Chapter 6: The MOVIES Part 1
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“Would you like to go back to your own height?” Ethan asked as they pulled into the theater parking lot. There was a new Marvel movie out, and the place was packed, though Samantha didn’t seem to notice. She was busy writing on a small notepad she’d pulled from her bag.


“Yes?” She said, looking up.

“I asked if you wanted to go back to your own height.” There! A parking space.

“Oh.” She frowned. “No, thanks. I told you, I wanted to give you a night where you got to be the tall one.” Turning her attention back to her notepad, she added on, “You’ll have plenty of chances to pay me back.”

That didn’t sound good. Or maybe it did. He decided to hold judgement on that one as he turned the car off and got out.

It had only been a short drive, but he was excited to see how large his new girlfriend’s newer butt had become. Trying for his best poker face, he opened her car door and helped her out. The poker face didn’t last long as the first thing Samantha did upon standing up was look at her reflection in the car’s side mirror. She patted down her dress, running her hands along the soft material that accentuated her new, wider hips. At only five feet tall, her increased hip size of two and a half inches was extremely prominent.

Sighing, Samantha turned on her heel to face him. With her hand on her wide hip, she asked, “Are you happy?”

“Yes.” He said with a grin as he stepped forward for a kiss.

“But are you content?”

“With you? Of course.”

She laughed and gave him the kiss he wanted. “Oh honey, you’re sweet. But I meant, are you content with all the changes you’ve made?”

He stepped back, holding her at arms’ length and took his time studying her. When she rolled her eyes, he twirled his finger. She played along and gave him a little twirl, making her skirt fly up a bit. “I’ve got to say, I’m pretty happy with it.”

“But not content?”


“Good.” She said, handing him her tablet again. “Because this is fun.” Hand in hand, they walked toward the box office. “Can I ask a question, though?”

“Of course.” He said as he stuck the small tablet into his jacket pocket.

“This isn’t weird for you, is it?”

“Well, of course it is, Samantha.”

“No, Girlfriend, that’s not what I mean.” There was another sigh. “I mean, this is kind of kinky, right? There’s so many things happening here that could be considered a deal-breaker for any other person.”

“I mean, I don’t know if I really agree with that. Yeah, it’s kinky,” he whispered the word into her ear, “but it’s fun. And who in their life hasn’t toyed with the idea of changing things about themselves?”

“But what about everything else?”

“Like what?”


“Samantha?” He could tell that whatever it was was really stressing her out. Ever since he’d met her, she’d always been the decisive one; very forward and often right.

“You’re not put off by me being older than you?” she blurted out.

He went to speak, but she cut him off. “Because there’s a lot of guys out there who wouldn’t go for a girl five years older than them.”

“That’s not that long though, Samantha.” He could tell that her worry was genuine, but he couldn’t understand. “Five years isn’t a long time.”

“Five years is a very long time when you’re twenty-two, Girlfriend.” She said.

“Well, I disagree. And I think that answers your question now, doesn’t it?” He stopped their walk and caught her eye. “I’m not put off at all. You’re gorgeous, smart, smarter than anyone else I know, really. You love things that I love, and you have great taste in food. Trust me when I say I’m on board.”

“Well, thank you. I’m sorry, I just get in my own head sometimes.”

He pulled her tight and kissed her forehead. “You’re perfectly fine.” He paused, remembering something. “Shit, I left my wallet in the car.”

“It’s okay! You got dinner, remember?”

“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to treat you, remember?”

“Forget about it, Ethan.” Samantha said. “I’ve got the tickets.”

“Fine, but I’ve still got the popcorn. Get us good seats, okay?”

“Okay.” She kissed him again as he jogged off toward the car. She paused a second to admire his frame as he moved. He had gorgeous legs that she’d like to see more of. Shaking her head, she continued toward the box office.

There was a small line, so she took out her compact and checked out her makeup. On-the-move-makeup-application was a skill she was still working on, and she didn’t trust herself. The lady in front of her stepped off toward the doors and she was next in line. She closed her compact, but not before seeing a familiar silver sheen flash across the rim of her irises.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the teen behind the glass asked.

Shit, she thought, what did he change this time? And why right before I have to talk to this guy?

“Uh, yes…” She swallowed. “Yes.” Was that her voice? It sounded… different. Higher, maybe? “Can I please get two tickets to…” Shit! What movie did Ethan want to see, again? And why was her voice so fucking high? She looked up at the list of films playing and none of them caught her eye until she fell on IT: Chapter 2. She used to love horror movies, and she hadn’t seen the first one, but it was the only one that interested her.

Someone behind her groaned and she made up her mind.

“Two tickets to IT.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s rated R.”

“Uh, okay?”

She and the worker stared at each other for a minute. What was this guy playing at?

“I’ll need to see your ID.”

“My ID?” she asked, fishing it out. Why would he want that? So what if the movie was rated R?

He took the ID and her credit card from her and seemed to read it before shrugging and handing it back. “Just made the cutoff, nice.” He took two tickets and handed them to her. “Theater three is to your left.”

“Thanks?” she said as she headed inside. What was up with that guy? She did have to admit, he was pretty cute, though. She giggled at how surprised he’d looked when he saw she was actually twenty-seven. He must have felt stupid.

Wait, twenty-seven? Was that right? It didn’t feel right, but she shook it off and waited for Ethan to show up.

She spent the time people watching. Dang, what she wouldn’t give for a piece of gum right now. She dove into her purse and, luckily, found one. It tasted like spearmint and felt really, really good against her lips when she went to blow a bubble.

A couple in their late twenties walked inside, and Samantha could feel the guy’s eyes on her. Gosh, that feel’s so gross. Samantha had never had a thing for older guys. But, she could admit that the rack on his date was nice. Wait, when had she gotten into boobs? That was a newer thing, right?

Just then, Ethan walked up. He had that dopey smile on his face that she loved so much. “Hey, Girlfriend.” She said, running up to meet him in a hug, her leg rising just like in Princess Diaries.

“Oh, wow. You’re certainly full of energy.” 

“Oh, I’m just excited for the movie. I haven’t seen a good horror in ages! Which is so weird, because I used to love them.”

“So, what movie did you decide on?”

“We’re going to see IT!”

“What’s on second?” he joked.

“What’s on second?” she parroted, confused.

“Uh, never mind. Let’s just go inside.” He gave her that dopey smile again and held the door open for her. She walked past him, carefully putting a little extra sway into her hips. They felt weird, though. Wider. And her ass did, too. That was really weird. Puberty, maybe? She shook her head. No, that should have finished years ago, so why had she even thought of it?

Wait, hadn’t Ethan changed her? She remembered something vague about that happening at the restaurant. But, no. That was impossible.

“Ooh! They have a bar here!” Ethan said, running up and grabbing her hand. “Come on, I’ll buy.” He was surprised when she stopped in her tracks.

“Uh, Ethan?


“You know I’m not allowed to drink, right?”

He stared at her quizzically. “What do you mean?”

“Like, I’m not old enough.” She suddenly looked very small and embarrassed. “I only just turned eighteen.”

Ethan froze in place with a look on his face that clearly spelled out the words 'oh shit'.

“And I don’t even look it.” She said, quietly. “I don’t think they’d even let me up to the counter.”

“Uh, yeah, no problem, Samantha. Let’s just go into the theater, okay?”

An awkward, shy smile crossed her face. “Thanks, Ethan,” she said as she sidled up next to him. With a tight grip on his arm, and bouncing in anticipation at the horror movie they were about to watch, she led the way toward their seats.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. What had he done to Samantha? He pulled out the tablet once they got to their seats and quickly opened up the app, hoping they were early enough he wouldn’t draw too much attention for having a device out.

He opened up Samantha’s CHARACTER SHEET page and reselected the AGE line at the top of it. It currently read 18 YEARS / 0 DAYS. And, apparently, as far as Samantha was concerned she’d just turned eight-fucking-teen!

Shaking off the cold sweat that was gripping him, he checked to make sure Samantha was occupied before surveying the options before him. Maybe he just hadn’t checked the right settings? He ran over them again. There were:


He reselected the button for her age and looked more closely at the screen. There were a couple options he hadn’t noticed when he’d first made the change.


Shit. He’d been too distracted when he was grabbing his wallet to notice any of this. According to the app, Samantha was now literally eighteen. As in, she had regressed to eighteen. The person he knew was gone, replaced by the teenager next to him. He thought about how she’d been behaving for the last fifteen minutes and was struck by the sudden observation of how much a person changed in ten (nine?) years. He’d always known people change, but geeze, the difference was incredible. Then again, he figured the person he’d been at FUCKING THIRTEEN was a far shade different than he was now.

He shivered at the thought, intent on fixing this. He set the AGE to 27 YEARS / 247 DAYS, where it had been before, and selected everything else. Then a question popped up on the screen.


They were still on a date, and she’d explicitly asked him to have fun changing her. She’d forgive him for messing up, right? He looked over at her ass, which was nearing four inches wider than it had been before, and smiled. Yeah, she wouldn’t mind. Considering what he’d recently come to know of her, she’d probably find it sexy.

He selected YES, and set her to age at the rate of one year a minute, discontinuing the changes he'd already made and setting them to reapply in fifteen minutes. She’d never opened up to him too much about her past; what she was in to or the kind of things she liked, so watching her go from eighteen to twenty-seven over the span of ten minutes was something he as excited to see.

After double-checking his options, he selected the large EXECUTE button that had appeared in the center of the screen. Then, everything changed. Apparently, five years was longer than he'd thought. He observed his girlfriend with a smile and then a raised eyebrow as the CLOTHES option came into effect.

Pink. There was so much pink.