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  She wasn't good at fibbing, or maybe the Dame could always tell when she was. But now she had to lie to new people.

As the two walked through the hall, sounds traveled up to Basilla's ears. 

   The clinking of glasses, raucous laughter and loud conversation entwined like a chorus of merriment. 

  The pair cautiously descended the stairs, Ginny's hand resting securely on Basilla's shoulder. The crowd settled slightly at the sight of them, but not by much. Although, the quick glances and sidelong stares were proof enough that Basilla had the attention of the group. 

   It was mostly made up of men, though a few women merged in with the crowd. It seemed like a makeshift pub, with tables, stools and plenty of foaming tankards.

   Ginny and Basilla traversed the tight space and found their way over to the far left corner of the room. 

  A man sat alone there, drinking and picking dirt from his nails.

  Ginny cleared her throat behind him and he turned. The look of irritation that crossed his face was fleeting. When he saw Basilla, what would have been a sharp introduction turned sickly sweet. 

 "Here she is, Bran. I've healed her up just fine." Ginny spoke, a slight shakiness to her voice as she gently pulled Basilla up next to her. 

  "Good. And the lady's name, then." Bran spoke with a course voice that he was obviously trying to lighten. 

 "Basilla." She replied faintly. 

  "Have a seat then, Basilla." Bran said with a smile, pulling out a stool next to him. 

  Basilla sat cautiously and Ginny slid in to a seat right next to her. 

  "I'm sure Ginny's blabbed everything to you by now. So you know what we're all doing here." His eyes grazed over the bustling room. "You need not decide now, but-" 

  "But she has!" Ginny interjected then clasped her hand over her mouth as if it spoke on it's own accord. 

 "Has she?" Bran questioned. 

  Basilla cast a nervous look Ginny's way before mustering up the courage to reply. 

  "I have." She finally said. "I'm quite sorry, but I don't think I'll be fit to join your group just yet." 

  Bran's face hardened. 

"I'm sorry you feel that way, miss. But surely you understand our plight? The king has taken much from me. From all these men." Bran swung an arm over the crowd. "I'm nothing but sure he hasn't been the kindest to you and your family either." 

   He sighed deeply, and took a swig of his ale. 

 "It's a lot to ask and a lot to risk. But, I ask you to consider it. For just a bit longer." 

  Basilla had no response. She felt for him. He seemed truly genuine.

  She simply nodded and Ginny stood next to her. 

"Bas is likely tired. I'll take 'er upstairs for some more rest to clear her head." She spoke, helping Basilla out of her seat. 

  "Get Klaus to talk to her. He's more convincing than I am." Bran whispered. 

  With a nod, Ginny rushed Basilla back up the stairs, catching the eye of someone in the crowd before doing so. 

   Back in the hall, Basilla voiced her concern. 

 "What happens now?" She asked. 

 "You'll not want to get swayed by Bran. He's not as understanding as he comes off. He needs another witch right now more than ever and he'll do anything to secure one. Don't fret, hen. We'll get you out of this mess." 

   The slipped back into the room and closed the door, Ginny pacing about in front of it, biting her nails anxiously. 

  A knock at the door caused them both to jump, but Ginny opened it soon after. 

   Another man stepped in, younger than the others. He was much taller than either if them, with stark black hair and hooded grey eyes. 

  "What's amiss?" He questioned, shutting the door behind him. 

   "Basilla, this is my brother, Klaus. He's here too help." Ginny voiced, noticing the nervousness on Basilla's face. 

  "Nice to meet you, miss." He replied. Looking between the two. "You must be the witch everyone's been buzzing about." 

  "Now's no time for small talk." Ginny swatted at his arm to get him focused again. "Bas is a newborne. From the old witches manor." She explained. 

  Klaus' eyes widened and he let out a whistle. 

 "I am not a child." Basilla piped, confusion streaking her tone. 

  Ginny shook her head vigorously. "No, no hen. Do you really not know a thing about witches? A newborne is a new witch. Someone who's just come into their powers. If Bran or anyone else finds out you're a newborne, let alone the newborne of the King's witch, it'll be bad new for you." 

   "The King's witch? Who? Dame Gothel?" Basilla asked. 

  Klaus nodded. "Aye. She was his most powerful one too." Klaus aimed his words at Ginny."I wouldn't be surprised if they soon started looking for her too." 

  "All the more reason to get her out of here." Ginny voiced. 

 "We'll there's no other option but to stay, for now. Bran owns this whole inn and he won't let such a prize get away easy." 

   Klaus stepped closer to Basilla and knelt in front of her. 

"We'll do our best to get you out safely. But, for now you must stay here and entertain Bran a bit. Make him feel like you're being swayed to help him." 

 "What would be so bad about helping him?" Basilla asked. 

 "Bran and the rest of the med have good motivations, but not intentions. The King is not a good man and should have been overthrown years ago. But, the way Bran wants to do that isn't any better than what the King's already done. He's willing to hurt innocent people to get what he wants."  Klaus explained carefully. 

 "Then why are you with him?" Basilla questioned suspiciously. 

  "We have our own reason and we'll explain that in due time, I promise." Klaus assured offering a small smile, which Basilla nervously returned. 

  "Are you hungry?" Ginny digressed. "You practically bones, when's the last time you are?" 

  "Oh, a week ago now?" Basilla answered. 

  Ginny gasped. "Goodness, a week? What did that woman do to you in that house? No wonder you-" 

  Klaus interrupted Ginny with a serious glare and she quieted. 

  "I'll get you something to eat." He said, standing. "And Ginny? Get her some shoes. These floors are too torn up to allow bare feet." 

  Basilla wiggled her dusty, dirty toes as Klaus left the room. 

"He's right. Stay here, I've got a pair in my trunk I think you'll fit in." Ginny said, quickly rushing out the door, leaving Basilla alone in the room. 

   She looked around for a moment, simply contemplating her situation. Trying to understand and connect the pieces. 

  Dame Gothel was a witch who worked for the King. The King is a bad man. Bran want's to stop him, but he's also a bad man. I must pretend I like Bran and his idea. 

  She was nodding and muttering thay to herself to make sure she remembered it, when Ginny returned with a pair of shoes in hand. 

  Basilla had never had shoes. She never needed them, really. 

  They were boots, black leather ones that laced up. 

Ginny handed them over. "They should fit fine and if they don't just tie them tighter." 

  Basilla nodded and slipped the shoes on each foot. She struggled to knot them - it wasn't something she did often - but eventually secured the boots properly. They felt stiff and uncomfortable, but Basilla didn't bother to complain. She was simply happy to have them. 

  As she tested the shoes, Ginny glanced awkwardly at Basilla. 

  She was curious about this strange girl. How had the frail, lanky thing manage to overtake and kill one of the strongest witches in the kingdom? It astounded her to ponder on the fact that this girl, who up until mere minutes prior didn't even understand the concept of what she was now, now held such immeasurably immense power. 

  "Do you know any spells?" Ginny asked. 

  Basilla stopped where she was pacing in her shoes. She thought for a moment. 

  "I remember a book. It had spells in it. I didn't understand them. It was in some strange language. I could read the letters but the we not real words." Basilla explained. 

  Ginny nodded, understanding. 

 'Yvren." She said. "It's the witches' language. What we use for spells and incantations and such. I could teach you if you'd like." 

   Basilla's eyes widened and she rushed to Ginny's side. 

"You know it?" She asked. 

  "I know enough to get by. My speciality is healing magic, so much of what I know's about that." Ginny admitted. "But, I like to think I know a good deal about what I do. Klaus wouldn't have kept me around so long otherwise." She laughed. 

   "Anyhow, if you are to get to know about magic, you have to know the basics first. Yvren isn't all too big and important, at least not in the beginning. There's something called the cornerstones of magic: to create, to change, to fix and to destroy. That's what magic does. Like I said, my speciality is healing. That falls under the fixing category. Most witches have one cornerstone that they're better at compared to the others. It's different even for those who inherit power. So, I suppose the first step is finding which cornerstone you're attuned to." 

  Ginny stood searching the room for something. But a knock at the door interrupted her search. She stiffened at the sound and walked carefully over to the door. 

 "Whosit?" She yelled out. 

"It's me, Gin." A soft voice called. Klaus. 

  Ginny opened the door to him. 

  He stepped in, in his hands was a linen cloth. 

"Here." He said, handing the bag over to Basilla. "It's not early enough in the morning for it to be fresh, but it'll do." 

  "Thank you." Basilla voiced and opened up the cloth.The contents were a few small buns. A meaty smell came wafting up to Basilla's nose. 

  Her stomach growled wildly at the smell. She picked up a bun and bit into it. Juice ran down her chin as the savory flavor hit her tongue. She sighed contentedly as she chewed. 

  Ginny giggled at the sight. "She's like a wolf with that food. At least chew it before it goes gown, hen." 

    Klaus chuckled softly as well, handing Basilla his hip flask to wash down the doughy bun with. 

  She thanked him through a full mouth and swallowed before taking a sip. 

  She almost choked as she went to swallow the liquid, however. It was surprisingly strong in flavor with a sharpness that made her tongue want to squirm away. She forced the liquid down, and it stung her throat as she did. 

  "What is this?" She coughed. 

 "Mead. Why?" Klaus asked, taking back the flask. 

  Ginny clicked her tongue at Klaus. "You dalcop, does she seem the type to take her drink well?" 

  "Right. I'll have water for you next time." 

  "We'll now she's eating I 'spose, we can continue your lesson some other time." Ginny stated, swiping Klaus' flask for a drink of her own. 

  Basilla nodded, still happily enjoying her food. 

  By the time she finished there was another knock at the door.

   "Well aren't we popular today?" Ginny mumbled, handing Klaus his flask and heading for the door. 

  A man Basilla did not recognize stood there. "Bran's askin' for ya, Klaus." He stated. 

  Klaus nodded and stood from where he leaned on the wall, stepping out and closing the door behind him. 

  He made his way down the stairs again. By now, that bar of the inn was almost empty of its patrons. It wasn't usually open early in the morning, but Bran felt the need to celebrate after finding what could potentially be a new and powerful ally. 

  Bran sat in the same place he had earlier, except his tumbler was empty.

  "You called for me?" Klaus sat down next to Bran. 

  "Aye." Bran stated simply, clapping a hand on Klaus's shoulder. "How's the new witch?" 

  "She's well enough. Taking a liking to Ginny, I think." Klaus answered. 

  "Good, good." Bran absentmindedly swirled the little bit of ale left in his tumbler around. "You know I trust you, boy?" 

  "I should hope so." Klaus laughed. 

Bran did not. 

  "We need this one, Klaus. I'm trusting you to make sure she trusts us. That she trusts me. Do you understand?" 

 "Yes, sir, I do." 

 Finally, Bran cracked a smile. "I knew I could count on you. And when the time comes I'll be doing so, more and more." 

  Klaus nodded, forcing a smile. If Bran wanted trust, Klaus would give it. 

  And then take it all away.
