Chapter 2
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My Name Is Treyu

I don’t exactly know for what reason, but it’s a fact that I’m out of that abyss. I mean my family is nice to me and fills me with warmth that I’ve never felt before. Does everyone come from a dark place like that? 

Unconcerned with my internal struggles my mother looks at me and asks,

[Mom] “ Treyu dear, don’t you want to go play with the other children? “

[Treyu] “ I like staying with mom and dad.”

I replied matter of factly and even though she smiled deeply and hugged me she said that I shouldn’t only keep to myself and family and to make friends.

[Treyu] “ Well.. okay mom. “

As I said this she pays my head and gestures toward the door, 

[Mom] “ It’s early out now, play for as long as you’d like just please make it before dark. “

I said okay to my mom again and sluggishly made way to the door while looking back at my moms green eyes, and blonde hair and walked out the door.


I walked along the paths that made up the village, making my way to the center where the kids played is what my mom told me. 

I finally got to the center where a group of kids was there, 2 girls and 3 boys, one of the boys was conspicuously rounder that the other two which seemed like only bone compared to him, i wasn’t too different only a little fuller in physique than the skinnier two.

[???] “ I am the son the chief I will play as i please! “ 

Immediately after arriving and drawing closer I hear the round boy shout at not only the girls but the ones on his side, which seems to have startled everyone.

What is happening? I thought, walking closer until I was noticed by the group and all their eyes pointed at me. So I spoke,

[Treyu] “ What’s going on here? “ 

I asked gesturing at the area, not even a second later,

[Round boy] “ Tch, you have eyes dont you? Or are you too stupid to see? Actually who even are you? “ 

The round boy spat while making a scrunched face.

[Treyu] “ Well, my name is Treyu, as for my eyes they can see that you’ve been eating too much of your friends’ food. “

Practically naturally that response came to me. Wow I didn’t know I had such a sharp tongue.

As I was praising myself the round boy made an extremely displeased face while the girls laughed and the skinnier kids stiffened.

[Rigo] “ My name is Rigo the chiefs son! “

Okay so his name is apparently Rigo, and he’s the chief or whatever’s son, so?

So I immediately said what I thought,

[Treyu] “ I dont really care. “ 

Right after I said that his “higher than you” attitude turned into one of anger and contempt, I could feel it.

[Rigo] “ Well then, we’ll see how you like it!”

He shouted angrily at me with scorn in his eyes, running in the opposite direction right after. How I like what? Disrespect? I don’t care if a disrespectable being doesn’t like me, seems like it would take a lot of effort to just let him do as he wants even as just a bystander. 

[???]  “ Thank you very much, he’s really annoying so we usually just have to do nothing, we appreciate it! “

[???] “ Yeah, thank you. Um, Treyu was it? Would you like to play? “

From driving off the round Rigo I made some friends, nice i bet my mom will be happy. Their names were Lylah and Lina, for not being twins they looked almost the same except for their eye color. Lylah had greenish blue eyes with light brown hair, Lina had the same hair but with pure blue eyes.

We ran around and talked about our family and the outside until it started darkening, 

[Treyu] “ Wanna play again tomorrow? I gotta go home or my mom and dad will worry. “

[Lylah] “ I would like that, how about you sis? “

[Lina] “ Yes! Today was fun, goodnight Treyu!

We said our goodbyes and I made my way back home. Upon entering the door I see a man sitting with my parents, ranting about something. Then I heard my name, he’s ranting about me?

[???] “ Dammit Skya and you Borun, get your damn son Treyu under control! He hurled abuses at my precious son that brat! “ 

This was the first incident I’ve heard my parents’ names other than boo or something else, though surprised at the situation I still walked towards my parents.

[Skya] “ Look here is Treyu now, let’s hear it from him. Please honey, speak the truth and I will believe you. “ 

The warmth in her voice like always poured into me like power, and I spoke up to my parents and the chief, telling them what happened and how I made friends with Lylah and Lina from defending them from Rigos issues.

At hearing my account of the incedent the chief laughed as if to scorn my family.

[Chief] “ Amusing, whatever. “ 

Saying so he stood and walked out the door, as soon as the door closed the atmosphere changed and the tension was gone.

I was gonna go straight to bed but I told my parents that I’m sorry for what I said to Rigo, but they just said I did nothing wrong for protecting others and were proud so I was proud too, going to bed and sleeping well.


Meanwhile as Treyu slept, Skya watched her son and was happy that he made friends while also standing up for himself and others.

A wonderful and intelligent child, but it was strange, one day he’s a normal baby that cried and did baby things. As soon as it was his first birthday he stopped crying which scared me but at the same time he started baby speak so I didn’t think too much of it.

I hope he lives a prosperous life and finds happiness.