attacks are so fast generates sound attacks.

After a while he left his tent. As he was leaving he noticed he looked like Iori Sengoku from Gamaran. He felt a pipe and tobacco pouch in his sleeve. He checked his inventory and found 23 more pipes and a variety of tobacco blends with various effects. He remembered the day he got them it was the birthday after his pipe broke. His girls got together and got 24 pipes. 2 for each month of the year and exquisitely crafted with designs of the month the pipe represents. He also had two years at least of tobacco. 

He filled his pipe lit it with chakra and walked on looking for the first members of The Dark Brotherhood. Oddly enough two targets where stationed here that he thought would be on the Mist front. He used his movement technique to appear infront of them. 

""Lord Tsukikage!!"" They bowed yelling.

" would you like to grow stronger and prove Taijutsu Masters can stand among the Ninja Elite of the Leaf? Just nod yes or shake no. If Yes will you serve me ?" he asked then commanded.

They both noded to both a look of determination in their eyes.

I did hand seals rapidly " Knowledge Transfer jutsu.

They got the entirety of his Chimare Arts and Void Steps.

" Guy and Duy your Affinity is wind and lightning start with them when you reach that point. You won't get much chakra but enough to added it to movement and taijutsu for a bit. " he then left them to process and train the new techniques.

Hayate Gekko and Yūgao Uzuki got Void Steps and Empyrean Arts easily agreeing to join him after he cured Hayate. 

Shisui Uchiha and Dan Kato accepted joining him after he gave them his Void Steps and Abyssal Arts.

He then found an Uchiha and Hygua making out behind some bushes.

" you two young ladies look like you are having fun" he stated and the pair parted and blushed.

" Lord Tsukikage you won't tell will you" the Hyuga asked shyly

" Who cares what others think of your love. Be open and happy you have each other. Tell you what you join my group I am forming I will give you some techniques I came up with and since you will be my subordinates you will have my full support. You can even move into a home together on my clan land." He smiled like an older brother to two little sisters.

"My name is Amaterasu Uchiha" " I am Ayame Hyuga" They said as they smiled and nodded happily and he transfered Phantom Arts and Void Steps to them.

He then personally went with them to the heads of each clan after explaining their relationship and their joing my new group I am forming where they will be personally trained by me and my girls. The original displeased heads quickly saw the benefits and accepted their relationship after finding out it's been going on three years made them get engaged and willingly agreed to help furnish a new home and pay some of their living expenses.

He went to have lunch and brought the eight founding members to eat with him.

" War will kick off at any moment. You eight are the foundation of my new group. The Dark Brotherhood we will focus on mostly infiltration and assassination. But does not mean we shy away from our duties and an head to head fight. Show the world your ability and we will let the world know each of our names. But for now only those in the Dark Brotherhood should know our group name. After lunch group training " he spoke before starting to eat.