Again in this place, before I stood up…
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Loading... please wait. I, wanderin' this dark place , roaring, kiling, adding them skulls because YEEEES, a pustulent brain inside a power armor. I resurrected into someone else, therefore I'M ME!


He wasn't wandering, foe he couldn't move from the wreck he got awoken into.


Let's see... this place is dark, long AF, highed as me when back in the day was I with Amid, alongside that bog slimy guy raping minds, infesting bodies, gaining meself a title. I, who I still think I'm Jonathan Lacks, can say with all certainty


Constantly remembering each past glory, each past failure, trapped in a set of power armor inside the wrecks of somewhere. Darkness, I admire it, yet I can still not belong to it 'til I end my last assignment. Not that damned demon lord shit, but my other task


Mindlessness is not the answer for overcoming insanity, embracing fear is not the answer for overcoming doubt. Nonsense thoughts of a random someone's remnants interred in some power armor designed for a certain purpose


My legs, I can feel them, not enough energy is not a problem when one endures, persists beyond the insanity point, forwards beyond the enemy, resists beyond the impossible, exist when one does not have to


First, I shall quit out this trophies. This body is mine now, but these things belong to the previous mind.


"Let me take this body, old warrior. I repect your deeds levaing your trophies. Your bloodshed is not mine. I only take your body, your skulls are yours, I will leave them there. Hey your name is?"


I took control of this old, decadent and pustulent body after it fought to prevent it. For centuries. I approve of its endurance. It screamed of rage rather than of fear, it pushed my mind back into hell rather than letting its body be overtaken by someone else. Once a warrior, always one


IDK how many time has passed since I possessed the body. days is not. Millenia is more probable. The structure has changed a few only, yet I watched thousands of persons shedding blood and dying in a periodical basis. I admire that no one runs ever, being absolute victory or certain demise, no human I saw in all this time has ever fled the battle.


After looking how to master this body, and actually mastering it, I, who I still think I'm Jonathan Lacks, with such weakened and screeching joints in all the mechanical limbs, forcing them to overdrive. I discovered that persisting for lots of uncountable time that I was sunk in scrap, and that this body has a tactical loadout worth of weapons. HHHHGGNNN!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!! CMOOOOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!


I could stand up, yet I was still trapped from the legs inside the tons of scrap and metal, then an idea flashed inside me: use my weaponry to free meself. So did I, using the microgun below my right hand to destroy some scrap, the toxic claws which was my left hand to corrode the metal around me. Finally, after a time I don't have to count, am I FREEEE


I left behind the trophies of this old body of someone. I made a throne with the scrap and metal and skulls I found so the soul can start to fight and kill and slaughter anew.


"Not-brethren of mine, this is your time" thought to myself while watching the throne for sixteen hours straight, imagining all the massacres this body passed by, all the kills it made...


Until a timer started again, I looked at it in my visual field. A HUD


The stainless steel around me started to rust, for nothing is impossible, just irrational


Escher spoke to me, claiming that the time to end this has started, she just waited for me all these millenia


"How many time passed" questioned I to Escher. She answered sayin' me "A year you have, remember, onii? I just waited for you to start, you're so slow. Waiting a stainless steel cycle just to stand up?"


My joints were now perfectly ready, no more stain, no more rust, only the instinct to infest, resist, endure and unmake. My instinct. My mind


The timer started to count. First of all I shall go out from this dark place to find someone who may know any whatabout of the demon lord entity. ANY whatabout of the monster thing to ANYONE


Some things that crawl and roar with human voices from beyond the darkness. I respond them firing my microgun and killing them by the hundreds with my toxic claw in hopes to triumph over them. Answer is not to come from them, but blood and glory are not to be rejected from any source






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