Prologue 2: The Offer
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--Prologue 2--

--The offer--

- You are going to Avial.

- What's that? A festival?

- No, Dan, a world. A pretty young one at that. They are still in the equivalent to your world's middle age. Just not your typical middle age. This one is filled with monsters, demons, and other lifeforms. It is managed by six gods, which I suspect have their hands behind this. Their names are as follow: Anjara, goddess of the Arcane; Metinul; god of Resources; Kidera, goddess of Stealth and Espionage; Ifeeri, god of Power; Naxem, god of Lie and Deceit; and lastly, Voltis, god of The wandering Souls.

Hey, aren't they kinda...random?

Valrenos smilled. "I know what you are thinking. Their titles don't seem to match well with each other. But the gods and goddesses managing a world are chosen not for what they will do, but what they did best when they were mortals. For example, Ifeeri was once a warrior capable of defeating a dragon on his own, despite being a human. And Naxem was the best ratman smuggler and swindler there ever was. We don't create things, that's the job for the higher power. We supervise and maintain the balance. So what we did don't matter."

  - But do you really think they are guilty? I mean, there must be hundreds of worlds, right? The culprit could be in any of them. I don't suppose you would think of sending me to every single one, do you?

 - Not hundreds, but trillions. And no, I don't plan to do that. Sending you to just one is already overstepping my authority. I expect harsh punishment for this, should you accept my offer. But i have to know, since oblivion is loathsome to me. 

 - But then...

 - It is impossible, I know. But only if we don't have a single clue. Fortunately, we do, since the culprit seemed to have done a terrible job erasing his track. Remember the cat that caused your death? It was not a cat. A Nekta, corpse eater, native to the Dream forest in Avial. They prey on the remains of adventurers who got lost in it, and can erase their presence. That might be why you didn't see it until too late. Aside from that, I don't know much about them. But the fact that it was there suggest that the culprit must be from Avial, or at least is familiar with it enough to know of and use a Nekta.

 - So, if you accept my proposal, I will send you to Avial. Once there, you will first want to get yourself familiar with it. Then, you must find ways and means to gather information. To do that, form connections with anyone you need. Villagers, merchants, lords, kings, even smugglers and thieves. Anyone could be a valuable source. But be warned, do not trust them. Such men are deceptive, cunning, and will betray you for their own benefits. Furthermore, most of them are devout to their gods, and might share valuable information, but could also backstab you. Best to make allies you can trust out of those that respect you, love you, or owe you their lives. Then find out which of the five gods is behind this farce. It is going to be hard, I admit, but not impossible. If you can crack this case, I will be waiting for you with a handsome reward.

 - Wait, five, not six?

 - Yes. I would like you to spare Voltis. He agree with my view, and is worshiped by demons. The good kinds. And most of all, he is my good friend. I would be extremely surprised if he decided to betray me. 

 - Okay. What is this reward, then?

 - Return to your original world, like nothing ever happened, AND grant you one wish. Any, as long as my power allows it. 

 - Anything? 

Valrenos nodded.

Whatever I want, huh. I stopped to think. What do I even want? I don't really care much about my world, frankly. My family is gone and my uncle's, which had been taking care of me, was not exactly warm to me. They didn't do anything bad, but I just feel like they were looking after me out of duty. And I don't have many friends, either, only some acquaintances. I doubt any of them would even care that I'm dead.

If no one would weep for me, why should I miss them? If only I still have mom and dad...Wait.

 - Hey Valrenos. Can you revive my parents? Frankly, they were the only reason I cared about my world. I know this is unreasonable, since they've been gone for so long. But without them, your reward means nothing to me. And I won't carry out your task then, because I have no obligation to.

I looked at him. He was surprised with his eyes wide open, unlike his calm attitude before. he put his hand on his chin, and looked away for a minute. "Your parents, huh. Well, if it's just bringing them back, then it's not difficult. After all, they are not gone, just reincarnated into other people. I can easily return their memory and bring them to you. But I can't revert their appearances to their originals. They look different now, and quite younger, as it has not been long since they ended their last loops."

So there is no way to return them fully to who they were before, then. *Sigh*. "I guess that is good enough. As long as they remember who I am, them it's fine. And look on the bright side, if they are younger, then they can stay with me for longer."

 *chuckles*. "I suppose we have a deal?" He extended his hand.

"Deal." I shook it.

"Very good." He waved his hand, after which a wooden door appeared out of nowhere. "Step inside and you'll arrive at your new life. I will send you inside a small forest. Once you're there, I can't do much anymore aside from talking to you occasionally. So I will give you my blessing and some equipments beforehand. It's not much, but should be enough to get you started. Even so, be careful. Your understanding of science, biology, modern culture and so on, won't apply here. Focus on surviving and establish a base of operation for now. I'll contact you when I deem you ready for the task."

 - Got it. Sounds simple enough.

 - Simple? I doubt it. This will be hard for both you and me. We are dealing with a force here. Nevertheless, once you're ready, step through it. Good luck, and I will see you soon.

I nodded and walked toward the door. A weird feeling started creeping up on me. After reading countless fantasy novels, I finally will be able to actually experience living in one. I am nervous, of course, but somehow exited. A wide grin crept up on my face unintentionally. All those people dreaming of living in a novel or game world, feel jealous of me.

"I hope this will be fun." I muttered, my right hand started twisting the door knob.

"Bring back your parents, huh." *Chuckles*. "If I could do that, the would be no need for you in the first place."

Valrenos stared at the closed door for a while, with a half smile on his face. "With them, I could have done so much more and gotten all of them to pay for their crimes," His smile vanished, "she would have lived, and you would have had a normal life like they had wished."

He stopped talking and stood motionless for a moment. A slight look of sadness flashed by him.

"But the time has come. The cogs are in place, and I have the iron. I will mold the key, and the door will open." He looked down, smilling again. His eyes meeting those of a black cat, and its eyes stared back. "I will take back what's mine, and destroy them for what they've done."

The black cat, seemingly not interested, looked away and started glooming itself. Behind it, the dark metal door started twitching.
