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A woman with a bag over her head was forcefully dragged from an unmarked dark van and tossed onto the snow-covered road at eerie hours of the night. The men rushed back in and slammed the door shut before making a sharp turn and zoomed away in the opposite direction. Blood began to gush from beneath the soaking sack that had become red, the lifeless body of the woman was like of a ragdoll stripped of human kindness.


In another part of the city a phone call was made to the police station.

"Is this the police department? This is Shin Min-ah, I'm calling to report a missing person."

The feminine voice was devoid of emotion while her  fingertips drummed on the tabletop.

"This is officer Park can you tell me the last time the person was last seen with their full name and date of birth with their national ID?"

Three nights in a row Park Bin was dead tired that not even the coffee he had on his desk could keep his eyes open for much longer. Sheer willpower was what kept the officer from skipping the phone call to call it a night.

"So Ye-jin, her birthday is April 9th 1994, NID 9xxxxxxxxx. I last saw her on Friday when leaving work at 7 pm, she did not show up to the company dinner that was held today....I found it unusual for her not to show up and even called and left messages on her phone, but I haven't heard back since."

Shin Min-ah coolly gave her side of the story as the police officer entered the information on the computer. It was Sunday night at around 11 pm no less that the missing person report was being filed.

"Miss. Shin Min-ah what is your call back number so that we can touch base with you?"


After reading out the number to the police, the two then ended the phone call.

"Farewell So Ye-jin, everything you own is now mine. Blame yourself for trusting too easily." 

Wearing a snicker, Shin Min-ah poured a glass of wine to give a toast to her rival's demise.