chapter 6:grand finale
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chia was going to ask Connor for a favor but was a little embarrassed she didn't know how to say it there was a 1-minute pause, complete silence in the room but Connor couldn't stand this awkwardness and asked what was her favor then chia continued talking:,,c-could you wish for me to become your wife I know I am older thank you and you may be uncomfortable with thi-she was interrupted  with happy Connors screams he gladly accepted the offer and confessed to her that he had a huge crush on her and that he is into older women milf was blushing red omg I was totally into you too -she said but she continued final challenge is really hard are you should you could beat the challenge Connor hold her hands and said I will do anything for our love he stood up and left home to prepare for the final challenge(he just slept) 1 hour later milf came at the stage and said the final challenge has begun to win you should win against the creator of this challenges in chess everyone was silent because no-one knew how to play chess(how stupid ) then milf continued who wants to be first competitor Connor rised his hand:this dumbasses dont know how to play chess I will play and win-he said and of course everyone thought-what a dick about Connor match will begun in 1 minute please come on stage so you could pay Connor-kun she said little emberessed and when Connor came on stage he saw chess desk just normal chess desk he sitted on chair and then he final boss came Connor was shocked he didnt knew what to say boss sat on chair and said hi Connor looks like you have fallen right into my trap it was garnts but why why would you do this garnt Connor said,garnts answered-because I needed more trashy iskeay I have watched every single issekai show in existance and I needed more so I created it using my anime knowlage still you will loose Connor said and match begung it would be 1 round match of classic chess ha-ha you have already lost Connor you will loose now to Connor dont worry no-one actually dies its just method to make isekay more interesting no-connor said I cant loose i should gain my wish and game continiued after 9 minutes and 8 secons garns started laughting haha connor you have lost your horse you have no chance to win now but then connor started laughting garnts was shocked Connor said-loosing my horse was just part of plan to clean are now I will mate you look at desk moment garnt looked at desk he relised it really was mate and that he has lost he was shocked. everyone was screaming with happiness after milf said that Connor has won they will finally have their wishes but then grant said no you will not have wished only Connor have won and you guys refused to fight so you have lost moment grand finished the sentence everyone fell asleep and teleported Connor wasn't shocked this was just normal isekai stuff. Okay what your wish grant asked Connor replied immediately I want to leave this place with chia and marry her if she wants no everything but that is chia leaves this place will be closed and no more shitty isekai-garnts said hey you promised if you break your promise I am gonna beat shit out of you in the real world.okay okay your wish will be granted chia do whatever you want grant said and left the stage sadly. you really made it Connor I can leave this shitty isekai and finally marry you Connor kissed chia and they both teleported to Connor's house. 10 months later chia and Connor are married they got married in Jojo's styled marriage chia was a guest at trash taste podcast and Connor is happier he ever been.


the end.