Chapter 8: The Inevitable Encounter (1)
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Lumeria Household, Creed's Room.

After agonizing about how to deal with a bunch of murderous maniacs, I realized that I was never the protagonist. As a minor villain with the purpose of a foil for the real protagonist, it was not my place to take the front when dealing with problems.

If so, then what can Creed, no, Ji-hu do to solve these things?

I slumped on my soft bed and gazed at the ceiling in a daze, contemplating.

"... I guess I can only drag the protagonist to it."

I narrowed my eyes and let out a sigh.

'Anyway, let's assess our situation again, Ji-hu.'

Dragging the protagonist to deal with upcoming events seems reliable, but unfortunately, it has a glaring flaw.

At the beginning of the ArchNemesis, the author designed the Main Protagonist, Kim Jaehyun, as a reincarnation of a powerful Old Divinity, Regalreign, the architect of all concepts.

Although I haven't read the volume where he awakened his true power, it is not entirely absent throughout the story. Every time Kim Jaehyun was pushed to the corner, the wisp of consciousness of Regalreign would briefly take over to save Kim Jaehyun.

In a nutshell, in the earliest part of the story, Regalreign serves as a defense mechanism to save Kim Jaehyun from his death; while simultaneously strengthening Kim Jaehyun.

Although this defense mechanism was triggered quite a lot in the early part. However, after reaching volumes 4-5, this defense mechanism use started to dwindle until its barely mentioned by the author. The Main Protagonist has grown so much that his defense mechanism only activates when necessary.

"But it's not without cost."

Whenever he activates his defense mechanism, he becomes a mindless monster with the only purpose of keeping his life intact. Once you get close, you better be powerful enough to resist the corrosion of all concepts, or you can consider your life forfeited.

That was how terrifying the glimpse of his true power was. Hence the MC can serve as my trump card when I find myself in a sticky situation; where nothing matters anymore.

'Then I guess there's only one thing we could do.'

I left the soft embrace of my bed and walked towards the window. It was already dusk. Most of the merchants were already packing, and the kids nearby the fountain at the center of the town, with their parents, were on their way to their respective homes after playing.

Seeing this, with the setting sun, calms me a lot as it reminds me of my simple yet peaceful hometown in the province. I can't help but wonder if my parents were doing well; I just hoped they won't be sad about my sudden disappearance.

"... Mom, Dad, how are you? As for your son? I'm doing somehow well, although barely. I have a lot of things to share, but now, it seems that it could only wait until then." I closed my eyes and collected my emotions.

"It would probably annoy you, but I had no choice." I wryly smiled at the setting sun and continued, "... I'll borrow your help this time, Mr. Protagonist."

Adventure's Hunt Hall, 2nd Floor, Questboard Entrustment and Commissions.

Typically, most adventurers linger in the tavern on the first floor, drinking and telling their acquaintances about their encounters regarding their quests.

But strangely, the usually lively tavern was deserted. Instead, on the 2nd floor, the adventurers were flocking in front of the quest board, staring at the distinct parchment inlaid with sacred texts.

[Quest: Lumeria's 4th Heir Entrustment]
[Contractor: Creed Lumeria]
[Requirement: Depth Realm Adept]
[Description: Solving issues involving the surrounding monsters and as a bodyguard for 7 days]
[Quest Reward: (Sacred Relic): Unknown]
[Reminder: If you wish to learn about the reward, please visit the residence of the 4th heir. (Note: This is only for people who passed the requirement)]

The quest was concise, clear, and direct. But the parchment materials, with the exclusive entrustment reserved for the nobles and the generous reward, made the rowdy adventurers silent.

As veterans who experienced various situations, adventurers are much keener when sensing danger. Unless the veterans hit their heads or they're simply that powerful, no one would accept a parchment inlaid with sacred text, as it means that you and the commissioner would have to abide by the contract regardless of the consequences.

But it seems someone was unfazed even in front of the sacred parchment. A man standing at the back of the flock; wordlessly stared at the parchment and left shortly.

Soon, the discussion of the crowd ceased and quickly turned to a rather rowdy state.

"What the hell!?"

"The Parchment disappeared!"

"Who did it!?"

The adventurers suspiciously looked around them without knowing the culprit had already left.

After leaving the Adventure's Hunt Hall, the man who took the parchment took a detour in the alleyway. He went inside a small house and strangely appeared next to the entrance. This time he was not wearing a black cloak but a luxurious garb reserved only for nobles.

Without the black cloak, the man's features finally revealed themselves.

An uncommon pitch-black hair matched his delicate yet sharp countenance. Although the luxurious garb has the same color scheme as his cloak, it strangely blended well with his silent yet resolute temperament.

Even the passersby on the road can't help but take a second glance at him, seemingly attracted by his magnificence.

Yet the man remained indifferent, standing at the alleyway entrance, waiting for something.

It didn't take long until a grand carriage halted across him. It had a crest of a sword pointing down to the earth, seemingly in contrast to the traditional way of a knight's salute, pointing their sword to heaven as a sign of loyalty to their lord.

Regardless, the man appears to be used to seeing the crest that the ancient nobles would've berated as treason to the royalties.

Meanwhile, the passersby on the road who didn't leave yet curiously looked at the crest, some even pointing fingers at it.

But shortly, a white-haired man seemingly of similar age to the man waiting at the side of the carriage went down from the box; he elegantly inclined his body briefly to the black-haired man and spoke, "Young master, the mistress is worried about you. Allow me to accompany you to your residence."

The black-haired man remained silent.

Yet despite this, the white-haired man, Basil, patiently waited for his young master's reply, seemingly used to the situation.

"Lumeria... Basil, make an appointment to Lumeria's household tomorrow, specifically to the 4th heir." A calm yet pleasant voice rang.

Basil briefly paused before looking at the black-haired man with confusion, "Young master, didn't you order to cease contact with them?"

The black-haired man, Kim Jaehyun, didn't elaborate further and just opened the carriage and wordlessly went inside.

Basil didn't seem to mind this rude action, as he just sighed helplessly before returning in front of the carriage.