Chapter 31
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“You are certain that there have been no adverse effects?” Sareen was looking anywhere but that small obsidian disk as she sat on the bed next to Omid, daring not to even let it enter her peripheral vision.

Omid rolled the disk around in his hand, inspecting it once again for something he had missed in the many other attempts he had made to do this very same thing before letting it rest between his thumb and forefinger. It was just as much a stalling tactic as it was futile investigation. “There are few things I’m certain of, lately. But I have only ever noticed the one effect and nothing else...partially from not attempting anything else with it and following the directions carefully.”

Silence filled the air as Omid traced his fingertips along the edges again, continually thinking of the most finesse he could possibly squeeze into the coming conversation. That little casual reminder about the directions had bought him some precious time to think before she spoke again.

“Show me the text.” Though it was clearly meant as a command, the tone of her voice failed to make it anything more than a suggestion. One that Omid had no intention of denying as he reached into that same pouch that he withdrew the obsidian disk from and unfurled it for the Kirzallan to read. A task she undertook with a grimace and a huff as she turned her head just long enough to read it and turn back away. Her eyes went wide a second later while her pupils shrunk down into tiny dots lost in a sea of indigo. “You don’t know what you are meant to exchange that you?”

Omid shook his head with a sympathetic smile.

“And this...clear glass disk of yours…”

“A gift by an old mage who was keeping an eye on me. Received the night before I first set out scouting into The Great Desert. Rarely removed from its own pouch until I got up here.” Omid leaned back against Sareen, her arms had been crossed for a while now and she was mostly unmoving to make for the perfect something to lean against. “I had thought over every single time I had removed it, thinking of when this mysterious watcher among several first became aware of the glass disk I had...wait…”

The question of how long Sareen had been watching him interrupted all further thoughts. It was something that he had kept carefully buried deep down as he knew not how deep that answer may go. Sareen’s face of worry cracked to raise one eyebrow towards the young man.

“Perhaps it may go further back than I first thought...and perhaps it’s arrogant of me to believe myself having always been so interesting.” Omid forced a laugh and a shrug of his shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t notice. 

And to his relief and concern, it worked as she remained visibly worried with a deepening frown and fists balling up tighter in the sheets. “He must have known my intentions with the declaration. There had been prior discussions amongst my people, decisions made, a messenger selected, THIS WAS MY CHANCE!”

Omid took her hand with gritted teeth and a small smile to hide that bit of fear from a rare outburst where her voice gained a reverb from parts unknown and her eyes narrowed. The Kirzallan’s breath slowed to nothing, and her eyes shrank down to their normal size as she stared at where their hands met. She picked up Omid’s hand in her own, studying it with a puzzled look before redirecting her attention to Omid himself. Her fingers tightened around his own as her brows pressed together.

“Whatever his plans, I shall not let him stand in our way.” She stated in a cool voice while her eyes refused to turn away from Omid. “Contact your entourage, and show me this ritual. I trust you, but I want to know them myself.”

Her hand left his after a lingering grasp. Omid gave a final nod, relenting as whatever mental preparation he had done so far would have to suffice. He climbed off of the bed as he retrieved the small set up that he had constructed to hold the two glass disks. Every time he would catch sight of Sareen as he went, her eyes were wide and trained on every single action he performed. 

With a final breath he moved the arrangement into the light as voices immediately emanated from the glass.

“Careful! You know I can’t stay quiet when you do that!” Baz’s voice was a bit too clear this time.

“Mmm I know, that’s why I do it.” As was Karimala’s

“You’re going to get us caught!”

“Louder in return for a faster reaction, I’ll take that bet.” She purred as Omid’s teeth threatened to shatter from gritting them so hard.

He loudly cleared his throat which caused a ruckus on the other side of what sounded like falling and swearing.

“This is your entourage?” Sareen called from behind him, and though he didn’t turn to see her he could hear her brow raising to the ceiling.

“Indeed they are.” Omid said through grit teeth. “They are quite loyal, as they know that I will never speak of this to anyone in return for such loyalty.”

Amid the sound of what sounded like a belt buckle clattering, Baz spoke. “Omid! Hello! We weren’t expecting you!”

“How long were you listeni-”

“We are of course so very thankful for you not mentioning our...late, trade negotiations!”

“Yes!” Karimala cried out as something else got knocked over. “Late negotiations! As our new fortunes bode well for our families!”

“And we were thinking that it would be opportune to join together into a trade union for-”

Sareen finally cut in. “Your companions are forming a merchant trade empire?”

There was a silence that hung for too long, only interrupted by the sound of Omid sighing hard enough that one might mistake it for Air magic. “That. Is. Correct. Why don’t you two finish your negotiations and retrieve Aiz for the esteemed princess?”

Silence reigned supreme once more before the sounds of scrambling off and distant hushed tones overtook it and faded to leave Omid to stand facing the glass communication device with balled up fists as he tried to steady his breathing against all of his plans falling on their face.

“This woman is quite conniving to have her man so physically distracted while conducting negotiations, but she has much to learn about keeping him quiet while doing so.”

If Omid tried hard enough, if he focused enough willpower, through sheer determination he could die right here and now. 


“Though such resourcefulness may be useful as a subordinate, it is truly a shame that she would use such an act for anything but an expression of a treasured bond.” Sareen said with crossed arms and a nod.

Omid turned to Sareen, not entirely sure he heard her correctly in expressing such a romantic and sentimental notion. 

“I do hate to interrupt…” Aiz’s voice was appropriately unsure and probing, which was a horrifying enough fit for him. “But I have been informed that I have been summoned by an esteemed princess?”

If Omid tried hard enough, if he focused enough willpower, through sheer determination he could die right here and now. 

“Speak to Omid.” Sareen commanded.

Omid’s hand was on the side of his face, desperately rubbing at this temple to make everything just stop.

It was, of course, completely fruitless. And he resigned himself to thinking that once again it was on him to make this work.

He breathed deep and exhaled just as hard before continuing.

“I call upon you my trusted companions at an inopportune time under inopportune circumstances for a matter most urgent requiring your urgent aid now.”

Aiz answered after a short pause. “As we had previously agreed to join you in your endeavors, we would have no intention of going back on our word. Have circumstances changed that require a more cautious approach?”

To Omid’s immense relief, it seemed as though the old man understood the unspoken need for caution here. “Indeed. I will be returning to Kir to retrieve another esteemed guest. Princess Sareen has agreed to consider an expeditious passage for you as a part of my ally gathering venture. I know you will not disappoint, and you know I shall explain as needed.”

“We all welcome the opportunity with open arms!” Omid could hear Aiz casting the briefest yet sternest glare to Karimala and Baz in that sentence. “Princess Sareen of the Silver Sea, I do hope that we are able to demonstrate our value as trusted associates of our Esteemed Omid!”

The Esteemed Omid had to suppress a flinch as he looked over his shoulder to find Sareen quite literally breathing down his neck. He offered a quick introduction. “May I present to you Master Aiz the mage as well as Karimala and Baz the merchant adventurers.”

Sareen took a step out from behind him to approach the arrangement of glass, giving it far more caution than the overly simple arrangement would warrant in a sane world. “Mage and Merchants, do you understand the weight of what we ask of you?”

“No.” The old man’s words once more threatened to strike Omid dead where he stood. “It would be a lie to claim that mere merchants and a humble lifelong human practitioner of magic could understand the full weight of our entire world being on the line.”

“Speak, merchants.”

Karimala spoke first. “I only have the one world, if it is at risk and we have a chance to do something about it then we shall do so.”

“And just think of what an opportunity that will allow us to present to you!” Baz’s nerves were audible, but he persevered still. “Radical changes on a world scale allow for radical restructuring! Of which we shall be there to provide our resources and expertise in allowing you to dominate trade!”

The Kirzallan stroked her fingers along her chin. “The merchants make a lucrative offer as should be expected for those of their quality. In the likely event that this endeavor goes beyond their lifespans, their offspring shall be able to continue their work.”

“Wait-”  The merchants spoke at once, and were at once cut off by Omid.

“I shall discuss the terms with my associates later, though as you can see they are quite loyal and resourceful!” Omid said as he did his best to not sign away the unborn children of his companions on their behalf, though he still expected that both of them were going to have his head for this either way. “Is everything to your satisfaction?”

Sareen narrowed her eyes for a moment as she looked at the black obsidian disk. “Mage, listen closely to my instructions. Do not deviate from them or the results will be catastrophic and your failure shall be noted. This shall also be a test of your worthiness to continue training Omid.”

“I have done many a questionably safe thing in my time, and made it to this ripe old age.” Aiz’s grin was audible once more to put all who knew it at the comparative ease rather than the horrific uncertainty of the man turned serious. “Please proceed when ready.”

The Kirzallan proceeded to go into detail over the construction of a complex magic circle similar in nature to what she had used as transport to the moon. This one, however, would require a number of material components that sounded quite rare and notably expensive. What was quite unexpected, was that Omid would be aiding in the construction of the ‘destination’ end of that circle with a special component supplied by Sareen as she noted the limits of human mages.

As for the most unexpected, however.

“You shall take the Beastmaster as well on your journey.” Sareen noted before they ended their glass facilitated communication. “Let him prove himself, or perish.”

Omid blinked a few times before gaining a cautious smile. “Thank you, Sareen.”

Another raised brow as she made her way back to the bed before reclining on it. “That shall conclude this meeting with your associates, now come. You must rest.”

She pat the bed next to her as the young man moved the glass arrangement out of the moonlight.

“See you soon, Omid.” But not before Aiz got in a parting shot that was accompanied by stifled laughter. “And don’t keep the lady waiting!”

If Omid tried hard enough, if he focused enough willpower, through sheer determination he could die right here and now.

Sometimes I think to myself "I should have someone look over this madness before I post" as I wonder what I'm even doing. Such uncertainty seems to be a part of the writing process at this point.