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The entire world was in silence. A being just appeared in the skies all around the world and started to perform one incredible feat after another. Ezekiel was basically performing miracles. At least that is what it looked like. In the end he showed everyone on the planet that their weapons were completely useless against him.

Most now believed that he was a god. While Ezekiel had not asked them to do anything, many had already kneeled on the ground and started to worship him as a god.

Most of them reasoned “If he isn’t a god what is he?”

He had just proved to the world that he could do anything he wanted. The only thing he hadn’t told the world yet was what he would do next. That was what most people wanted to know.

Some were scared and some were happy thinking that a new savior had appeared. No matter what though everyone on Earth waited for one person to speak again. They had no idea what this godly being would do next.

Ezekiel thought inwardly ‘HAHA. Everyone knows my power now. They know what I can do.’

He used his powers to look at many people on earth to see their reactions. ‘Some are scared and some look like they have already started to worship me as their new god. No matter what though everyone on Earth is waiting for me right now. What should I tell them next?’

In the end he said “I am sure most of you are wondering what I will do from now on. To be honest, I only want to enjoy life from now on. I will do whatever I want. No one can make me do anything unless I want to.”

“I can literally do anything so what I will do from now on is enjoy my life the best I can. So if I find something fun I will do it. I don’t care whether you worship me as a god or not.”

“For example I am now going to go get my first girl. With that I say goodbye world. I will see you again whenever I want to.”

He said this while already having decided his first partner. She would be the girl he met at the White House. She was the first girl he met after gaining his powers and he wanted to make her his first partner.

All of the figures around the world dissipated into nothingness as the original Ezekiel shrunk down to his original size once again. After that he floated back down to the White House lawn where she was watching him from along with the others from the White House. After seeing all that he had done, she once again was star struck.

He observed her appearance once more. Her long blonde hair reached down to her waist and she had beautiful green eyes. She had fair complexion, but right now her cheeks were dyed with red from her blushing seeing him examine her. She had cherry red lips and overall her face was very cute.

Ezekiel himself was taller than others. She however would be shorter than others. Not by that much though. She just looked a little small and cute. He continued examining her appearance and her chest was not big, but it wasn’t exactly small either. It was just right. 

She also had a firm butt that could be clearly seen since she was wearing a tight pantsuit. She looked fit, but not muscly. She was still wearing the necklace he gave her. 

He figured she should be a secretary or something. That didn’t matter anymore though. Now that he set his eyes on her.

He started talking to her, ignoring the others who continued to stare at him like they were fools.

“What’s your name?”

Seeing him talk to her she was excited and didn’t know how to talk right away. She was flabbergasted, but still managed to force out in a small voice “Megan.”

“Well Megan, would you like to become mine. I will grant all your wishes and could do anything you want.”

Hearing everything he said, she once more was stunned. Not only did he set his eyes on her, he also said he would make all her wishes come true.

She thought inwardly ‘How could any of this be true. First he appears out of nowhere and shows the world his godly power. Then this handsome godly man says he wants me even saying he will fulfill all my wishes. It’s almost like I’m dreaming’

“This isn’t a dream right?”

Hearing her, Ezekial was slightly surprised, but still answered “No, but I can make all your dreams become reality if you want.”

She screamed out “Yes,yes I will become yours!”

“Alright then, let’s go.”

After that he had her float up and he then carried her in a princess carry. He immediately thought ‘Her butt feels great to hold.’

She also realized he was feeling up her butt, but she had already decided to give everything to him so she only blushed even harder and said nothing more.

“I already said I would make all your dreams come true, so where would your dream home be and what would it be like.”

“Ah, how about this instead of telling me just think really hard about your dream and I will make it come true. Don’t worry, I could read your thoughts, but I won’t. There is no reason for me to.”

She was shy thinking that he was reading her thoughts, but when she heard what he said she relaxed slightly. She also thought ‘He is basically a god. He could do anything he wanted to. He doesn’t need to read my thoughts. Especially my dirty ones. At least I hope.’

After that Megan thought really hard about her dream home. At the same time Ezekiel used his powers to make her dream home appear in reality. He thought it should be fine and would work perfectly.

He then teleported them to wherever her dream home was. When he looked around he said “Nice dream home.”