[Not a chapter] update on the delay
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Post the unedited chapter if I don't manage to edit it in time? (it only has minor plotholes)
  • Post the unedited chapter if you don't make it until monday (the normal posting time) Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Don't post until you've edited it, regardless how long it takes. Votes: 15 48.4%
  • Don't point the unedited chapter on Monday, but _do_ post it if it stays unedited for a week more Votes: 11 35.5%
Total voters: 31

Easter was more hectic than I thought it would be (in a good way), so I did not have any energy left whenever I had time to edit. I'm back home now, and I plan to edit the chapter over the weekend and posting it on monday. If I don't manage to edit it, I might just post it unedited, it's just a minor plothole related to people popping into existence and randomly changing from sitting down to standing up. I could just explain in an authors comment, so I guess I'll make a poll out of it.