Chapter 7: Straight From Food Hell
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Chapter 7: Straight from Food Hell

I woke up and I saw a group of people surrounding me, I groaned and asked “where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?” The young man responded to the questions “you are inside the guild. You fell out of the sky and you seem oddly familiar but as for who you are, I think that you may be a goddess as your body does not have a single scratch on it from your fall. Oh, and I am Achilles, a warrior of Ancient Greece.” And I am EInstein, I turned to see a beautiful woman with lush platinum hair and beautiful blue eyes, and I am Tesla, exclaimed a handsome individual with deep beautiful eyes and brownish-black hair.


Well, I am Athena, goddess of wisdom, weaving, and more, it seems that I have forgotten a lot of stuff as well as how I can use my powers, but this is fine, as I believe this is but a small accident which can be fixed later on.” So what are you going to do for the time being?” Asked Achilles, well I plan on figuring out why I can not remember a few details and why I have forgotten how to use my divine power. But as of now, I am going to eat, anyways, can any of you guys please make me a meal? I will help prepare it.


Ok, I can help you out, but I am warning you, I am not a very good cook EInstein confessed, hey that’s not true I think you are an ok cook! Exclaimed tesla


Anyways what are we gonna eat, sorry for just barging into your abode and asking for food, it is just that without my divine powers I can not make myself self-sufficient and not require food intake.


“What about Huevos a la Mexicana?” Yeah, I think that will be a good meal for the time being.

“First get the eggs, oil, peppers, tomatoes, and onions.” I sprinted to the fridge, and as I opened it I spotted a chocolate bar, but I paid no mind, I brought over the materials quickly.

Now let’s get cooking!

Well, Achilles and I will head out, We have to talk something out. “Oh yeah totally” Hey Achilles, I got a question for you, how come you didn't know she was Athena?  Did you not receive her support in your legend? “Well, sorry Tesla, I really don’t remember much of my life before my re-entry here, except only a few bits.” Well, that’s fine, but hey dude remember how like you told me my hair was unique? “Yeah, as a joke, why?”


Well you see, I was thinking it over and I realized that having a haircut would help me improve greatly, and when I saw that you still have a haircut from your age, I was thinking we could get new haircuts, you know what I mean? We could remake our style in this world.


So what are you going to change it to? Well you see, The girl we are teaching you to know who I am talking about, strawberry, she showed me a drawing in which the person within contained a wonderful and interesting haircut, and she seemed to like it, ad before you ask, yes, the drawing she did was splendid, when I asked her who it was supposed to be she simply responded, well he is adam, humanities fighter, whatever that means, but like I see why she would be all over the place and so I decided to get that kind of haircut and I was wondering if you would like to get the same as me.” Let me see the illustration first bro.”

Two seconds later


“I can definitely see what the fuss is all about, I want this haircut too, so when are we getting them?” How about tomorrow? We will need someone who can cut hair.

Let’s head back, they might need our help.


*Enters the guild and opens door to kitchen*

OMG! What happened here! Are you guys ok! Why are you guys on the floor! “More importantly is the food ok?!??!” Bro Achilles, are you freaking serious? You are worried about food when our friends are on the floor? “Bro chill, they probs there for a reason.”

Uh hey Athena? EInstein? Why are you two on the floor?


“DO not try the cooking, it is cursed! It Is Straight From Food Hell!” Athena Moaned ”I repeat do not taste it!” Einstein was on the floor but it seemed to be for another reason, she was not on the floor due to pain but for something else, her face was being covered but her hands in an attempt to hide herself but I could still tell it was a light pink color, I walked up to her, and then said well I don’t think it is bad in fact it's great, *Tastes* Yup diffidently good!


Athena, you gotta chill out, you are overly dramatic, like seriously, it’s not bad, *Oh God(s) My stomach hurts, I will have to play this off somehow*

Anyways, instead, why don’t I cook, or just order some food, do you guys know any people who like to do merchants’ stuff? Like sell stuff, trade, and do more services?


Actually yes, I know this one guy who looks very weird but in all honesty, he doesn’t look like a bad person at all and I think it would be a good idea if we ordered some stuff from the guy. Just remember he has a mask, and looks odd, and is mysterious and he probably is a god but we have to play it off.


*10 minutes later* (Conversation of Tesla and Cupid/Eros)


Hey remember how you sell stuff, and services, I was wondering if you do fast food too,” Yeah I do” and if you have some utensils and food materials and spices but also haircut things? “Um yeah”, How much would that cost? “Well since you are one of my most loyal customers I will let it be only 15 credits, what do you say?” Yeah sure here is the credits, here are 20 credits, the five extra are a tip, due to you arriving so fast.


“Ok, let me step out and get your materials I will be back quicker than you can say locomotive”

Locomo-  “I’m back!” Wait how did you arrive so fast? Well, you see I have this product which lets you do many things, but it is not for sale due to it being too dangerous in the hands of regular people.


Regular people? “Yes, regular people, anyways here are your things” Ok thanks for everything umm…. How do I call you? “Oh I see well, my name is Cup, I am the merchant cup!” I see, anyways thank you for your speedy services, I am sure we will keep calling you for your excellent services.


Well, I gotta go, My mom is calling for me! Mom? Yeah, anyways oh, and remember the thing of the financial district! I am the first guy there! I turned to einstein, did you know about this? So he is the first merchant and he is most likely a god or a spirit by how fast he retrieved the products we wished for and did not even seem a bit drained out! 


I know right, hey Achilles what do you think? Achilles? Hey dude, why are you staring out the window with your mouth open? “I just realized who he is, it is the god Cupid, and he is my friend, I did not know he was here!” Ah, I see, so you know him, but how come you didn’t remember athena? “ (Whispering)-No, I know Athena just knowing her she wants to be normal and experience being normal for at least one time. You know, Zeus is a bit of a womanizer and he isn’t much of a father figure, so I figured she wants to see what a family is to fix her own.”


I see, so is Zeus really that bad? No, he is a cool dude, just he likes to seduce women left and right. He is living the life of a CasaNova.


Let’s just forget about this matter for a while, and let’s eat!


“Hey Zeus, have you seen athena? I have been looking for her all over the heavens!” Actually yes I have, I saw her go to isekai landia while I was on my way to the kitchen I heard her say that she wants to fix something but I did not hear what, but I was going to bring her back but she seemed determined but I think she fell and lost her powers for a while, but don’t worry I will help her through, she is my daughter after all. And thanks for worrying about her Godie!


“No problem!” So would you mind calling thor and Quetzalcoatl or as I like to call him, Quezi? “Yeah sure, I will be sure to get him dude, and I want to tell you something, Apollo and I will go watch a few animes in which season 2 or more that have not aired yet, and more since this is heaven we got everything we can imagine.”


Alright, have fun, and remember to watch NGN* it’s amazing! 

“Thanks for your help Zeus, you da man!” No problem.

Hey Athena, sorry that my cooking made you collapse to the floor. I knew my cooking was bad but because I wanted to help, I could not resist from helping someone who was hungry.

“Do not fret of such a matter anymore for it is but a simple matter that has already happened, and what has happened can not be changed, so do not worry for your correct intentions have led me to forgive your actions”

Thank you very much! Anyways what do you think of this fast food? What is it called again Tesla?  “It’s a godme burger, Einstein, from a realm which is called, a so-called animu or that’s what I think he said. Anyways now that the recruits are asleep we can talk about the more serious matters and we got a goddess of wisdom to help and guide us to the correct decisions.”

Anyways first off, hey Einstein, could you please cut the hair of my hair as well as Achilles? You seem strawberry showed us her drain of a guy called Adam, and well it seemed interesting, we both loved the hairstyle and we are wondering if you could cut it for us.

“Yeah sure, show me a picture and I will cut it the best I can!”

Just a quick question do you have any experience cutting hair? 

“No, but I am quick to learn!”

Well that’s good enough for us, but I offer Achilles as the sacri- I mean the guy who gets the haircut first, after all, he is a cool dude and a true bro!


“Hey bro that’s not nice but thanks for the compliment nonetheless!”

Alright, Achilles, sit down on this chair, and here I go!

Achilles then let out a whimper and said

Mommy, I’m Scared!