Reind and Zane
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“So, what exactly do you want to talk about?”

In a secluded corner of the garden, Zane was standing with his back to Reind, staring blankly at the rose petals he was gently stroking with his fingertips. By the time he turned around to face Reind, he had a black rose crushed in his arms, which he had plucked from the bush.

“Regarding the letters you sent to Sixon…”

Reind remained silent after that, waiting for that man to respond, his eyes narrowing as he noticed Zane's relaxed shoulders stiffening. Since their first meeting weeks ago, somehow he'd got the impression that whatever Zane did had nothing to do with Hera.

He couldn't explain why he thought that way about Zane. Especially after Egil unintentionally revealed something about Zane, about how he didn't want to be tied to anyone as their guardian.

Egil had no idea why. None of the Guardians knew why Zane was so determined to not be someone's guardian, but Egil's big mouth unwittingly gave out the other Guardians' best guess as to why Zane refused to sign a contract with anyone. It has something to do with his closest guardian friend, who was now in exile.

“If I told you that I somehow know what will happen in the future, would you believe me?” Zane's voice was small and quivering.

Regardless of the fact that Zane knew he and Hera would soon be released from their contract, severing their relationship as master and guardian, he felt bound to keep protecting the girl in this life because of a promise he made in their previous life. Moreover, Zane hated it when he couldn't keep his promises.

However, using his power on someone who was no longer his master will deplete his strength more than normal. For the first time in his existence as a guardian, he was willing to take that risk if it meant ensuring the girl didn't die a painful death in this life.

“What do you me-...”

“You know many things in this world are still a mystery, like the existence of guardians, for example. Why should it be any different with a person who has lived his life dozens of times?” Zane casually cut short Reind's words.

Reind hesitantly shook his head, refusing to believe the man's words. Yet, the existence of the guardians set an example of something they couldn't explain about this world.

“You're saying you've... gone through this life multiple times?” Reind was trying to be certain about that statement, not that he bought Zane's nonsense right away. “Is there any way you could convince me that what you've said is true?”

Zane's gaze turned livid. “I've already given you... and the Sixons the reassurance of what I said. All you have to do now is wait and see what happens at the Sixon family event later.” He scowled harshly. “After all, whatever I say now will only be confirmed later. How can you be sure of what I'm saying at this moment?”

“You are right.”

Zane was about to turn away from Reind when a thought crossed his mind. “Why did you suddenly agree to Sixon's request to escort the Duchess and her daughter?”

“... you know about that request?”

Zane completely ignored Reind's question. “You abruptly changed your decision. What is the reason for this?” His eyes narrowed dangerously.

Reind pondered how to explain to Zane that the only thing that made him reconsider his decision was a dream he had the night before the Duchess and her daughter's departure.

“Did you dream something about what would happen... if you weren't there?” Zane asked without waiting for Reind's explanation.


“Take this as evidence of what I said before.” Zane remarked, his arms folded in front of his chest. “I'm not sure why you dreamed so suddenly; more particularly, I'm not sure why that person made you dream in the first place. But if you do not escort them from the start, they will die, causing a rift between your families.”

“How did you know about that dream?” Reind's eyebrows knitted in distress, his heart felt suffocating, as if someone had a firm grip on his heart. “Someone made me dream about it?”

“Of course. Otherwise you wouldn't be here right now.”

“Are they guardians? Whose…”

Then Reind's eyes widened in alarm. “Is this the first time I've changed my decision about escorting them?”

“Yes, of course. We might not have had this conversation if it hadn't been your first time.”

“Then who saved them? You know what was going to happen at the Sixon family event? That means someone had to play a role in making their journey safe and allowing them to survive.”

Reind's gaze sharpened, he then turned his head back, to where Hera and Rayla sat. “That girl... Hera... she died alongside them in my dream. You weren't Hera's guardian at the time, were you?”

Zane was silent. He was irritated by Reind's keen sense of observation, as well as the fact that things slowly deteriorated after that person began to spread those dreams around.

He could see why that person had given Luca a dream, but what was she thinking when she gave Reind a dream? And why did she present him with that version of events as a dream? Isn't it possible for her to choose the one without Hera?

That sparked another question in Zane's mind: had she given someone else a dream? To whom and why did she do it?

Reind found some strange things about Zane's situation. How could he keep going back in time after learning from Egil that Zane's powers were barriers?

Then there's his relationship with Hera, which appears to be very different from the relationship between the master and their guardian.

“Zane, tell me why did you become Lady Hera's guardian? When you were her guardian, did you drag her into the time loop?” Reind had unconsciously believed Zane's words.

No. In contrast, it was Hera who dragged him into the time loop.

Zane shook his head.

No. It wasn't Hera who dragged them into this cursed time loop; it was that person.

Zane stared Reind straight in the eyes. He needed to respond to the man's question quickly.

But how do you convince Reind without causing another doubt in his mind?

Zane was becoming increasingly reluctant to continue their conversation.

Zane, on the other hand, had not expected things to take a sharp turn in this complicated situation. He had to make sure that everything went as their usual plan, which included not allowing Hera to interact directly with any of those people once the Ruth situation was settled.



The two of them were silent for a long time.

“Lord Reind…”

Zane was relieved, and Reind was annoyed, when their conversation was interrupted by a voice.

Freya approached them slowly and came to a halt a few steps in front of them. “Lady Hera had an unexpected guest. So Milady is going to call an end to this tea time in a few minutes, and she expects you to return to Lady Rayla, Lord Reind.”


“Our conversation has come to an end. Lord Reind will return with you.” Zane cut off Reind's words again. “Let's continue our talk on another occasion.” He said, before disappearing from their sight.

“Lord Reind, please excuse his manner.” Freya smiled and stepped aside to allow Reind to walk ahead of her.

Reind scoffed, annoyed that he hadn't gotten a satisfactory answer from that conversation, and instead his head was filled up with lingering questions about everything.

On his way back to the tea time table, Reind considered whether or not he should ask Hera directly. However, if Hera had no knowledge of Zane, which appeared to be the case, things would only grow worse.

Reind can only wait until their meeting again. Who knows when that will happen.