Chapter 8
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                We came face to face with Sasuke. Then there was a window.

                Win the Spar.

                You are paired with Sasuke for a taijutsu spar. Win the spar and show him you know how to punch.


o   +100 Experience

o   +10 Rep with Uchiha Clan.


o   +20 Experience

o   -10 Rep with Uchiha Clan.


                ‘Double rewards? Damn. I knew this would be hard. I need an edge if I want to win this. What can I do? Think, quickly.’ While thinking, I remembered Naruto. He could dash really fast, I didn’t understand at the time but you know what they say, ‘if a shinobi does something impossible, then it’s chakra.’

                When I decided what I was going to do, Itachi was already at the edge of the ring. He raised his hand above his head and in a single motion, took it down while saying, ‘Start’.

                Sasuke took a few steps towards me and made a come motion. ‘Uchiha, interception fist or something. They specialize in counters. If I want to win this, I have to goad Sasuke to attack. So how?’ Then I came up with a crazy idea, that’s only probable with Gamer’s Body.

                I attacked.

                Seeing my attack, probably in slow motion, Sasuke smirked and punched my face before I could even throw my fist. It felt like something broke but the feeling passed soon enough. I held my face and acted like it was really bad. Sasuke took a step towards me, in order to finish me. I quickly dropped my hand from my face and took a stance used to counter opponents in Academy Style Taijutsu. Sasuke cocked his hand and started running towards me. Just before his fist connects me, he started moving backward and flew out of the ring.

                “Winner by ring-out, Arata.”

Quest Completed: Win the Spar

·         +100 Exp

·         +10 Rep with Uchiha Clan.


                Sasuke stood up from the ground and looked at my sitting form and then at Itachi. He ran to Itachi and asked, “What happened? He just disappeared from my vision.”

                Itachi put his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder. “He ducked really fast, then pushed you out of the ring.”

                “But how? He was really slow at the start!” He then turned to me. “I don’t know how, but you cheated!”

                I nodded. “Yes, I did.” Sasuke looked surprised. “I used Chakra Enhancement. Do you know what it is?” He nodded. “It’s still my win though,” I said and started whistling while walking towards the academy building.

                Someone held my shoulder. “Wait. I want a rematch! This time, I will use it too.”

                I flinched minutely from the voice and turned to Sasuke and smiled, “Sorry. I don’t do rematch.” I dropped his hand from my shoulder and continued walking. This time he didn’t stop me. I got inside the classroom and sat on my desk. Then I looked at the screen in front of my vision.          

Chakra Enhancement Level 2/240

·         Channel Chakra through your body to make it stronger, faster, and durable.

·         Can be used on the whole of your body or a part of it.

·         When used on the body, increases physical stats by continuous 2% or a burst of 102%.

·         Enhance Body Part unlocked at level 200.

·         Uses 5 Chakra per second or per burst. Experience gained is equal to (20%) of chakra used successfully.


                ‘It’s a great jutsu. It even leveled up by 1.’ “Sigh.” ‘Just another thing to grind.’

                While I was thinking about what to do with my Chakra, other students started to get inside the class. One of them took their time to look at me. I saw it from the corner of my eye and turned to see it was Sasuke. He was looking at me with a hard to decipher face. He looked like that for a second longer and sat on his desk. In a matter of a few minutes, every student was present other than Naruto and Iruka sensei. Seeing there is still time for class, I took out a leaf and put it on my forehead.


                Iruka sensei came few minutes after the class’ start with Naruto. Iruka sensei was somewhat angry and Naruto was grimacing. After Naruto sat on his desk, Iruka started talking about Nidaime so I tuned him out.

                After the class, I made my way to the backyard. There, Sara was already waiting for me. She turned to me and asked, “Are we going to fight?”

                “No. We won’t fight until you are passable with katas.” I said shaking my head. Sara nodded thoughtfully and I continued. “Fighting won’t help if you are not good with fundamentals.” With that, we started doing katas. We were at the ten-minute mark before I heard someone call me. I turned to the voice and it was Iruka.

                Iruka looked at Sara and I then asked, “What are you two doing here? Don’t you have to go to your home?”

                I sighed, Sara smiled sadly and said, “We are orphans, sensei. We can go back to the orphanage any time we want. I don’t want to be late for food but it’s still early anyway.”

                Iruka looked at us sadly. “I understand. It’s good that you are working on your skills but make sure to have fun too.” After a nod from Sara, he turned to me and continued. “You are already good with those katas. It’s okay if you don’t work on them.”

                I shook my head. “While I am doing these I gain insight for the katas I am not good at, sensei.”

                “Do you know other katas?” Iruka asked, looking at me quizzically.

                “A few. But I didn’t have time to practice.” I answered, changing my stance to the next kata.

                Iruka nodded thoughtfully and said, “Well then. Let me help you with them.” He turned to Sara. “I will work on Sara’s katas first, then I will teach you the next group of katas.” I nodded and continued my practice while looking at Iruka and Sara at the corner of my eye. Iruka was telling Sara to do certain katas and have her do them in different positions.

                After Iruka was done with Sara which took at least thirty minutes, he came in front of me and told me to stop. I relaxed my stance and started watching Iruka expectantly. ‘This is the first time I will be trained by someone else. I wonder if I am going to get a bonus to levels.’

                Iruka wanted me to show the latest kata I know to him, then started doing the next kata. While he was doing it, I copied the katas to the best of my ability. We continued like that until sunset and thanks to his teachings, I gained:

                Academy Style Taijutsu is Leveled by 6.


                ‘I can still take advantage of trainers, this is great!’