There are only treasures for the wicked
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In this quiet world there is a hidden desert full of treasures. People covet these treasures as if it would complete their empty, hopeless lives, but I who lives next to them can say it's nothing more than an empty dream.

I have grown tired of watching people die for something so empty... yet there are also adventurers amongst them that make my job so much more interesting. I may have grown tired of watching foolish people die, but I will never get bored of those passionate eyes amongst the pile of trash.

Still, they are so few I barely held myself back from trying to find them on my own. I am the guardian of endless treasures, can't give up my job that easily, but perhaps I looked for a solution in the wrong place.

Instead of waiting for someone worthy, why don't I just find him on my own and leave some treasure to fill my position?

I looked behind me, seeing the literal mountains of treasure with a new eye; no one should notice anything different, right? Besides, fewer and fewer people come to this place nowadays, not to mention weaker.

I searched for a few days until I found a golem that could copy someone's abilities and made it mine. It could support only about a tenth of my powers, but considering how strong the invaders were, a tenth should be enough.

After that, I took a treasure I had made myself for this day, a short sword with the ability to sever the space between planes of reality. In short, it had the ability to teleport without any of the usual costs involved.

The first world I visited was empty; I remembered a lot of powerful adventurers from this one, but considering the amount of time that has passed since they last made their appearance, I didn't find it surprising that their world was dead.

It was a pity since I had a lot of expectations from this world, but without any signs of life I didn't waste any more time on it and moved to the next one. Funnily enough, though, all of the next worlds were dead ones as well; I visited them according to the powerful adventurers they had and their potential, not according to their activity, and that seemed to be a small mistake.

Still, since I didn't have a care about the concept of time, I continued to move from dead world to dead world. It was boring, but on the other hand, it also made for a nice vacation.

I had never seen the worlds these adventurers were coming from before all of this; only knew what my original world was like and the endless desert filled with treasures.

From worlds full of majestic wolves that seemed a tad bit too aggressive, to worlds full of fire elementals and so on... pity none of them were suitable for my needs, but the further I explored, the more interesting stuff I found.

There was that world which was isolated from the rest of its universe and had its own time field. Man, I spent quite a bit of time in that place! It was very funny seeing different parts of my body moving at different speeds and even some moving in reversed time! If anyone other than me was hit by such a thing though I doubt he would remain in one piece. I wonder how the natives adapted to this world... pity no one lives here anymore.

But my favorite one had to be the one where plants ruled all! So much beauty, danger, and excitement, it reminded me a bit of the treasury but the change of pace was refreshing. I would definitely suggest this place to someone in the future... perhaps a disciple.

After a while, though, I finally reached a world with intelligent life, humans they were called. The world I reached was weird, it had many hidden places, but since they were hidden I supposed they didn't want to be bothered so I left them alone. Let's try to find a suitable person from this planet for starters. Was bound to be hard since all of them were either weaklings or had no potential at all.

I didn't want to give up on the first world I found with living sentient organisms on first sight, so I slashed with the short sword and took a portable mansion, I was going to stay here for a while after all.

I had everything I needed but a place to put the mansion. I looked all over the planet for some good place to settle down and it didn't take more than a minute to find a couple dozen. This planet was a really beautiful one, maybe not as much as the plant planet, but considerably so. At the end though, I settled at the floor of a small canyon, but probably the biggest on the planet; it also had a small river over there, honestly the perfect place for what I wanted.

I placed some wards for privacy and headed out with teleportation. I passed along many humans with their weird languages, don't know why they couldn't have simply picked one and be over with it, but learning a new language was fun in its own way.

I found that the way power manifested on humans was really weird. Mana circulated through their bodies and changed them specifically to one ability; they would have almost perfect control and potential in that ability but no way to expand outside of it. Young humans were even worse, sometimes they couldn't even control their own powers and as a result hurt someone by mistake. This was a really weak world that just started seeming better and better.

Young humans went to something called 'school' where they were taught the basics of the basics. I opted on going to one of those schools myself to learn about the languages around the world. They even had an idiom for the reason I chose to go to a school, it went 'When in Rome do as the Romans do.'

There was a lot of stuff that had to be done before I registered to any kind of school, however, and since I wasn't seeing an end to it, I used the aspect of illusions to speed things up.

How cute were the young humans with their antics, it made it hard to choose one and be done with it. At the end I fell in love with the school I was on and worked hard to become a teacher in it. Whenever I saw a kid worth putting some effort in, I guided him or her to reach their peak potential.

At the end though, I had limited my scope of search far too much for my liking and decided to leave. The person that I was looking for had to be something more than average.

I saw a lot of kids with kindness in their hearts, but weak with no potential. Still, as much as I wanted to accept some of them, I would just be inviting them to a far worse world than the one they were used with. Kindness wasn't a prerequisite, only something charming to have, but inner strength and desire was a definite prerequisite.

Few times adventurers that were too strong for the golem appeared and I went to deal with them, but most of my time was spent on this small planet.

Then one day I saw an interesting young kid; he lived in one of those hidden places that I didn't really want to bother, but he was too fun to simply pass by. The darn kiddo hunted food for the family of his friend, then ended up in a pinch because of his inattention. I was pretty sure the kid was done for, but no, he fought back and he fought fearlessly!

At the end I threw one of my broken brooms in front of the guy; he needed to stab the assailant with something and I was bored enough to see how he would react.

To my honest surprise he did react and even managed to get a reaction from the broom... just what kind of broom did I throw in front of him?

Wait, the time this world had was limited? Ugh, whoever thought about making the planet itself immortal yet still left a huge planet ready to explode next to it was a huge idiot...

Well, I ain't going out of my way to save a stupid planet unless I have a good reason to do so. Perhaps I didn't meet anyone interesting enough, but in a way, this whole journey accomplished its original goal which was to relieve my boredom. For that reason alone I would make sure to revisit this place before it disappeared.

Was I too wicked for my original task? Perhaps so, but guarding a stupid dimension for so long was a tiring thing. Now let's try to find someone interesting!